AZ Licensed Electrologist vs Uneducated Non-Licensed Electrologist?
Which is the best?
Boston Electrolysis® Private Practice is Trans-owned
Located In Beautiful Old Town Scottsdale, Arizona
7330 East Earll Drive Suite J, Scottsdale Arizona 85253
Call Boston Electrolysis at 480-607- 8121 For a No Fee Consultation and Appointment
Kimberly Williams, R.E., Massachusetts Licensed & Registered Electrologist
Americas First Computer Electrolysis-Electrology Specialist©An Arizona Licensed & Registered Electrologist for Safe Permanent Hair Removal
Warning Arizona Consumer Electrolysis Alerts
AZ Licensed Electrologist vs Unlicensed Electrologist Which is the best©
Boston Electrolysis® Motto, Where Electrolysis Is Practiced As Scientific Art With a Medical Approach©
Without one doubt the state Licensed & Registered is your best and only choice to achieve safe permanent hair removal The uneducated non-licensed electrologist cannot compare to the educated state licensed electrologist who spent years of education, study to make the effort to become a state licensed and registered electrologist.
Without one doubt desktop publishing, fake diplomas and rhyming certification titles such as certified professional electrologist are meant to confuse the consumer because it sounds professional. On the other hand these mass produced publications known az certified professional electrologist certificate title is a cruel hoax meant to confuse clients that they are professionals electrologist. In states with bare minimum requisite coursework with no practical training and examinations are a sham at best. No doubt about it certified professional electrologist, the certified clinical electrologist and the certified medical electrologist titles lack medical theoretical education and practical training. These Mass Desktop Diplomas are strictly for quacks and are obtained through a bogus semi-quasi professional organization that does not require the uneducated electrologist to be state licensed and registered to become a member. Their sole purpose is to as appear as a professional electrologist to fool the consumer to call them. It is amazing that these people with no education purchase a white lab jacket, white shoes and bogus certificates and they actually believe they are a certified professional electrologist. However a real electrologist will say, Massachusetts state licensed & Registered Electrologist and you can confirm that with my state board.
State is licensing and registration is absolutely the best. If your electrologist has met all the licensing criteria in your state or a state with no licensing, you can be assured that you’ll be treated with the utmost care and professionalism. Certification is like a cheap paint job on a Mercedes is obvious however the Mercedes is already gorgeous and why you want a cheap paint job to make it really stand out?
If you are an Arizona resident with an unwanted facial hair problem you are concerned about quality electrolysis for safe permanent hair removal. This article will help you learn how to rate an electrologist. However regarding the lack of a professional education with by an uneducated non-licensed electrologist leave allot to be desired. It is most important that all consumers learn how to evaluate an electrologist to understand the safety of electrolysis and the dangers of temporary laser hair removal practiced by non-licensed personnel. For the record all competent state licensed and registered electrologists possess a requisite basic fundamental education, which is the cornerstone foundation for her to provide you with a safe comfortable treatment to achieve your goal permanent hair removal. The Electrolysis-Electrology profession in Arizona has always been besieged by exaggerated claims of hair removal methods by uneducated non-licensed electrologists plus other assorted individuals posing and claiming to be self-taught do it yourself Electrologists. Nevertheless our non-licensed certified professional electrologists deceptively advertise amongst us. These unlicensed, poorly trained amateurs never attended a state board approved electrolysis school in any form or manner. On the other hand every consumer has the right to know their Electrologist’s credentials and professional abilities before the start of a treatment. Last but not least always ask them if they are professionally educated state licensed and a registered electrologist.
Boston Electrolysis® is strictly electrolysis and when you walk in my door you do not have to parade by curious chatty hairdressers, receptionist, manicurists, skin care personnel, laser operator’s, Botox injections, high pressured laser closers and make up sales girls. Boston Electrolysis® is a one on one specialized service for you so you can achieve your goal of permanent hair removal in privacy. Woman and Transwoman receive expert treatment do not have to explain themselves, feel uncomfortable, or psychologically challenged.
Below is the Boston Electrolysis Five Star Electrolysis-Electrology rating system, for which I have received negative comments, coupled with harassment and threats fake non-licensed amateurs claiming to be a Certified Professional Electrologist, Certified Clinical Electrologist, and Certified Medical Electrologist. One individual claims to be the only graduate of the Arizona School of Electrolysis and the Arizona School of Electrology which are fabricated schools that never existed. This properly licensed and registered electrologist is fed up with all the hoaxes perpetrated upon our profession by unqualified, uneducated, non-licensed electrologists. For the record I am the only licensed and registered electrologist in Arizona that provides every patient with a written guarantee of excellence.
Kimberly Williams, R.E., Dean Written Guarantee of Excellence
Arizona’s first and only electrologist who guarantees in writing that after one treatment, if you can locate a better electrologist, brings me the receipt and I will refund half your first treatment fee up to a half-four. In addition to that, even on difficult cases, I can work at one-third to one-fourth the time of the average electrologist – licensed or unlicensed. I also guarantee that you will have the most comfortable treatment with no scabbing, scarring or pitting as direct result of my treatments©.
Boston Electrolysis® – The Five Star Electrolysis-Rating System©
Using a Computerized epilator Shortwave-Galvanic-Blend
How To Rate An Electrologist
Five stars is always the best rating. It means that your Electrologist is educated, trained, tested and is a State Licensed and Registered Electrologist. Five Star Electrologists have attended and graduated from a state monitored and nationally approved and accredited electrolysis school. They have also taken a dual written and practical State Board of Electrologists examination and successfully passed them, and are currently a licensed and registered. Licensed and registered electrologists have a responsibility to obey the rules and regulations of their State Board of Electrologists..
Even though my practice is in Scottsdale, Arizona I run it as if it were in Massachusetts. That means my office, equipment and treatments are accountable to a State Board Inspector who could walk in at any time and inspect my office. This includes equipment, sterilization and all professional requirements. If you are unconvinced about your Electrologist’s credentials, ask for their pocket license and call their State Board to verify them if you are doubtful. This rating system also includes Electrologists who attended a school with a defined curriculum in which the students are trained by a licensed and Registered Electrologists with a minimum of five years experience using a late model computerized epilators.
Boston Electrolysis®
The Five Star Electrolysis-Electrology-Blend Rating System
Four Stars indicate that an Electrologist has completed a minimum of 450 hundred hours of coursework, in a state that requires a license and registration of electrologists for its residents. These out of state courses are designed for electrologists who live in a state, such as Arizona, which has no State Board that license and register electrologists. Any electrologist that has gone out of State and successfully passed a dual State Board electrolysis school examination is to be commended. They demonstrate how essential it is for an electrologist to be professionally trained in a state that requires a license and registration for their residents. Remember always authenticate the school that they claim to have graduated from with the State Board of Electrologists. If doubtful call the state board that approved the school that trained them. For confirmation of electrolysis education in Arizona, call the Arizona State Board of Post Secondary Education at 602-542-5769 and ask for Keith Blanchard, Deputy Director or email him
Boston Electrolysis®
The Five Star Electrolysis-Electrology-Blend Rating System
Three Stars define an Electrologist who has attended a school where there is no state board and license and registration for electrologists. These Electrologists should have at have completed a minimum of 400 hundred hour course. One must be cautious if the electrologist’s instructors where not licensed and registered electrologists themselves, as this will directly affect the quality of their training, and therefore your treatments. Always beware of “Certified Instructors”. Electrolysis is a profession that cannot be passed down from one unlicensed electrologist to another without a serious loss of competence and safety.
Boston Electrolysis® Motto, Where Electrolysis is Practiced As a Scientific Art With a Medical approach©
The Five Star Electrolysis-Electrology-Blend Rating System
Two stars are for non-licensed and non-registered electrologists who have taken a course of 120 hours or less. These electrologists purchase memberships and credentials to electrologists’ associations that do not require an electrologist to be licensed and registered in addition they use counterfeit bloated certificates, exaggerated titles and fancy schmancy ornate diplomas to appear professional. They often claim they are a certified electrologist. They put multiple initials after their names and list non-licensed organizations there members to look impressive, but you would be surprised that you could complete their 50 to 12O hour course they took in with ease. You would also be amazed that some organizations are too lax in checking credentials. However ask yourself would you go to physician who took such a course? These quick-buck diplomas are often called “Certified Professionally Trained Electrologist”, “Professionally Certified Instructed” and so on. Whenever you see “Certified” that means that 99.75% of them are non-licensed and non-registered. Beware of these electrologists because they have minimal rock bottom training and some have dubious ethics to say the least. Be aware that this is not a profession that can be mastered in 120 hours of training. One should doubt anyone who claims a standard of professional ability from these correspondence and certification courses. You should ask yourself how can one non-licensed electrologist confer a professional title on another one?
Boston Electrolysis®
The Five Star Electrolysis-Electrology-Blend Rating System
Tsk, tsk the one star electrologist limits their practice to states where there is no state board of electrologists, because they know they would be shut down by a state board for the simple reason that their credentials lack professional training and their ethics would not survive professional scrutiny. These so-called electrologists have no scruples or ethics, they adopt any title they see fit, their training is minimal with the average being 50 to 120 hours and very often they use faddish, unproven treatments. They use lasers, electric tweezers, microwave treatments, gels, ointments, Pico-flash and will tell you electrolysis is painful when it is not. After advertising themselves as electrologists they will switch you over to the dangerous ineffective laser, microwave, intense light treatments often without a physician present, as required by law. They lie to you while telling you the laser isn’t painful when the F.D.A. ruled that it’s illegal for them to advertise or claim permanent and painless hair removal. They also illegally advertise permanent hair removal by laser. The F.D.A. has ruled that only Electrologists may advertise “Permanent Hair Removal.” So if a so-called certified electrologist wants to give you laser treatments, ask them to put it in writing that it will be permanent and painless like they claim Laser Parlors also will ask you to pay up to $3000.00 in advance and they will finance and it will cost you a fortune in interest alone. Never pay in advance for Laser Treatments because if you can’t tolerate them you still have to pay for them.
For your safety always ask the Laser Parlor Operator for a written guarantee of permanent and painless hair removal before you part with your hard-earned money. It is very easy for them to switch you over to a laser treatment when you have unknowingly signed a consent form to have electrolysis treatments, unless you read the fine print carefully. When in Arizona beware of electrologists that claim to be certified professional electrologists, certified clinical electrologists, certified medical electrologists and the certified clinical and medical electrologists are store bought diplomas. If you have the slightest doubt or inkling they are not licensed call their state board of electrologists for verification. Make sure you call their State Board Of Electrologists, not the American Electrology Association who certified them. The only people that can license and register electrologist is a governmental State Board of Electrologists. If an electrologist claims to be a Certified Professional Electrologist they are not licensed and registered. There was an electrologist in Prescott, Arizona known as Betty Sullivan who claimed to be licensed but after an investigation they found out she was a licensed manicurist from Minnesota who does not have a state board of electrologists.
Hair Removal Facts & Warnings
It’s a known fact that certification titles do not mean a person is a state licensed and registered electrologist and good example is the Certified Professional Electrologist course. Always remember non-licensed electrologists try to appear and want you to think they are licensed and registered as an electrologist, example they use Jane Doe, C.P.E. Certified Professional Electrologist. Bonafide licensed and registered electrologists will always advertise, Kimberly Williams, R.E., Massachusetts Licensed & Registered electrologist.
For the record it is my professional opinion that the Certified Professional Electrologist that paltry certification course by itself does not prepare a layperson in any form or manner to be able to perform a safe competent electrolysis treatment. These questionable electrolysis certifications courses and diplomas appear, infer and bestow ornate diplomas and titles with credentials upon undeserving frauds who think that its alright to purchase an education and their credentials even the course they took was from 50 to 120 hours long. Additionally the certification tests are elementary grade school level hoaxes consisting of simple true and false and multiple-choice questions. In addition they do not require a high school diploma, background check nor do they require individuals to take an electrolysis “Practical Application” examination in any form or manner to prove they are competent. However in the end these desktop diploma mills turn out Certified Quacks that are an insult to honest licensed and registered electrologists that earned their credentials and successfully completed an accredited electrolysis school and passed their dual state board examinations.
Consumer beware I have compiled a list of titles that non-licensed electrologists frequently use. Other ways that non-licensed electrologists try to appear as licensed electrologists is to join multiple electrolysis associations, who do not require an electrologist to be educated, state licensed and registered as an electrologist for membership. I repeat these associations do not emphasize nor require state license and registration as an electrologist for membership nevertheless they wholeheartedly promote the proliferation of themselves as uneducated non-licensed Combination Electrologists Laser Parlor Operators.
THE AMERICAN ELECTROLOGY ASSOCIATION: Is the ancestral home of the non-licensed C.P.E. AKA Certified Professional Electrologist course and approximately 90% or more of its members are not state licensed and registered electrologists.
TITLE USED: C.P.E. Certified Professional Electrologist
Title Members USE: Member of (IGPE)International Guild of Professional electrologists changed its name to The International Guild of Hair Removal Specialists, Inc. (IGHRS)
Title Members USE: (IGHRS) AKA International Guild Hair Removal Specialist
The Society of Clinical and Medical Electrologists has changed it name to THE SOCIETY FOR CLINICAL & MEDICAL HAIR REMOVAL, INC. Fact electrologists are not required to be licensed to become a member and 90% of its of its members are not state licensed and registered electrologists.
C.C.E. Certified Clinical Electrologist, SCME
C.M.E. Certified Medical ElectrologiSt, SCME
C.P.E. Certified Professional Electrologist, AEA
Below Is A Classic Example Of A Certified Non-licensed Electrologist use of titles to fool the consumer that they are licensed and registered As An electrologist.
Mary De Fake, C.P.E., AEA, IGPE, SCME, TGRE
Graduate, Arizona State School of Electrology (An Electrology School That Never Existed)
Graduate of the Arizona State School of Electrolysis (An electrolysis School that never existed) was not licensed as a school with the Arizona State Board of Post Secondary Education. The supposed owner of the school was Betty Sullivan an electrologist in Prescott, Arizona who claimed to be licensed in Minnesota. Nonetheless after an investigation they found out she was a licensed manicurist from Minnesota. Minnesota is another state that does not license and register electrologists in any form or manner.
However it is amusing that there is a one person who claims she graduated from the Arizona State School of Electrology and the Arizona State School of Electrolysis which are fictitious electrolysis and electrology schools that never existed in Arizona. For the record if you have been to an electrologist who claims to be a graduate of the Arizona State School of Electrology or The Arizona State School Of Electrolysis beware these schools never existed. Fact you call the Arizona State Board Of Post Secondary education at 602-542-5769 and ask for Keith Blanchard, Deputy Director to confirm these schools never existed. You can email the assistant director to confirm these schools never existed. In addition you can read a letter from Keith Blanchard Deputy Director of The Arizona State Board Of Post Secondary Education where he states there is no record of this school.
Below are associations that certify electrologists without being tested for the Practical Application of Electrolysis and Electrology.
Member of the American Electrology Association
Member of Society of Clinical and Medical Electrologists
Member of International Guild of Professional Electrologists
Warning Arizona Consumer Electrolysis Alert
Fake Electrolysis & Electrology Schools and Diplomas
Warning beware of Arizona’s one and only graduate and non-licensed electrologists who claims she graduated from the Arizona State School of Electrology and the Arizona State School Of Electrolysis are electrolysis and electrology schools that never existed.
Fact and for the record if you have been to an electrologist who claims to be a graduate of the Arizona State School of Electrology or The Arizona State School Of Electrolysis beware these schools never existed. Fact if you are dissatisfied with your treatment you can file a complaint with the Arizona State Board Of Post Secondary education at 602-542-5769 and ask for Keith Blanchard, Deputy Director or email him In addition you can read a letter from Keith Blanchard Deputy Director of The Arizona State Board Of Post Secondary Education where he states there is no record of this school.
Read More About The Wild West Of Electrolysis, boston-electrolysis-44.html
Want to learn more about certified electrologists visit Boston Electrolysis at this link. boston-electrolysis-34.html
A Compiled List of Arizona’s Non-licensed Electrologists
Susan Markman,
Non-Licensed Electrologist
19420 N 59Th Ave Ste B106
Glendale, AZ 85308-6890
Senza Pelo Med Spa
Maria Denicola N.L.E., CPE
Non-Licensed Electrologist
5702 N 19Th Ave
Phoenix, AZ 85015-2432
Stephanie Shields,, N.L.E., CPE
Non-Licensed Electrologist
5702 N 19Th Ave
Phoenix, AZ 85015-2432
Luba Andersen, N.L.E. CPE
Non-Licensed Electrologist
11038 N Canada Ridge Dr
Tucson, AZ 85737-8796
Givens, Patricia A.
Non-Licensed Electrologist
6161 E Speedway Blvd
Tucson, AZ 85712-5183
Soft Touch Electrolysis
Non-Licensed Electrologist
Tempe, AZ
East Valley Electrology Clinic
Non-Licensed Electrologist
Mesa, AZ
Arizona Studio-Electrologist
Non-Licensed Electrologist
Scottsdale, AZ
SCC Electrolysis and Permanent Makeup
Non-Licensed Electrologist
Scottsdale, AZ
Cherry Creek Electrolysis, Inc.
Non-Licensed Electrologist
Scottsdale, AZ
Zapps Electrology
Non-Licensed Electrologist
Gilbert, AZ
Classic Electrolysis
Non-Licensed Electrologist
Tempe, AZ
Electrolysis Hair Removal Service
Non-Licensed Electrologist
Phoenix, AZ
Arizona Electrolysis and Permanent Make-up
Non-Licensed Electrologist
Scottsdale, AZ
A Permanent Solution Electrolysis
Non-Licensed Electrologist
Glendale, AZ
Electrolysis by Mary Ann
Non-Licensed Electrologist
Mesa, AZ
Beautiful You Electrolysis
Non-Licensed Electrologist
Electrolysis Hair Removal Service
Scottsdale, AZ
Electrolysis Hair Removal Service
Non-Licensed Electrologist
Scottsdale, AZ
M Non-Licensed Electrologist
Mary Ann Harding Electrolysis
Electrolysis Hair Removal Service
Peoria, AZ
There are risks in laser hair removal that they’d rather you not know about them. You can be permanently burned or scarred, or end up with stripes on your skin from inexpert use that may take months to go away, if they do. Click on the links to see more.
my Boston Electrolysis ® Where Electrolysis Is Practiced As Scientific Art With a Medical Approach©
I’m Kimberly Williams R.E., Massachusetts Licensed and Registered Electrologist, 1979 and also a Utah Licensed and Registered Electrologist. Furthermore, I am the Dean of Boston School of Electrolysis™ the Internet’s best source of online educational electrolysis information and an educational resource center for electrologists and consumers. If not otherwise noted, I am the author of all on this website. Customarily the best electrolysis schools Deans have always provided and maintained a private practice for those seeking top-quality electrolysis treatments. Presently I maintain Boston Electrolysis ® Private Practice © as a full time practice and the Boston School Of Electrolysis website as a public enlightening resource of educational information for the consumer and electrologist. Before your treatment begins I do a complete in depth no fee history and evaluation using The Electrologists Diagnostic Case History Card ©, which was designed and written by myself. Furthermore, I perform all treatments with superlative American manufactured late-model State Of The Art R.A. Fischer CBX-Pro-Blend Series Four Computerized Epilators. In addition, I use predated Sterex sterilized disposable probes with triple sterilized instruments and gloves.
Don’t be misled when it comes to selecting your electrologist for safe permanent hair removal. Always be alert that an experienced knowledgeable, professionally educated, trained tested state licensed and registered electrologist is your best choice for safe permanent hair removal. In Arizona that’s easier said than done since most Arizonans are not aware that our state has not legislated an Arizona State Board Of Electrologists for testing and licensing requirements to practice electrolysis. Furthermore rampant desktop publishing of counterfeit electrolysis diplomas from fake electrolysis schools that never existed are everywhere. Without a verifiable education and practical training; non-licensed uneducated frauds are claiming or implying to be state licensed and registered electrologists. From my personal experience of having had a severe unwanted facial hair problem I know how painfully frustrating it is to lose valuable time and hard-earned resources. On the other hand what hurts the most are the educationally challenged non-licensed electrologists who lack the integrity to inform the client the truth about their educational status and limited abilities. Licensed electrologists are aware it’s ethically and morally wrong for amateur non-licensed electrologists to claim professional competency after completing a derisory 120-hour Certified Professional Electrologist course with no “Practical Testing” as the total of their electrolysis education. The non-licensed electrologists intentions could be admirable but do you believe it’s possible for an uneducated non-licensed electrologist to perform a competent professional grade electrolysis treatment with 120 hours of training?
Furthermore, requirements to become a Certified Professional Electrologist do not necessitate a high school diploma or a communicable disease health check-up. The non-licensed electrologists do not undergo a background check in any form or manner and the Certified Professional Electrologist examination is a cruel hoax at best, and an insult to consumers because there was no requisite practical examination to measure their actual skill level. This and other dubious certification courses costs a trifling $225.00 and anyone can become a Certified Professional Electrologist qualified by the American Electrology Association’s International Board of Electrologists Certification.
Presently I am one of the few licensed and registered electrologists in Arizona that specializes in the treatment of unwanted facial hair problems from minor to severe using the best American manufactured State Of The Art Computerized Epilators. In addition, if your unwanted hair problem is caused by genetic or an endocrine disorder such as Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, Boston Electrolysis ® Private Practice © is your best choice for safe permanent hair removal. This is all possible because I have worked very hard to set up the Metro Phoenix areas first and only Polycystic Ovarian Clinic for unwanted hair problems. This means your electrolysis treatments could be coordinated with physician Barbara Lipschitz, M.D., Internal Medicine Specialist of the Central Phoenix Medical Clinic or your own physician. This is possible because endocrine disorders that cause a patient’s hormonal imbalances which in turn cause unwanted hair problems can now be diagnosed, corrected, improved and maintained by medications, treatments, and procedures. I succeed because I have worked hard to become educated and have dedicated my life to the advancement of my chosen profession as a licensed and registered electrologist with 33 years of experience. If you have an unwanted facial hair problem from minor to severe, I am the electrologist you can count on for safe permanent hair removal and for that reason that I take pride in my professional experience, abilities and expertise plus, I provide a written guarantee of excellence because, “I Practice Electrolysis as a Scientific Art With A Medical Approach©”.
Working with the Transgendered Community for as long as I can remember has been a rewarding and interesting experience. I have practiced electrolysis from my first day of school in 1976 until graduation from Miss Kelly’s School of Electrology in 1979. I opened my private practice that same year which means I have 36 years of professional experience. Throughout my life I have been a supporter and member of numerous TG Support groups. From 1983 to 1987 I was sought as a Guest Lecturer at Harvard Medical School and was awarded a letters of commendation and appreciation for a major new teaching venture at Harvard Medical School. At Harvard Medical School my lectures encompassed Endocrinology, Poly-Cystic-Ovarian-Syndrome, Histology, and Psychology, Pharmacology and Socio-Economic life experiences and challenges that Transgendered women endure and overcome. The theme of my lectures at Harvard Medical School where about psychological strength and endurance while being able to overcome the shortcomings of an indifferent complicated society where being different is often held against you. Most people are unaware that Transgendered Women are the world’s smallest least understood minority who survive in a diverse indifferent complicated society where it is ongoing struggle to maintain your dignity let alone identity. I still maintain contact with friends from Boston and Harvard Medical School and I had the opportunity to meet Christine Jorgenson and provide her my professional services when she toured New England and Massachusetts as a nightclub entertainer in the 1980’s. At Boston Electrolysis ® I apply my 36 years of expertise for all women who seek the best treatment and without one doubt, “I Practice Electrolysis as A Scientific Art with A Medical Approach©” which results in you having a beautiful hair free complexion.
All women at Boston Electrolysis ® receive quality electrolysis treatments regardless of age, race, creed, color, sex, national origin, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, disability, marital status, and socioeconomic status.
Sincerely Kimberly Williams, R.E., Dean
Massachusetts Licensed & Registered Electrologist, 1979
Utah Licensed & Registered Electrologist
Owner & Founder of Boston Electrolysis ®
Boston Electrolysis ® Private Practice © Specialties For Treating Women, Trans-Women, & Men©
Permanent Hair Removal For Women, Trans-Women, & Men©
All Unwanted Facial Problems From Minor, Super Fine, Severe and Genetic
Unwanted Hair Problems Caused By Medications Acute Follicullitus
Excessive Extremely Fine Unwanted Facial Hair
Eyebrow Shaping A Specialty
Ear Hair, Hands, finger and toes
Bikini Line, Legs, Fingers & Toes
Nape Of The Neck
Endocrine Evaluations
Genetic Hair Problems Acute Follicullitus
Regarding TS Beard Removals I Have Completed 64 Trans Beard Removals From Beginning To End, Presently Finishing Up
Number 65.
Permanent Hair Removal For Men
Complete Beard Removal
Beards & Neckline Permanently Trimmed and removed
Uni-Brow Removal
Middle Eyebrow Removed & Correctly Shaped Heavy Bushy Eyebrows Shaped And Thinned Nape Of The Neck
Acute Folliculitus Complete Beard Removal
Ear Hair
Boston Electrolysis ® Written Guarantee of Excellence
Kimberly Williams, R.E., Dean Arizona’s first and only electrologist who guarantees in writing that after one treatment, if you can locate a better electrologist, bring me the receipt and I will refund your first treatment fee up to one half hour of the treated time. In addition to that, even on difficult cases, I can work at one-third to one-fourth the time of the average electrologist – licensed or unlicensed. I also guarantee that you will have the most comfortable treatment with no scabbing, scarring or pitting as a direct result of my treatments. So, if you have an unwanted facial hair problem from minor to severe and you want to be hair free give me call at 480-607-8121. Call Boston Electrolysis ® Private Practice © for a no fee consultation and evaluation; Where Electrolysis Is Practiced As Scientific Art With a Medical Approach ©.
Boston Electrolysis ® Lecturing At Harvard Medical School
Boston Electrolysis ® Endocrine & Poly-Cystic-Ovarian Clinic
Boston Electrolysis ® Permanent Hair Removal For Women
Boston Electrolysis ® Clinic For Transgendered Women
All Unwanted Facial Problems From Minor, Super Fine, Moderate, Severe and Endocrine and Inherited Conditions
Boston Electrolysis ® Fake Electrolysis Diplomas & Titles
Boston Electrolysis ® Five Star Rating System
Graduate, Arizona State School of Electrology
The Certified Professional Electrologist
Member Of The Society of Clinical and Medical Electrologists
Member of International Guild of Professional Electrologists
Kimberly Williams, R.E., Dean – Condensed Resume
Massachusetts Licensed & Registered Electrologist, 1979
America’s First Computer Electrology-Electrolysis Specialist ©, 1985
Starting my career as a Massachusetts Licensed and Registered Electrologist in 1979 after graduating from America’s best electrolysis school Miss Kelly’s Of Electrology founded in 1933 as an Honor Graduate. One only becomes a Massachusetts Licensed and registered electrologist after successfully completing a combined curriculum of 1100 hours of Theoretical Sciences in Endocrinology, Histology, Bacteriology, Biology, Microbiology, Pharmacology, Anatomy, Physiology, Dermatology, Electricity, Sterilization, Ethics and Hygiene & Sanitation. In addition my practical training consisted of 600 hours and after graduation I successfully passed my Massachusetts Dual State Board 2-hour written examination and my one practical examination. Since 1979 I am America’s only practicing Massachusetts licensed and registered electrologist that offers a written “Guarantee of Excellence.”
While running an active practice at Davis Square, Somerville Massachusetts Kimberly Williams, R.E. & Associates Harvard Medical School sought me out as a guest lecturer from 1983 to 1987 on the subjects of Human Sexuality, Endocrinology, Psychology, Electrolysis and Transsexualism. You can read about my experiences at Harvard Medical School at this link Furthermore, I authored and published the Scientific Electrologist © Journals, 1, 2, 3 and 4 for Computer Electrology Specialists ©. In 1985 Kimberly Williams, R.E., Dean in 1985 became America’s First Computer Electrology Specialist © ™ while at the same being distributor for the R.A. Fischer Company the manufacturers, inventors and innovators of America’s first Medical Grade Computerized electrolysis Epilators the R.A Fischer Company
Relocating to Central Arizona 1991, I authored The Electrologists Diagnostic Case History ©, 1991, The Electrologists Insertion Guide ©, 1993, Certified Educational Upgrades and instruction articles for The Boston School Of Electrolysis ™ AKA America’s largest and informative electrolysis website written by an a licensed electrologist, myself. Again I relocated to Scottsdale in 1998 and became the Chief Editor and author-publisher of the Boston School of Electrolysis Five Star Electrologist © America’s Online Electrolysis News & Education For The Electrologist and Consumer ©. Visit the link below to learn how diagnose unwanted hair problems.
Last but not least I am extremely adept in the Computerized Electrolysis-Electrology Blend technology field and a former distributor for computerized medical grade epilators, which is an important factor in choosing the most efficient and advanced equipment for my patient’s electrolysis treatments and needs. However its 2007 at Boston Electrolysis ® I still have and believe in my motto, “I Practice Electrolysis As A Scientific art With A Medical Approach ©”.
Boston Electrolysis ® Private Practice ©
Boston School of Electrolysis ™
Kimberly Williams, R.E., Dean
Massachusetts Licensed & Registered Electrologist, 1979
7330 E. Earll Drive Suite J
Scottsdale, Arizona-85251
Learn About Guidance Counseling Boston School Of Electrolysis ™
Learn About The Computerized Epilator at Boston School Of Electrolysis ™
Learn About Peripheral Vision Full Lens Magnifiers at Boston School Of Electrolysis ™ magnification.php
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The Boston School Of Electrolysis™
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Recent Articles by Boston Electrolysis®
Boston Electrolysis® Disclaimer – Beware of Ripoffs & Trademark Infringers
To all consumers beware of fakes and frauds and advertising as Boston Electrolysis®. As the founder and owner of Boston Electrolysis® the following electrologists are frauds and do not possess the legal right to advertise as Boston Electrolysis® or under Boston Electrolysis® on! Read More
Boston Electrolysis© Blasting James Walker To Hell
Every Transwoman works hard to save money for their transition and most times we go without so we can afford electrolysis treatments, hormone, therapy and all kinds of expenses the average person does not understand or can comprehend. Without one doubt going without for Transwoman is second nature and this hard luck story is how a Transwoman from Germany was ripped off in the most coldhearted evil manner… Read More
Boston Electrolysis© Specialized Treatment For The Transgendered Woman©
In 1984 after having created, captioned and originated the copyrighted phrase, “Electrolysis Separates the Girls From The Boys©” in my soon to be released autobiography. It is my professional opinion as a practicing Massachusetts Licensed and Registered Electrologist since 1979 nothing has been proven truer than the following statement. Alone and by itself “Electrolysis Separates The Girls From The Boys” has stood the test of time and there is not another treatment in any form or manner that can come close to or equal the definite superiority and the permanency of electrolysis when it comes to permanent hair removal… Read More
Boston Electrolysis® Before & After Photo’s©
Of major importance I would like every woman contemplating permanent hair removal by electrolysis to be aware of that even though this technique appears to be for Transsexual patients only it is a matter of fact that I treat all patients with severe unwanted facial hair problems with the same technique. Furthermore my trade secrets and applications used from one patient to another are individualized for each and every patient unique need to achieve success and permanent hair removal no matter what your identification, designation or preference maybe. In essence the means if you have a severe unwanted hair problem caused Polycystic Ovaries Syndrome, another endocrine disorder or if your Transgendered my electrolysis treatments are geared to overcome the toughest cases with success. Read More BOSTON ELECTROLYSIS® TESTIMONIALS
Hi, I’m a TG woman and just love Boston Electrolysis®. I’ve had four other electrologists. The last one here in Arizona made me feel like an ATM machine. I would go in for an hour or two and be done exactly an hour or two later, not counting the time she was talking on the phone or changing the TV channels. Also the electrologists there were uneducated and not licensed. I didn’t like that at all ! So I looked around the internet and found Boston Electrolysis®. Kimberly is fully licensed and has had 33 years treating TG women… Read More
Boston Electrolysis® Watching TV During Electrolysis
Unethical business tactics are used by the non-licensed electrologists who have circumvented traditional American values of fair play and honesty when it comes to “Permanent Hair Removal.” Honest state licensed and registered electrologists across America are professionals that have honored our work and chosen profession with a code of integrity with laws, rules and regulations that we live and abide by. Licensed and registered electrologists are at the crossroads where direct action must be taken that non-licensed electrologists shall be held accountable for mischievous unprofessional illegal unethical conduct and behavior. Licensed and registered electrologists are obligated to inform and educate the public that we are the only bonafide professional practitioners of electrolysis to practice. Electrolysis is the only true procedure that results in “Permanent Hair Removal”. Nonetheless the Laser Parlor Industry has infiltrated the profession non-licensed electrologist who deceptively advertise electrolysis to get you in the door and use bait and switch tactics to covert you to the laser… Read More
The Boston Electrolysis® Library of Permanent Hair Removal©
Traditionally the best electrolysis schools Deans have always provided and maintained a private practice for those seeking superior electrolysis treatments. I maintain Boston Electrolysis® Private Practice as a full time practice and the Boston School of Electrolysis website as a complimentary electrolysis and educational resource of factual information for the consumer and continuing education for practicing electrologists… Read More
Boston Electrolysis® Advertising For Boston MA Electrologists
For Safe Permanent Hair Removal
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I am
Kimberly Williams, R.E., Dean of Boston® Electrolysis and I have have created a specialized high accuracy, rapid clearing Computer Electrology-Electrolysis Intensives for the Transsexual Patient. Being America’s First Computer Electrology Specialist©™, all your treatments are performed with American-manufactured, State-Of-The-Art; late model R.A. Fischer Fourth Generation CB-X Advanced Programmable Epilators Series Four Model. The R.A. Fischer Company invented the world’s first computerized epilator in 1985. They are the first and to this day they are the best. At the onset of my career in the field of electrolysis, I was an R.A. Fischer distributor and the first electrologist to purchase and take their manufactures training courses on the computerized epilator in 1985, 1986 and 1987. Understanding the unique needs of the Trans population and backed with unprecedented training for the use of equipment of the highest standard, I, Kimberly Williams, R.E., Dean, championed and pioneered the practical applications of computerized-electrology-electrolysis-blend by developing a custom programming using Computerized Short-Wave-Galvanic-Blend.
Of major importance I would like every woman contemplating permanent hair removal by electrolysis to be aware of that even though this technique appears to be for Transsexual patients only it is a matter of fact that I treat all patients with severe unwanted facial hair problems with the same technique. Furthermore my trade secrets and applications used from one patient to another are individualized for each and every patient unique need to achieve success and permanent hair removal no matter what your identification, designation or preference maybe. In essence the means if you have a severe unwanted hair problem caused Polycystic Ovaries Syndrome, another endocrine disorder or if your Transgendered my electrolysis treatments are geared to overcome the toughest cases with success.
Women with acute Poly-Cystic Ovaries and Transgendered patients call me and tell that their previous electrolysis and laser treatments have been failures. Their complaints detail the worst side of the profession. Some report that their chosen electrologist was neither professionally educated nor licensed and registered as an electrologist. Others state that the extent of their treatment was the less successful with flash electrolysis also known as Thermolysis, unsurprisingly, that their unwanted hair count has increased. Understandably, these patients are nervous because of past negative experiences with non-licensed quacks who claim they are Certified Professional Electrologists. Being the first and most experienced electrologist to use the computerized epilator exclusively, has enabled me to provide care second to no one, guaranteed. All Trans patients have a unique and complicated set of needs deriving from years of efforts to control an unwanted hair problem through standard shaving, waxing and tweezing, and the challenge of establishing and maintaining a healthy hormonal balance. Understanding these hormone complexities has enabled me to design and put into practice a detailed, methodical, systematic technique whereby I am able to permanently remove a beard with a possible 90% follicle kill rate and in less time than most electrologists. With a series of treatments adapted to their skin’s needs, my patients have a beautiful, feminine, smooth, hair-free complexion with no scabbing, scarring or pitting.
Too many electrologists fail to comprehend Galvanic Current let alone they do not take the time to understand its secret idiosyncrasies and is the most demanding treatment for an electrologist to perform. Galvanic Current in the profession is known as the Chemical Current and is the only true form of electrolysis the results in an Electrolytic Conversion Reaction. Whereas hair removal using Thermolysis only is a heat a reaction that electro-coagulates the papillae, cutting off the blood supply to the hair. The blend is the simultaneous use of the Galvanic and Thermolysis currents. However if you ask me what is the best treatment for white, black, coarse, tough, curved, distorted hairs and follicles that are resistant to Thermolysis, I have only one answer and that is straight up Galvanic Current. Fact, in 1979 I was one of three licensed and registered electrologists in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts that knew how to perform Galvanic and Blend currents since electrolysis schools in Massachusetts only taught Thermolysis until 1984. For the record I learned to do Galvanic because my own unwanted hair problem was so resistant to Thermolysis, when I started galvanic treatments my progress was phenomenal and my unwanted hair problem was permanently removed. In the beginning Thermolysis is an excellent way to rapidly clear large areas but when you get down to the tough-cases that’s when the seasoned professional electrologist steps in and uses computerized single needle Galvanic. It takes an educated experienced electrologist with expertise and know how to perform safe galvanic treatments that reduces the time you will need for treatment from 50% to 90%
The techniques that I have developed in order to meet the needs of the Transgendered-Population make a full transition a reality not a Barbie Doll fantasy. Every woman wants to be able to walk out her front door and feel confident about who she is and how she looks. Let’s face it, we live in an appearance conscious culture and the incessant criticisms and consequent insecurities can take their toll. A bad unwanted facial hair problem is devastating to any woman’s identity and self-esteem. For any and woman who experience extreme degrees of rejection and disparagement, living in one’s skin is daily torture. I have treated many Transgendered women and I know for a fact that no amount of plastic surgery, or Industrial Grade make up will hide a heavy beard whether it is black, gray, red or even translucent white. A close shave and a layer of heavy makeup lasts for two hours at best. After that the game is up as the beard lifts the makeup off the face and the shadow and stubble is back. A Trans-woman’s comfort with being out and about in the world or work place is extremely limited. Here in the United States, we live in the world’s most critical hair free society and so Electrolysis is the prerequisite for every Transgendered woman to be accepted socially for who she is inside! Transgendered women who are my patients are able to fully realize their lives as women and no longer struggle with genetic ambiguities. They are freed from the hours in front of their mirrors applying quarter-inch thick layers of makeup to cover and hide the remaining beard because the beard is gone! Trans Women have to look real and be like any other women and that means having confidence in their appearance. For those with their doubts I welcome the opportunity to prove that true!
The case study presented here has been compiled with permission from the patient and in full compliance with professional criteria for confidentiality. Her name and any identifying details have been changed. The Photos used throughout have been selected with her approval. There are no air-brushed or doctored photographs here; preparing this case history did not require “Cyber Plastic Surgery’ to create the visual effect of proper treatment. The visuals are real and the timelines accurately reported. As this article is intended to serve both as a beacon of hope to the potential patient and an educational standard for members of the field of Electrology, relevant elaborations of technique and physiology will be made throughout this presentation.
No Fee Boston Electrolysis® Patient Profile Consultation & Evaluation:
Jonnie called me from her home in the Northwest in January of 2008. I was not the first electrologist whom she had contacted to address her unwanted hair problem. Jonnie had started treatments with an electrologist in her home area and as I proceeded through my normal phone intake questions for out of state patients it became clear that the practitioner was not well-trained and in all likelihood not registered and licensed. I heard the details that make me wince on behalf of my patient: excessive facial edema following treatments, excessive reddening of the skin a reaction clinically termed erythema, scabbing at the follicle entry, fortunately no weeping which is a sign of impending infection. Jonnie reported that her chin had swollen to the size of a baseball and that it had taken one month for her skin to heal from the trauma of the first treatment.
Many patients believe that these after-effects are normal consequences of the electrolysis process. It is a fair deduction to make. Patients can only draw their conclusions based on the norm for electrolysis results. That unfortunate norm is determined by the numbers of practitioners who as a consequence of their abbreviated education and training are ignorant of the knowledge of histology, endocrinology, and practical techniques essential for healthy, effective results for their patients. I often suspect that if electrolysis treatments were consistently and appropriately administered then the disastrous practice of laser hair treatment many never have claimed so many victims. I do not use that term lightly. In the days before the web and magazine pages were glazed over with laser ads, I would see only the effects of shaving, plucking and waxing on my patients, in recent years; however, I have seen a dramatic increase in patients whose hair and skin problems have been exacerbated by laser techniques. More information on the false claims and devastating effects of these scams perpetrated by the medical community on the trusting public can be found at the following two links:;=2
Boston Electrolysis®Uses The Electrologist Diagnostic Case History©
As with all my out-of-state patients, I followed up my initial phone conversation and basic treatment history with a request for three high resolution photographs of the areas that Jonnie wanted to have treated. Integral to an effective hair removal treatment is the electrologist’s discernment of the specific needs of the patient’s skin. My understanding of my patients begins with that first photo views.
Jonnie is a fifty year old TS woman of Asian-Caucasian origin in excellent health. Her ethnicity and age present unique concerns for her treatment. Her skin is fair and fragile and prone to dryness but her hair growth was intense, heavy and concentrated on the upper lip and chin with a sparse growth on her cheeks and neck. The initial photographs revealed the damage that her years of shaving as well as her first electrolysis treatments had exacted on her skin. The first two layers of skin, namely the Stratum Corneum and Stratum Lucidum, are composed of dead cells. Mother Nature’s evolution designed the first two surface layers of skin to be dead to prevent deadly bacteria from invading our bodies. Live bacteria cannot penetrate dead tissue unless there is an open wound, scrape, cut or abrasion for it to enter. Shaving effectively scrapes those first two layers of skin off the face and exposes the live layers of skin known as the Malphigian and Corium layer to bacteria, which exposure often leads to acute Folliculitis, infected and inflamed ingrown hairs and pustules, and worse, even a systemic infection of your skin. No educated, licensed electrologist will work on inflamed, infected skin or allow that a patient shave between treatments. Often shaving is the direct cause of Folliculitis and it makes unwanted hair problems worse by stimulating hair growth.
Boston Electrolysis Treatment Protocol:
My treatment protocol for all my patients but especially for my trademark Express Beard Removal© treatment employs a Blend Thermolysis Galvanic current treatments of the hair follicles. There are many Electrologists who, because either they are not educated in theoretical applications of Galvanic current or perhaps they have not invested in the needed quality technology, establish their treatment protocol using Thermolysis aka Short-Wave and Flash Electrology alone. Based on my assessments of patients who were treated solely by Thermolysis and Flash-Electrology and by my subsequent results from my signature blended treatment, it is my opinion that practitioner’s who are ignorant of or do not employ galvanic and blend treatments are impeding their patients’ best outcomes. In Jonnie’s case, the hair per inch count had increased as a result of her former treatment. I am accustomed to explaining to my patients the unfortunate fact that a portion of the work that I do is repair work making up for other practitioner’s mistakes. However I warn all patients that total and exclusive use of the Flash-Electrology with its excessive high current leads to permanent skin damage and acute follicultis.
Key to my technique is a detail that patients take for granted when visiting an electrologist and shamefully it is an aspect of treatment where most electrologists fail, namely needle insertion. Very few people are aware that there are no nerve fibers in the follicle structure. Using precise exact deep insertions beyond the papillae into the blood supply (capillaries) insures maximum results with a virtually pain-free treatment depending on the location of the hairs. Furthermore, administering treatments in this manner induces electro-anesthesia (temporary loss of the skin sensitivity) where the treated area feels like it has been numbed with an injection of Novocain. This is my treatment of choice that I have developed for tough, resistant, severe unwanted facial hair problems such as deep-seated plucked, waxed, shaved and laser treated hairs stemming from Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome and other forms hyper-trichosis. An untrained self-professed electrologist treats all hairs as equal and does so ineffectively at that by failing to properly perform the most basic of techniques. Proper needle insertion allows me to treat the hair follicle aggressively without causing my patient pain and discomfort. With the exception of the sensitivity of the upper lip, which area I treat in alternation with outlying areas so as to allow the patient respite, patients find my electrolysis treatments are quite comfortable and relaxed experiences. Jonnie even caught a few cat naps during treatment.
The Five Star Electrologist Classified Advertising©
Below are ten Boston electrologists who are experienced, educated, trained, tested, licensed and registered electrologist who are dedicated to our chosen profession. To find your electrologist in Downtown Boston or the Boston-Metro-Area just visit Boston Electrolysis Yellow Pages at with over 300 electrologists listed throughout the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. The Boston Electrolysis® National Yellow Pages© are for licensed and registered electrologists only and covers the following states; Arizona, New Hampshire, Connecticut, California, Ohio, Oregon, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Utah and more, and soon all of the USA.
Currently the Boston Electrolysis® Yellow Pages© for The Commonwealth of Massachusetts has over three hundred electrologists listed in the following Boston Metro-Area and regional Massachusetts in following cities and towns; Acton, Allston, Arlington, Ashland, Andover, Bedford, Belmont, Billerica, Boston, Brocton, Brookline, Belmont, Beverly, Bridgewater, Burlington, Cambridge, Canton, Chelmsford, Danvers, Dover, Everett, East Boston, Fitchburg, Florence, Framingham, Georgetown, Groton, Hanover, Haverhill, Hingham, Holden, Hyannis, Kingston, Lawrence, Leominster, Lexington, Lynn, Lynnfield, Malden, Marblehead, Medford, Melrose, Milford, Millis, Methuen, Middleton, Milton, Natick, Newton, Newton Center, Newtonville, Needham, New Bedford, Newburyport, North Dartmouth, North Reading, Norwood, Norwell, Peabody, Pembroke, Plymouth, Pocasset, Quincy, Randolph, Reading, North Reading, Revere, Rockland, Roslindale, Salem, Scituate, Somerville, South Attleboro, South Easton, Springfield, Stoneham, Stoughton, Sharon, Stow, Swampscott, Sudbury, Wakefield, Walpole, Waltham, Ware, Watertown, Wellesley, Westwood, West Roxbury, Weymouth, Winchester, Wilmington, Winthrop and Woburn.
Find New England’s Best Clinic For Laser Hair Removal and Electrolysis©
Find Your Electrologist In The Boston Electrolysis® Yellow Pages
Susan Bates
Massachusetts Licensed & Registered Electrologist
Board Certified Electrologist
For Permanent Hair Removal
18 Sawyer Terrace
Boston, MA
Find Your Electrologist In The Boston Electrolysis® Yellow Pages
Edith Farinola, R.E.
Massachusetts Licensed & Registered Electrologist
Board Certified Electrologist
For Permanent Hair Removal
101 Tremont St, Ste 511
Boston, MA
Find Your Electrologist In The Boston Electrolysis® Yellow Pages
Paula A. A Doherty, R.E.
Massachusetts Licensed & Registered Electrologist
Board Certified Electrologist
For Permanent Hair Removal
96 Saint Bostolph St
Boston, MA
Find Your Electrologist In The Boston Electrolysis® Yellow Pages
Massachusetts Licensed & Registered Electrologists
Board Certified Electrologist
For Permanent Hair Removal
41 Winter St, Ste 51
Boston, MA
Find Your Electrologist In The Boston Electrolysis® Yellow Pages
Roseanne M. Sherwin, R.E.
Massachusetts Licensed & Registered Electrologist
Board Certified Electrologist
For Permanent Hair Removal
8 Winter Pl
Boston, MA 02108
Find Your Electrologist In The Boston Electrolysis® Yellow
Delores Maniscalco Skin Care
Massachusetts Licensed & Registered Electrologist
Board Certified Electrologist
For Permanent Hair Removal
215 Hanover St
Boston, MA 02113
Find Your Electrologist In The Boston Electrolysis® Yellow Pages
Karen A. Truett, R.E.
Massachusetts Licensed & Registered Electrologist
Board Certified Electrologist
For Permanent Hair Removal
45 Newbury St # 206
Boston, MA 02116-
Find Your Electrologist In The Boston Electrolysis® Yellow Pages
Cristaldi Of Boston-Coply Plaza
Massachusetts Licensed & Registered Electrologist
Board Certified Electrologist
For Permanent Hair Removal
138 Saint James Ave
Boston, MA
Find Your Electrologist In The Boston Electrolysis® Yellow Pages
Rae Macdonald, R.E.
Massachusetts Licensed & Registered Electrologist
Board Certified Electrologist
For Permanent Hair Removal
41 Winter St, Ste 67
Boston MA 02108
Find Your Electrologist In The Boston Electrolysis® Yellow Pages
For Safe Permanent Hair Removal
Kimberly Williams, R.E., Dean
No Nonsense for Boston Electrolysis ® Private Practice © for safe permanent hair removal announces the opening of metropolitan Phoenix areas first woman’s electrolysis clinic for patients with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome and endocrine disorders that cause unwanted facial hair problems. Founded by Kimberly Williams, R.E. Dean and Barbara Lipschitz, M.D. of Central Phoenix Medical Clinic is for women who have a minor, moderate or severe unwanted facial hair problem. Until recently most women who have this type of unwanted facial hair problem and condition have believed that this particular endocrine disorder is hopeless and non-treatable. Nevertheless, new advances in medicine and professional cooperation between the physician and the electrologist have made this specialized treatment a successful reality.
Kimberly Williams, R.E., Dean of Boston School of Electrolysis™ of Scottsdale, Arizona and Barbara Lipschitz, M.D. of Central Phoenix Medical Clinic, Phoenix Arizona have combined their resources. In this joint effort we want all women with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome and other endocrine disorders to be aware that their unwanted hair problems are not hopeless.
Kimberly Williams, R.E., Dean of Boston School of Electrolysis™ and Barbara Lipschitz, M.D. of Central Phoenix Medical Clinic Arizona want all women with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome to know there are new treatments, medications and procedures that will counter-act this endocrine imbalance that stimulates unwanted facial hair growth from minor severe. It’s a known fact that women with polycystic ovaries end up frustrated after trying every form of temporary hair removal such as waxing, plucking, shaving and even laser parlor treatments that can make your unwanted hair problem ten times worse than it was to begin with.
Additionally, most residents of Arizona are not aware that there is no license and registration or required education to practice electrolysis and temporary laser hair removal in Arizona. It is known fact in professional circles that only experienced licensed and registered electrologists possess the basic education in theoretically applied medical sciences coupled with practical application to successfully treat minor, moderate and severe unwanted facial hair problems caused by Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome and other endocrine disorders.
So when you arrive at Boston School of Electrolysis I do a thorough medical evaluation using The Electrologists Diagnostic Case History© which includes and records a detailed medical status of your condition that causes unwanted facial hair problems. From there we can start your treatment although at same time you have a direct referral to Barbara Lipschitz, M.D., Internal Medicine Specialist who will implement your medical diagnostics, blood chemistry, medications and procedures and over all treatment program to correct and control the hormonal imbalance that started your unwanted hair problem.
Women with polycystic ovaries and other endocrine disorders (glandular disorders) need to know that electrolysis has new methods and techniques. Example up until ten years ago most electrologists could only treat the symptoms of polycystic ovaries, which is, unwanted facial hair. However most women do not know why this causes their unwanted hair problem. To state it most simply polycystic ovaries interfere with or block the absorption of estrogen into your system. Additionally most women do not know, as part of their genetic character that women also produce male hormones. With the estrogen being blocked and your body being unable to absorb it into the system the male hormones become predominant and that stimulates excess FSH (Follicle Stimulating Hormones). From that point on that’s when your unwanted hair problem starts.
Fact, Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome causes male secondary characteristics such as unwanted facial hair, weight gain, acne, male receding hairline, deepening of voice and other complications. However with today’s modern medicine the right diagnosis, medications, treatments and procedures polycystic ovaries can be successfully managed and the affects of the male hormones counter-acted with a diuretic and estrogen supplement. Once you have eliminated the root cause of your hair problem you will be amazed at how effective your electrolysis treatments become in addition your skin will become clear soft and supple. Additionally, your energy level will increase and with this renewed energy coupled with diet and exercise weight loss becomes possible and your over all health improves. In my professional opinion nothing is more damaging to a woman’s self-esteem and overall health and appearance when she has an unwanted facial hair problem caused by polycystic ovaries that are left untreated.
Fact, endocrine and genetic unwanted facial hair problems from minor to severe have always been my specialty. Additionally it is important for every woman with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome to be knowledgeable about her health. From past professional experiences I know when your electrologist and physician team up and coordinate your electrolysis treatments with medications your results can be from moderate to completely clear. It is known facts women with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome who receive the right medical care often attain their goal of complete permanent hair removal, regained health and emotional well-being.
On the other hand to successfully treat unwanted facial hair caused by polycystic ovaries effectively one must take the time and make the effort and be patient. Without one doubt I believe in my professional ability to provide you this specialized treatment that’s is based on scientific fact, medical care and skilled practical application of my technique. For the record I know exactly how frustrating it is to have a minor, moderate or severe unwanted facial hair problem that’s why I became an electrologist. If you are ready, willing and able to take the first step I’ll be glad to be your electrologist.
Nevertheless I want all women to know if you have Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome and other endocrine disorders that cause your unwanted facial hair problems to be aware that results vary. However, it is my professional opinion and experience that patients undergoing coordinated treatment achieve the best results. Additionally, other benefits from coordinated treatment include increased energy, weight loss and emotional well-being. Without one doubt a woman with a moderate to severe unwanted facial hair problem caused by Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome has an uphill battle and it would be my pleasure to help achieve your goal of a hair free complexion.
Summation, your best electrologists are always educated, trained, tested licensed and registered. Fact, I always remember my time at Miss Kelly’s School Of Electrolysis and I would recall students in my class who would say, “What do I need to learn about endocrinology for, I’ll never use this?” Often student electrologists who question the need for theoretical sciences assume is not necessary because they have been led to believe that electrolysis is about treating the hair only. Wrong, the base knowledge of theoretical sciences that I learned provided me with the ability not only to use that knowledge but also to expand and build upon it. Fact, electrolysis is an exact procedure of attrition and when you eliminate, contain or reduce the root cause of your unwanted facial hair problem it can only expedite and reduce the amount of time needed to treat and permanently remove those unwanted hairs. In addition, patients with endocrine disorders not only rid themselves of their unwanted facial hair problem but also gain an improved complexion along with your health and well being. In my book, that is what professional electrologist is all about.
For the record non-licensed electrologists who have recently become Certified Laser Parlor Operators do not have the ability and requisite education to comprehend the complexities of endocrine disorders such as polycystic ovaries. Furthermore, Laser Parlor operators have no required educational curriculum longer than forty hours and in addition to that there are no required license or registration to use the laser for temporary hair removal in the U.S.A.
Without one doubt this makes the licensed and registered electrologist the best and only choice for safe permanent hair removal. Furthermore I would like to acquaint you with your my professional education at Miss Kelly’s School of Electrology, Quincy, and Massachusetts from 1975 to graduation in 1979 taught me that electrolysis is a bona fide medical profession. During that time my curriculum consisted of anatomy, physiology, endocrinology, histology, biology, microbiology, pharmacology, hygiene & sanitation, sterilization, electricity and ethics. In addition there was required 600 hours of practical training. After successfully passing the dual Massachusetts State Board examinations, which was a 2-hour written, and one-hour practical I received my license and registration as a Massachusetts licensed and registered electrologist. After 26 years as a practicing electrologist and an Arizona resident from 1991 I am appalled that Arizona to this day does not have any requisite educational or licensing registration to practice as an electrologist a fact that many Arizona residents are still not aware of.
Fact, and for the record if you have an unwanted facial hair problem from minor to severe I am the electrologist you can count on with a written guarantee of excellence.
Arizona’s first and only electrologist who guarantees in writing that after one treatment, if you can locate a better electrologist, bring me the receipt and I will refund your first treatment fee. In addition to that, even on difficult cases, I can work at one-third to one-fourth the time of the average electrologist – licensed or unlicensed. I also guarantee that you will have the most comfortable treatment with no scabbing, scarring or pitting as direct result of my treatments©.
Thank you for your time and attention,
Kimberly Williams, R.E., Dean, Author In Total
Boston Electrolysis ® Private Practice © For Safe Permanent Hair Removal
Boston Electrolysis All Rights Reserved Copyright 2005-2013.
Boston Electrolysis® Services
Boston Electrolysis® Specialized Treatment & Care For Minor
To Severe Unwanted Facial Hair Problems
Caused By Endocrine-Medical-Genetic Disorders
Boston Electrolysis® Professional Services
Boston Electrolysis® Painless Electrolysis Clinic©
Boston Electrolysis®For Acute Folliculitis©
Boston Electrolysis® Poly-Cystic Ovarian Clinic©
Boston Electrolysis® Special Services & Care
Boston Electrolysis®For Transsexuals Permanent Beard Removal©
Kimberly Williams, R.E. Dean Guest-Lecturer
At Harvard Medical School 1983-1987
Boston Electrolysis® Gender
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Boston Electrolysis ® Treatments 1
Boston School Of Electrolysis – WARNING!
Boston Electrolysis ® Treatments 2 – How To Choose Your Electrologist
Boston School Of Electrolysis – Spotlight On Slime
Boston Electrolysis ® – The Blog I Write In Fear
Boston Electrolysis ® MA Board Of Electrology CEU Audit
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Boston Electrolysis ® – Pay As You Go
Boston School Of Electrolysis – Andrea James Abuse Of Children
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Boston School Of Electrolysis Computer Electrology Specialist 1985
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Boston Electrolysis ® – Andrea James Deep Stealth Productions
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Boston School Of Electrolysis – Triple Sterilize Instruments
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Boston Electrolysis ® Treatments
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Boston Electrolysis ® – Laser Parlor Scams
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Boston Electrolysis ® Report – AZ Fails To License Electrologist
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Boston School Of Electrolysis – Laser USA’s Unproven Technology
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Boston Electrolysis ® – Watching TV During Electrolysis
Boston Electrolysis ® – What’s On Your Electrologist’s Shelf
Boston Electrolysis ® – Beware of the Two Hand Progressive Electrolysis Technique ©
Boston Electrolysis ® – My Unwanted Trespasser James W. Walker VII, CPE!
Boston Electrolysis ® – The Boston Electrolysis® Library of Permanent Hair Removal©
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Boston Electrolysis ® – CEU RANT BY JAMES
Boston Electrolysis ® – DEBORAH RHODES KENNEDY
Boston Electrolysis ® – BBB IN OAKLAND 2011
Boston Electrolysis ® – Boston Electrolysis® Hate Crime Complaint
Boston Electrolysis ® – Before & After Photo’s©
Boston Electrolysis ® – letter of complaint to google about oneill and pourlecorps
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Boston Electrolysis ® – Blasting James Walker to Hell
Boston Electrolysis ® – Another Open Letter to Andrea James
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