Chinas raping and pillaging of the Earths Oceans has to stop. When Nixon arrived in China to negotiate an economic deal he thought he could do business with a party stricken nation and it’s leader who hated and despised the United States of America. From Mao Zedung to Xi Jinping the commnist leader shames himself and makes China’s Communist party look like an associationn of criminals seeking to rule the world. If the United States and it’s allies would just say no to China it would force China to take the first step of respecting the USA and it’s Allies. Without one doubt China has established itself to be the first nation in this world to violate it’s 9,000 mile coastline by eating every species of fish and the Chinese fisherman mentaility asked themselves, “Where’s The Fish?’ China’s population decimated an entire ecosystem of edible fishing stock in a short amoun of time. So what did “The born again Communist Party” do when the ran out of fish? Well China’s corrupt bankers financed a new fishing fleet for the Chinese Fisherman. Of course the Chinese started stealing fish stocks from other Asian Nations teritorial waters and now we have a bigger problem and the world needs to realize China Fisherman have become the curse of sevewn seas and it’s oceans. Chinese fishermen ignore fishing quotas and steal all the fish they want. If China is not stopped their population has the ability to consume and deplete all the remaining fishing stock of our oceans. Xi Jinping has turned China’s fishermen into full fleged thieving pirates which forces other nations to take steps in guarding their fishing stocks. At the same Chinese fishermen ingore the laws of the oceans steal what ever they want.
The United States and it’s allies need to take action that’s very simple and inexpensive and say no to China’s High Seas Piracy. It’s most evident that China believes the world owes them when it was the United States who embargoed Japan for invading China. At that time in history Chang Ki Sheks stated at the White House and negotiated for food, medicine, weapons and every item needed to defend themselves at the expense of U.S. Taxpayers. The USA never invaded China nor did we demand territory. However China talks about US debt but the failed to mention how the US gave China evey thing they asked for. So China had no Air Force so we sent them the Flying Tiger with General Shenault who decimated the Japanese Air Force. Did China ever say thank you to the American Taxpayers who financed their government during WW2. By the way how come China never said thank you to the United States of America so they woulld be free. It’s my opinon that China owes the United States of America billions up billions of US dollars for financing them. It was the British who addicted two thirds of Chinas population from opium grown on British Plantations in India. China’s century of humiliation was brought about by the fact the Chinese could not help themselves. It’s known fact that China’s government despsied America and we saved them from the Japanese. The United States could have let China starve to death but the Chinese Communist Party had ir’s way and invadded south Korea. China blamed the USA for fighting with South Koreans to esablish their democracy. The USA should not pay for your debt because America clothed and Fed China before and during and after the Japanese occupation of WW2.
You ask what the Free World do pay their fair share and it’s destruction to the enviorment? China claims it has taken steps to limit plastic waste products and improve water pollution which is so bad in China their drinking water is bad for your helth and well being. It’s rumored that China is on the verge of having no drinking water, When Communist China took over in 1949 they skipped their responsibilties to clean up their polluted riverss, streams, creeks and lakes. to the point they have lost 50% of drinkable water.However China has done nothingt to enforce its own environmental laws. This includes strengthening enforcement, increasing water monitoring, and punishing polluters. Speacilzed Chinise shipd use the Great Lakes to deliver their cheaply made prroducts to the USA and they scoop and steal water frn the Great Lakes to sell in China. All Chinese ships entering us waters should be inspected when they leave with thousand of tons of US Water, You watch and wait when China runs of water they will invade their allies. The reason China invaded Tibet was for their water resources. In addition their dam building is affecting India’s water supply and it’s not hard to evision what China will do when they go dry and are out of clean drinking water. What can the free world do to stop China’s willful ways of thievery?
The USA, Canada, Central American and South America can refuse and not allow China’s Fishing Pirates to enter their territorial waters and same goes for Europe and Africa. The Chinese steal the most fish From small Arican coastal nations. Stop the Chinese with an economic embargo on all fish exported from China. If we catch their ships we cannot allow to buy them back at auction. All Chinese fishing and their crews go to prison and confess to the pillaging of ocean stocks of vauable fishing stocks. It’s a fact China’s plundering ot the ocean fishing stocks will lead the Earth into world wide starvation. If the ocea and fishing stocks are well managed than there could be a surpllus of fish. Chinas present of consuption of the worlds fishing their will be mass starvation and we wonder is this part of China’s Grand Plan to control populations by starvation, I believe its possible why else would China destroy natures bounty to become rullers of the world? Just imagine when Chinese Commies took over China in less the ten years Chinese Communists completly ate every edible fish on their coastline. Oink, oink and Oink the Chinese cleaned China’s 9,000 mile coastline of every edible fish! I think it’s time China stops devouring what little resources they possess. If China fails to stop its thievery from other nations renewable resources the oceans will be mined
UP YOURS Xi Jinping