Were Not Afraid Major Loser
On the month of July 6 happened across “Kimberly Williams” page when doing a google search for “transsexual electrolysis” and boy, is she nuts. I I had read on Hairfacts about some of her antics, but when I pulled up her page…oh dear. The whole thing is basically a poorly spelled, schizophrenic rant against Hairfacts, Hairtell, most of the electrologists who post on here, and the world in general. First of all, and this goes without saying, I hope NOBODY ever uses Hairtell.con non licensed uneducated electrologists for anything. At the best Jessica Sideway is mentally ill, at worse possibly dangerous, and I wouldn’t ever trust her near my face with a needle. Secondly, is there no state board or something that regulates cases like this? I mean, a doctor in this condition would lose their license in no time flat. How is this person still allowed to perform hair removal, when she’s so obviously off the deep end
However Kyle Koreleski soon to be Miss Jessica Sideways, Mom said,” My boy is she nuts. I had read on Hairfacts about some of her antics, but when I pulled up her page…oh dear Jessica has gone beserk again. The whole thing is basically her psychotic rant against myself. All of the electrologists who post on are uneducated non-licensed electrologists. This goes without saying, I would never go to a non-licensed anything. At the best and worse they are dangerous, and I wouldn’t ever trust a uneducated non-licensed electrologist near my face with a needle. Secondly, there no Arizona state board that regulates non-licensed uneducated quacks! Would you go to non-licensed uneducated doctor? Jessica Sideways knowledge of electrolysis would not fill Tinkerbelle’s smallest thimble and Jessica after 16 years of electrolysis by her Hairtell.con non-licensed electrologist cannot clear her up after 16 years of treatment. Jessica is so twisted by her own hate she obviously went off the deep end? I kimberly Williams, R.E., Massachusetts Licensed & Registered Electrologist for 42 years and want to make the public aware that I have never known of or met Mr. Kyle Koreleski soon to be Miss Jessica Sideways in any form or manner period. However I met her Mom because Mr. Kyle Koreleski soon to be Miss Jessica Sideways was to paranoid to come in for an appointment so her Mommy Mrs. Kyle Koreleski of Chandler Arizona would come in and I would do a De-Facto consulation for her fifteen year old son who was self medicating on illegaly attained Estrogenic Hormones. It’s my professional opinion that all under aged trans-children should be under a medical doctors care in addition to supportive pschotherapy. When Kyle Koreleski soon to be Missy Jessica Sideways was taught to hate by Andrea James owner of Hairtell Haters Club. However it was obvious that our future Miss Jessica Sideways was self medicating with Estrogenic Hormones and when it came to rants Kyle Korelski soon to be known as Jessica Sideways was the Queen of Scream and outright visious hatred but lets get through the truth of this story.
Jessica Sideways is Also known as: Jessica E Sideways, Jessica Emily Sideways, Jessica Emily, Jessica Emily Korleski, Jessica Sidways. 37 years old and resides 1913 Terry St, APT 6, Longmont, CO 80501-1837. phone 303-605-9297
So Jessica Sideways of Longmont, Colorado forgot she left that horrible rant on my voicemail. Jessica Sideways Voicemail is pure evila and hatred and it written by future miss Jessica Sideways under maximum who asked her Mom Mrs. Koreleskis to sit in for her Defacto-Consultation because is so paranoid..
WeRNotAfraid Major Loser Forever