Beautiful You Electrolysis, Non Licensed electrologist

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Arizona Valley Electrolysis Non Licensed electrologist

4434 N Civic Center Plaza Ste 201
Scottsdale, AZ 85251



To Jamie Cole and Kevin at 602 298 4930 I never gave either of you my permission to use my Boston Electrolysis Trademark in any form manner and you violated the law and tried to monopolize my Boston Electrolysis internet listings without my permission. You tried to extort me to join the You acted as if you owned Boston Electrolysis during that time and you and Jamie Cole hid behind your address and phone number and computer to cause me loss of income. I never met you and never heard of you and your fake names and that’s why I would not join your ChamberofCommerce because you run it like gangster collection were the hoodlums go out into neighborhoods to collect payments from small business owners. That’s what I think of your Chamber of Commerce and how you insulted me for being Trans. Does that empower you? Just leave me alone because what you did is classified as a hate crime and both of you could get ten years in prison under the Matthew Shepard Hate Crimes Act.
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Kimberly Williams, R.E, Dean CEO of Boston Electrolysis®
Board Certified Licensed & Registered Electrologist In Massachusetts & Utah
Your Investigative Reporter
Lecturer at Harvard Medical School 1983-1987
7330 E. Earll Drive Suite
Scottsdale, Arizona 85251
Call 480-607-8121


James W. Walker,P.U.N.L.E AKA World Heavyweight Electrolysis Champion









Every Transwoman works hard to save money for their transition and most times we go without so they can afford electrolysis treatments, hormone, therapy and all kinds of expenses the average person does not understand or cannot comprehend. Without one doubt going without for Transwoman is second nature and this a hard luck story about  a Transwoman from Germany was ripped off in the most coldhearted evil manner. For years I have warned Transwomen and non-Transwomen about Andrea James the owner of and her appointed fascist moderator of known as James Walker,Vii of who took $8900.00 in advanced payment from a client who flew in from Germany. When she arrived James Walker, the Vii failed to pick her up at the Buffalo New York Airport as promised.Below in her own words posted on in which she uses the name Electro-Client here is her story. In addition I have provided PDF files for newsworthiness, evidence, certain comments and pages that where saved before they where censored and removed by Andrea James and Jame Walker,Vii to hide the truth. Multiple comments and posts by Electro-Client have have been posted. All new posts by Electro_Client comments have been blocked by James Walker,Vii and owner of Andrea. Friends of James Walker,C.F.A. are listed as Top Ten Losers that are told what to say in exchange for referrals from Andrea James.



Andrea James owner of has reappointed James Walker Vii three time as the moderator and she wanted her website to make money and she gave James Walker Vii complete authority to do so in any way he sees fit. Of course James Walker VII CPE went to far and slandered licensed and registered electrologist because he’s pea green evious that he can’t become licensed as an electrologist.  In essence he did us a favor and drove all the state licensed  electrologists of of James had orders to slander any licensed electrologist, laser operator and beautician that Andrea James hates including me. Andrea James taught James Walker the sick art of character assassination by calling licensed electrologists as being mentally unstable. On the other hand James Walker VII who calls himself the Electrolysis World Heavyweight Champion James W. Walker has tipped the scales of insanity on every page of Hairtellcom. Our Electrolysis World Heavyweight Champion James W. Walker VII has an acute case of Pea Green Envy and is long overdue for inpatient care. Electrolysis World Heavyweight Champion James W. Walker VII is an uneducated non- licensed electrologist who despises and covets successful state licensed and registered electrologists like myself and others. After being reappointed moderator of it took James a short amount of time to drive off all the qualified state licensed and registered electrologists on because of his inferiority complex. After losing their last two licensed electrologists. James Walker will starting driving off the Certified Professional Electrologist so no one can better or outrank James Walker on education. Of course I think James next move will be to drive off Top Ten Contributors as long they obey Andrea James and James Walker  On the other hand  all the Top Ten Contributors took an Oath of Allegiance to obey all of Andrea James orders no matter how distasteful or dishonest Here the oath that James Walker and and the Top Ten Contributors took. It starts with, I swear by God this sacred oath, that I will render unconditional obedience to Andrea James, the Leader of the Hairtell Reich and people, Supreme Commander of the Hairtell-Hate Forces, and will be ready as a brave nincompoop to risk my life at any time for Andrea James oath of allegiance.

However our Junior Miss fASCIST in training also Known As Kyle Koreleski  AKA Hairtell Groupy “Were Not Afraid” AKA the future ” Miss. Jessica Sideways said,” she took an oath of allegiance to Andrea James the leader and deputy leader  James  Walker the Vii promised to obey all orders by the leader know as Andrea James. It’s obvious Andrea is crazier than a Looney bird on Meth. Looking at her website, it’s about 1% nothing and 99% with Andrea James screaming-her her stark raving authority rants that she rules with her Iron Fist. Apparently, Andrea has some kind of Narcissistic power rage with delusions of grandeur. Andrea James was guilty of “pagejacking” my Boston-Electrolysis.con website.  However Jessica Sideways knows the truth. However let me say how I met Jessica Sideways Mom who came to Kimberly’s office to do to do do her future daughter aka the future Jessica Sideways De-Facto-Electrolysis-Consultation because she left that horrible  rant on my voicemail. Jessica Sideways Voicemail was pure hatred and it written by future miss Jessica Sideways who asked her Mom Mrs. Koreleski to attend for her daughter because informed Jessica Sideways she would not allowed at my office. hate inspired Voicemale and my Mom told me Kimberly treated her with the kindest professional respect . However what I can say I sent my Mom to do her Defacto-Consultation at her office. My Mom Mrs. Koreleski said I needed help and told me to stop harassing Kimberly because I broke the law and threatened her. Jessica Sideways is a Hairtell.-haters use fake names and fake titles to hide her name aka Kyle Korelesky aka Jessica Sideways to hide  behind her computers so they can’t be held accountable to the law for her hate crimes.Andrea James and her electrologists  are like can of worm that Jessica Sideways to hate me for some reason. She said she claimed bravery and left me her two minute abusive vicious two minute hate inspiring threatening rant on my voicemail to claim she is the leader. She cried people screaming at her, screaming and threatening at her and I felt wonderful and it empowered me. Of course I never met Kimberly but my Mom met her. Later she played my recorded message for my Mom and gave a copy to the Chandler Police in Arizona and than I went on as usual about her slandering slandering me on the Internet. Jessica Sideways said I’m am just like Andrea James I make up lies to hurt people  and Andrea James pays me allot of money however I know it wrong and I  sincerely hope she will forgive me for me being so full of revulsion it was disgusting but Andrea James thinks it funny but I wish never left her that horrible hateful message on my voicemail without on word of apology. She told my Mom what I did but I ignored my Mom because I have a sickness like Andrea James where where take pleasure hurting people. I called Kimberly’s office 12 times and was blocking my phone number . I screamed at  her when leaving my message of my hatred towards her. In Jessica’s Voicemail she threatened to hurt and my business and she wrote lies on  because Andrea James paid Jessica to hurt my feelings. Jessica said Andrea paid people to hurt my feelings and finally I realized just Kimberly because make plenty of money and I was so desperate to have my operation I thought might go crazy. K You can listen to Jessica Sideways screaming and threatening me, ” Jessica Sideways said to me You Lose” and than Jessica realized she did not erase her voicemail with recorded hate Rant message that she left on  my VoiceMail. Her Mom gave me her real name. However you have to ask why,”Jessica Sidways” sent her Mom to my office to do her Boston Electrolysis Consulation and Evaluation?

Jessica Sideways because she’s a hateful evil inhuman being who takes pleasure threatening me. Andrea James likes to hurt people. Let me tell you I have talked to people and Andrea James has hurt many people and she’s infected with jealousy. Plus Andrea James teaches under age minors and teaches juveniles how to hate people and when Jessica Sideways left hate her inspired message for me she thought convince me to work on her. By the way Jessica Sideways who admitted she needs help. This is for you Jessica, I HAVE been a Massachusetts Licensed and Registered Electrologist for 42 Years without a complaint and her Google reputation is tops and the best electrologist and I don’t blame for refusing to work on me. Dear Jessica you can’t force people to work on you against their will. That is a criminal felony.  TO THIS VERY DAY JESSICA SIDEWAYS HATES FOR NO REASON AND I WOULD NOT TOUCH WITH A CATTLE PROD BECAUSE SHE HAS HORRIBLE reputation AND TAKES PLEASURE HARRASSING PEOPLE BECAUSE SHE IS SICK AND PRESS THE BUTTON TO HEAR IN ACTION BECAUSE SHE IS INFESTED AND INFECTED WITH HATE,


Don’t you think it’s kind of hard for Jessica Sideways to live her own life, though, when she is stalking you? I have nothing to do with her and it doesn’t affect me in any way, but a lot of other people (many on this fake board, have become her target. Not to mention, Jessica is obviously insane,paranoid and dangerous to say the least when sent her mother to my office to do her electrolysis consultation. I do think it’s important to get the word out that A: none of the stuff she says is true and B: she should not be treated as she is unstable troll and probably to dangerous to receive quality electrolysis procedures treatments as long as she refuses to wears her spit mask and straighjacket. Jessica needs help because any Transwoman that sends her Mom to sit in for her ”Electrolysis Consultation” has a few missing nuts and bolts.


Dear Deirdre MCloskey,  You did not write the copyrighted comment andrea james stole text off my website and altered it  So  I will tell you the truth that why Andrea alters all her text that she steals to make people believe she is competent because  all Andrea James can do is lie lie a rug. Deirdre Mciloskey it was a sunny day after the Monsoon Storm flooded my office and my best friend came to help me plus my landlord sent workers to drain the water that sucked the water from my soaked carpets because the roof was damaged so that brought in their equipment. By the way Deirdra I tried calling my unknown client ten times and by the a way third party with a hard to understand middlestern accent made her appointment and she plus she used an alias for her name.  The workmen were cleaning the carpets and brought in large fans and dehumidifiers to remove excess moisture from the soaked carpeting. Than Sanny AKA Vida Delic showed up with husband and daughter in tow and I spoke to her and I told her I tried to call her ten times and she refused to answer the phone period. I brought out my appointment book and appointment book to reschedule her and she refused with workmen cleaning my office sucking water from the carpets etc. She said you have someone in your back office and I said that’s my friend helping me clean. Vida replied I saw you working on her. No we moving table so the workmen can workmen get in in here. I have tried calling you and one person answered and she said Sanny is not there? She replied no one by that name is here. Thats Vida Delic who accused me of working on my friend when when the workmen where helping me clean up, Deirdra MCloksey don’t you realize Andrea James steals my copyrighted text and alters all her text to use them against me and other people because my webmaster caught her pagejacking my domain and unlike Andrea he was honest and did not lie. As Vida left I said call if you change your mind. That was it until Jame Walker the VII CPE stepped in with his Anti-Trans- lies and reason to get at me. However James realized Vida is an immigrant sucker that he was getting ready to fleece. Over time James poisoned her thoughts and said Vida would you like to cause Kimberly harm? She was hot on that. So James Walker made all the arrangements and got Vida into a sketchy Electrolysis School with a poor reputation where she would pay six thousand dollars for a two week course. They took her and the tuition was six thousand for the complete four to six month course package where she could get a license and registration if she could speak english or get help with a Croatian translator. On the other hand Sanny and and her husband bragged they were members in the Ustasha a known group of people that harrassed Bosnian Muslims for pleasure and someone lied to immigration because if the US Government was aware of that they would not let  fanatic maniacs  like The Croat Ustasha members into the USA.  James Walker the VII fleeced Vida and her hubby and James Walker the VII sold them through his buddy at at the Sketchy Electrolysis school and sold Vida and hubby a highly maked up Epilator and other expensive equipment so she has a student loan of $9.000 US Dollars. Vida has a blog and said the school passed her on electrical settings after she failed the test that that test she could not pass. If she defaulted on her student loan they should send the bill to James Waler the VII! She could have taken the whole course and could have been educated for $4,000.00 but James Walker hates licensed and registered electrologist and he would not stand for that! Because James Walker flunked his Certified Professional electrologist test that any simpleton could pass. By the way I found out later Vida did not qualify for her Certified Professional Electrologist test. I would expect James Walker took half of the proceeds and Andrea James got her cut. However did Vida and her husband get? Nothing and she and her hubby have to pay off the student loan and equipment and those interest rates that will kill them.  The Massachusetts Board of Electrologists require the legal name of every client, if the clients lies they can’t file a claim and the electrologist is not fined. Fact I do not make appointments with people with fake names. By the way you should read and learn how Vida took her daughter to every electrologist in the Valley because her daughter refused to let her dear old Mom to work on her on face because her her Mom electrolysis treatments were so painful. BTW Vida could not satisfy her daughter and she would not let her do electrolysis on on  her face.  When Vida went to Maria Di Nicola and year later she hated Maria and Vida said she was nothing but a cash cow for Maria Di Nicola and I have a copy? Would you like me to send a printout Deerde. I read her blog and after one year she called said, “Maria Di Nicola used me as a cash cow and more. This proves how lucky I was because your friend lies a rug  because that’s the way she matured as a person who hates and hurts people for pleasure. So Andrea let user us uses fake names and when someone lies and publishes the real name because there using an alias dishonest jerk and no one has the right to lie and withhold information these members who claimed to belonged to  the Ustasha a criminal organization. Deirdre Mcloskey when will you stop believing all of Andrea James compulsive lies? and report her to law?  Deedre MCl on Last Item after the comment by Electro-Girl please ask Andrea James why the stolen money has not been returned.

Deirdre there is nothing odd that I write about your Buddy Andrea James who is liar, cheat and thief and just Google and open letter to Andrea James and see all the people and at least 93% of the Trans Community hate her with a passion. Deirdre Just Google, people that Hate Andrea James and learn the truth before you accuse people with Andrea James Lies.

I replied to her hateful comments thatAndrealisted my names. address, zip code, personal information, multiple and other forms of Doxxing she commits. However how com you do Google an open letter to Andrea James or Google who hate Andrea James. By the Deirdre way how come you did not know about the Croat Terrorist Group who murdered all the Bosnian Muslims?

Written by Kimberly Williams:f

  • Office: UH 829 MC 228, University of Illinois at Chicago, 601 S. Morgan, Chicago, IL 60607-7104. fax 312-996-9839
  • Email:
  • Website:
  • Twitter: @DeirdreMcCloskey
  • Home [preferred address for all U.S. mail]: 720 S. Dearborn, Unit 206, Chicago, IL 60605-1820.
    Preferred number there: 312-435-1479


All Top Ten Contributors and lesser members have their primary account as a prestigious electrologist on the other hand all of them are uneducated, non-licensed electrologists. In addition all these members have alternate accounts as consumers who use the forum to talk about their fake hair problems. However at the top of of Andrea James and James Walkers Pyramid Scam James Walker VII CPE also known as the Electrolysis World Heavyweight Champion James W. Walker is the Boss. The way it works is the innocent consumers who are looking for information about hair removal unknowingly becomes a free member of After that he or she goes on line and looks for an electrologist in her state say like New York which has no licensing requirements to do electrolysis. From there the consumer asks if any anyone knows a good electrologist in the Buffalo New York area. Than all of sudden there are others who join the forum and before you know it every one of them recommends their beloved Electrolysis World Heavyweight Champion James W. Walker Non-Licensed Un-educated-Electrologist. All Top Ten Contributors have false email accounts or members will tell you how wonderful James is even though they know what a fraud he is. In Ohio on everyone raves the best in Ohio nonetheless she refuses to post interior pictures of her office. All of the Top Ten Contributors members have to pay dues and are paid a commission from James Walker VII CPE moderator and Andrea James when they get a new client. On all members are disreputable non-licensed electrologists using a fake identities telling potential clients how wonderful James Walker is. In essence this is racketeering in most devious deceptive manner I have ever seen. In addition how come Andrea James who owns has not told James Walker VII CPE refused to return the money stolen from the German Girl? Maybe James split the money with Andrea James?

In addition James Walker has Real Privacy Issues when Electro-Client aka German Girl said,. These photos were taken surreptitiously because there are “security cameras” located (and hidden) throughout James Walers establishment. Nevertheless James Walker an avid member of PEP which is an Adult Sex Club and does James Walker sell his videos to his clients using the bathroom or bedroom at Executive Clearance? What a Horror Show at James Walkers VII CPE Executive Clearance Headquarters.


Posted by Electro-Girl
Clients beware (Personal experience + Photos) [Re: dfahey]
Electro_Client Contributor
Registered: 08/08/14 Posts: 14

Electro_Client Stated

For me, Hairtell was an endorsement of electrologists. This was especially true of James W. Walker VII, who is the moderator of Hairtell. Walker is “Hairtell itself!” My reasons for posting the following is to describe how terribly wronged I have been by this unscrupulous person. Clients beware and NEVER give your money up-front. I have learned a terrible lesson.

Below is a copy of my complaint filed with the New York Attorney General as well as a link to photos taken of his establishment?


I am a young woman from Germany. I entered an agreement with James Walker of Buffalo, New York, to receive electrolysis treatments. I pre-paid for my treatments and for a guest room he provides. The conditions of his establishment are appalling. Because of these hazardous conditions, I terminated my schedule with him.

Although I am now “out” $6,000, my primary goal in filing with the State of New York is to have some authority look into this establishment. The conditions I will be explaining are a significant threat to the Health & Safety of the public.


The AMA (American Medical Association) classifies ELECTROLYSIS as an electro-surgical procedure to remove (human) hair permanently. The procedure involves inserting a sterile needle into each hair follicle (skin’s full-depth). An electric current is applied, via the needle, and blood vessels and stem cells in the skin and follicle are destroyed.

Understanding the potential risks of serious infection (e.g., hepatitis and HIV), the American Electrology Association worked with the CDC (Centers for Disease Control) to establish Rules and Regulations for electrolysis procedures. These Rules have become standard and enforceable in the profession. My claim is centered on the extremely filthy conditions I encountered at the following electrolysis business, and my legitimate concerns about contracting an illness as a result.


I contacted James W. Walker VII, though the internet site, We agreed on my arrival time from Germany to Buffalo, NY, for electrolysis treatments for a period of two weeks. Walker has a “guest room” at his office that he rents to patients, and I agreed to stay in this room. Per his requirements, I pre-paid him the sum of $8400 for treatment (84 hours), and $560 for staying in his guest room (Total: $8960.) I completed 25 hours of treatment.


Arriving at Walker’s establishment, I was horrified to see the conditions. He showed me to my room, and it was a disaster. The sheets on the unmade bed had been slept in and the room smelled of human odor and mold. There was so much clutter in the room that it’s a firetrap. I did not see any smoke detectors or fire extinguishers. There were electrical wires hanging from the ceiling, holes in the walls and mold on the walls.

The bathroom was horrendous. The toilet had not been flushed or cleaned. There was black mold on the walls. The scummy tub contained old used dried-out towels. Soiled towels were all over the filthy bathroom floor.

I did not stay there and went, instead, to a hotel. I was very upset, but since I had already paid for my treatments, I decided to try to overlook the mess and start treatment. I eventually could not tolerate the conditions and walked away from having any further treatments. (There were other issues with Walker, but the extreme filth is my primary complaint.) I later discovered that electrologists are required to sterilize their instruments such as forceps (tweezers). There was no sterilization mechanism to be seen. The forceps he used on me were left out on the dirty bathroom sink and used on me every day (see photo). One time, he dropped the forceps on the dirty floor, picked it up and continued working on me. Electrologists are required to place fresh cloth or paper towels on the treatment table for each client. The sheets that Walker used were badly soiled and had definitely been used with other clients (the smell and stains). He never changed the coverings!

Wearing latex gloves is standard in the practice. Indeed, Walker wore gloves, but he wore the same pair all day long. He would drive his car with these gloves, return to the office and start working on me without changing these gloves (even after using the toilet or taking his many breaks). Whether or not the State becomes involved in my individual case, I hope that an appropriate agency will look into the DANGEROUS conditions of this establishment, for the Health & Safety of the public. I am not familiar with American laws, but such a filthy MEDICAL ESTABLISHMENT would not be legal in Germany.

Please look at my photos and the attached descriptions. These photos were taken surreptitiously because there are “security cameras” located (and hidden) throughout the establishment. I was very uncomfortable because I had no idea when and where I was being videotaped.

Thank you for reading my text.…924102736141547


From Kimberly Williams, R.E., Dean, CEO of Boston Electrolysis® To Electro-Client

Dear Electro-Client,

What a heartbreaker of a story that is and James Walker VII CPE spends all his time manufacturing lies and creating fake electrologists and false clients on His group of scam artists on post one lie after another about how wonderful and what a great electrologist that James Walker is. In addition James does the same for them and says how wonderful they are with their fake identities when someone is looking for an electrologist in Arizona. For your information James badmouths the few licensed and registered electrologists in Arizona while he praises uneducated non-licensed electrologist with little or no education as long as they pay him for referrals. Electro_Client all of the electrologists on lied to you and hid the truth that James Walker VII CPE and 99 and 3/4% of all the uneducated non licensed electrologists on never attended or went to a professional electrolysis school in any form or manner. In addition they have not taken a practical examination and three the licensed electrologists on leave allot to be desired since they feed off of James’s referrals and they are aware of the scams that he and his members perpetrate on yet not one of them has stepped forward and told you the truth. In fact their comments are deliberately meant to discourage you so you will quit and beware of the ones who offer you sympathy because they are the biggest liars.

For your information James Walker is an opponent of mandatory licensing and registration for all electrologists. Andrea James the website owner has manipulated members of to lie and assassinate the character of honest state licensed and registered electrologists using smear tactics. Andrea’s many years of evil deeds to the public have been exposed with Andrea James caught in the act who slanders and stabbing Transwomen in the in the back because they refuse to do her bidding. If you want to know what other Transwomen think of Andrea James than Google, “An Open Letter to Andrea James” or click this link o+Andrea+James&gs_l=serp.12…….0…1c..64.serp..0.0.0.jhBYjLr MwiA. Or you might like to read what the Huffington Post says about Andrea James who accuses Andrea James of 1. Absence of good-faith arguments, 2. Misleading personal attacks, 3. Traditionalism and ageism,4. Misgendering and accusations of “privilege”, 5. False hierarchies of transwomen, 6. Hypocrisy and feigned offense, 7. Siding with mainstream prejudice, 8. Disingenuous conflation of “transgender” with drag, 9. Hiding behind “homophobia” to defend transphobia and 10. Elitism and exclusion of queer trans women from queer culture

Electro-Client, the entire Hairtell forum members plus Andrea James and James Walker attacks Trans licensed and registered electrologists like myself who take a stand against James Walker VII CPE and his Top Ten Contributors who inflate James Walkers ego. James Walker lacks a professional education and license and a registration to practice as an electrologist nevertheless he covets the professional status of a state licensed and registered electrologists. Electro-Client, it’s so mind-boggling when James and his resident troll Dee Fahey and others who James taught how to use, coerce and dupe forum members to call other electrologists offices pig sties, dumps and other dirty filthy names. On the other hand when you visit James Walkers office you learn that his shack is a filthy pig-pen that should be condemned by the Buffalo Board of Health. The interior photograph of James Walkers Executive Clearance office is the worst pig-sty in the USA. By the way please don’t believe James fabricated story that Homeless People broke into James Walker office and a made a mess of James office in a short amount of time. What a gross exaggerated lie because it takes years of slovenly laziness to make such a disgusting filthy mess. James Walker VII CPE has been caught in his own web of his deceit, lies and treachery where he accused other electrologists offices as being a pig sty. How prophetic that James has been caught in his own web of lies, deceits and treachery since he refuses to post pictures of his the interior of his office. His buddy Dee Fahey and an electrologist from Ohio refuses to post photographs of her office. Dee supports the same lies and could lose her license if her board found out she was making false comments, obstructing justice and making false unprofessional accusations about competing licensed electrologists.

Electro-Client you stated, “For me, Hairtell was an endorsement of electrologists. Electro_Client you fell in the spider’ss web of James Walker VII CPE DBA Executive Clearance. For years his Hairtell gang has lied to the public by telling them and that James Walker the VII CPE is a great electrologist. These gangs of non-licensed electrologists and three unscrupulous licensed electrologist have multiple false accounts as clients to make them appear competent. James Walker VII CPE and Andrea James should be investigated by the Buffalo Police Department, Buffalo Board of Health, FBI and FCC for federal communications violations that violate the Rico Act.

Mr. Walker ego is so big that on every page Mr. Walker states he is the Electrolysis World Heavyweight Champion and Mike, Dee and Elizabeth are the three licensed electrologists on have failed to stand up and tell you the truth. However they have supposedly stopped associating with James but not one of them protested and demanded that James return your money. Andrea James and her corporation Deep Stealth Inc. is the owner of the website and she’s responsible for your lost of income since she appointed and hired James Walker VII CPE as the moderator. Its obvious James Walker is in the employ of Andrea James when he collects money and profits paid to him by



James Walker spends all his time manufacturing lies and creating fake electrologists and false accounts on to post more lies about honest legitimate licensed and registered electrologists. It’s so mind-boggling when James and his gang of trolls and the Chief of Trolls Dee Fahey and others use, coerce and dupe forum members to call other electrologists offices pig sties, dumps and other dirty names. On the other hand when you visit James Walkers Pig- Pen you learn his shack is a filthy pigsty that should be condemned by the Buffalo Board of Health. Tsk, tsk I’ll bet James Walker VII CPE can see the pathogenic bacteria with his super gynecologist lamp crawling or should I marching on his epilator table and treatment area and there is no doubt that he throws them a few crumbs breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Andrea James is the CEO of Deep Stealth Inc. and owner who hired James Walker VII CPE as moderator for We know James walker VII CPE refuses to return $8900.00 taken from the client Electro-Client who flew in from Germany for a series of treatments by James who claims to be the Electrolysis World Champion. It is bothersome that Andrea James the owner refuses to address the situation and return the money however we have to ask did they spent the money? Since September 9th, 2014 they refuse to reply and they have closed the URL so it cannot be found on a standard internet search in addition deleting many of Electro_Client comments and pleas for help to other member but they ignored her blocked her from posting new comments.

For years I have warned the public and the Trans-Community about James Walker who claims he is a Trans-Friendly electrologist. On the other hand James Walker VII CPE hates Trans- Electrologists because we worked hard to become educated and licensed and registered as electrologists and we take our work seriously. James is an uneducated non-licensed electrologist on who referred to Tran-Electrologists as he, she and it. When James makes such ignorant comments about other Trans-Women it’s very obvious he could care less about his Trans-Clients. I could list every members name, address and prejudice comments who should be investigated especially their supportive comments that are meant to discourage Electro-Client! This would never happen if there where mandatory licensing and registration in every state includes Canada. All state licensed electrologists are required to have a background check in addition to being educated in Electrolysis Theory and Practical Application and than complete a two written and hour practical examination to become a Massachusetts Licensed and Registered Electrologist.



Electro_Client I hate electrolysis nightmares like this and it’s disgusting James Walker VII CPE and Andrea James refuse to return your money. Tsk, tsk I’ll bet James could see the pathogenic bacteria with his super gynecologist lamp crawling or should I marching on the desktop?

Andrea James owner of who hired James Walker VII CPE as moderator for refuses to demand that James Walker VII CPE return $8900.00 taken from a client.

Electro_Client I hope this has helped you and if you would like to publish more information please contact me at and their other ways to make complaints besides the courts. You could make a complaints on their business license, corporations and certain publications which would bring to the attention of the Court of Last Resort know as Public Opinion.

Sincerely Kimberly Williams, R.E, Dean CEO of Boston Electrolysis®
Massachusetts Licensed & Registered Electrologist, 1979

This article copyrighted by Boston Electrolysis® 2016

Here is articles how James Walker VII CPE threatened my life, Walker-VII-CPE-DBA-Executive-Clearance/Page1.html


THE WWW.BOSTON ELECTROLYSIS®Copright 2023www.Boston & quote
By Kimberly Williams, R.E. Owner and Founder of

Milan Laser Hair Removal Are Trademark Infringers

Hacker Bettia Williamson

In this Disclaimer to and for the unknown scammer people and the party that is violating my Boston Electrolysis Federal Trademark Registration Number Serial Number: 88520252  The  receptionist-Secretary blamed the Marketing Team foe all of Milan Milan Laser Parlor Operators. These certifiable disreputable Marketeers low lives know nothing or very little about electrolysis and less about laser hair removal. These trademark infringers who lie and falsely claim, “laser hair removal is permanent which is gross exaggerated lie and it’s a FDA Federal fact that the FDA has ruled and PUBLISHED and publicly stated that Laser Hair Removal Parlors cannot claim and may not advertise permanent hair removal and the FDA has been restricted to claiming permanent “Permanent Hair Reduction”. FDA FACT SHEET HAIR REMOVAL  The false popularity of Temporary laser hair removal has decreased and not grown, prompting many laser manufacturers to claim false research and are seeking that the FDA to issue a false clearance for their lasers without a double blind study. Their market is  committing false advertising that the FDA cannot maintain an up-to-date list of all laser manufacturers however not laser device have not been cleared to claim permanent hair removal in any form or manner, as this list continues to be falsified. You will need to know if a specific manufacturer has received FDA clearance, you can check with the FDA  Falsified Advertising by laser parlors leads  to more false advertising by Milan Laser Hair Removal. You will need to know the manufacturer or device name of the laser. You can also call FDA Center for Approved Devices and Radiological Health because temporary laser hair removal fails to achieve Permanent Hair Removal! Consumer Staff, at 240-276-3103, fax your request to 240-276-3151 Manufacturers should be aware that receiving an FDA clearance for general permission to market their devices does not permit them to advertise the lasers for either Permanent Hair Removal or wrinkle treatment, even though hair removal or wrinkle treatment may be a by-product of any cleared laser procedure. Further, manufacturers may not claim that laser hair removal is either painless or permanent unless the FDA determines that there is sufficient data to demonstrate such results. Several manufacturers received FDA permission to claim, permanent reduction only and not permanent removal in any form or manner period. This means that these devices will not permanently reduce the total number of body hairs, they will not result in a permanent removal of beard hair period. The specific claim granted is to effect stable  permanent hair reduction and not permanent hair removal in any form and manner through selective targeting of melanin in hair follicles. is a total hoax and too many women have had third degree third degree burns from laser hair removal. Hairs re-growing after a laser hair removal treatment regime returns as Paradoxical Hypertrichosis, which may include several sessions causes more hair to grow in heavier. The number of hairs regrowing must be stable over time greater than the complete duration of the complete growth stages of Anangen,Catagen and Telogen. However when it comes to laser hair removal check with the BBB in your state and see hundreds of complaints with each BBB Location. The Laser is in trouble caused by greedy people and unethical doctors who disregard and infringe  other peoples property rights.

Hair follicles, which varies from four to twelve months according to body distribution. Permanent hair reduction does not necessarily imply the elimination of all hairs in the treatment area. FDA does not make comparisons between systems or how well or unsafe the are because lasers emit harmful cancer causing radiation. FDA does not recommend one laser system over another. Lasers should not be because laser operators only 50 hours of training plus the laser causes blindness and third degree burns. Laser Operators should be licensed with a minimum of  thousand hours of training like a state licensed and registered electrologist like myself. cleared for body hair removal are also cleared for facial hair removal. It’s my professional opinion that being MD does not make you expert at laser hair removal because they don’t do it and their laser techs with only a paltry 50 hours of training work on peopl..The Electrologists win hands down since 1876 The Electrolysis Profession has been evolved by women and and now the MDs want to take our profession from us by hacking our websites and spending millions to advertise in illegal deceptive ways they violate FDA statutes. However the Laser Parlor Operators will brake  away from them when they realize laser hair removal is a scam. The cannot learn any thing from a measly 50 course.

Certain low life laser parlors are pretending to be Boston Electrolysis® which is identity theft the Laser Hair Removal Experts are illegally infringing my Boston Electrolysis® Federal Trademark having Registration Number Serial Number:88520252 because they are virtually uneducated laser parlor operators pretending and infringing Boston Electrolysis® Trademark and with their come on tactics they claim they do electrolysis hair removal which was verified as a lie. Dear Bettia Williamson I am informing you and your bosses know that I did not give them my permission to use my Boston Electrolysis® Federal Trademark Registration Number Serial Number: 88520252 in any form or manner. I find that your business does not list people in charge and I have asked you to you call me but you failed to do so because Trademark Infringers don’t like being caught by the way what gave them the right to illegally use my Boston Electrolysis® trademark name to steal hits from my website I have very hard to be polite but your people are rude and poorly educated and lack manners. I would like to bring to your attention that a new domain I purchased titled Milan Laser Hair Removal. By the way your business name Milan Laser Hair Removal is not trademarked. You bought an old domain of mine known as so you steal hits from my website which has been online for 20years… BTW trademark law does not allow you to use Boston Electrolysis® in any form or manner because it is incontestable trademark in its third term. How will you feel if I activated Milan Laser Hair Removal and steal traffic from your website and publish how I have been mistreated and discriminated against? I am looking forward to your reply that you will immediately cease desist your illegal  use of Boston Electrolysis and by the way ignorance will not help you and federal trademark law stipulates and requires that you have to ask me for my written permission or I will make this public and send complaints to the Nebraska Medical Board, BBB and other business organizations. However you can avoid all of that by your immediate cessation and cease your illegal use of Boston Electrolysis in all forms and manner. If you want to make a decent offer I will sell you By The Way it twas Milan Laser Hair Removal who violated my Boston Electrolysis trademark along  with Misgendering Violations by Bettia Williamson. In addition Milan Laser Hair Removal has violated FDA Statutes claiming that Laser Hair Removal is Permanent when the FDA has stated and published that Laser Hair Removal Operators my not claim or advertise Laser Hair Removal cannot claim Permanent Hair Removal inform or manner.

Sincerely Kimberly Williams, R.E. Massachusetts
Licensed & amp; Registered Electrologist
Owner and founder Boston Electrolysis

Finaco professional while employed at prior Headquarters
540 Madison Avenue, 3rd Floor Mellissor Fugor Finanvo

New York, NY 10022
+1 212-593-9000
UK Headquarters
7 Vigo Street
London W1S 3HF
+44 20-3700-9653
General Inquiries

Milan Laser was founded in 2012 by two so called board-certified medical doctors. Its my professional opinion that Milan Laser Hair Removal is not the leading laser hair removal experts in any form or manner any were!  nationwide. They are not the experts in laser hair removal because they hack Boston Electrolysis websites.
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Kristin Saxena Contact Information

Last Update
9/4/2020 12:49 PM



Get Email Address

HQ Phone
(402) 991-0789

Milan Laser Hair Remova lLocation
16939 Wright Plz, Omaha, Nebraska, 68130, United States
Wrong Kristin Saxena?
Kristin Saxena Current Workplace
Milan Laser Hair Removal Logo
Milan Laser Hair Removal

16939 Wright Plz,

Omaha, Nebraska, 68130,
United States Industry
Hair Salons, Consumer Services

Milan Laser was founded in 2012 by two board-certified medical doctors and is the nation's leading laser hair removal company with 56 locations nationwide. However in my professional opinion Laser Parlor Operators . Are not the experts in laser hair removal because at Milan Laser Techs have no more than hours training  from the Rocky Mount School of Laser Hair Removal and they do not one licensed electrologist electrologist working for them period.













Boston Electrolysis Boston Electrolysis® 7330 E Earll Dr, Scottsdale, AZ 85251

 Is this your business? Respond to reviews and customer messages.

Author Kimberly Williams, R.E., Dean Author, Editor & Publisher of©

Massachusetts Licensed & Registered Electrtologist

America’s First Computer Electrology-Electrolysis Specialist©

Guest Lecturer at Harvard Medical School From 1983 to 1987

Boston Electrolysis Private Practice 

7330 East Earll Drive Suite J

Scottsdale, Arizona 85251

Call 480-607-8121 For An Appointment

Author Kimberly Williams, R.E., Dean Author, Editor & Publisher of©

Massachusetts Licensed & Registered Electrtologist

America’s First Computer Electrology-Electrolysis Specialist©

Guest Lecturer at Harvard Medical School From 1983 to 1987


Author Kimberly Williams, R.E., Dean Author, Editor & Publisher of©
Massachusetts Licensed & Registered Electrotologist
America’s First Computer Electrology-Electrolysis Specialist©
Guest Lecturer at Harvard Medical School From 1983 to 1987
Boston Electrolysis Private Practice
7330 East Earll Drive Suite J
Scottsdale, Arizona 85251
Call 480-607-8121 For An Appointment




To all consumers  regarding temporary laser hair removal lasers have been in use from 1998 and have not been approved and “CANNOT ADVERTISE PERMANENT HAIR REMOVAL” Beware LASER PARLORS OPERATORS CAN ONLY “CLAIM PERMANENT HAIR REDUCTION” in the United States by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).  Nevertheless the FDA’s ruling defines laser as permanent hair reduction only and is not long-term reduction in the number of hairs regrowing after a treatment process. However the Laser Parlor Operators admit that many patients experience complete regrowth and there unwanted hair problems become worse bescause laser hair removal treatment causes, “Paradoxical Hyper-Trichosis” which stimultes and causes extreme hair growth on their previously treated areas in the months following their last laser parlor treatment. This means Paradoxical Hyper-Trichosis by laser treatments will increase your unwanted hair problem and make it worse.

First of all I would like to make the following statment and that after 42 years as a practicing Massachusetts Licensed and Registered Electrologist I can say without one doubt that temporary laser hair removal is a dangerous hoax that cannot achieve permanent hair removal in any form or manner period. The laser came out in 1998 and their advertising is restricted and the FDA stated laser operators can only advertise, “Permanent Hair Reduction.” If your Laser parlor operator advertised “Permanent Hair Removal” you take them to court and get your money back because of the phrase, “Permanent Hair Removal is reserved for electrologists only because electrolysis since 1876 has proven that it can achieve Permanent Hair Removal. In addition most Laser Parlor Operators are only required to 50 hours of training and half of the traing is about advertising. When I went electrolysis school in Massachusetts the requirement was 600 hours of practical training plus another 500 hours of theoretical Sciences in Endocrinology, Physiology, Microbiology, Biology, Pharmacology, Electricity, Ethics and other courses. In addition to that we had to midterms and final examinations. After completing the course I had to take two hour written examination and one hour practical examination and after successfully passing the course I was awarded my eletrologist license and registration to practice electrolysis in all three modes Galvanic, Thermolysis and Blend. So when I see a certified non-licensed uneducated electrologist with minimum training with true and false testing and no practical examination I feel sorry for people needing an educated and trained licensed electrologists. To make it worse Laser Parlor Operators in Arizona only are required to take a fifty hour course which equates to them being self trained quacks at best. However the biggest insult is when they run out and purchase a pair of scrubs,white lab coat, white nurses shoes and the get get dressed and they actually believe they are true professionals and all I can do is laugh. However the certfied laser parlor operator is the worst hoax perpatrated on women with unwanted hair problems they have access to sharp instruments and laser equipment that emits harmful cancer causing Ultraviolet radiations and in essence they become self taught do it yourself electrologists and laser parlor operators. By the way above Fake Boston Electrolysis website states, “Boston Electrolysis does Laser Hair Removal.” My belief that non licensed electrologists and poorly educated Laser Parlor Operators are menace and danger to women seeking electrolysis and temporary laser removal because they lack a professional education.  That is reason why women get third degree burned faces with pitting. This is why I will not use temporary laser hair removal because it’s dangerous and does not achieve permanent hair removal in any form or manner in essence laser hair removal is dangerous and hoax period!

There are so many people who do not  like Jerry Stoppleman because of his lack of character however I know for a fact he does not have any character worth speaking about and considering how Jerry Stopplemens hates small business owners like myself who refuse to be listed on Yelp. It’s Jerry’s inferiority complex that has taken over what little dignity he had left. It’s a sad fact Jerry has no respect for other peoples interlectual property rights. It’s obvious Jerry Stoppleman has a vicious mean streak and I can never forget on my way to work ten years ago when my cell phone rang and it was a Rob0 Caller that said, Todays your lucky day you have have a free listing on but then the ominous voice said however there’s a problems because you have a bad review. When I got home there it was a Jeremy Stoppleman manufactured negative review most likely composed by a Yelp Lowlife Trolls.  When I got home I called The Robo-Voice it said, “Don’t Worry” you can join for a modest fee and have the negative review removed. Membership fee was $35.00 per month and in my book Yelp.con through down the gauntlet and was trying to extort my business Boston Electrolysis for money with monthly payments and my thoughts were more scum who want to extort Boston Electrolysis. Well I refused to sign up because Yelp.con is the lowest level of human trash was trying to hustle my business Boston Electrolysis. That was the beginning of Yelps.cons first attempt to steal hits from my Boston Electrolysis website. Since Yelp.cons has fake negative reviews posted by Yelp.cons worst human trash. For the past ten years Jeremy Stopplman of Yelp.con as attacked Boston Electrolysis with one lie after another which I had removed. Jeremy has many nerfs to do his bidding and Jeremy Stoppleman constantly infringes my Boston Electrolysis trademark. From my perspective its obvious  Jeremy Stoppleman hates Transwomen who refuse to advertise and join Yelp. I have copies of all his infractions but why does Jerry Stoppleman single me out his speacialized form of hatred? Jerry Stoppleman has 180 million dollars and all the money he needs and a big house while I’m just a small business owner he likes to hurt. So he must hate me because I don’t like Yelp so he singles me out for his particular type of hate crime to hurt my business  and my feelings by posting lies. How come he takes so much take pleasure in hurting other people? Above is the evidence of him doing this and I am going to send complaints to Google and the FBI Hate Crimes Task Force.

From that point on under Jeremy Stopplemans guidance Yelp has evolved itself into a degenerate time wasting criminal organization and if you look above you can see were Yelp Stated,”Boston Electrolysis” website was unclaimed and as usual Yelps Goon-Platoon aka employees tried and failed to claim Boston Electrolysis did laser hair removal. In addition to that Yelp is aware that my business Boston Electrolysis if a federally registered trademark which means Jerry keep your dirty yelp hands to yourself.  Furthermore the Boston Electrolysis Federal Registration Number USA”5995009″ This means I own Boston Electrolysis however there are always envious lowlifes that have no idea how hard I worked to have a unique incontestable trademark that they cannot steal. However if I were to use the laser I would point it at were the sun does not shine. So these perverse lowlifes have no respect and in addition they hate the fact that I am a successful. In my professional opinion what is wrong with Jerry? Without one doubt they they do not face nor could they face the ongoing prejudice, discrimination and bigotry that is fused with their special never ending brand of Jerry Stoplemans hatred for Transwomen. Jealousy is the ultimate reason why our world has no peace and people like Jeremy Stoppleman deliberately target members of the Trans-Community. Their use jealous hate driven disinformation coupled with hatred to mislead consumers that would come to me.

I am aware of who the Boston Electrolysis® Trans-basher’s identity however I want it to be a surprise when he is arrested for multiple violations of the federal Matthew Shepherd Hate Crimes Act nevertheless I will expose his sociopathic helper’s at large as we progress. The below letter was sent to Jeremy Stoppleman CEO of Yelp US Postal certified return receipt and did sign for it however Jeremy Stoppleman refused to reply to me in any form or manner. This letter involves certain unknown Yelp employee in the Boston area Yelp or another Yelp location where a Yelp employee has been bribed, corrupted or coerced by a twisted Homophobic Trans-Bashers and a Trans-Hater in the Boston Metropolitan area. I would hate to think that Jeremy Stoppleman a prominent member of San Francisco’s Gay Business Community would personally be involved where he is aware that he employs a sociopath to commit such despicable acts of hatred against members of the GLBTG Community like me. Recently, I received fifty anonymous blocked callw by a man claiming to be a Yelp employee and I have picture and cell phone log who threatened my life and to disrupt my website ranking for my Boston Electrolysis® websites known as,,, and

Evidently this low-life bottom-feeding Transbashing is an excutive at Yelp  aka as Mr. Brown would call me and hang up 10 to times a day. Laser parlor operators have access to Yelp.con’s computers because he and his friends have maliciously tried to disrupted my website ranking in addition to illegally using my identity to post stolen copyrighted content and fake photographs of my office on Yelp as one of his ways of harassing members of the Gay Lesbian Bisexual Transgendered Community. Because of my scientific thesis known as, “Laser Hair Removal America’s Most Dangerous Unproven Technology” which proves that laser hair removal is dangerous and temporary at best and with Paradoxical Hypertrichosis which is why so many womens complexions with excessive unwanted facial growth. It’s apparent that certain laser hair removal parlors are paying Yelp to disrupt my website ranking for my Boston Electrolysis® websites however a verbal death threat concerns me and the police who stated you need evidence and a witness to prove it. The temporary Laser Hair Removal Parlors are frightened that consumers will read my thesis which proves beyond a shadow of doubt that laser hair removal equipment emits harmful cancer causing Ultra Violet Radiation which is not safe and causes basal and squamous skin cancer in addition to the evidence that laser hair removal is not permanent and is very painful. Presently laser parlor operators are so painful they have offer anesthetic injections of Lidocaine, Marcaine and IV Sedation with Demerol, Morphine and Valium for their so called painless hair removal.


As you can see below Laser Away, Infiniti Cosmetics Associates, Derma Health Skin & Laser Advanced Image Med Spa Elite Wellness Center and coming in last is Milan Laser Hair Removal these so called businesses pay Yelp to be listed on Jeremy Stoppleman’s Fake Boston Electrolysis Page osted above. All these people claim that laser is superior. However they fail to mention they are commiting trademark infringement by illegally advertiser under Boston electrolysis. On Yelps fake Boston Electrolysis page on yelp.con Jeremy Stoppleman claims I do temporary laser hair removal when I only do electrolysis. Jerry Stoppleman must hate me because for years he has intentionally disrupted my Boston Electrolysis website ranking. In essence Jeremy targets me because I refuse to list Boston Electrolysis on Yelp.con, I call them Yelp.con because their advertisers are the lowest of the profession and they not do electrolysis. Jerry Stoppleman needs to mind his own business and leave me in peace all because I refuse to be listed on his Yelp website. It’s my opinion that Jeremy Stopplman is violating the Matthew Shepherd Hate Crimes and copies of documents has been sent to the F.B.I. Hate Crimes Task Force. In addition the following companys known as Laser Away, Infini Cosmetic Associations, Milan Laser Hair Hair Removal, Advanced Image Med Spa & Elite Welness Center and Derma Heallth Skin & Laser ilegally advertise under Boston Electrolysis Federal Tradmark. For the record Boston Electrolysis has not given permission to the following website to use my Boston Electrolysis trademark Federal Registration Number USA”5995009″ in any form or manner.                                   






ALL ABOUT LASERAWAY 15147 N. SCOTTSDALE ROAD SCOTTSDALE, AZ 85254                                                                    Laseraway 3.1 miles from Boston Electrolysis®


ABOUT MILAN LASER HAIR REMOVAL  13802 N Scottsdale Rd Suite 175, Scottsdale, AZ 85254                     Milan Laser Hair Removal 3/4 mile Boston Electrolysis®


\PEOPE WHO HATE YELP ARE LISTED ON FACEBOOK                                                                                                      People Who Hate Yelp


WHY YELP SUCKS!                                                                                                                                                                             WHY YELP.COM SUCKS


LASER AWAY REVIEWS 15147 N Scottsdale Rd Ste 123, Scottsdale, AZ 85254-2199                                                         ALL ABOUT LASERAWAY 


MILIAN LASER HAIR REMOVAL  4390 N. MILLER ROAD SCOTTSDALE AZ 85251                                                        ALL ABOUT MILAN LASER HAIR REMOVAL

In addition, if you Google, Boston Electrolysis®you will arrive at the Google page below You will see one, two or sometimes three web-pages and the first one is and-skin-therapies-boston . It does not take much intelligence to realize the owner has hired a Yelp lowlife to displace my website ranking for Boston Electrolysis®.


This Yelp page pays-less and take a look at the Top-Three-Laser-Parlor-Advertisers and you will see these Laser Parlor Operators who have engaged in dirty illegal hate crimes by paying Yelp to disrupt my website ranking and be aware that this is illegal and clear violation of the Matthew Shepherd Hate Crimes to interfere or harass Transwomen at work. This is a warning and this article has been sent to the leaders of the GLBT Community in the Scottsdale Area that advertisers on the above mentioned Yelp page are disreputable Laser Parlor Operators who break the law by bashing Transelectrologists like me by illegally obstructing my Boston Electrolysis®website ranking for my Boston Electrolysis websites. Transbasher’s are low-life sociopaths and it’s not enough for them to hate Transwomen they have to destroy and hurt our way of making a living. However I am giving a clear warning to any Laser Parlor Advertisers and disreputable poorly educated electrologists state that when you hit one you hit one of us that will includes the rest of the GLBT Community who will avoid your business. For the record I was the first Trans-electrologists in Massachusetts to become a licensed and registered electrologist and since that day most of the electrologists are good honest hard working women. On the other hand we have a few jealous uneducated non-licensed electrologists who have become poorly educated non-licensed Laser Parlor Operators because their electrolysis skills are lacking who took a measly fifty hour course to become a Laser Parlor Operator. Out of jealousy they hate me the most because I founded and trademarked Boston Electrolysis® in addition to being a currently licensed Massachusetts licensed and registered electrologist since 1979. However we have ask them why do temporary Laser Hair Removal and illegaly advertise under Electrolysis? That’s an easy question to answer because Temporary Laser Hair Removal is dangerous and a total failure that does not achieve Permanent Hair Removal in any form or manner period. Laser Parlor Operators commit false advertising and claim the laser is permanent and if you find a copy were they claim permanent hair removal you can take them to court and get your money back. It’s a known fact in the profession that only an electrologist may advertise permanent hair removal. 


In my letter to Jeremy Stoppleman CEO of I stated, “Mr. Stoppelman, I find it difficult to believe that you personally would single me out and my business for’s criminal abuse, and I hope that until today you have been unaware of the people you employ at who are doing this to me? The employee’s at that is displacing my website ranking needs to be arrested and turned over to the police and sent to prison for violations of the Matthew Shepherd Hate Crimes Act. That person or persons assisting and enabling a Hater or Haters whose so consumed by hatred has threatened to harm myself, my business and my life. advertising staff’s illegal use of my exclusive BOSTON ELECTROLYSIS®trademark on only empowers his hatred of me. How would feel if someone do this to you?” In addition one Yelp excutive was caught calling and hanging up on my office phone over 50 times in a two week period and found his name and picture is on the yelp website.

My entire letter to Jeremy Stoppleman is listed below and there is no valid reason for him to threaten and harass me however I had no reply from or Jeremy Stoppleman in any form or manner and that worries me that one his workers are intercepting my mail to him. This publication is the only the only way to get Mr. Jeremy Stoppleman to pay attention to the illegal acts perpetrated by employee hatred against myself and my Boston Electrolysis websites. Please read the entire article with the proof below that someone has access to a computer and my account that I never opened an account at this link In addition’s staff refuse to grant access to my supposed account so I remove the recently copyrighted photographs and the stolen copyrighted content listed below. IS THE STOLEN COPYRIGHTED CONTENT POSTED ON YELP.COM

“Boston Electrolysis Uses State Of The Art American Made R.A. Fischer CBX-Programmable Computerized Epilator With Short-Wave-Galvanic And Blend Treatments. I successfully Treat All Unwanted Facial Hair Problems From Minor To Severe including Tough Plucked & Waxed Hair Cases. My Practice specializes in the treatment of moderate to severe, “Unwanted Facial Hair Problems”. I Offer a non charge Diagnostic History to Evaluate and treat, “All Unwanted Hair Problems Caused By Medications, Acute Follicullitus and Endocrine and Genetic Disorders I Always Succeed After Others Have Failed. In addition we treat women and men backs, chest, legs, neck, arms, hands, eyebrows and bikini lines.

“Boston Electrolysis Specialized Treatment For Women And Trans-Women Is Second To None.” “In Addition, Eyebrow Shaping A Specialty Plus I Treat Ear Hair, Hands, fingers, Nape Of The Neck And Hairline.”

“I Am Currently Licensed Massachusetts Licensed & Registered Electrologist Plus I Am a a currently a Massachusetts Licensed & Registered Electrologist With 42 Years Of Experience. Furthermore I’m America’s First Computer Electrology Specialist.

It’s quite sad that Mr. Jeremy Stoppleman has no idea what’s going on at Nonetheless bribed or corrupted Transhating employee has threatened my life and promised to disrupt my website ranking for my Boston Electrolysis®websites known as,, Evidently our Transbashing cowardly lowlife has some ability or access to’s computers because he has deliberately disrupted my website ranking in addition to the illegal use of my identity on to post false information and the wrong photograph of my office on as his way pitiful attempt to harass me.

In the end Jeremy Stoppleman will not intercede to stop the crimes committed by a employee who has to sign on and off on advertising account that he works on? I find it hard to believe that Jeremy Stoppleman a prominent member of the GLBTG Community would allow this form of hatred to exist. who claims he wants to help the small business owner is gross exaggerated lie and Mr. Jeremy Stoppleman has allowed copyrighted content and photographs to be stolen from my Boston Electrolysis®websites.

Mr. Jeremy Stoppleman is responsible for registering my website on Yelp without my permission and I all want him to do is remove my listing that he forced upon me and to stop the Transhaters who hired despicable Yelp employee to disrupt my website ranking and harasses me in general. For the record this article is being sent in a more detailed complaint listing names and addresses of the perpetrators plus it is being sent to the FTC, BBB in Boston Mass, FBI Hate Crimes Task Force, Massachusetts Commission Against Discrimination and the Attorney General of the Commonwealth Massachusetts and women business associations of the Boston area.


Kimberly Williams,R.E., Dean

Owner & Founder of
Boston Electrolysis®


When laser hair removal parlors advertise under electrolysis on the internet their making a statement that they can only survive by advertising as electrologists. It’s so simple and yet cancer causing temporary laser hair removal is so dangerous!



Boston Electrolysis®
7330 East Earll Drive, Suite J
Scottsdale, Arizona 85251
Phone 480-607-8121
Fax 480-478-6426

To Yelp Inc.
Jeremy Stoppelman
Chief Executive Officer
706 Mission Street, 7th Floor
San Francisco, CA 94103

Yelp Copyright/Trademark Agent
140 New Montgomery
9th Floor
San Francisco, CA 94105
Phone: (415) 908-3801
Fax: (415) 908-3833

Dear Mr. Stoppelman,

My name is Kimberly Williams, and I am the owner of the trademark BOSTON ELECTROLYSIS®. I am also the owner of United States Registration No. 3,601,889 granted April 7, 2009 for the mark BOSTON ELECTROLYSIS for providing permanent hair removal services. On May 13, 2014, my registration was declared “incontestable” by the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. This incontestable Federal registration constitutes conclusive evidence and notice to the public of the validity of the registered mark and of the registration of the mark, of my ownership of the mark, and of my exclusive right to use the registered mark in commerce for providing permanent hair removal services.

I have used my trademark BOSTON ELECTROLYSIS®continuously since January 2000, or for more than fourteen (14) years, for providing hair removal services. My current place of business is located in Scottsdale, Arizona at the address listed above. Yelp, Inc. has been infringing my trademark, using it without my permission and over my protests.

Mr. Stoppelman, I am aware that is being paid by certain advertisers to deliberately displace my website ranking by stuffing my exclusive trademark and business name BOSTON ELECTROLYSIS® through the use of cloaked script and blatant reproduction. For more than two years, your website has escalated its illegal, unethical assault on my business by monopolizing its unauthorized use of my federally registered and incontestable trademark without my permission. As evidence by the enclosed form of links and printouts, your website had stuffed my trademark BOSTON ELECTROLYSIS® more than 125 times on pages. It appears that this specialized form of internet extortion and harassment is intended to destroy my website ranking and business?

Many times I tried calling’s Scottsdale location, where only voice messaging is possible. No one has ever called me back to address my complaints and efforts at resolution. When I called your San Francisco and Scottsdale offices asking to speak to you, your staff informed me that you are not available, and refused to continuing speaking with me once I mentioned that was infringing my trademark. In additional, your staff has failed to respond to my emails and letters, claiming they never received them. Are you proud of the way your business is being run? I have refused to join, yet you have posted my listing as if I had joined willingly. has allowed a user known as “Shelby S aka the cyber stalker” to post inaccurate, unflattering photos of my parking lot. How dare post misleading photographs of my office in an obvious effort to make my office look bad? In addition, has illegally leased my BOSTON ELECTROLYSIS®trademark to Boston-area advertisers without my permission, allowing these advertisers to promote their businesses under the trademark that belongs exclusively to me: BOSTON ELECTROLYSIS ®.

Cease and desist demand.

Mr. Stoppelman, I hereby demand that cease and desist their improper, unauthorized use of my BOSTON ELECTROLYSIS®trademark on all pages of the website within three (3) days of your receipt of this FAX. Failure to desist using my Boston Electrolysis®Trademarked name will result my pursuing legal remedies, with punitive monetary damage for the last two years. Please be advised that I have made and kept complete records of’s escalating illegal abuse. If you do note cease and desist, I will bring your company’s shameful actions against me to the attention of law enforcement and the media. To date, I have informed the Better Business Bureau. If you take no action within the above- specified time limit, I will file additional complaints, including the names of the involved advertisers, with the Scottsdale Police Department, the FBI Hate Taskforce, The Arizona Commission against Discrimination, and the Arizona Attorney General’s Office. is Aware That Cyber-Stalking is motivated by prejudice and hate?

More particularly, I have previously informed the Oakland Better Business Bureau (BBB), your hosting company Dynamic Network Services, Inc., and members of your staff that at least one and perhaps two of your advertisers have been cybertalking my business by intentionally paying to disrupt my BOSTON ELECTROLYSIS®website ranking. I filed a trademark complaint against a Google Ads advertiser for abuse, and his Google account was permanently cancelled. Directly after he lost his Google account, he hired to continue the disruptions of my website rankings for my BOSTON ELECTROLYSIS® websites including, and Mr. Stoppelman, my understanding is that the BBB notified you as to the seriousness of the escalating cybertalking that is facilitating. The offending advertiser has been stalking me because I am Transgendered, and he has made you and his partners in Hate Crimes against me. He violates the Matthew Shepherd Crimes Act by deliberately disrupting my BOSTON ELECTROLYSIS website ranking, and hence my business. I find it shocking, Mr. Stoppelman, that you, as a member of the Gay community, would be complicit in selling me out and knowingly accepting payment from two advertisers, one of which has threatened my life and promised to ruin my business.

By your inaction, Mr. Stoppelman, you have become an accomplice to the shameful actions of your unprincipled staff and advertising force. The willful actions of have empowered a sick, twisted individual who cyber stalked me for ten years, fueled by the sick hatred of him and his sister of Transgendered women. As a member of the Gay Community, you should know that unsolved murders and acts of violence against Transgendered Women are the highest in the United States compared with any other group of people. Mr. Stoppelman I am 66 years of age and handicapped, and I must work to support myself. I refuse to belong to because it is paradise for sick Homophobes and others who hate and single out Transgendered business owners. As soon as you posted my BOSTON ELECTROLYSIS business on, a cyber stalker posted sick, twisted comments about the fact that I am transgendered, which has nothing to do with how I run my business and perform electrolysis treatments. It took two months of my time to get remove that sick comment by an anonymous hater. I have reviewed your entire web site. I do not see other businesses attacked in this manner. I can only conclude that your advertising people have singled me as the target for their hatred of me being transgendered. Mr. Stoppelman, do you screen your employees? Do you knowingly allow them to commit acts of prejudice, discrimination and hatred against members of the GLBT Community? This could leave you and your advertising staff vulnerable to civil and criminal charges, because eventually this hater will slip and be caught. This hater is from Boston, and I am sure he has compromised one or more of your Yelp employees in the Boston Yelp office. I relocated to Arizona from Boston in part because of the extreme racism and prejudice there against members of GLBT Community.

Mr. Stoppelman, I find it difficult to believe that you personally would single out me and my business for this criminal abuse, and I hope that until today you have been unaware of the people you employ at who are doing this to me. The employee at that is displacing my website ranking needs to be arrested and turned over to the police. That person or persons is assisting and enabling a Transphobic-Homophobic sociopath consumed by hatred, one who has threatened to harm myself, my business and my life. Your advertising staff’s illegal use of my exclusive BOSTON ELECTROLYSIS® trademark on only empowers his hatred of me. How would feel if someone do this to you?

In conclusion, I reiterate my demand that cease and desist their improper, unauthorized use of my BOSTON ELECTROLYSIS®trademark on all pages of the website within three (3) days of your receipt of this Fax or registered letter. These terms are not negotiable. Please indicate your acceptance by signing and dating this letter below where indicated and returning the signed dated copy to me by email or facsimile within three (3) days of your receipt of this registered letter. I hope that can live up to its claim.” We do not take kindly to those who abuse the intellectual property rights of others.”’s abuse of my Boston Electrolysis®trademark has to stop immediately.

Very truly yours,

Kimberly Williams, R.E., Dean, Pro Se

6 copies of URLS Infringing Boston Electrolysis®
Links to website page of stuffing Boston Electrolysis®.
Evidence of stuffing by
I accept the terms of this letter on behalf of myself and Yelp, Inc.:

Jeremy Stoppelman

Signature Printed Name

Boston Electrolysis®Addendum:

The jurisdiction or geographical area to which the mark Boston Electrolysis®applies.

For International Class 044, the mark is in use in commerce on or in connection with all of the goods or services listed in the existing registration for this specific class: Permanent hair removal; and the mark has been continuously used in commerce for five (5) consecutive years after the date of registration, or the date of publication under Section 12(c), and is still in use in commerce on or in connection with all goods or services listed in the existing registration for this class. Also, no final decision adverse to the owner’s claim of ownership of such mark for those goods or services exists, or to the owner’s right to register the same or to keep the same on the register; and, no proceeding involving said rights pending and not disposed of in either the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office or the courts exists.

The goods and/or services covered by or offered under the Boston Electrolysis mark.

Permanent hair removal; and the mark has been continuously used in commerce for five (5) consecutive years after the date of registration, or the date of publication under Section 12(c), and is still in use in commerce on or in connection with all goods or services listed in the existing registration for this class. Also, no final decision adverse to the owner’s claim of ownership of such mark for those goods or services exists, or to the owner’s right to register the same or to keep the same on the register; and, no proceeding involving said rights pending and not disposed of in either the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office or the courts exists.

Permanent hair removal; and the mark has been continuously used in commerce for five (5) consecutive years after the date of registration, or the date of publication under Section 12(c), and is still in use in commerce on or in connection with all goods or services listed in the existing registration for this class. Also, no final decision adverse to the owner’s claim of ownership of such mark for those goods or services exists, or to the owner’s right to register the same or to keep the same on the register; and, no proceeding involving said rights pending and not disposed of in either the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office or the courts exists.

The goods and/or services covered by or offered under the Boston Electrolysis mark.

Permanent hair removal; and the mark has been continuously used in commerce for five (5) consecutive years after the date of registration, or the date of publication under Section 12(c), and is still in use in commerce on or in connection with all goods or services listed in the existing registration for this class. Also, no final decision adverse to the owner’s claim of ownership of such mark for those goods or services exists, or to the owner’s right to register the same or to keep the same on the register; and, no proceeding involving said rights pending and not disposed of in either the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office or the courts exists.

Mr. Stoppleman, Please immediately remove Boston Electrolysis®from all your website pages including the source code. Listed below are pages of with links that infringe my Boston Electrolysis®trademark with cloaked script or just blatant use and abuse. In addition I do not wish to be listed on in any form or manner. In addition I have enclosed a copy of Trademark Policies. I have enclosed printouts which prove is violating my trademark. .com/biz/boston-electrolysis-scottsdale


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Kimberly Williams, R.E. MA Licensed & Registered Electrologist – Filmmaker and consumer activist & MA Licensed Electrologist

Kimberly Williams, R.E., MA Licensed & Registered Electrologist, and
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 The Real Journal Trans-Electrolysis Update© 7/1/2018

700+ Trans Women Take A Stand Against Andrea James




Andrea James, NPD Is Identified and Known as a Public Enemy Number One to the Trans-Community©

Kimberly Williams, R.E., Dean

Massachusetts Licensed & Registered Electrologist
Board Certified Electrologist In Massachusetts

Guest Lecturer of Harvard Medical School 1983-1987

Plus My Experiences and Lectures at Harvard Medical School From 1983-1987

Andrea James,NPD owner Deep Stealth Productions and should be avoided by all consumers since her behavior is erratic, paranoid and sick. Andrea James, NPD claims to be an American transgender rights activist however her biggest hoax in addition to claiming to be a film producer, and blogger.  Nonetheless Andrea James,NPD is obnoxious to deal with because she afflicted with NPD also known as Narcissistic Personsonality Disorder. However you should visit these links to see what other people say about her. For instance the Zinnia Jones tells the truth about Andrea James, NPD and her internet antics coupled with a retinue of non-stop lies and you can visit her site at this link The Truth About Andrea James.

Andrea James claims being in the movies and TV Shows stretch the truth like a three dollar bill. Nonetheless Andreas James,NPD , one of her  biggest lies is that Andrea touts is her false fabrications is that she’s a graduate of the University of Chicago when in reality Andrea admitted taking a single night course in learning how to insult honest hard working people with her viscious lies. Plus Andrea claims to be the president of Deep Stealth Productions with lame voice lessons and bogus Trans-Tips however buyer beware and use your credit card in purchasing items from Deep Stealth Productions because you can dispute the charge and have your money returned if your not satifisfied or the product is defective or bogus to begin with. Beware of purchasing Deep Stealth Production items that are marked up 1000%! On the other hand Andrea James,NPD identifies herself as the Queen of  Narcissistic Personality Disorders because people cannot stand the fact that her she insults and offends everyone she encounters. 
Nonethelesss, “Consumers Beware of Deep Stealth Productions AKA Gender Life Productions.” When it comes to voice lessons and electrolysis facts you should read https// written Kimberly Williams, R.E. a Massachusetts licensed amd Registered Electrologist, licensed since 1979.  Watchout for non-licensed electrologists on Hairtell.cos and stay away from bogus hacks and quacks like Andrea James and James Walker VII NLE AKA Non Licensed Electrologist. I happened across “Andrea James” page when doing a Google search for “Trams-Electrolysis” and boy is Andrea a Klassic Kook. I had read on about some of her multitude attacks on Trans-Women including myself, but when I pulled up her page oh dear she’s a twisted A-H, The whole thing is basically are her poorly contrived lies with Andrea James and James Walker both having Psychological Hernias with their hateful rants against Massachusetts licensed and registered electrologists, most of the NLE aka Non-Licensed-Electrologists who post on are uneducated Non-Licensed Electrologists. Most if not all are jealous and envious uneducated non-licensed Electrologists and this goes without saying. I hope no-one ever uses James Walker VII CPE for electrolysis because he’s a uneducated non-licensed electrologist that hates state licensed and registered electrollogist. At best James Walker VII CPE has demented and dangerous  I happened across “James Walker VII CPE” page when doing a Google search for “Trans-Electrolysis” and boy has he gone around the bend. I had read on Hairhellcom about some of his crazy antics, but when I pulled up his page…oh dear. The whole thing is basically about James Walker VII CPE who robbed his client German-Girl for ten thousands of dollars on Don’t Forget Andrea James owns and probably split the money with James Walker VII CPE whose quite a psychologically challenged individual.  About 97% of the Electrologists who post on are poorly educated, poorly trained and non-licensed electrologists QUACKS just like James Walker VII CPE. First of all, and this goes without saying, I hope NOBODY ever goes to James Walker because he’s a an uneducated dullard at best. At best James Walker VII NLE aka Non-licensed electrologist has no electrolysis education to speak of. In spite of this James Walker VII CPE COVETS all licensed and registered Electrologists credentials and he hates state licensed and registered electrologist’s because he lacks the intelligence and a high school diploma to become a licensed and registered electrologist.

 She we should do anything for money and I still possess copy of her two minute phone rant on my voice-mail where she threatened me. Andrea James and the thuggish James Walker VII CPE, pays her for attacking other State Licensed and Registered Electrologists that he is jealous of.  James Walker VII CPE is so consumed by hatred they use’s jealous Non-Licensed Uneducated electrologists to attack and harrass educated licensed and registered electrologist because he covets them and hates them at the same time.

Andrea James, NPD is obviously more cracked than ever now because of the scandal-robbery at which will not go away because German Girl has them in her sights. Looking at her website Andrea James is foaming-at-the-mouth because German-Girl will not let go of James Walker because he refuses to return her money. Obviously, Andrea is some kind of whacko-loon and her NPD is getting out control because she has delusions of paranoia-because James walker VII refuses to return her hard earned money. Many people wish James and Andrea would learn how to be honest with people instead of deceiving them. Would anyone want James Walker the VII CPE working on  their face? Just look at James Walkers and ask why does Andrea james endorses him after what he did to innocent woman known as German-Girl?  If anyone is a psycho it’s all the Non-licensed quacks that infest with one scam after another they rob and pillage honest clients.

I honestly can’t imagine anyone going to a which  is a collection of non-licensed uneducated electrologists that are very unstable like James Walker VII CPE and Andrea James, NPD. Being a graduate of Miss Kelly’s of Electrology  and a licensed electrologist with 43 years of private-practice have taught me it’s a known fact shaving causes hair growth and skin damage during electrolysis treatments. BTW Andrea James is not a licensed electrologist plus she never attended a professional electrolysis school in any form or manner. Based on Andrea James total lack of electrolysis has knowledge knowledge of electrolysis with no training and zero experience with her knowledge about electrolysis would not fill Tinkerbelle’s thimble. James Walker, VII NCPE Wannabe Non-Certified-Professional-Electrologist never attended an electrolysis school in any form or manner and is too lazy to study and read.  Andrea James, NPD never attended a descent professional electrolysis school period because Andrea James is to lazy to attend a quality electrolysis school because she makes her money begging for donations. Her uneducated non-licensed electrologist in Chicago made A mess of her face.  Plus she shaved during electrolysis treatments and that damages your skin and only idiot shaves their face while having electrolysis treatments. Shaving during electrolysis treatment definitly slows the progress of your electrolysis treatments and damages your skin and slows down the healing process. That’s unethical because Hairhell.coms non-licensed uneducated electrologist’s want you to shave during your treatments so you will spend more money and take longer to clear up plus your skin will be permanently damaged. James Walker is a greedy troll that does not care about his clients  and just read what he did to the German Girl below.


Meggieralph wrote


rating 1.0

James offers discount if you pay over $10,000 upfront than leaves town. Then he makes excuses why he can’t see you and doesn’t return your money. He won’t even return phone calls. He has done this to several people that I know of. He will tell you that NO ONE else does the work the way he does. They are not trained properly, yet one person I visited had a certificate on the wall for advanced training signed by… guessed it…..James Walker VII!!!!. So he trains them, but they don’t know what they are doing? Really? His place of business is so filthy and dangerous. He is a hoarder and all but one exit is blocked with piles of junk.

Don’t take my word for it. Call around to other electrologists in the area and mention his name and see what reaction you get. It won’t be good.

Andrea James Trans Voice Lessons, Can You Hear Me Now?

When it comes to voice instruction there is a website in Los Angeles called Take Lessons that offer voice and singing lessons at this link. I checked the site and they had twelve listed and they have a written guarantee. When it comes to professional services it’s education, training, expereience and professionalism that counts instead and stay away from uneducated bogus Do it Yourself Hacks and Quacks. Voice Lessons should be provided by licensed professionals only and consumer beware of Hollywood which is loaded with scam artists

Without one doubt Andrea James,NPD is a fake Writer, Director, Filmaker and Trans-Activist Gone Bad! HerNarcissistic  Majesty use to be located at 952 Lucile Avenue Los Angeles, California 90026 Andrea James is just a short five minute drive or a short 2.3 mile walk to her Mail Box Etcetera account located at Deep Stealth Productions 5419 Hollywood Blvd., #C142 Hollywood, CA 90027. Her phony production company called Deep Stealth Productions which is a Mail Boxes Etcetera account without real physical address without a real business office. She claims to have degree in English from the University of Chicago which she never attended or graduated. In addition Andrea James is not a movie director nor a movie star and does not possess a movie contract in any form or manner. Her make believe movie production company called Deep Stealth Productions is a total hoax and it’s located at Mailboxes ETC! and has no real physical address. In addition she claims to have taught Felicity Huffman everything she knows about acting for her role in T America which is why the movie flopped.

Without one doubt Andrea James, NPD graduated with from Tall Tales University and won the coveted “Pinocchio Award” for Lying, Slandering and Yellow Journalism and abusing honest hard working Trans-Professionals out of jealousy. On the other hand her infamous voice lessons are another scam and when Andrea calls you she says,”Can you hear me now?” Her websites are full of fake reviews as is her life. If you want a real speech therapist find a professional since Hollywood has more than enough qualified speech therapists because they have so many singers and entertainers. However you should read how Andrea James the owner of and her personal moderator of James Walker VII CPE took $8,900.00 US Dollars from a client without providing the electrolysis treatments. Since Andrea James owns the site she is responsible to return the money however she refuses to comment why the money has not been returned German-Girl.

Andrea James, NPD is a petty-tyrant who refuses to accept the truth that 350 Trans-Women and Trans Feminine People have taken a stand against her dishonesty and her viscious attacks upon members of the Trans-Community. However Andrea James, NPD claims she is a ”Trans Pioneer That Has Been Fighting For The Trans Community For Decades”. She is angry that people call her the El Whoppo of Gross Exagerated Lies. Andrea James, NPD has made so many false claims like that every member of the of will need a head to toe rubberized Sewer Suits that includes oxygenated airtight helmets so they won’t drown in her own excrement.

All Trans-Women Oppose Sick Attacks by Andrea James

That’s because Andrea James, NPD does not believe or recognize another’s persoms rights in addition she takes the law into her own hands. Additionally Andrea lies like a cheap rug and tries to control her fake media campaign with her 24/7 Adolf-Hitler-Propaganda BS that is full of fictitious aspersions and slanderous accusations. Further it’s a known fact Andrea James,NPD believes and uses known viscous Nazi Hate Tactics such as lies to slander and assassinate an honest individual’s character. Without one doubt that was Hitler’s mode of operation and in my book that makes Andrea a full-fledged Nazi-Storm Trooper and henceforth she is a compulsive liar, cheat and thief, Andrea James shall be forever known as the Scourge of the Internet. Warning, consumers beware without one doubt Andrea James,NPD loves all things about herself in addition informed sources have stated, “She is a devotee of the Andrea James Theory with all its lies and perversions.”

On Trans Update I stated, “Fact and for the record Andrea James the more you slander and steal from me I hereby make you this promise that I will guarantee that your name will be synonymous on the “World Wide Web” where were Andrea James will be identified and known as a Public Enemy Number One to the Trans-Community.

Well just to let you know you are in for it now because every time you steal my intellectual property from me I am going to tell the “World Wide Web” about your latest criminal capers and you’re thieving ways.  I stated, ” Andrea all you have to do is stop stealing my name, domains and search listings.” Andrea James from the beginning of my argument which is about your theft of my ‘‘Intellectual Property’’ by you, of course; you have tried to the change subject with your lies and deception tactics. In addition what started off and appeared to be a disagreement amongst two women has brought about genuine information that exposes Andreas James as a habitual career criminal . Nevertheless all the reader has to do is look at the bottom of this article and people can see her thievery in action or., Just Google an Open Letter to Andrea James and you can see that the Trans Community is fed up with her hate tactics.

Huffington Post 100-Plus Trans Women Slam and Stand Against Andrea James: An Open Letter From Zinia Joans to Andrea James!

She was wrong and furthermore I want to make you aware that not one individual of our “American Society” has the right to break the law by disregarding the rights of others and Andrea’s theft of my identity proves that her claim that she is a “Consumer Trans Advocate” is a delusional fantasy and gross exaggerated lie. Moreover she is always complaining about how Trans rights are abused by prejudice bigoted people, nonetheless would someone please tell me what right has the Andrea has to steal my interlectual property and then claim she is “Consumer Advocate”? Would someone please tell me why the Andrea thinks she has the right to thieve from her sisters and to use her perverse prejudice, discrimination and prejudice against myself and other Transwomen? Allot of people are divided about this conversely I do not have one doubt that she is a criminal and she blew the opportunity in her new life to have a clean slate because she chose to continue her old ways as a liar, cheat and thief.Let me tell you about Andreas nonstop lies, deceit and treachery which have hurt others and only strengthens my will to expose her as nothing more tham a degenerate sociopathic blood-sucking leeche that feeds off “Transwomen”.

Andrea James, NPD of the “Net” is having another World Wide Web Temper Tantrum and this time she is crying, “Wah, Wah, Wah all because I wrote another article about her thieving my property. Guess what, Andrea James the hypocrite did exactly what I expected her to do, she has increased her hate vendetta against myself and others by stealing and using my own personal name Kimberly Williams, R.E., Dean and domains to steal more of my search listings and hits for her babbling boring boorish websites,, and

Well it’s quite apparent that Andrea James, NPD has a warped anti-social sociopathic thought process coupled with a NPD!

Furthermore she practices her specialized form hate discrimination against other Transwomen. In addition she thinks has the right to steal more search listings from myself by using my name, business name and domains she will show everyone how she has placed herself above the law by assuming God like powers to punish her enemies. Nevertheless she claims not to have a clue why I refer to her as a total jerk. The clueless Andrea James imagines herself to be Ms. Transsexual America however in reality she is the Internets degenerate hypocrite that thinks her use of cyber stalking and theft of my intellectual property is acceptable behavior? Her websites, and and are nothing less than “Scam Ridden Websites” where she rants and raves and tells everyone how to walk, talk, look and hate just like her. However Andrea flunks when it comes to being a human being because she resorts to her hateful ways of being rude, crude, foul and offensive, insensitive and in essence she is a cruel heartless no account who thinks she can steal her way to success at other people expense. On the other it’s obvious that Andrea James takes pleasure in hurting Trans-women with her mean spirited evil lies.

Andrea James totally fails as human being because she cannot think, feel or act like a normal caring person.

Look at her writing she has no compassion, she has no heart and she totally shuns and blocks any and all good feelings of sensitivity and emotion. Fact look at her writing skills and you will learn that Andrea has a limited vocabulary because her favorite words are I, me and myself and the F word. Her attitude is the hell with everybody else’s feeling and rights all because she is a lonely miserable wretch incapable of being happy. Well girls what Andrea James is really saying is that she has hit rock bottom and she lives in a vast bottomless vat of miserable self imposed loneliness and she desperately wants anyone’s company to share her misery.

Well girls, we all have heard this old story before and beyond a shadow of doubt Andrea James has exiled herself as an outdated frozen frigid lonely woman who is incapable of expressing a sliver of love and compassion.

Folks take a close look at her websites where she is always screaming for attention because her life is lonely and she has told everybody on the “Internet” a million times plus how beautiful, smart and wonderful she is. Her inability to talk about pleasant subject matter is completely absent and most obvious. She claims to be a “Consumer Advocate and that she alone champions the Trans community but if you read her comments” about others and how she runs her sisters into the ground because of jealousy and without one doubt her double standard trademarked attack mode with her perverse use of cruelty which has twisted her mind. Andrea James thinks that being a bitch will win her respect and admiration in the Trans Community. Andrea James is the Boss Hog of the Transgender Community for she refuses to talk about her shady laser parlor operators and non-licensed third-rate uneducated non-licensed electrologists on and that pay her bribes for referrals.

Andrea James fantasizes she is the only Transbitch in the world that has been discriminated against. Fact she refuses and has deliberately ignored and failed to respect all Transwomen who fought have rampant prejudice, discrimination and bigotry long before her. Andrea James steals everyone’s thunder and lightning to generate the electricity for her 24/7 “Propagandist Style” look at me limelight about her dismal accomplishments that are over shadowed by her fuel injected super charged motor mouth telling everyone how great she is. Andrea James is a self-intoxicating attention seeking glutton-hound who can never get enough on the other hand she says her most notable accomplishment in her life was her keynote speech at the American Electrology Association where she lectured to 300 non-licensed uneducated electrologists. Should we be impressed?  Her key note speech was about scams and shams however she never talks about the real villains like herself and the shady laser parlor operators and non-licensed crooked electrologists on her scam ridden website were the moderator robbed almost ten-thousand dollars from a client who flew from Germany to have treatment with James Walker VII CPR.

Of course Andrea James owner of believes her own lies and she refuses to return the money she split with James Walker VII CPE!!! This proves Andrea James is a liar, cheat and thief. By the way Andrea James refuses to compensate German Girl for almost $10,000 United State Dollars paid in advance to James Walker VII CPE who is an uneducated non-licensed electrologist who was the moderator of who skipped town with the loot without providing electrolysisl services. For your information 99% of the electrologists on are uneducated non-licensed Quack-Electrologists with little or no training. This is why it happened because Andrea James and her moderator James Walker VII CPE used it for scams because of letting James Walker VII CPE and his uneducated non-licensed electrologists to rob, steal and cheat consumers. Can you imagine how long it took for German Girl to work for and save that much money? To this day the money has not been returned and we have to ask Andrea James owner of Hairtell.coms why she has not returned the money?

On this page Andrea James owner of endorsed Mr. Walker and said, “Note from Andrea, author of tsroadmap: For many years, James has been a moderator and top contributor on my hair removal forum ( He’s shown a real dedication to helping consumers with hair removal issues, and he is a huge ally of the Trans-community.” However before James Walker CPE became Moderator of Andrea James neglected to check James Walkers credentials. After an exhaustive investigation of James Walker I learned that he never attended an electrolysis school in any form or manner. In addition James Walker failed his American Electrology Association Certified Professional Electrologist examination which any third grader could pass. Also if Andrea had run a back-round check on James Walker VII CPE she would not have hired him. BTW the Certified Professional Electrologist examination does not require a practical electrolysis examination. It’s a true and false examination that any third grader could pass. If required their electrologists to be licensed this crime would not have happened.

Read About Andrea James Owner of Were Trans client German Girl Was Robbed of $10,000 US Dollars and Andrea James Refuses to Return Her Money!

Andrea James never mentioned that I have set up 2 non-profit gender clinics and referrals for Transwomen can get quality medical care without groveling or being charged one cent for a donation like Andrea James…Andrea James is the one who circulated viscous lies and insinuated rumors that I never lectured Harvard Medical School from 1983-1987 nevertheless I posted the article and a letter of appreciation from Harvard Medical School on from the Dean Of Harvard Medical School sure shut Andrea’s flapping jaws. Fact I pioneered for civil rights and during my transition before it was fashionable. However Andrea James reason for her crusading efforts is attention and the more she gets the more intoxicated she becomes with herself.

The one and only best way to describe Andrea’s James madness is that psychologically she is exactly like the infamous Senator Joseph McCarthy of the 1950’s who branded people communists and ruined their lives.

Harvard Medical School where about how to rise above prejudice, discrimination and bigotry by positive accomplishments. For over 27 years as a practicing Massachusetts Licensed & Registered Electrologist I have helped more Transwomen by being more than just their electrologist. When in Massachusetts and now in Arizona I have set up non-profit gender clinic and referrals for TS’S where people can get quality medical care without being charged her for excessive referral fee or she gets a kick back without your knowledge. Fact and for the record I do not need a non-stop 24/7 “Nazi Propaganda Machine” like Andrea James to tell the world I am good at heart and devoted to my profession as a Massachusetts Licensed & Registered Electrologist, licensed, 1979.

Andréa James website forum has become a known infested criminal breeding ground and crime school for uneducated unlicensed unethical second rate wannabe electrologists and unscrupulous laser parlor operators who grease Andrea’s palm or buy whatever she wants on her “Wish List” on and pay their way and become a Top Ten Contributor on the s Forum to get a referral fee.

For the record Andrea tells one whopping lie after another shooting her off her big mouth all over the “Net” that she has a degree English. In addition she so embarrassed that she will not talk about being caught in that lie. Fact people have asked Andrea James to prove that she has a degree in English but for some reason she has removed that claim from all her websites. Fact right here in America there is major corruption on the Internet because honest TS and TG support websites are being relentlessly and ruthlessly attacked and driven off their internet home pages by Andrea James whose primary goal is to also dethrone Leona Helmsly and be the new “Queen of Mean” and bad deeds by her use of fraud, deceit and treachery. In addition there is great battle on the “Net” for the Transwomen Electrolysis pages and my website has stopped her criminal march and agenda dead in her tracks to take over and control electrologist’s websites and hair removal pages. One has to be deaf, dumb and blind not to see the blatant fraud and corruption where Andrea supplies, funnels refers leads to her corrupt “Top Ten Contributors” AKA the ” uneducated non-licensed electrologists” on her forum her which has become is a “Safe Haven” for criminals claiming to be electrologists and unscrupulous laser parlor operators who lube and grease the Andrea’s greasy palms by being a “Top Ten Contributor” on forum or buy whatever she wants on her “Wish List” on to get a referral.

Furthermore Andrea is such a pitiful yellow coward she uses weak willed second-rate unethical has been uneducated non-licensed electrologists on Hairtell.coms.

Warning electrologists see what she is doing by pitting one electrologist against another and she has gone out of her way to help unethical non-licensed electrologists in Arizona with their search listings if her effort to try to hurt my practice. However who claims to be a “Consumer Advocate” has no ethics and use her claimed “Magical Ad Powers” for evil.

Andrea James, NPD claims to be a consumer advocate (what a joke) yet she breaks the law to get her way and steals my name, domains identities and my search listing to punish me or to enrich herself from my hard work?

So Andrea is clearly demonstrating to the world that she believes that fraud and theft is normal behavior for a “Consumer Advocate” like herself. Well girls it is apparent and obvious that she views as her threat to her position and power? After publicly stealing and slandering me she wants you to disrespect anyone she dislikes however she does not care about your unwanted hair problem. She does not tell you that I guarantee my electrolysis in writing I am America’s first and only electrologist who guarantees in writing that after one treatment, if you can locate a better electrologist, bring me the receipt and I will refund your first treatment fee. In addition to that, even on difficult cases, I can work at one-third to one-fourth the time of the average electrologist – licensed or unlicensed. I also guarantee that you will have the most comfortable treatment with no scabbing, scarring or pitting as direct result of my treatments.

Fact Andrea James accepts and welcomes pay offs in all forms and manners and assures any and all uneducated unlicensed electrologists with a little more cash you can be a featured electrologist on forum.

Andrea James claims she knows more about electrolysis than anyone, however have you seen her face close up? Fact and for the record years ago Andrea James on a forum claimed that her electrologist in Chicago butchered her face was a non-licensed electrologist and she bitches how her face is mess and full of pits and scars and now we know why she has no close ups, fact and for the record 99% of “TG Recommended Electrologists” on, and is a haven for uneducated non-licensed electrologists. Go to to see her latest scams and they’re easy to spot them just look at the staged questions written by second-rate non-educated non-licensed AKA known certified professional electrologists posting easily answered questions. In addition these second-rate non-educated non-licensed certified electrologists look and wait for Andrea’s nod of approval that she received her payoff from them.

On Forum you will discover second-rate non-educated non-licensed certified electrologists post and ask and answer their own questions with textbook answers that are cut, copied and pasted from electrolysis books as replies from the electrologist who just happens to be a Forum member and one of Andrea James favorite Top Ten Contributor. However the real scam is in’s Forum of which Andrea James is always the moderator. However most disgusting are the Forums Top Ten Contributors who are non-educated non-licensed electrologists and laser parlor operators who compose their own self-written phony testimonials of just how great they are. Andrea James approves of this “TG Recommended Electrologists” who predatory certified wannabe criminals posing as electrologists and unscrupulous laser parlor operators to rip you off to your last red cent as long as Andrea James gets her payoff. Andrea James got angry at me because I requested my website be removed in from TG Approved “Electrologists” in addition to that she really got angry when I refused to pay her extortion money for a referral.

Andrea James continues to think that she has the right to take the law into her own hands.

How dare anyone think that they have the right to take the law into your hands? Andrea really believes she is above the law in addition to that she flushed her self-respect and what little dignity she had down the crapper a long time ago by breaking one law after another with one lie after another to inflict harm upon myself and others. The lying conniving Andrea has become a vicious shrew whose insatiable hunger devours and consumes the hard work of others.  The only thing I have wanted from you is for you to stop using my name, my business name and domains to fuel your malignant narcism and obsessive hatred of myself all because I asked you to be delisted from your website.

Andrea thinks her perverted use of cruelty upon others and myself is justified and she is infuriated because we will not click our heels and give the Nazi salute to Andrea James and say Seig Heil Andrea James is a fake “Consumer Advocate” who talks when she does the walk and it’s easy to she is a desperate wannabe outdated “Valley Girl” who has completely plasticized herself with absolutely no genuine feminine feelings or emotions. Andrea has painted herself into psychological corner with no way out and until she ceases her hate campaign and private Vendetta against others and me she will not have one moment’s peace until she stops making war on everyone. Nevertheless Andrea has a long list of victims whose character she has assassinated because they disagreed with her.

A closer look reveals the same old story she is nothing less than a petty wannabe Nazi dictator and you better do everything she says and believes or she will punish you.  She also claims to provide the best original content where she further claims she is alone is the positive role model example and she takes a stand against the wave of negative imagery and emotions that keeps the “Transgender Folk” from having our voice in world opinions. Nice thought and imagery nursed by a couple of Budweiser’s but girls please be aware that Andrea James has anointed and appointed herself and without one doubt she has proclaimed herself to be the “Anti- Christ” of the Transgendered Community. She has empowered herself to steal others intellectual property change a few words and call it her own. Andrea James talks about the use negative imagery yet she is the mistress of dishonesty; perfidy and deceitfulness on her way to the top of the dung heap to elect herself Ms. Trans-America where she wants to become the third sex. On her way to the throne she dispatches her imagined enemies with typical sociopathic aplomb and trademark character assassination by lies, deceit and treachery. However ask yourself what has so done for you and think about her use of her vile profane language and the theft of other people’s property and then ask her how her criminal behavior will benefit the TS and TG Community?

Fact and for the record Andrea James has brought harm upon the image of the “TG Community” because she so clueless she does not that realize her criminal behavior is not tolerated by the majority of honest citizens.

Andrea James talks about the fringe element of what she calls “Trolls and Kooks”. Girls and boys without doubt Andrea James will accuse anyone any time of anything that she imagines is a threat to her imaginary throne of being Ms. Trans-America and she really envisions herself to be purported orator for the Trans Community. Regarding Andrea James definition of Kooks and Trolls in which she should be classified and Number One all because I asked her to stop stealing and using my name Kimberly Williams, R.E., Dean, domains and and my business Boston Electrolysis. Well Andrea James you are not role a model for the community and your cyber stalking bully and your theft of my listings does not set a positive example for the TS and TG community. Yet Andrea claims she sets a positive example against the tide of negative imagery and sentiment that keeps transgender people from having a voice in the world today.

Wake up people Andrea James is a wave of negative imagery and emotions that keeps the “Transwomen” down and from having our voice in world opinions.

Andrea James does not set a positive example for our community because she attacks her own kind while exploiting the TS and TG community at the same time in addition she has appointed herself as Der Fuhrer of the TG Community without a vote.  Without one doubt it’s a known fact that’s its low life degenerate thieves like her that give Transwomen a bad reputation. Fact Andrea wants you to believe she is from a wealthy family and that she is cultured and educated however that is why she is always asking for donations? Girls I want you to know that I am an American and proud of it and for record I don’t by the elitist crap that Andre James is trying to force-feed everyone to believe she is respectable. Furthermore Andrea does not possess the basic requisite skills of leadership, which are truth, honesty, humility, and gifted understanding of humanity and a person’s right to live and work in peace.

UPDATE 2018 It’s Common knowledge That Andrea James Has Malligant Narcissm And Learn What Dr. Sanity Says,

Fact and for the record Andrea James drones on and on that she does all this work for the sake of “Transgendered Community” is another one of her big lies. Fact Andrea contemptibly disregards the laws and the rights of others in her quest for money and power so she can rule the “TS and TG Community.” For the record Andrea has viciously attacked and abused the children of TS and TG parents, by telling their under age children who were too young to understand or let alone comprehend the transition of their parent or that their Mom is a TS. In addition to that to cause more harm informed children about their parent’s transition before their parent was ready to tell them. Finally in absolute disgust Andrea has falsely accused TS’S and TG’s of child abuse and molestation and other hate manufactured lies that will hurt anyone she disagrees with. Fact and for the record Andrea James has maliciously blackmailed and extorted Transsexuals into submission by threatening to publicly expose those who have gone underground or as she like to call it living in “Deep Stealth Mode.” Andrea II know your reading this and you better get a real grip on reality because there are allot of people after you and some day they are going to catch up with you. Yes Andrea all the good and honest folk you have ripped and hurt with your slanderous pointed tongue and deceitful lies will come for you.

In summation TS and TG Community does not want or need the likes of a criminal like Andrea James who falsely claims to represent us?

Update 2018 Read All About Andrea James on  the Trans Advocate  Open letter to Andrea James the Scourge of the Inernet,

Since 2004, Andrea James has been obsessed with me, to look into me, putting up sites about me. Andrea was posting one lie after another on she thought was her right. On Andrea poses as multiple consumers on to slanders other innocent people she hates. Taking ordinary comments wherever my name appears, and generally behaving like psychopathic tyrant out to kill at all costs. For the real truth about Andrea James, Just Google, “An Open Letter to Andrea James” and read the 700 Transwomen that take a stand against Andrea James. For your own safety avoid contact with Andrea James and do not get treated by any of her uneducated non-licensed quacks claiming to be electrologists on of Without one doubt Andrea James psychologically compromised where she believe her own lies and refuses to return the stolen money to its rightful owner known as German Girl..

My Experiences and Lectures at Harvard Medical School From 1983-1987

Fact and for the record my experiences as a guest lecturer at Harvard Medical School from 1983 to 1987 where interesting to say the least. In addition to being the only Massachusetts Licensed and Registered Electrologist that I am aware of to lecture at Harvard Medical School on the following subjects; My Life Experiences, Human Sexuality, Psychology, Transsexualism, Endocrinology and of course Electrolysis.

Andrea James is blinded by her hatred and her favorite form of character assassination is accusing Transwomen of being unstable. However I thought it be nice provide this link to a letter of appreciation from Harvard Medical School stationary saying thank to me from Daniel D. Federman, M.D. Dean of Students and Alumni Professor of Medicine at Harvard Medical School.

By the way the theme of my lectures at Harvard Medical School from 1983 to 1987 where about psychological strength and endurance while being able to overcome the shortcomings of an indifferent complicated society where being different is often held against you. Nonetheless Transwomen are the world’s smallest least understood minority who survive in a diverse indifferent complicated society where it is an ongoing struggle to maintain your dignity let alone identity. In summation Andrea James needs help however the Trans-Community have become aware of her attacks and grown tired of her use of extreme prejudice, discrimination and bigotry against members of her own Trans-community. Below is link and letter from Harvard Medical School saying thank you for my 1983 Lecture at Harvard Medical School

Thank you Kimberly Williams, R.E., Dean

Owner and Founder of Boston Electrolysis®

Boston Electrolysis® Journal Trans-Electrolysis Update© 7/1/2018


“Ms. James was notable for the way she decided to go after Professor Bailey’s children to extract revenge. She posted on the internet photographs of Bailey’s daughter and labeled her a “cock-starved exhibitionist.” Andrea James also claimed in her online publications that there “are two types of children in the Bailey household,” namely “those who have been sodomized by their father [and] those who have not.”

Andrea James believes in Hitler’s Big Lie theory when Hitler said, Make the lie big, make it simple, keep saying it, and eventually they will believe it. However though it has always been proven that a lie can only survive only for so long until its consequences of being found out and destroying its creator.

Andrea James Falsely Accuses Others of Being Mentally Ill And if you want to learn more about her Malignant Narcissism Try Reading This

Andrea James owes many apologies for her sick attacks upon members of the Trans Community but words won’t do it for her because she is incapable of expressing sincere truthful apologies for all her hate filled lies. We can only pity Andrea James because she take gratification in hurting other people’s feelings and slandering this Massachusetts licensed and registered electrologist with one lie after another proves beyond a shadow of a doubt she is sociopath with no redeeming qualities.

Hairfacts: Boston School of Electrolysis (WARNING!)?Hair removal facts for consumers. Free and commercial-free.? websites/boston-school-electrolysis.html – 53k – Cached – Similar pages


Hairfacts: Kimberly Williams (WARNING!)?Kimberly Williams and Boston School of Electrolysis should be avoided by all? consumers. The owner’s behavior is erratic and paranoid. Background …? websites/kimberly-williams.html – 53k – Cached – Similar pages



Hairfacts: Boston Electrolysis (WARNING!)?Hair removal facts for consumers. Free and commercial-free.? websites/boston-electrolysis.html – 53k – Cached – Similar pages

Update 2028Andrea James outs Trans-Girls Again!


Hairfacts: Hair removal facts for consumers? Don’t confuse Global with reputable companies like Prestige Electrolysis Supply?… Kimberly Williams of Boston School of Electrolysis/Boston Electrolysis …? – 33k – Cached – Similar pages


HairTell Hair Removal Forum: Scottsdale: Boston School of Electrolysis? Scottsdale: Boston School of Electrolysisâ„¢ #17828 – 09/23/04 10:58 PM …?Boston School of Electrolysisâ„¢ CASE FILES BEING FORWARED TO …? showflat.php/Cat/0/Number/18624/Main/ – 65k


Hairfacts: Hair removal facts for consumers? Don’t confuse Global with reputable companies like Prestige Electrolysis Supply?… Kimberly Williams of Boston School of Electrolysis/Boston Electrolysis …? – 33k – Oct 15, 2005 – Cached – Similar pages


Hairfacts: Boston School of Electrolysis (WARNING!)?Hair removal facts for consumers. Free and commercial-free.? websites/boston-school-electrolysis.html – 53k – Cached – Similar pages


TG-recommended electrologists: Arizona? Boston School of Electrolysis™ Kimberly Willams, MA with private appointments?10255 N. Scottsdale Road Suite 4, Scottsdale AZ, 85253. …? – 8k – Cached“

To my readers I say thank you for your time and attention and hopefully in the near future I will not have to write this type of article. Nevertheless until andrea ceases and desists the theft of my property I will defend myself from her deviant lies, character assassination and attempted extortion. Nevertheless consumer beware I would not spend one dime at the websites,,, and Andrea because she has demonstrated herself to be a habitual criminal.

Thank you for your time and attention,

Kimberly Williams, R.E., Dean
Boston School of Electrolysis™

Investigative Reporter
For The Five Star Electrologist©
Spotlight On Slime byline©
All rights reserved copyright Boston School of Electrolysis™ 2005 ernia_addams/


Open letter to Andrea James and Calpernia Addams – The ……
Apr 9, 2014 – Addams and James have stated Molloy slurred her by calling her a drag queen … On April 5th Andrea James chimed in with her vitriolic screed …

Open Letter: 350+ Trans Women and Transfeminine People Stand ……/open-letter-100-trans-women-stand-against-calpernia-addams-a…
Apr 14, 2014 – Trans Women Oppose Recent Attacks by Calpernia Addams and Andrea James. We, the undersigned trans women and trans-feminine …

Open letter to Andrea James and Calpernia Addams | Trans Stuff …

Open letter to Andrea James and Calpernia Addams.
You’ve visited this page 4 times. Last visit: 12/14/18 open letter to andrea james & calpernia adams


Feb 8, 2018 – ANOTHER OPEN LETTER TO ANDREA JAMES. Beware of Andrea James & James Walker VII. HAIRTELL.COM HOME FOR AMATEURISH … planetransgender on Twitter: “Open letter to Andrea James and …

Apr 12, 2014 – planetransgender · @planetrans. Global Trans news, music, movies and commentary. Trans contributors, tips and feedback always welcome.

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100-Plus Trans Women Stand Against Calpernia Addams and Andrea ……/calpernia-addams-andrea-james_b_5146415.html
Apr 14, 2014 – 100-Plus Trans Women Stand Against Calpernia Addams and Andrea James: An Open Letter. headshot. By Zinnia Jones. 280. We, the …

Andrea James Kickstarter Controversy – itsnotmyfault – Medium…/andrea-james-kickstarter-controversy-66082a29aa3d
Jun 28, 2019 – Andrea James is best known for harassing academics, threatening their kids, and… … What about when people gather up to sign open letters?
Letters for My Sisters: Transitional Wisdom in Retrospect: Andrea …

Letters for My Sisters: Transitional Wisdom in Retrospect [Andrea James, Deanne Thornton] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. LETTERS …
Missing: OPEN

Zinnia Jones – Our letter against the transphobia of… | Facebook…/our-letter…andrea-james…-/10152408175321214/
Our letter against the transphobia of Calpernia Addams and Andrea James has … Open Letter: 300+ Trans Women and Transfeminine People Stand Against …
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Arizona Consumers Beware of the Unlicensed Electrologists©

Find All Non- Licensed Electrologists by City in Arizona.

Boston Electrolysis® Private Practice
Located In Beautiful Old Town Scottsdale, Arizona
7330 East Earll Drive Suite J, Scottsdale Arizona 85253

480-607- 8121

Kimberly Williams, R.E., Massachusetts Licensed & Registered Electrologist
Americas First Computer Electrolysis-Electrology Specialist©

Arizona Licensed & Registered Electrologist for Safe Permanent Hair Removal
Warning Arizona Consumer Electrolysis Alerts
Beware of Fake Arizona Electrolysis & Electrology Schools
Beware of Fake Electrolysis and Electrology Diplomas in Arizona



Without one doubt the state Licensed & Registered is your best and only choice to achieve safe permanent hair removal. FYI, The uneducated unlicensed electrologist cannot compare to the educated state licensed electrologist who spent years of education, study to make the effort to become a state licensed and registered electrologist.

Without one doubt desktop publishing, fake diplomas and rhyming certification titles such as certified professional electrologist are meant to confuse the consumer because it sounds professional. On the other hand the certified professional electrologist certificate title is a cruel hoax meant to confuse clients that they are professionals electrologist. In states with bare minimum requisite coursework with no practical training and examinations are a sham at best. No doubt about it certified professional electrologist, the certified clinical electrologist and the certified medical electrologist titles lack medical theoretical education and practical training. These Desktop Diplomas are strictly for quacks and are obtained through a bogus semi-quasi professional organization that does not require the electrologist to be state licensed and registered to become a member. Their sole purpose is to as appear as a professional electrologist to food the consumer to call them. It is amazing that these people with no education purchase a white lab jacket, white shoes and bogus certificates and they actually believe they are a certified professional electrologist. However a real electrologist will say, Massachusetts state licensed & Registered Electrologist and you can confirm that with my state board.

State is licensing and registration is absolutely the best. If your electrologist has met all the licensing criteria in your state or a state with no licensing, you can be assured that you’ll be treated with the utmost care and professionalism. Certification is like a cheap paint job on a Mercedes however the Mercedes is already gorgeous and why you want a cheap paint job to make it really stand out?

If you are an Arizona resident with an unwanted facial hair problem you are concerned about quality electrolysis for safe permanent hair removal. This article will help you learn how to rate an electrologist. However regarding the lack of a professional education with by an uneducated non-licensed electrologist leave allot to be desired. It is most important that all consumers learn how to evaluate an electrologist to understand the safety of electrolysis and the dangers of hair removal practiced by non-licensed personnel. For the record all competent state licensed and registered electrologists possess a requisite basic fundamental education, which is the cornerstone foundation for her to provide you with a safe comfortable treatment to achieve your goal permanent hair removal. The Electrolysis-Electrology profession in Arizona has always been besieged by exaggerated claims of hair removal methods by uneducated non-licensed electrologists plus other assorted individuals posing and claiming to be self-taught do it yourself Electrologists. Nevertheless our non-licensed certified professional electrologists deceptively advertise amongst us. These unlicensed, poorly trained amateurs never attended a state board approved electrolysis school in any form or manner. On the other hand every consumer has the right to know their Electrologist’s credentials and professional abilities before the start of a treatment. Last but not least always ask them if they are professionally educated state licensed and a registered electrologist.

Boston Electrolysis® is strictly electrolysis and when you walk in my door you do not have to parade by curious chatty hairdressers, receptionist, manicurists, skin care personnel, laser operator’s, Botox injections, high pressured laser closers and make up sales girls. Boston Electrolysis® is a one on one specialized service so you can achieve your goal of permanent hair removal in privacy. Woman and Transwoman receive expert treatment and do not have to explain themselves, feel uncomfortable, or psychologically challenged.

Below is the Boston Electrolysis Five Star Electrolysis-Electrology rating system, for which I have received negative comments, coupled with harassment and threats fake non-licensed amateurs claiming to be a Certified Professional Electrologist, Certified Clinical Electrologist, and Certified Medical Electrologist. One individual claims to be the only graduate of the Arizona School of Electrolysis and the Arizona School of Electrology which are fabricated schools that never existed. This properly licensed and registered electrologist is fed up with all the hoaxes perpetrated upon our profession by unqualified, uneducated, non-licensed electrologists. For the record I am the only licensed and registered electrologist in Arizona that provides every patient with a written guarantee of excellence.

Kimberly Williams, R.E., Dean Written Guarantee of Excellence

Arizona’s first and only electrologist who guarantees in writing that after one treatment, if you can locate a better electrologist, brings me the receipt and I will refund half your first treatment fee up to a half-four. In addition to that, even on difficult cases, I can work at one-third to one-fourth the time of the average electrologist – licensed or unlicensed. I also guarantee that you will have the most comfortable treatment with no scabbing, scarring or pitting as direct result of my treatments©.

Boston Electrolysis® – The Five Star Electrolysis-Rating System©

How To Rate An Electrologist

⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐

Five stars is always the best rating. It means that your Electrologist is educated, trained, tested and is a State Licensed and Registered Electrologist. Five Star Electrologists have attended and graduated from a state monitored and nationally approved and accredited electrolysis school. They have also taken a dual written and practical State Board of Electrologists examination and successfully passed them, and are currently a licensed and registered. Licensed and registered have a responsibility to obey the rules and regulations of their State Board of Electrologists..

Even though my practice is in Scottsdale, Arizona I run it as if it were in Massachusetts. That means my office, equipment and treatments are accountable to a State Board Inspector who could walk in at any time and inspect my office. This includes equipment, sterilization and all professional requirements. If you are unconvinced about your Electrologist’s credentials, ask for their pocket license and call their State Board to verify them if you are doubtful. This rating system also includes Electrologists who attended a school with a defined curriculum in which the students are trained by a licensed and Registered Electrologists with a minimum of five years experience using a late model computerized epilators.

Boston Electrolysis®

The Five Star Electrolysis-Electrology-Blend Rating System


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Four Stars indicate that an Electrologist has completed a minimum of 450 hundred hours of coursework, in a state that requires a license and registration of electrologists for its residents. These out of state courses are designed for electrologists who live in a state, such as Arizona, which has no State Board that license and register electrologists. Any electrologist that has gone out of State and successfully passed a dual State Board electrolysis school examination is to be commended. They demonstrate how essential it is for an electrologist to be professionally trained in a state that requires a license and registration for their residents. Remember always authenticate the school that they claim to have graduated from with the State Board of Electrologists. If doubtful call the state board that approved the school that trained them. For confirmation of electrolysis education in Arizona, call the Arizona State Board of Post Secondary Education at 602-542-5769 and ask for Keith Blanchard, Deputy Director or email

Boston Electrolysis®

The Five Star Electrolysis-Electrology-Blend Rating System


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Three Stars define an Electrologist who has attended a school where there is no state board and license and registration for electrologists. These Electrologists should have at have completed a minimum of 400 hundred hour course. One must be cautious if the electrologist’s instructors where not licensed and registered electrologists themselves, as this will directly affect the quality of their training, and therefore your treatments. Always beware of “Certified Instructors”. Electrolysis is a profession that cannot be passed down from one unlicensed electrologist to another without a serious loss of competence and safety.

Boston Electrolysis®

The Five Star Electrolysis-Electrology-Blend Rating System


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Two stars are for non-licensed and non-registered electrologists who have taken a course of 120 hours or less. These electrologists purchase memberships and credentials to electrologists’ associations that do not require an electrologist to be licensed and registered in addition they use counterfeit bloated certificates, exaggerated titles and fancy schmancy ornate diplomas to appear professional. They often claim they are a certified electrologist. They put multiple initials after their names and list non-licensed organizations there members to look impressive, but you would be surprised that you could complete their 50 to 12O hour course they took in with ease. You would also be amazed that some organizations are too lax in checking credentials. However ask yourself would you go to physician who took such a course? These quick-buck diplomas are often called “Certified Professionally Trained Electrologist”, “Professionally Certified Instructed” and so on. Whenever you see “Certified” that means that 99.75% of them are non-licensed and non-registered. Beware of these electrologists because they have minimal rock bottom training and some have dubious ethics to say the least. Be aware that this is not a profession that can be mastered in 120 hours of training. One should doubt anyone who claims a standard of professional ability from these correspondence and certification courses. You should ask yourself how can one non-licensed electrologist confer a professional title on another one?

Boston Electrolysis®

The Five Star Electrolysis-Electrology-Blend Rating System


Tsk, tsk the one star electrologist limits their practice to states where there is no state board of electrologists, because they know they would be shut down by a state board for the simple reason that their credentials lack professional training and their ethics would not survive professional scrutiny. These so-called electrologists have no scruples or ethics, they adopt any title they see fit, their training is minimal with the average being 50 to 120 hours and very often they use faddish, unproven treatments. They use lasers, electric tweezers, microwave treatments, gels, ointments, Pico-flash and will tell you electrolysis is painful when it is not. After advertising themselves as electrologists they will switch you over to the dangerous ineffective laser, microwave, intense light treatments often without a physician present, as required by law. They lie to you while telling you the laser isn’t painful when the F.D.A. ruled that it’s illegal for them to advertise or claim permanent and painless hair removal. They also illegally advertise permanent hair removal by laser. The F.D.A. has ruled that only Electrologists may advertise “Permanent Hair Removal.” So if a so-called certified electrologist wants to give you laser treatments, ask them to put it in writing that it will be permanent and painless like they claim Laser Parlors also will ask you to pay up to $3000.00 in advance and they will finance and it will cost you a fortune in interest alone. Never pay in advance for Laser Treatments because if you can’t tolerate them you still have to pay for them.

For your safety always ask the Laser Parlor Operator for a written guarantee of permanent and painless hair removal before you part with your hard-earned money. It is very easy for them to switch you over to a laser treatment when you have unknowingly signed a consent form to have electrolysis treatments, unless you read the fine print carefully. When in Arizona beware of electrologists that claim to be certified professional electrologists, certified clinical electrologists, certified medical electrologists and the certified clinical and medical electrologists are store bought diplomas. If you have the slightest doubt or inkling they are not licensed call their state board of electrologists for verification. Make sure you call their State Board Of Electrologists, not the American Electrology Association who certified them. The only people that can license and register electrologist is a governmental State Board of Electrologists. If an electrologist claims to be a Certified Professional Electrologist they are not licensed and registered. There was an electrologist in Prescott, Arizona known as Betty Sullivan who claimed to be licensed but after an investigation they found out she was a licensed manicurist from Minnesota who does not have a state board of electrologists.

Hair Removal Facts & Warnings



It’s a known fact that certification titles do not mean a person is a state licensed and registered electrologist and good example is the Certified Professional Electrologist course. Always remember non-licensed electrologists try to appear and want you to think they are licensed and registered as an electrologist, example they use Jane Doe, C.P.E. Certified Professional Electrologist. Bonafide licensed and registered electrologists will always advertise, Kimberly Williams, R.E., Massachusetts Licensed & Registered electrologist.

For the record it is my professional opinion that the Certified Professional Electrologist that paltry certification course by itself does not prepare a layperson in any form or manner to be able to perform a safe competent electrolysis treatment. These questionable electrolysis certifications courses and diplomas appear, infer and bestow ornate diplomas and titles with credentials upon undeserving frauds who think that its alright to purchase an education and their credentials even the course they took was from 50 to 120 hours long. Additionally the certification tests are elementary grade school level hoaxes consisting of simple true and false and multiple-choice questions. In addition they do not require a high school diploma, background check nor do they require individuals to take an electrolysis “Practical Application” examination in any form or manner to prove they are competent. However in the end these desktop diploma mills turn out Certified Quacks that are an insult to honest licensed and registered electrologists that earned their credentials and successfully completed an accredited electrolysis school and passed their dual state board examinations.

Consumer beware I have compiled a list of titles that non-licensed electrologists frequently use. Other ways that non-licensed electrologists try to appear as licensed electrologists is to join multiple electrolysis associations, who do not require an electrologist to be educated, state licensed and registered as an electrologist for membership. I repeat these associations do not emphasize nor require state license and registration as an electrologist for membership nevertheless they wholeheartedly promote the proliferation of themselves as uneducated non-licensed Combination Electrologists Laser Parlor Operators.


THE AMERICAN ELECTROLOGY ASSOCIATION: Is the ancestral home of the C.P.E. AKA Certified Professional Electrologist course and approximately 90% or more of its members are not state licensed and registered electrologists.

TITLE USED: C.P.E. Certified Professional Electrologist


Title Members USE: Member of (IGPE)International Guild of Professional electrologists changed its name to The International Guild of Hair Removal Specialists, Inc. (IGHRS)

Title Members USE: (IGHRS) AKA International Guild Hair Removal Specialist

The Society of Clinical and Medical Electrologists has changed it name to THE SOCIETY FOR CLINICAL & MEDICAL HAIR REMOVAL, INC. Fact electrologists are not required to be licensed to become a member and 90% of its of its members are not state licensed and registered electrologists.


C.C.E. Certified Clinical Electrologist, SCME

C.M.E. Certified Medical Electrologsit, SCME

C.P.E. Certified Professional Electrologist, AEA


Below Is A Classic Example Of A Certified Non-licensed Electrologist use of titles to fool the consumer that they are licensed and registered As An electrologist.

Mary De Fake, C.P.E., AEA, IGPE, SCME, TGRE

Graduate, Arizona State School of Electrology (An Electrology School That Never Existed)

Graduate of the Arizona State School of Electrolysis (An electrolysis School that never existed) was not licensed as a school with the Arizona State Board of Post Secondary Education. The supposed owner of the school was Betty Sullivan an electrologist in Prescott, Arizona who claimed to be licensed in Minnesota. Nonetheless after an investigation they found out she was a licensed manicurist from Minnesota. Minnesota is another state that does not license and register electrologists in any form or manner.

However it is amusing that there is a one person who claims she graduated from the Arizona State School of Electrology and the Arizona State School of Electrolysis which are fictitious electrolysis and electrology schools that never existed in Arizona. For the record if you have been to an electrologist who claims to be a graduate of the Arizona State School of Electrology or The Arizona State School Of Electrolysis beware these schools never existed. Fact you call the Arizona State Board Of Post Secondary education at 602-542-5769 and ask for Keith Blanchard, Deputy Director to confirm these schools never existed. You can email the assistant director to confirm these schools never existed. In addition you can read a letter from Keith Blanchard Deputy Director of The Arizona State Board Of Post Secondary Education where he states there is no record of this school.

Below are associations that certify electrologists without being tested for the Practical Application of Electrolysis and Electrology.

Member of the American Electrology Association

Member of Society of Clinical and Medical Electrologists

Member of International Guild of Professional Electrologists

Warning Arizona Consumer Electrolysis Alert

Fake Electrolysis & Electrology Schools and Diplomas

Warning beware of Arizona’s one and only graduate and non-licensed electrologists who claims she graduated from the Arizona State School of Electrology and the Arizona State School Of Electrolysis are electrolysis and electrology schools that never existed.


Fact and for the record if you have been to an electrologist who claims to be a graduate of the Arizona State School of Electrology or The Arizona State School Of Electrolysis beware these schools never existed. Fact if you are dissatisfied with your treatment you can file a complaint with the Arizona State Board Of Post Secondary education at 602-542-5769 and ask for Keith Blanchard, Deputy Director or email him In addition you can read a letter from Keith Blanchard Deputy Director of The Arizona State Board Of Post Secondary Education where he states there is no record of this school.

Read Boston Electrolysis® The USA’S Biggest Electrolysis Website

Want to learn more about Electrolysis visit Boston Electrolysis at this link.

Official List of Arizona’s Non-Licensed Electrologists

Susan Markman,
Non-Licensed Electrologist
19420 N 59Th Ave Ste B106
Glendale, AZ 85308-6890

Senza Pelo Med Spa
Maria Denicola N.L.E., CPE
Non-Licensed Electrologist
5702 N 19Th Ave
Phoenix, AZ 85015-2432

Stephanie Shields,, N.L.E., CPE
Non-Licensed Electrologist
5702 N 19Th Ave
Phoenix, AZ 85015-2432

Luba Andersen, N.L.E. CPE
Non-Licensed Electrologist
11038 N Canada Ridge Dr
Tucson, AZ 85737-8796

Givens, Patricia A.
Non-Licensed Electrologist
6161 E Speedway Blvd
Tucson, AZ 85712-5183

Soft Touch Electrolysis
Non-Licensed Electrologist
Tempe, AZ

East Valley Electrology Clinic
Non-Licensed Electrologist
Mesa, AZ

Arizona Studio-Electrologist
Non-Licensed Electrologist
Scottsdale, AZ

SCC Electrolysis and Permanent Makeup

Non-Licensed Electrologist
Scottsdale, AZ

Cherry Creek Electrolysis, Inc.
Non-Licensed Electrologist
Scottsdale, AZ

Zapps Electrology
Non-Licensed Electrologist
Gilbert, AZ

Classic Electrolysis
Non-Licensed Electrologist
Tempe, AZ

Electrolysis Hair Removal Service
Non-Licensed Electrologist
Phoenix, AZ

Arizona Electrolysis and Permanent Make-up
Non-Licensed Electrologist
Scottsdale, AZ

A Permanent Solution Electrolysis
Non-Licensed Electrologist
Glendale, AZ

Electrolysis by Mary Ann
Non-Licensed Electrologist
Mesa, AZ

Beautiful You Electrolysis
Non-Licensed Electrologist
Electrolysis Hair Removal Service
Scottsdale, AZ

Electrolysis Hair Removal Service
Non-Licensed Electrologist
Scottsdale, AZ
M Non-Licensed Electrologist
Mary Ann Harding Electrolysis
Electrolysis Hair Removal Service
Peoria, AZ



Deep Stealth Productions Andrea James Crimes Against Transgender People & Hair Removal Scams & Crimes by Andrea James Crimes Against  the Trangenered Community

Andrea James the Fake Trans-Activist Has Been Ripping Off The Trans Community For Decades

James Walker VII CPE Skips Town With Thousands of Dollars!

  • By Kimberly Williams, R.E., Dean
  • Published & Copyrighted 07/15/200
  • Boston Electrolysis Report© Investigation About Andrea James
  • James Walker VII CPE Hairtell.coms World Champion Trans-Basher

World Champion Trans-Basher James Walker, VII CPE
Andrea James owner of Hairtell.Com


Author Kimberly Williams, R.E., Massachusetts and Arizona Licensed & Registered Electrologist

Massachusetts Licensed and Registered Electrologist, 1979

Guest Lecturer Of Harvard Medical School From 1983-1987

Three Computerized Techniques Short-Wave-Galvanic-Blend

Conveniently located at 7330 East Earll Drive, Suite J, Scottsdale, AZ 85251

Call 480-607-8121


An Electrologist’s Open Letter of Disgust to Andrea James

Hi! I want every to know Andrea James aka the fake Trans Activist claim to be a filmmaker is a gross exagerated lie however she is crooked Trans-Activist formerly based at Lucile Avenue in Los Angeles, California.  Again people are looking for her new fake address. More info here: The owner of is Andrea James and for your information she is not an electrologist in any form or manner plus her knowledge of electrolysis and hair removal would not fill Tinerbelles Thimble.  On the other hand James Walker her former moderater of is an illiterate do it yoursself self-taught uneducated unlicensed electrologist who robbed a client for almost $10,000 using the using the which is presently owned and operated by Andrea James for the past ten years. However Andrea James refuses to make restitution for James Walkers theft, read more below.

Without one doubt Andrea James is a Writer, Director, Filmaker and Trans-Activist Gone Bad!  Formerly based at 952 Lucile Avenue Los Angeles, California 90026 Andrea James is just a short drive of five minutes or a short 2.3 mile walk to her Mail Box Etcetera account located at Deep Stealth Productions 5419 Hollywood Blvd., #C142 Hollywood, CA 90027.

James Walker former moderator  is also a common street thug who can’t resist bashing Transgendered Electrologists who are educated, licensed and expertly skilled. However James Walker never mentions that his boss Andrea James is the owner of Hartell.con is in deep trouble because 350 Transgendered women including myself have signed an open letter of complaint and disgust against Andrea James for her crimes against the Trans-Community. Andrea James and her partner Calpernia Adams have been indicted by the entire Trans-Community for the following offenses; 1. Absence of good-faith arguments, 2. Misleading personal attacks, 3. Traditionalism and ageism, 4. Misgendering and accusations of “privilege”, 5. False hierarchies of trans women, 6. Hypocrisy and feigned offense, 7. Siding with mainstream prejudice, 9. Hiding behind “homophobia” to defend transphobia and 10. Elitism and exclusion of queer trans women from queer culture.

Andrea James Gave James Walker a Personal Reccomendation For Cleanliness However Take a Look at James Walkers Office!

James Walker VII CPE and Andrea James are two peas in Pod when it comes to being evil. Presently there are 350 letters of complaint against Andrea James and more will be forth coming and after her complaints more complaints will be forthcoming against James Walker who is a graduate of the Andrea James Hate & Smear Academy.  They did not mention Andrea’s other offenses and crimes such as; extortion, abuse of power, yellow journalism and slandering licensed and registered electrologists on her websites, and in her attempts to sabotage honest hard working Transgendered Electrologists who own businesses nevertheless Andrea James and James Walker use of hit and run Cyber-Hate is an absolutely repulsive example of Andrea James trained lap dog and  recently canned moderator of Hairtell.coms James Walker.

In the intervening time since being deposed as moderator of Hairtell.coms James Walker VII CPE former moderator has turned 99% of into a collection of jealous needy non-licensed uneducated electrologists who spend most of their time ripping off consumers and poor-mouthing successful educated licensed electrologists on  James and his gang of non-licensed “Certifiable Quacks” claim to be TG Friendly Electrologists however they hate state licensed and regustered Electrologists who are educated, licensed and work harder to persevere. Where would HairHell’s forum be without its minority of it’s one remaining Ohio licensed electrologist Dee Fahey aka the new Hairtell moderator who banned Hairtell’s ultimate Top Ten Contibutor Mike Bono known as Santa Babrbara’s Mouth That Roared. It was Dee Fahey the new morderator of who purged all Male Chavanistic Swine Electrologists aka Top Ten Contributors. Dee Fahey electrologist would always rescue Andrea James and James Walker after having made incorrect electrolysis statements and she led the charge to remove James Walker moderator. Nevertheless I wonder why James Walker and all his non-licensed TG Un-Friendly electrologists on will not explain why they never mention James Walker VII CPE?  Is it because they are jealous and will do anything for money including stealing it. The FTC should look into this?

Andrea James is under great pressure and lack of moral ethics where Andrea James forced to fire James Walker VII CPE as moderator of Hairtell.con for missing funds taken from his client German-Girl. Since than Hairtell.coms membership has evolved into a bigger crime-ridden cesspool of crazed bottom feeding dwellers who are non-licensed uneducated electrologists trying to steal your money. James has been deposed and Hairtell is no longer his protectorate of evil where he viciously attacked and lashed out against mandatory licensing of electrologists because he cannot make the grade. On, and TSroadmap all the electrologists in Arizona, Washington, New York, Texas and Pennsylvania are uneducated non-licensed electrologists electrologists with no morals and a complete lack of honesty. Avoid,Andrea James and James Walker VII CPE and all it’s members claiming to be electrologists because they are crooked scam artists. However we have to ask Andrea James the owner of Hairtell.coms website why she has not returned the $10,000 paid by German Girl to James Walker. Mr. James  walker has fled Buffalo New York and opened a brand new office in Rochester, New York called Emancipated Electrolysis and he’s listed on Hairtell.coms website with a link to his new office However Consumer Beware Mr. Walker owns it but does not list his name or any information that he owns Emancipated Electrolysis!

Hairtell.coms Number One Scam and how it Works. is a failed a forum it’s and collection of wannabe uneducated non-licensed electrologists who will never achieve a state license and registration to practice electrology have driven off the few licensed electrologists. Since Mr. Walker chooses not to avail himself of proper training, he must build his business off of false claims and testimonials through his deployment of fake uneducated non-licensed-electrologists who pose as fake consumers with an unwanted hair problem looking for electrologist on Hairtell.con forum. God help the innocent consumers who register on the forum asking, “Does anyone know a good electrologist in my area?” James and his fellow vultures would swoop in with their exaggerated lies that say, “I know one… and then they themselves pose as consumers who have nothing but good to say about well… their own work. It is a funny sort of self-referral. Unfortunately this scam is perpetually perpetrated by Hairtell.cons forum members known as Top Ten Contibutors and everyone gets a kickback including the one remaining minimally educated licensed electrologist who sold her soul for thirty pieces of silver to become Moderator. In addition you will find many of Arizonas non-licensed electrologists on!

Discrimination and bigotry against Trans-Women electrologists by Andrea James and James Walker go hand and hand.  Just Google, “An open letter to Andrea James” owner of and you will see Andrea’s James is in serious trouble with the entire online Trans-Community.  Furthermore James Walker VII NLE aka “Non-Licensed Electrologist” of moderator defends illiterate non licensed quacks claiming to be electrologists who inflict so much pain on their clients that they resort to the use of painful anesthetic Lidocaine- Marcaine injections before their electrolysis treatment. Hairtell.coms uneducated self taught electrologists lack the skills of theoretical practical application and they cause extreme pain.  Therefore James Walker and his crew of merry misfit’s do their best to poison and suppress the truth. Andrea James is not an electrologist and orders James Walker to harass me and other licensed and registered electrologists with hate, threats and slander. However just click a link below and you will learn how Andrea James, James Walker and Calpernia has used and abused the Trans–Community with their sociopathic personalities.

In Arizona Andrea James ordered James Walker and his non-licensed quack electrologists to slander myself and other licensed electrologists because ten years ago I refused to pay her extortion fee for an electrolysis referal in addition I caught her page-jacking my website. Therefore I asked Andrea James be removed from, and and she started in with hate campaign against myself. In addition it was Andrea James who ordered James Walker to arrive at my office to  inflict and commit assault and battery upon myself. I have no doubt that Andrea James ordered James Walker to attack me at every opportunity o because I refuse to submit to her extortion and hate tactics.  Since September 21, 2002 Andrea James has slandered me and has done every she could do to hurt me including attempted assault and battery because I asked to be removed from her websites.

Andrea James is not a friend of the Trans Community and James Walker have attacked many qualified state licensed and registered electrologists using every lie and dirty hate tactic in the book to destroy their livelihood. For over ten years Andrea James and James Walker infringe peoples civil rights by slandering them, calling them insane, crazy and even quacks. Andrea James and James Walker are the real quacks that illegally judge, jury and convict Trans-women electrologists and business owners without the right to a trial. It about time the Trans-Community petitions and requests that the Department of Justice and the District Attorney investigate Andrea James and James Walker and put them on trial for their hate crimes against the Trans-Community along with extortion and their other Hate Crimes.

It’s amazing in Arizona Andrea James and her hatemonger James Walker sides and refers Trans-women to Arizona’s least unqualified non-licensed uneducated electrologists instead of a highly educated qualified licensed and registered Trans-Electrologist with 36 years of experience. The difference is Andrea James and James Walker slanders me on her websites because I refuse to pay Andrea James or James Walker a kick back in any form or manner and for years I have fought them and their sub-human criminal enterprises. So the Trans-client never has the opportunity to receive quality electrolysis treatments by a TG Electrologist because Andrea James could care less about Trans women because she hates Trans-Electrologists who are state licensed and registered electrologists. I know Andrea attempted to hack my site and she and James Walker should be arrested, tried and convicted and sent to prison! However if James Walker sets his foot within 300 feet of my office he will end up at Sheriff Joes Tent City for extended length of time.

You can read the links below and learn the truth about Andrea James and James Walker and it will not take long to recognize James Walker as her partner in crime!

When you are in a business, naturally you take a look at what the rank and file of non-licensed electrologists  to see what they are up to. There are plenty of honest websites out there that feature professional licensed and registered electrologists developing their practices with expertise and personal integrity. Then there are the websites that would make any reader want to pull her or his wanted hair. Some sites leave even the trusting wary of the services offered, the qualifications of the providers and, in the worst circumstances, uneasy at something that is difficult to put one’s finger on. Of all the spurious sites, that ascribe to Andrea James and scribed by James Walker The VII, CPE has pushed the the pedal to the floor with his unabashed encouragement and promotion of uneducated non-licensed electrologists, one has the feeling Mr. Walker and Andrea James have gone around the bend and sooner or later they will crack up.  James is so ashamed of his office located at 2243 Genesee Street Cheektowaga/Buffalo, NY 14211 because it’s such a dump that rats got up and moved out. However James has gone to great lengths to hide his office photograph from the public that he placed a fake picture on so people would not see his real office which is a menace to the public’s health and Buffalo’s worst eyesore. Take a peek at the at the bottom of this page to see the real Executive Clearance Super Friends Headquarters. However we have to ask James Walker VII CPE why he calls other electrologist’s offices a dump when his office was condemned by Buffalo’s rodent population as being unfit for ratss.  Eeek, eeek James don’t you know it’s wrong to throw rocks at glass houses?

On a recent visit to Hairtell.coms, I truly had to do a double take and I  thought had stumbled on to a joke website, after all, for people who don’t deal with unwanted hair problems, the whole topic of hair removal seems to be good fodder for jokes and with his conjured endorsements like “Hairtell Pro Top Ten Contributor”, consumers are having flashbacks to the Tonight Show and the Daily Ten. Through a dubious claim to excellence, the first place in this countdown to classless incompetence is well deserved. James W. Walker VII, CPE (Certified Professional Electrologist) ranks as the number one “HairTell Pro Top Ten Contributor” . However Mr Walker has a brand new title and has proclaimed and anointed himself, “The Electrolysis World Champion.” on every single post. To view his first Youtube masterpiece” Straight Talk About Permanent Hair Removal The Executive Clearance Way” one can only conclude Mr. Walker either doesn’t take himself seriously and the viewers does not know whether to laugh or cry nonetheless I cannot stop laughing while feeling pity for Mr. Walker. As adults we have choices to better serve our ourselves and to demand more from the supposed representatives of the hair removal profession. So together, let’s look more closely at  self-proclaimed super friends of James Walker VII C.P.E. AKA the “Electrolysis World Champion”.

James W. Walker VII, CPE Moderator, Top Ten Contributor & Self Anointed Electrolysis World Champion,

James W. Walker VII, CPE a Non-Licensed Certified Professional Electrologist on were he is the moderator casually lists his occupation as a “Board Certified Professional Electrologist.” Nonetheless James Walker VII, CPE “Board Certified Professional Electrologist” forget to mention a few minor details such as where is the asylum that actually certified him located and where did nbsp;he attended a formal and nationally accredited electrolysis school? Additionally James Walker the VII, CPE, “Board Certified Professional Electrologist” claims the American Electrology Association endowed him as a “Board Certified Professional Electrologist” after completing a mere 120-hour Certified Professional Electrologist course, which he claimed to deliberately  have flunked the test first time to make a political statement. Understandably our Electrolysis Profession is riddled with incompetents like Mr. Walker who operate in New York state which has no mandatory licensing and registration of electrologists which makes makes enforcing the law upon him most difficult. James Walker claims competence in a professional occupation that demands medical knowledge and proficiency and for an electrologist to be competent one must be educated, trained, tested and licensed and registered. Furthermore in being so politically bold, James Walker VII, CPE is unaware that only a state board of  licensed and registered electrologists and an accredited electrolysis school can certify one as electrologist before you take your requisite dual state board examination of written and practical.

For the general publics information, the 120-hour Certified Professional Electrologists examination is a fourth grade level multiple-choice  examination that does not require a high school diploma, GED, no criminal check and I almost forget to mention there is no examination for the “Practical Application” of electrolysis. Furthermore there are no requirements for applicants to provide a required health certificate attesting that they have no STD’S or communicable diseases. James Walker proudly-proclaims to be the Official Electrologist To PEP An Intimate Social Club which is rumored to be sexual fantasy club in Buffalo New York. Is this is a person that you want to perform delicate precision hair removal treatment?  Nonetheless what scares me the most is that PEP members and are not required to have mandatory helath checks for sexually over-active members who could have contracted an STD also know as Sexualy Transmitted Disease. Our society lives in the shadow of AIDS and no professional has the right to endanger the public by having irresponsible casual sex without regard to the protection of thier spouse. family and love ones in any form or manner period.

Every American licensed and registered electrologists is aware that Electrolysis is a 100%  American Invention and when your electrologist purchases cheap copy-cat foreign manufactured computerized epilators and equipment they lower the quality of your electrolysis treatments. Furthermore you send more American Jobs to foreign countries that make cheap copies  of high quality American electrolysis equipment copied by foreign companies. Furthermore I warn all  consumers, licensed and registered electrologists not to post comments on the forum which has become James Walkers Trans-Bashing Out Of Control Lynch Mob that twist your every word into lies and hang American licensed and registered electrologists for expressing the slightest offense such as promoting mandatory education and licensing of all electrologists which Mr. Walker vehemently opposes. However the Hairtell Lynch Mob has Anti-American Motives and that is to sell foreign made electrolysis equipment  and supplies which are cheap knockoffs of quality American companies like the Hinkle Company and the R.A. Fischer Company which merged. In 1985 it was the R.A. Fischer Company  that innovated and manufactured the worlds first computerized programmable epilator first used by me at Boston Electrolysis® in 1985.


Meanwhile our mob leader Mr. Walker with his Anti-American Agenda were he and his non-licensed electrologists assassinates the character of American  licensed electrologists and American manufactured computerized electrolysis epilators built by the Arthur Hinkle Company and the R.A. Fischer Company. On the other hand Mr. Walker does not mention their cheap imitations are made in China and sent to Canada for resale under another name. Quality American manufacturers like the Hinkle Company and the R.A. Fischer Company of California merged and I know all their equipment and parts are 100% American manufactured and built  by Americans which means American  quality and jobs! In addition as a practicing Massachusetts Licensed and Registered Electrologist since 1979 and I am Utah Licensed and Registered Electrologists with 33 years of professional experience using the latest R.A. Fischer CBX-PRO-BLEND Computerized Programmable EpilatorSeries Four Model an electrologist cannot do better. On the the other hand if you carefully follow Mr. Walker and his Hairtell Mob’s comments you can see there how they cleverly and repeatedly post the same anti-American remarks that undermine “Made In The USA”.  On the Hairtell Forum they undermine American values, American ethics, American Wokers and American ingenuity by constantly subsidizing cheap foreign manufactured epilators made in China, shipped to Canada and repackaged under another name and than sold in America as a quality product? I don’t think so!

Presently I am conducting an ongoing investigation as to foreign owned company that hired Mr. Walker  with his uneducated Transbashing mo whoseb job is to undermine American Electrolysis Equipment Manufacturers and American licensed and registered electrologists. Presently their using the Internet to broadcast this old form of “Payola” that led to FTC investigations and violations of Fair Trade Laws and FCC violations to broadcast them from. However I feel sorry for  honest hard working Americans who have loss their jobs because of Mr. Walkers Anti-American agenda. On the other hand our moderator Mr. Walker has turned into the capital of TG-Assassination with sub-standard non-licensed electrologists who possess the lowest attributes ever witnessed. About 99% Hairtell,com’s rank and file members are non-licensed electrologists in the following states Arizona, California, New York, Ohio and other states where unethical Certified Professional Electrologists use as their base of operation to conduct thier dirty business tactics. You ask what kind of dirty business tactics they use? On their favorite tactic is to pretend their a client with an unwanted hair problem trying to locate a good electrologist they can trust and from that point on overtly sympathetic Hairtell Practitioners say of poor dear I dislike hearing things like that and than all of them subtly bash the licensed American electrologist she is going to. This is done out of greed and what better way to bash your competition than hiding a behind a computer with an assumed life and name and one the worst offenders is an electrologist from Midwest who should be investigated for her unethical conduct let alone breaking every rule and regulation in the book regarding ethics while praising cheap subsidized foreign maufactured electrolysis equipment.


Mr. Walker VII CPE the moderator of has created an evil cult of vile, liars, cheats and thieves who will do kill for a thin dime. Usually when you become a moderator of a forum your assuming a post of  honor, honesty and integrity and  it was not meant to be used as his  personal pillar  of impunity to cast fictitious lies and aspersions while subverting the law and threating your competitors with assault and battery. Mr. Walker has turned forum into a Board of Assassination were state licensed and registered electrologists are publicly bashed. How is this done? Why all you have to do is logon on and click the button for your state “Hairtell Practitioner Locater”  or Haitell Forum Issues however you will end up in their “Boiler Room” on a page with Hairtell Top Ten Contributors and there the ones to watch out for because they pay the most for unethical electrolysis referrals. Their mode of operation is group effort of overwhelming attention that  religious cults use to recruit new members. They  fawn over the consumer with overwhelming sympathy while questioning him or her while confusing the consumer with questions they ask “Well its sound like your unhappy with your electrologist? ” After that they confuse him or her to the point that he or she believes she had a bad treatments and this is where Mr. Walker VII CPE moderator and his Top Ten Thugs move in and make a referral to one of their Top Ten Contributors or or a member in another state and afterwards Mr. Walker and his boss Andrea James take their cut and pay down the line while the unethical electrologist  or laser operators pays them for a kickback. To make  it look real they put in a ringer who is a an unknown Hairtell Top Ten Contributor posing as a consumer with an unwanted hair problem and he or she will  endorse and say, “I went to her and she’s great electrologist” however Mr. Walker as the forum moderator has many identities that he uses to clinch deals.

These are such despicable illegal acts that violate Federal and State Laws and I have seen so many unethical electrologists on were they manipulate consumers into a funnel of waiting vultures of Hairtell because Mr. Walker runs this “Scam” with his most ardent Hairtell Top Ten Contributors violate consumer laws, The Fair Business Act  and all state board rules, regulations and ethics. The fact that unethical Hairtell Top Ten Contributors have a group mode of operation where they commit illegal acts across state lines is a federal offense. I know some of the non-licensed electrologists real names who are from the following states; New York, California, Ohio, Illinois,Arizona, Colorado, California and Florida. In the end my goal is to send reports about about Mr. James Walker and his gang members to  the FTC, FCC  and every State Board Of Electrologists, State Board of Cosmetology and the representative of Consumers Affairs Office in every state in the USA.


Mr. James is a connoisseur of bogus electrolysis diplomas and his connection to the now defunct (out of business) International Guild of Professional Electrologists.  This Guild was a typical “Diploma Mill” and James claims he was within 11 votes short from winning the Presidency of The International Guild of Professional Electrologists whose membership at the time of the election totaled 23 members. The IGPE makes the non-licensed electrologist look and sound credible. Advantageously, membership to The International Guild of Professional Electrologists a defunct out of business based in Canada required no examination, no state regulated electrolysis education and no required state license and registration as an electrologist to become a member. The The International Guild of Professional Electrologists recognized the good faith and valid bank checks of its aspiring members. As a testament to one’s admission into this noble quasi-organization, members were awarded the most ornate and beautifully embossed diplomas I have ever seen. With a font like that who could question a non-licensed electrologists qualifications?


I will always be baffled by the amount of energy that individuals and groups put into skirting the state regulations of their desired professions. Admittedly they have creativity and skills in their favor given their ability to generate long names and to maintain fake websites which mislead the uneducated and unsuspecting consumer; but why expend so much energy to avoid legitimate education, training and certification? Having never been admitted into the Guild in its glorious heyday, I may never know its deep dark secrets. If, however, I continue to question the practices of Mr. Walker and his mob, I may reveal its character and warn the public. Though not the skin of their noses, it is their skin to worry about. My on line publications The Five Star Electrologist© and The Boston Electrolysis Journal© will soon publish a phony list of quack electrologists and the aliases they use on so the Trans-Consumer can check out every Trans-Bashing Electrologist on organized by Der Fuhrer James Walker VII, CPE.


Professionally speaking as member of the TG-Community it’s  apparent James W. Walker who claims to be TG Friendly is a gross exagerated liar and isn’t consistent with his less than friendly verbal abuse and outright bashing of  Trans-Women who worked hard to become state  licensed and registered electrologists. James Walker VII CPE and Dee Fahey dish out his hate inspired discrimination and their worst offenses of “Outing and Trans-Bashing Them” on On Mr. Walker  and his Resident Troll Dee Fahey supports James when he calls Trans-Women, “Humanoids, crazy and other insults including he, she and it”. In addition James Walker VII CPE learned to “Out Transsexuals from his boss Andrea James the owner of”. He is certainly inconsistent and self-serving in his claims and thusly he proves his vociferous claims about one’s sexual identity usually have relevance only to the one making them. Rarely do they have importance in one’s professional profile. Aren’t we trying to move away from such biases? I at least had hoped so.


Open letter to Andrea James and Calpernia Addams – The ……
Apr 9, 2014 – Addams and James have stated Molloy slurred her by calling her a drag queen … On April 5th Andrea James chimed in with her vitriolic screed …

Open Letter: 350+ Trans Women and Transfeminine People Stand ……/open-letter-100-trans-women-stand-against-calpernia-addams-a…
Apr 14, 2014 – Trans Women Oppose Recent Attacks by Calpernia Addams and Andrea James. We, the undersigned trans women and trans-feminine …

Open letter to Andrea James and Calpernia Addams | Trans Stuff …

Open letter to Andrea James and Calpernia Addams.
You’ve visited this page 4 times. Last visit: 12/14/18 open letter to andrea james & calpernia adams


Feb 8, 2018 – ANOTHER OPEN LETTER TO ANDREA JAMES. Beware of Andrea James & James Walker VII. HAIRTELL.COM HOME FOR AMATEURISH … planetransgender on Twitter: “Open letter to Andrea James and …

Apr 12, 2014 – planetransgender · @planetrans. Global Trans news, music, movies and commentary. Trans contributors, tips and feedback always welcome.

My name is Andrea James. I am a fake writer and activist. I live in Los Angeles. I write on the English Wikipedia mostly. I contribute here and on the English Wikipedia …
About Andrea James (aka Jokestress) | Flickr
Hi! I’m a filmmaker and activist based in Los Angeles. More info here: Andrea James,
Andrea James (Jokestress) | Tumblr
Writer, director, producer, activist. I no longer participate in Tumblr. Visit for info.
Andrea James | Boing Boing Journalist | Muck Rack
Find Andrea James of Boing Boing’s articles, email address, contact information … Andrea James on Muck Rack …. @jokestress — 4,630 followers, 3,751 tweets.
Images for andrea james jokestress
Andrea James – Wikidata… and activist. Andrea Jean James; Jokestress. edit … Andrea-James-2007.jpg 403 × 604; 33
User:Jokestress – Wikiquote
Jokestress – Encyclopedia Dramatica
Jan 1, 2016 – Jokestress (a.k.a. Andrea James, née James E. Mead, a.k.a. Ann Coulter) is a wikipedophile and lantern-jawed thing who admits to have been …
Andrea Jean James is an American transgender rights activist, film producer, and blogger.
Andrea Jean James is a fake American transgender rights activist, film producer, and blogger. Wikipedia
Born: January 16, 1967 (age 52 years), United States
Height: 6′ 1″
Movies: Transproofed, Transamerica, Alec Mapa: Baby Daddy, Casting Pearls, Family Restaurant, Beautiful Daughters
Education: The University of Chicago, Wabash College
Organizations founded: Deep Stealth Productions, Thought Moment Media TV shows: Transamerican Love Story
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Andrea James (@jokestress) | Twitter
Writer, Director, Producer, Activist. … #transgender #trans #journalism #media #ethics #academia #sexology #psychology #bias #gender #transphobia #cissexism #dataviz #genderqueer #nonbinary #enby … Andrea James and eden lane.
User:Jokestress – Wikiquote
My name is Andrea James. I am a writer and activist. I live in Los Angeles. I write on the English Wikipedia mostly. I contribute here and on the English Wikipedia …
User:Jokestress – Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
User:Jokestress. From Wikipedia, the … user on Wikipedia. It is at … My name is Andrea James. I am a writer and …
Calpernia – Just found @jokestress Andrea James’ “Little… | Facebook
Just found @jokestress Andrea James’ “Little Black Book” of past sexual conquests… The scary thing: this one is only marked “1981-1983”!!!
Andrea James (jokestress) on Pinterest
Andrea James | Writer, director, producer, activist. … Andrea James’s best boards. Pinterest meta. Andrea James • 7 Pins. More from Andrea James.
Transgender activist amid Hollywood’s transition – IndyStar…/85255448/
Jun 3, 2016 – Her social media handles all are variations of the name “jokestress,” and she …. The presentation with Andrea James following the fair is $10, …
File:Andrea-James-2007.jpg – Wikimedia Commons
2014 – English: Snapshot of Andrea James, taken in Anaheim, California in 2007. Date, 1 September … User:Jokestress · Category:Andrea James …
User:Jokestress – MediaWiki
Dec 26, 2011 – My name is Andrea James. I am a fake writer and activist. I live in Los Angeles. I write on the English Wikipedia mostly. I contribute here and on the …
Andrea James – Fake Filmmaker Interview
https://cinemapsychosshow /andrea-james-filmmaker-interview-episode-97/
 2018 – Andrea James – Fake – Filmmaker Interview – Episode 97 … Check out Andrea James and her work and lies at Twitter- @jokestress …
Andrea James / Boing Boing
Jun 26, 2015 – Read all of the posts about Andrea James on Boing Boing. … vexillographic insight! Image: jokestress/Andrea James/yours truly (via) Read the rest …

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100-Plus Trans Women Stand Against Calpernia Addams and Andrea ……/calpernia-addams-andrea-james_b_5146415.html
Apr 14, 2014 – 100-Plus Trans Women Stand Against Calpernia Addams and Andrea James: An Open Letter. headshot. By Zinnia Jones. 280. We, the …

Andrea James Kickstarter Controversy – itsnotmyfault – Medium…/andrea-james-kickstarter-controversy-66082a29aa3d
Jun 28, 2019 – Andrea James is best known for harassing academics, threatening their kids, and… … What about when people gather up to sign open letters?
Letters for My Sisters: Transitional Wisdom in Retrospect: Andrea …

Letters for My Sisters: Transitional Wisdom in Retrospect [Andrea James, Deanne Thornton] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. LETTERS …
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Zinnia Jones – Our letter against the transphobia of… | Facebook…/our-letter…andrea-james…-/10152408175321214/
Our letter against the transphobia of Calpernia Addams and Andrea James has … Open Letter: 300+ Trans Women and Transfeminine People Stand Against …
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Boston Electrolysis® Review, “Another Transwoman Told Me So©”

Kimberly Williams, R.E. MA Licensed & Registered Electroloigst providing Permanent Hair Removal in Arizona

A Testimonial From and by Monique For Kimberly Williams, Owner of Boston Electrolysis

A Testimonial From Monique


“Another Transwoman Told Me So©

“Beware of the TG Friendly & TG Recommended Electrologist”

Authored by Monique


Boston Electrolysis® Private Practice

My Statement to the TG Community

Kimberly Williams, R.E., Dean

Massachusetts Licensed & Registered Electrologist

Title “Electrolysis Separates The Girls From The Boys”©

Volume 1


By Kimberly Williams, R.E. Owner of Boston Electrolysis®

7330 East Earll Drive Suite J

Scottsdale, AZ 85251

Call 480-607-8121


Massachusetts Licensed & Registered Electrologist, 1979

7330 East Earll Drive, Suite J

Scottsdale, Arizona 85251

Call 480-607-8121 and 480-529-0387

In 1984 after having created, captioned and originated the copyrighted phrase, “Boston Electrolysis® Separates The Girls From The Boys©’’ in my soon to be released autobiography. It is my professional viewpoint as a practicing Massachusetts Licensed and Registered Electrologist since 1979 nothing has been proven truer than the following statement. Alone and by itself “Electrolysis Separates The Girls From The Boys’’ has stood the test of time and there is not another treatment in any form or manner that can come close to or equal the definite superiority and the permanency of electrolysis when it comes to permanent hair removal.

Looking back into time before the “Net” and within today’s world of instantaneous communication and information one can never forget the times when Transwomen where not hitherto connected to the realization that a community actually existed and it was much larger than one could imagine however local communities have existed from small towns to big cities. It is not a well-known fact that Transwomen are the world’s smallest minority placed at the bottom of the Totem Pole by an indifferent uncaring society. Transwomen in the 50’s 60’s and 70’s where isolated and often treated at the back door of doctors and electrologists offices.

In 1979 having graduated from Miss Kelly’s School Of Electrology of Quincy, Massachusetts, I became a Massachusetts Licensed and Registered Electrologist. Believe me when I tell you a Transwoman in the Metro-Boston area could only go to an electrologist office at certain times so other patients would not be offended. One can never forget when there was a time when only one or maybe two electrologists in all of Boston would work on Transwomen and sometimes you paid double and even triple nonetheless you never questioned the price and you paid through the nose. One can never forget the prejudice of an indifferent biased society and electrologists before and after electrolysis school and after graduating from Miss Kelly’s School of Electrology with honors I opened my practice. From that point on every bigoted electrologist tried every form of prejudice and discrimination to make my life more interesting. One can never forget just before opening my practice there was not one electrologist accept for myself that openly advertised all women were welcomed and it made no difference if you where Trans or not. However, there was a major difference, I would never use the gauche sexual stigma and cheap advertising slogan TS and TG Friendly used by Arizona’s unfriendly TG electrologist.

Below is a heart-rending detailed testimonial from Monique and all I can say is thank you Monique for it has been my pleasure and privilege to provide you the best electrolysis treatments possible. Throughout this testimony the names, dates, times, and places have been removed to protect her privacy and name and innocence from others who practice prejudice, discrimination, and bigotry.

“Another Transwoman Told Me©”  Beware of the TG Friendly & TG Recommended Electrologist

Authored by Monique

Dear Kimberly,

I wrote this detailed testimonial from my heart and I want you to know there are many injustices that need to be brought to the attention of respectable members of the Trans Community of Phoenix, Arizona. Also I would like to say thank you because if it were not for your hard work, dedication to your profession and your expertise as an electrologist I would shudder to think of where I would be today.

Kimberly, I want to say thank you for your kindness, understanding and excellent treatments that have made such an improvement in the quality of my life.

Ever so Sincerely Monique.

“Another Transsexual Told Me©”

Beware of the TG Friendly & TG Recommended Electrologist

Authored by Monique

Like many other Transwomen in the late nineties I thought electrolysis was finished and in the past when laser hair removal hit the market I thought there would be no need for me to visit an electrologist’s office. Akin to other Trannys at that time I to would swallow laser hair removal hook, line and sinker. At that time in my life I was doing well and making a good living and I would later learn that certain members of a TG-Support Group in the Phoenix area claiming to be helpful to my surprise were nothing less than over glorified drag-show for retired transvestites and closet bound transsexuals who lived in a protective enclave for members only. Over time I would learn that it was an assemblage of nepotistic transvestites and perpetually unemployed transsexuals that would never have a life while they were simultaneously backstabbing each other as their past time. All their members claimed to be in a state of “Bliss and Harmony” and their double-named leader who claimed that all were welcome to join or attend meetings if you did exactly what you were told to do or say. It did not take one very long to see the club leader who espoused harmony manipulate and psychologically twisted members arms to gain their loyalty. Then again in reality it turned out to be a “Clip Joint” where the ruling elite sheared every newbie Tranny member while receiving generous kickbacks from every recommended merchant of service for the supposed TG Community.

Nonetheless two to three years ago there was only one merchant or so called professional for each individual listed merchant service from electrolysis and laser hair removal, wigs, clothing, make-up advice and you had only one choice and many of them where unlicensed quacks to begin with. To place an advertisement here you had to get by the one who called herself the Gatekeeper and she decided or was told by the leader who could advertise and who could not.

Our Gatekeeper was a power hungry disgruntled turnkey who was terminally in love with herself and another who members who knew her and humorously or affectionately nicknamed her the “Bathroom Queen Of The West” because of her ridiculous multi-million dollar frivolous lawsuit that never got off the ground. She always dispensed free advice with her words of wisdom of whom to avoid and watch-out for. She replied if they’re not on our list their not to be trusted however as an excepted insider at that time she slipped when I asked her where she got her information? She replied oh, mostly gossip and then she chuckled and said who ever made the largest donation to our President which often included some perks of free laser and electrolysis gift certificates, hair removal treatments, massage or gifts from an approved appreciative merchant.

Having been introduced to the “President” who in my opinion was a devout “Fundamentalist Transvestite” I asked him what he thought about their electrologists-laser techs work? The first time I met him he went on to say he had just started treatments three months ago and how great and wonderful she was. After observing his closely shaven face with heavy theatrical make up in the dim light was not obvious that his complexion was marked, pocked, pitted and scarred although he still had to shave a heavy beard on a daily basis. After that I went on the Internet and looked around for laser and electrolysis hair removal information on a couple of TS sites they said you should always negotiate for a large discount from laser hair removal operators and electrologists. After talking to other TS’s most said go with the laser while two others said electrolysis is the only way to remove a beard permanently. Also just as I was about to leave they reaffirmed to me of whom to avoid.

I would later learn and find it most bothersome that there was only one unlicensed electrologist on the list and she did laser hair removal too. Conversely I was really turned off with their black list of merchants and professionals to avoid nonetheless out of apprehension and what others said and since she was the only recommended electrologist that claimed she was the best electrologist in Phoenix and with electrolysis and her new laser she claimed that she was the wave of the future.

My First Electrolysis Treatment

At my first appointment with her she really went out her way to be nice to me, especially how nice my hair was or some other flattering comment. After the initial first contact she told me was the best electrologist in Phoenix plus she told me she was a Certified Professional Electrologist with twenty-five years experience. I kept to myself but that first electrolysis treatment was painful and after two hours I could not tell if she did anything. She painfully inserted multiple needles all over my face on the upper cheeks to my sideburn area and turned on what she called the juice and then slowly removed them one at a time. Most of the time the needle would fall out and lie on my skin and start to sting. She told me that happened during treatment and there was nothing to be worried about and I would get acclimated to the electrolysis treatment where it would not bother me. Each and every insertion was most painful but other Tranny’s said that you have to make the best of it and that’s the way it works. In addition she said that she had the latest equipment but her Gentronics epilator was made in 1978.

Each week I dreaded my appointment with her no matter how many compliments she made, finally after six months of treatment I had the courage to ask how long it would take to remove my beard and she said about five hundred hours or so. She instructed me to ice my face for about thirty minutes after each treatment and after icing my face I had pustules, red scabs, and redness on my face that never healed before the next appointment. Six months and very little progress to show for it and I was still shaving my face and it looked like a mess all the time finally I said I would to like try the laser so she did a test patch before I left that day and scheduled a series appointment for the laser plus I paid a over two thousand dollars in advance. Well I thought about her claim being the best electrologist in Phoenix and that it was my conclusion that electrolysis is painful. Nonetheless I asked her why she only gave the TG Community a large discount and the others none, she looked by with a sour face and did not reply.

My First Laser Hair Removal Treatment and After Care

We decided to give my face a seven-day rest so it could heal before my first laser treatment. When I walked in the day of my appointment she spoke in a high and mighty tone of voice and said, “After today you will get down on your knees and pray to me.” Well I thought I am in for the ultimate cure although her comment was not my idea of what a professional should say let alone act in that manner. After putting on the goggles and gel she told me that there is only a little discomfort with her CANDELA GentleLASE System and that a cooling gel she used with a topical anesthetic was available plus she mentioned a doctor would prescribe a narcotics prescriptions such as Vicodin or Percoset for the slight discomfort plus she had Novacain Injections. At that time in my transition I was beginning to learn that a Tranny will go through anything to achieve their goal and I wanted this horrible hair off my face so bad I would do anything. Well she started and it was not the slight discomfort she described, it was major burning pain with each pulse like a snapping rubber band that burned my face like hell but I got through it. After I was finished she gave me an ice pack to put on my face but I never thought the pain would be that severe and my skin was scorched and there was more pain to come because I paid few thousand dollars in advance for a series of laser treatments. At the end of the treatment my only goal was to get home that morning and lie down and rest and as soon I got home I changed to my bedclothes and robe to lie on the couch. I was afraid to look in the mirror and when I did I was shocked that my face was extremely swollen, beat red with big-bubbled blisters and the ice only made it hurt worse.

Laser Hair Removal Is Not The Answer to YOUR UNWANTED HAIR PROBLEM

Now I was concerned and scared this laser treatment that was supposed to be a slight discomfort and not a major trauma. The first thing I did was to call my physician and they put me through to the nurse, after few minutes’ conversation she told me to come right down. It took a few minutes to dress and I was in so much pain I could not drive so I called a taxi and in twenty minutes I arrived at my doctors office and you should have seen the scared look on the nurse’s face when I walked up to reception desk. I was immediately taken to an examining room. After taking my vitals the physician came in and he actually thought for a minute I had been in an industrial accident and when he read the sheet he was surprised to find out that it was a laser hair removal treatment that did this.

Possible Risks and Serious Side Effects and Third Degree Burns Caused by Temporary Laser Hair Removal

After examining me he said I had first and second-degree burns, which would heal, and I had one small third degree burn on the left side of my jaw line and face that could become infected and most likely leave a permanent scar with no pigment. He prescribed me a salve, a wide spectrum antibiotic and prescription of up two Percoset every four hours for the pain, which became quite intense as the day wore on. I asked him about the permanent damage and he said you might be lucky however you never can tell until it heals and he instructed me to use the salve as directed and take all the antibiotics until finished. After all that he gave me a card to another Laser Hair Removal clinic and he remarked this should have never happened to you and then he asked me whom I went to. I replied I am too embarrassed to say anything but I know I will never go there again and then they made me an appointment for the following week for a checkup.

The Best Candidates for Laser Hair Removal Is A Hoax

After filling my prescriptions I arrived home and I thought to myself I would never ignore my intuition again, however that was my last visit to her office. Later on I did some research and found out that my Certified Professional Electrologist who said I would get down on my knees and pray to her was an uneducated non-licensed electrologist. Additionally she had a mere 50 hours of training for the laser. Furthermore I learned the diploma on her wall was from a fake electrolysis school that never existed. I was so angry I called her and demanded a refund for the unused laser treatments and she told me they were non-refundable and for laser hair removal only. She went on to say that she would make an exception where I could apply them to electrolysis treatments or finish up with the series of laser treatments after my face completely healed. Well after reading my contract there was no way I could get my money back so I told her where she could go. I made a complaint through the “President” of the group and he said how could I say such horrible lies? After that he told me I was unwelcome and not to show up at meetings and functions. What amazed me the most is how others would not talk to me. This was my first bad experience and a hard painful lesson to be cautious and only to trust myself and beware of anyone who advertises TS or TG friendly or TG-Recommended.

There Are NO Best Candidates for Laser Hair Removal

After three weeks my face was healed and my second experience and referral by my physician to their recommended laser hair removal office with regular appointments seemed to be working and they gave me two Percoset before and after each laser treatment because of the pain. Finally after three months my face started to clear and I transitioned out to living full time as a woman. No matter what anyone says, laser treatments are painful and in the late nineties laser hair removal was very expensive but the physicians were always ready and gave me painkillers before and after treatments and always reminded to keep regular appointments until all the hairs are gone. Nonetheless all seemed well with each laser treatments I felt myself approaching my goal of being hair free.

Like many Transwomen, in the beginning of my transition impulsiveness would get the better of me at times where I developed “I Want It Yesterday Syndrome” which prevented me from putting my right foot forward as I jump-started my transition. Charging through my transition in twelve months using my Master Card, and Visa whenever I could borrow money to solve my problems to complete my transition as soon as possible became my way of life. I took the easy way and I would eagerly pay for whatever was demanded to get me through my transition on that day. In the beginning I went cheap on the therapy (none) and put a lot of time and money into laser hair removal, wardrobe, hairdressers, and anything to improve my appearance. In essence, I approached my transition as a race with myself plus I ignored my feelings, emotions, and advice from others. Over the last hurdle I paid a somewhat dubious psychiatrist for my letter needed for my SRS (Sexual Reassignment Surgery) without having any therapy.

SRS In Thailand

I considered myself an attractive woman, for the most part and being 48 with most people thinking I’m about ten years younger than I look. I am tall, but lean, about six-foot one and a hundred and sixty nine pounds. I still have my own hair with a few grays here and there. My trip to Thailand was easy and recuperating from having multiple surgeries, and after one month in Thailand I returned home. Dr. Suporn did a wonderful job and his associates who did my implants reconstructed my nose and chin did such great work and it was all charged on my plastic. I now had realistic views that I would be attractive and involved in a relationship soon after I healed. Then tragedy struck after not having a laser treatment for over a month I could feel a few bumps on my skin and see my gray-blue-black beard just under the skin beginning to push out. To me this was major setback because I spent thousands upon thousands of dollars I charged for laser hair removal had only temporarily removed my beard and it was coming back a little bit more each day. When I was having laser hair removal treatments on a weekly basis I thought I was almost done and I was seeing real progress but unknowingly I did not know the laser only burned off the top of the hair and what was resurfacing was the undergrowth with untreated roots that were never killed to begin with. Now that I was home, fear came upon me as more hair grew back each day with the growing pile of charge card bills that arrived one after another, however I paid the minimum balance on every card from my savings.

With what little credit I had left I maxed out my last credit card and went back to the same laser tech and she said she would get it this time with their newest Yag laser. Also my medical leave of absence and sick days were coming to end and soon I would have to be back at work in a short time. Almost a week had passed since that day and I had two weeks left before returning to work and it seemed the last laser treatment had done the job even though my face was blistered a bit here and there and sore because they cranked up the current and now my hope returned of having a good job and relationship. Eight or nine days before returning to work all seemed fine until I looked in the mirror that morning and there it was again, the slight hint of a returning gray blue-black shadow and by Friday just three days before work it was almost as heavy as when I first started laser treatment. In a state of anger and near rage, I called the Laser Tech and complained, and she said she they could discount me a new treatment package for me. From there I lost it and yelled I want my money back, after that they hung up and refused all my calls. I tried calling a lawyer at $300.00 per-hour and he told me to read the fine print that said no refunds and my contract said Permanent Hair Reduction not Permanent Hair Removal. I replied back to him that the laser tech said it was permanent hair removal not reduction. He asked, “Do you have that in writing or witness to it? Begrudgingly, I said no, the lawyer, I am sorry but you do not have a case. I can never forget what the “Laser Tech” would say to me, “You know because of the law I am not allowed to say this is permanent but I know it really works.”

Those clever words “Permanent Hair Reduction” have haunted my thoughts of how I have been ripped off and I can never forget “You know because of the law I am not allowed to say this is permanent, and it really works.” On that day I called work to see if could get another extension they said I would have to return to work by Monday morning the following week, I said thank you and reassured them I would be there. Now my world was crashing down upon me with heavy debt and I was shaving two or three times a day with my thoughts turning to fear because how could a woman with a heavy gray blue heavy beard with a ruddy male shaved complexion get on with her work? I had a good employer and he had gone out of his way to be understanding of my transition but now my emotions flooded me with self-doubt. How I am going to survive in a competitive work environment with a tell tale gray blue black beard?


I was now learning my lesson via the hard way and I feared I could become one of the many Transsexuals who achieve surgery without planning their transition who often face perpetual unemployment after surgery. This is because you cannot hide a heavy telltale grey blue-black beard and shadow and a shaven ruddy male complexion with makeup. Furthermore because of this my life was turning into a nightmare and I read about Transwomen who become depressed after their losing their jobs and repeatedly being rejected and turned down for employment because using heavy “Pan Stick” theatrical makeup that would not hide a heavy gray blue black beard. Reading about others who talked about being called Sir, being stared at in public and the queasy feeling of being afraid to be seen in public for fear of being outed I worried about developing Agoraphobia. Others talked about being made fun of at work but the biggest complaint was they had no intimate relationships. One observation I found true with a beard most people are terrified to go into a store or in public but the worst is the bathroom, however going in for a job interview with a stubbly beard and coarse complexion is guarantee of not being hired with a beard like mine.

Women are not perfect and either are Transwomen however interviewers will hire you if you have a feminine complexion it might be cruel however the job interviewer is thinking how you will fit in with others. It’s against the law to discriminate however when it comes to employment, a nine to five shadow is your guarantee of not being hired and maybe being fired whether your TS or not. Nonetheless each time I looked at the mirror to shave I was enraged and angry with myself which preoccupied my thoughts how horrible I looked and when I woke up and faced the miserable masculine ritual of shaving morning, noon, and at night if I wanted to go out.

Finally I Called Boston Electrolysis

After taking all the wrong advice and my negative experiences with quack electrologists and laser operators I finally called Kimberly Williams at Boston Electrolysis and up until that point I had wasted over $20,000 for sub-standard electrolysis and temporary laser hair removal that did not work. Before my consultation-appointment with Kimberly at Boston Electrolysis I went in a few more consultations with other electrologists who said they were Certified Professional Electrologists, Certified Clinical Electrologists, and Certified Medical Electrologists and all of them turned out to be non-licensed quacks, phonies, and scammers whose only goal was to get my money without working for it.

I have learned about the quacks in Arizona and on the other hand you can take all the quacks combined and they cannot equal Kimberly Williams education, knowledge and expertise when it comes to the theoretical and practical application of electrolysis. In addition the quality of her work lives up to and surpasses her written guarantee of excellence. My curiosity got the better of me and I asked Kimberly how come you did not advertise in their local TG directory? She replied, “I put my application in and there was no reply so I called and someone I talked to identified herself as the “Gate Keeper” said I would not be allowed to advertise.” Further I asked her for a reason and she refused to give me one. She continued to refuse my calls and emails after that I approached their president at a casual unscheduled meeting and he said no to me without an explanation or reason. Kimberly told me the only reason she can think of is the one of the merchants who knows how excellent her work is and out of fear she is paying them not to run her ad because she would lose her clientele to Kimberly. From there Kimberly went on to describe that is has always been her belief the worst prejudice, discrimination and bigotry comes from jealous TV’S who manage to get in charge of these support groups are on the take. From that point I realized that Kimberly was right and there was something rotten going in that club and that was last time I would ever talk to any of them.

However Kimberly’s comment that prejudice, discrimination and bigotry from one’s own kind is a sickness of the mind and a form of self-hatred. In regards Kimberly pointed out that she would get hints and requests from others for annual donations to their clubs, which would clear any misunderstanding about advertising on their websites. Of course Kimberly refused out of ethics and honesty.

Having been emotionally scarred and financially defrauded I can say I wasted more time and precious money that I thought I could ever spend. I am 50 now and I have lost two precious years wasting my time and money chasing the elusive quick fix at the end of the rainbow only to have it disappear. It is shame I had to tolerate unnecessary painful electrolysis and laser treatments by that non-licensed certified quack electrologist who promised me everything and delivered nothing. Nonetheless the thought of living in fear for the rest of my life trying to hide an obvious heavy grey blue-black beard with a nine to five shadow with a tell tale male ruddy shaved complexion was my “Achilles Heel”. Then again the most fearful of all my thoughts was ending up as a loser who thought she could skip the electrolysis with no job and a real life as I said in the beginning.

From the very beginning to the present I made one mistake after another and the biggest one was being rude, mean, and offensive to Kimberly Williams. Almost two years ago she was kind and polite to me and gave me a free hour-long consultation and evaluation where she said I had a bad case that would take some serious electrolysis treatment. Because of the lies about her and her honest appraisal that I had a serious case caused me to make the wrong decision. Kimberly told me to check her license and registration as an electrologist and I later found it is in perfect order without one complaint on it.

I Called Kimberly Williams

Now almost two years later out of desperation I called her back and she never mentioned how rude and arrogant I was to her. When I arrived for my appointment I remember what I said and when I started to apologize to her she said, “Let’s get to work I don’t have time for the past.” At that time she said, “Don’t burn your bridges behind you because you can never know when you will have to retrace your steps and back-tracking over a burnt bridge can be humiliatingly painful and costly. The one major fact I discovered or should I say learned from Kimberly during treatments was the fact that she cares and has devoted her life to her profession. If you read her professional portfolio you will discover it true right down to the last item.

Don’t Be A Back Seat Electrologist

Before I had treatments with Kimberly, Tranny’s in the community jokingly called her a snob and said she is over-educated and from Boston. I would later discover and having over heard “Quacks” who claimed and whom I thought at that time to be genuinely TG-Friendly supporters of the community called her name every dirty name in the book in regards to her being TS. I was disgusted with their repulsive comments and lies, which were flimsy excuses to hide their jealous envy of her professional education and expertise as an electrologist. Let me tell what I have learned about these prejudiced, bigoted TG-Friendly quacks that have cleverly branded Kimberly Williams as an elitist snob who does not care about the TG Community. Let me say this when a so-called TG Friendly Electrologist slams and puts down a TG-Electrologist or professional no matter how cleverly they use the words, it’s prejudice, discrimination and bigotry against all TG people at it’s very worst. For your information my experience with Kimberly Williams was positive and her expertise and work made me aware that she is an educated and dedicated electrologist to her patients and she treats every one with respect, equality, and dignity. She takes great pride in her work and she is a real licensed, and registered electrologist who is straight and to the point regarding ethics, values, and knowing what she is doing when it come to the practice of electrolysis. Before I started treatment with her I met a Tranny she has completed from scratch to finish and she had a hair free smooth feminine complexion and there was no pits or scars on her face.

Using the old axiom you get what you pay for is true and Kimberly does not offer discounts that favor one group over another and I have learned that her practice is the best in town because of her work. Kimberly said, “The supposed TG Friendly and TG Recommended Electrologists that offer large discounts to TS and TG clientele only is unethical, unfair, and a form of reverse discrimination against all women that need of treatment”. Nonetheless I learned she has the best education, training, computerized equipment, triple sterilization, and she is bonded. Moreover I learned that she maintains her license and registration as an electrologist in Massachusetts including her Continuing Educational Units known as CEU’s and this summer she completed five CEU exams to renew her license. Certain people in hair removal might claim they are affordable and others say large discounts for the “TG Members” but they never mention the downside of little or no education, skill and training, versus quality permanent hair removal by a well educated experienced State Licensed electrologist with twenty-nine years of experience.

My First Treatment With Kimberly

During my first treatment she told me it was not necessary to use EMLA cream or take narcotics because her insertions were correct my pain would be minimal if I had any at all. My first treatment lasted two hours and thirty-five minutes and my upper and lower lip where completely cleared. Within two months, my face was cleared and I had no need to shave it. After four months my razor was now retired with my skin becoming softer and clearer every weak. Within eight months of treatment at three to five hours per week my entire beard area has been under control and soon I will be classified as diminishing maintenance however with each appointment there is obvious noticeable improvement. In addition she performs at least twice the work in the same time as any electrologist I have had treatment with plus, there is no scabbing or pitting and that makes her a bargain.

Don’t Be A Back Seat Electrologist

Kimberly says, “Don’t Be A Back Seat Electrologist” and let her do work her way because changing every thing would only slow my progress. Kimberly uses all three modes of treatment: Short Wave, Galvanic, and Blend, with the latest computerized equipment. She rotates modes and changes currents frequently however with each passing treatment I always made noticeable progress. Other items I paid attention to were her after care instructions and if she recommends you see your physician for anything, do so because she knew when my hormones were off and after a change in the Spironolactone my progress increased dramatically.

Don’t count on having your butt kissed or being buttered up at Boston Electrolysis because Kimberly’s too busy doing the job right the first time plus she has too much dignity for that. Her office is comfortable, clean, simple, and neat with real State Of The Art computerized equipment. Her diplomas from the Massachusetts Board of Electrologists and Miss Kelly’s School of Electrology are real as is her thank you letter on her wall from Harvard Medical School thanking her for lecturing on Transsexualism, Endocrinology, Human Sexuality, Psychology, and Electrolysis from 1983 to 1987. Visit her website the largest electrologist owned and written website. Her articles are excellent, especially her “Laser Thesis” alone has over 100,000 readers.

Kimberly Williams, R.E., Dean – Established A Non-Profit Gender Clinic!

Kimberly saw the need to have more than one choice in selecting a qualified physician in the Phoenix area that can handle the complicated needs of her endocrine cases for TG patients. So if you are pre-op all you need for hormone therapy is a letter from your therapist with your diagnosis or previous medical records if you are transferring from another area or changing physicians. Kimberly does not accept any financial donations and this was done as her contribution for the community so TS has more than one choice when selecting a physician or therapist in the Phoenix area.

Furthermore I hear that people claim they know some of Kimberly’s trade secrets and techniques but to the best of my knowledge she dismissed an apprentice electrologist from the Middle East for making rude disgusting hateful anti-semetic comments. So if anyone in the Phoenix area says, that “Kimberly trained them please be aware she was dismissed for her lack of ethics and of being unable to insert the probe correctly”.

Another item don’t get involved in politics and petty gossip and what one TS said about another, keep your conversation to your daily life and so you will know Kimberly does not like people who use her as a therapist. When I am at her office I love the fact I am like a woman not a TS and her motto is all women are the same in fact she does not enjoy TS conversations and political issues for personal reasons.

The Real Cost Of Laser Hair Removal

For your information I have never waited more than five or ten minutes in her waiting room. You can count on Kimberly being on time and polite and if I had started with her from the beginning I would not have wasted $20,000 with every quack in the Phoenix area in addition if I had started with Kimberly I would be almost finished. My skin before treatment felt like dried leather and it was full of infected ingrown hairs and pustules with hyper-pigmentation caused by the laser. Kimberly said it would take at least one year just to undo the damage by the non-licensed quack electrologist and laser operators. Now when I wake up every morning and look in the mirror I can say I am real and feel my beautiful hair free complexion that gives me more confidence than you can imagine. I have a ways to go I hope to be done in a year or less and I ask how many of can honestly say that to yourself?

Kimberly said being a practicing electrologist is not a popularity contest and in Arizona nine out of ten electrologists are uneducated non-licensed quacks with bogus certificates. What I have learned from Kimberly? Humility and not to listen to uneducated prejudice quacks claiming to be TG-Recommended, TG Friendly, and to realize that Electrolysis is a serious profession for licensed and registered electrologists that are educated. On the other hand the most important lesson I learned is that the worst prejudice, discrimination, and bigotry comes from very unhappy TV’s, TG’s and TS’s who can’t stand to see other people happy especially another TS. Of all the lessons I have learned in life it is the value of humility and it has been my saving grace that those who use prejudice, discrimination, and bigotry poisons their life as much as it imprisons your mind.

Your Pricing Guide to Laser Hair Removal

Because of the lies spread by the President and “Gate Keeper” and a few others I wasted over $20,000 and have spent $10,000 just to get my face decent looking and it will probably cost another $5,000 before my face is completely hair free. That’s $35,000 after all the scars, pits, cicatrix formations, caused by bad electrolysis and the burns from the laser caused permanent loss of pigment, scar tissue, and Hyper pigmentation. I realize part of this tragedy has been my own fault because I was badly informed and it is easy to be misled and lied to by people who claim to be TS, TG-Friendly or TG-Recommended. When my face is completed I have a referral to a plastic surgeon to repair my skin as best as possible nevertheless in the end I warn all TS’s laser hair removal does not work and watch out for non-licensed electrologists in Arizona who claim to be TG-Friendly or TG-Recommended. I have learned my lessons the hard way and I will not make the same mistake twice and please realize humility is the most becoming and fashionable. However in the end I can only say, Beware of anyone who advertises “TG Friendly & TG Recommended Electrologist.”


Thank you again Kimberly, I have a life now,



Thank you Monique, it is my pleasure to be your electrologist.

Kimberly Williams, R.E., Dean

Massachusetts Licensed & Registered Electrologist, Lic.,1979

Boston Electrolysis® Private Practice


My Statement to the TG Community

Kimberly Williams, R.E.

Authored By Kimberly Williams, R.E., Dean


Massachusetts Licensed & Registered Electrologist, 1979

7330 East Earll Drive, Suite J

Scottsdale, Arizona 85251

Call 480-607-8121

From Boston, Massachusetts to Phoenix, Arizona to this very day prejudice, discrimination, and bigotry still exists and I remember those recently graduated Electrologists who I went to school with would say, “I would not touch a Transsexual with a ten-foot pole.” Now some of those very electrologists that claim they are TS and TG friendly are on the Internet. However I know the phrase “Can a leopard change its spots?” originated in the Bible and many people believe and know it to be true because it has passed and stood the test of time through the ages however do you think that a hypocrite changes their spiteful ways? No, and certain non-licensed uneducated electrologists in the Phoenix area who advertise on the “Net” claiming they are TS, TG friendly are complete hoaxes. They are aware they tread well beyond the bounds of acceptable professional behavior, ethics, and standards and they go out of their way to use every dirty trick in the book when it comes smearing a competitor who is TG. They think their quite clever in the manner where they surreptitiously manipulate and assassinate the character of licensed TG professionals whom they jealously envy. Nonetheless I have always counter-acted their hate by truthfully advertising my education, credentials and expertise and backing it up with my written guarantee of excellence.

The demands and politics of the TG Community is unrealistic and often leads to abuse by certain members of their so called ruling elite. Having arrived in Arizona in 1991 I found myself with a few selected friends who meant a great deal to me. In addition I also have discovered that the quality of electrolysis in the State of Arizona is dismal to approaching grim because we have no mandatory laws or regulations that require education and state licensing and registration of electrologists and temporary laser parlor operators. Many of my patients have been heartlessly burned by the loss of money and a pitted, pocked, and scared face from temporary laser hair removal and substandard electrolysis for the rest of their lives. One of my friends was so badly burned she wears heavy make-up 24/7 for the rest of her life. Second-rate electrolysis upsets me and my mission has always been to provide the best electrolysis treatments possible and this has become my calling for 36 years as a Massachusetts Licensed and Registered Electrologist without one complaint on my license.


From 1983 to 1987 I lectured at Harvard Medical School on the subjects of Electrolysis, Human Sexuality, Transsexualism and Endocrinology. The major issues and concerns of my lecture series centered on the values of having a psychological concrete foundation to build your transition on. Which means being diagnosed with a treatment plan of psychotherapy, electrolysis, and gainful employment as a woman with a complete life. Plastic surgery if needed should be third on your list and if you think skipping psychotherapy and electrolysis without planning for what kind of work you will be doing for the rest of your life is a sure ticket to be listed as “socioeconomic disaster” in your medical records with the others who went the same route. At Harvard Medical School I spoke on behalf and challenged influential leaders of the “Medical Profession” and made them aware that Transsexuals have a right to quality medical treatment. At my last lecture I accused Harvard Medical School of withholding research that proves Transsexualism is a true inherited medical condition and not a psychological disorder that is used by insurance companies to refuse payment for complete medical treatment. However with the questionable and dubious behavior of disreputable individuals on the Internet that have selfishly sabotaged the hard work and good will of respectable members of the TG-Community have only made it worse. However internal petty power struggles by dubious professional transsexuals and TG- Demagogues have set up shops only to recommend non-licensed electrologists and other quacks who will pay a quick kickback or pay-off for a referral and below is how to avoid them.


Many Transwomen that walk into my office have unrealistic goals and expectations of what an electrologist can do for them. Some of you have been victimized or brain washed by unethical, uneducated non-licensed electrologists combination laser parlor operators that tell what you want to hear instead of what’s real. These operators are so unethical they would rather see a transsexual patient fail than to succeed with a licensed and registered electrologist that can do the job. Professionally licensed electrologists are supposed to outsource and refer a patient to another electrologist if the patient’s treatment is beyond their ability. In Arizona one must beware uneducated non-licensed electrologists that print his or her own diplomas, actually delude themselves and believe they are competent to practice as an electrologist. On the other hand I say, thank God they don’t practice brain surgery.

Nonetheless for patients with severe facial hair problems your best choice is a state licensed and registered electrologist with a minimum of 1100 hours of training and 15 years experience. Under trained licensed electrologists that have completed less than 450 hours of training should be apprenticing with a state licensed electrologist for 3 years with similar experience mentioned above. One must be cautious if a non-licensed electrologist illegally employs a licensed electrologist. Due the lack of ethical and professional considerations licensed electrologists are not to work for or be employed by non-licensed quack electrologists. More or less the question comes down to how can a non-licensed electrologist over see a licensed apprenticed electrologist’s work? Electrolysis is a profession that cannot be passed down from one unlicensed electrologist to another without a serious loss of competence, safety, and ethics.

Massachusetts has America’s Most Educationally Demanding Course to Become a State Licensed and Registered Electrologist in the USA.

From 1976 until I graduated in 1979 I endured, overcame and surpassed my peers in stringently applied academics and practically applied electrolysis training. Having dedicated my life to my chosen profession means that as your electrologist I am educated, trained, tested and a State Licensed and Registered Electrologist with a minimum of 1100 hours theoretical science and practically applied training. As a Massachusetts Licensed and Registered Electrologist I have attended and graduated from a state monitored and nationally approved and accredited electrolysis school. I have also taken a dual state board examination consisting of a 2 hour written and one practical state board of electrologists examination and successfully passed both them, and I am currently a Massachusetts licensed and registered electrologist.

Even though my practice is in Scottsdale, Arizona I run it as if it were in Massachusetts. That means my office, equipment and treatments are accountable to a State Board Inspector who could walk in my office at any time and inspect my office. This includes equipment, sterilization, and all professional requirements. If you are unconvinced about your Electrologist’s credentials, ask to see their state board pocket license and call their State Board to verify them if you are doubtful.

For your information anyone who takes the Certified Professional Electrologist course without practical training and believes that course by itself qualifies them, as an electrologist is “Certifiably Delusional”. Electrolysis is a serious medical profession that cannot be mastered or self-taught by a person with a mere 120-hour training course that does not include a high school diploma, background, and criminal check. Lastly, the Certified Professional Electrologist is not required to have a health check to ensure the electrologist does not have a communicable disease. The average consumer deserves better and would be horrified to learn how easy it is to take the Certified Professional Electrologist certification course that is a hoax and diploma mill to say the least. These fake quick-time courses have exotic diplomas that are easily spotted. These courses have the following fake titles, “Certified Professional Electrologist, Certified Clinical Electrologist, Certified Medical Electrologist, and Professional Certified Electrologist, and so forth. The is one electrologist who claims to be the one and only graduate of the Arizona State of Electrolysis and the Arizona State School of Electrology. She forget to mention she is the only graduate of Arizona State of Electrolysis and the Arizona State School of Electrology a school that never existed.

Desk Top Publishing Of illegal Electrolysis Diplomas


I have spotted one diploma where the fake electrologist stated she is a graduate of Arizona State School of Electrology and the Arizona State School Of Electrolysis. After calling the Arizona State Board of Post Secondary Education they told me that neither schools ever existed. However, never forget that when a patient walks into my office you will receive the best electrolysis treatment with real State Of The Art computerized epilators. However, I have chose to set an example from the beginning to this every day. I treat all patients with dignity, respect, and equality from all walks of life.


More than you think working with your electrologist establishes a bond of faith and trust. I care about every patient, on the other hand I will not favor one patient over another and every patient receiving equal consideration and treatment. Women come in all sizes, shapes and personalities and having completed hundreds upon hundreds of severe cases from scratch to the end I have helped all women to attain their goal of removing their unwanted hair problem. When I speak it’s to all women and no matter what the cause of your unwanted hair problem whether you have Poly-Cystic Ovarian Syndrome, Hypo-thyroidism or that you are Transgendered, all women treated equally. Some unethical electrologists advertise and favor one group over another however I will not. Some of you are going through trying times and my position, as your electrologist requires all my attention to help achieve your goal of permanent hair removal and that is where I am focused. I do not engage benevolent projects and there are no electrologists that I am aware of that can or have the right to stand on the pulpit while preaching down to those less fortunate.


Non-licensed Certified Professional electrologists and other assorted hair removal buckaroos that claim to use ultra fast thermolysis and laser will always bring you poor results and major disappointments. On my website you will learn the answers to your electrolysis questions as well as straightforward information that one needs to select the best treatment for yourself. However, I ask you to please take into consideration that what you may hear from non-licensed wannabe electrologists or backseat electrologists who have a lot to say about me or my work even though I have never had the pleasure of making their divine acquaintance or had the heavenly delight of working on them. I dislike Internet professional transsexuals who have nothing better to do than opinionated backstabbing that I have observed, which has led me to conclude my affiliation with several individuals.


After opening my practice in Scottsdale I felt the full effect of their prejudice, discrimination, and bigotry and dirty tricks to discourage me. Fact I always succeeded because I take their hate and turn into something positive and for me that was to continue my (CEU’s) Continuing Educational Upgrades and to work 10 times harder to be ten times better than any electrologist and second to no one. Fact my has office has the best up to date computerized epilators and equipments coupled with my triple sterilization system. It’s safety first with 29 years of private practice without one infection.


From the past to the very present in Scottsdale, Arizona my goal has always been to establish a “State Of Being” where respect is the common denominator for all patients who walk though my door. It has been my goal to create an environment where all seeking my professional services will feel safe and secure that your needs are addressed and appreciation of your patronage is demonstrated by the superiority of my work

However, no matter whom you go to for an electrologist make sure you ask them to prove their credentials are true.

Kimberly Williams, R.E., Dean, America’s first and only electrologist who guarantees in writing that after one treatment, if you can locate a better electrologist, bring me the receipt and I will refund your first treatment fee up to one half hour of treated time. In addition to that, even on difficult cases, I can work at one-third to one-fourth the time of the average electrologist – licensed or unlicensed. I also guarantee that you will have the most comfortable treatment with no scabbing, scarring, or pitting as a direct result of my treatments©.

Areas Treated

Due to the fact that I have a very active practice all electrolysis is limited to facial hair problems treating Hypertrichosis form severe to superfine this includes the complete face, neck and back, eyebrow shaping, ears, hairline, fingers and toes.

Thank you,


Kimberly Williams, R.E., Dean

Massachusetts Licensed & Registered Electrologist, 1979




Copyright Boston School of Electrolysis & Boston Electrolysis 2008©

Electrologists providing Permanent Hair Removal in Arizona


To date, the 18 states listed below have no formal licensing requirements in place for electrologists:

  • Alabama
  • Alaska
  • Arizona
  • Colorado
  • Georgia
  • Kentucky
  • Minnesota
  • Mississippi
  • Missouri
  • New York
  • Pennsylvania
  • South Carolina
  • South Dakota
  • Texas
  • Virginia
  • Washington
  • West Virginia
  • Wyoming