Category: Uncategorized
You ask what the Free World do pay their fair share and it’s destruction to the enviorment? China claims it has taken steps to limit plastic waste products and improve water pollution which is so bad in China their drinking water is bad for your helth and well being. It’s rumored that China is on the verge of having no drinking water, When Communist China took over in 1949 they skipped their responsibilties to clean up their polluted riverss, streams, creeks and lakes. to the point they have lost 50% of drinkable water.However China has done nothingt to enforce its own environmental laws. This includes strengthening enforcement, increasing water monitoring, and punishing polluters. Speacilzed Chinise shipd use the Great Lakes to deliver their cheaply made prroducts to the USA and they scoop and steal water frn the Great Lakes to sell in China. All Chinese ships entering us waters should be inspected when they leave with thousand of tons of US Water, You watch and wait when China runs of water they will invade their allies. The reason China invaded Tibet was for their water resources. In addition their dam building is affecting India’s water supply and it’s not hard to evision what China will do when they go dry and are out of clean drinking water. What can the free world do to stop China’s willful ways of thievery?
The USA, Canada, Central American and South America can refuse and not allow China’s Fishing Pirates to enter their territorial waters and same goes for Europe and Africa. The Chinese steal the most fish From small Arican coastal nations. Stop the Chinese with an economic embargo on all fish exported from China. If we catch their ships we cannot allow to buy them back at auction. All Chinese fishing and their crews go to prison and confess to the pillaging of ocean stocks of vauable fishing stocks. It’s a fact China’s plundering ot the ocean fishing stocks will lead the Earth into world wide starvation. If the ocea and fishing stocks are well managed than there could be a surpllus of fish. Chinas present of consuption of the worlds fishing their will be mass starvation and we wonder is this part of China’s Grand Plan to control populations by starvation, I believe its possible why else would China destroy natures bounty to become rullers of the world? Just imagine when Chinese Commies took over China in less the ten years Chinese Communists completly ate every edible fish on their coastline. Oink, oink and Oink the Chinese cleaned China’s 9,000 mile coastline of every edible fish! I think it’s time China stops devouring what little resources they possess. If China fails to stop its thievery from other nations renewable resources the oceans will be mined
UP YOURS Xi Jinping

Instacart’s Rip Offs Headquartered in San Francisco, CA Instacart Screw Ups-Failed Deliveries-Instacart Thieves Target Disabled US Veterans
Instacart’s Supreme Rip Offs are located in San Francisco, CA
50 Beale St Ste 600, San Francisco, CA, 94105-1871 United States of America
Calling Instacart Support Is A Total Waste of Your Time
Call Instafart at(888) 246-7822
Instacart goons are headquartered in San Francisco, CA and claims they have two office locations. Instacart employees fail to engage in a combination of remote and on-site work. However on their second attempt they delivered but how they delivered is a major melt-down. On the first delivery they knocked on my door and every item I ordered was there. However on the second delivery they left my groceries at my doorstep without knocking on my door and this resulted in melted ice cream, mayonnaise being spoiled and a roasted, chicken being baked beyond edibility and dried out since it was 110 degrees that day the food was damaged plus they forgot my gallon milk and my Brita water filter. Oh I forgot to mention all about Instacart Inhumane Support System at 1-888-246-7822 that I called and that place must be foreign owned and it’s my opinion that they dislike Americans and have great difficulty in English and the American concept of how business is done and failed by not understanding of how not to deliver perishable food when it’s 110 degrees in Mesa Arizona. In the summer in the month of August the average daily temperature is 110 degrees Fahrenheit in the phoenix. I have called inscart support about 21 times. and they failed to deliver the products and in two attempts they failed on the second and third deliveries of 1 gallon of ice cream melted which melted a second time. I paid for the missing products but it was melted again I talked to them again about my refund and they lied to me. I fired them immediately three days after signing up and than today they illegally charged my checking account for a publication that I did not order for $127.00. Instacart never made amends and I was not credited for my losses and it was not sent to me as promised which made me quite angry. Instacart is a company you cannot trust or depend on to be honest. In my book there new to America and I believe they are the worst thieves that target America’s Senior Citizens to victimize us and find ways to take our money without thinking of the people they are harming in essence their out to rob Americans senior citizens with their computers and stalling tactics and Instacart should not be trusted in any form or manner. From that point Instacart support thieves figured out how to abuse internet laws to rip off Americans’ Seniors Social Security checks and they did this as soon as my account was activated that when they emboldened to assault our American Decency and Integrity by blaming the customer for their bad dishonest service.
Fidji Simo stinks like a Skunk and her Fascist Organization should be on trial for their illegal crimes and actions against American Citizens!
BTW do you know how many BBB complaints have been logged with Instacart? Instacart has had 6,951 complaints in the last 3 years and 3,102 complaints in last 12 months that that have not been adjudicated and that means Instacart lies like a rug and lives off money that is the property of their customers until they are forced to return their money taken under suspicious circumstances. However has certain BBB representatives of the San Francisco BBB been paid off to give Instacart an underserved A+ Rating after after surpassing 10,000 complaints in a three year period. Instacart support delay talking to you in an honest manner and deny everything but think of the amount of money they makes on bad service and non-existent support and robbing your bank account. Some shoppers have said that iNSTACART support is powerless and that they can’t get a response when they need it most. For example, when a shopper is asked to message them about an order replacement, but the support person isn’t available to approve anything. Let’s march on Instacart and block their entrances’ and super glue their doors keyholes on their expensive vehicles. Flood the news papers with text messaging and emails asking them why they are allowed to rob pillage, pilfer money from America’s Senior Citizens, Disabled American Veteran and more. Tell people to boycott Instacart because they are low life skunks.
Instacart rip off Offices: Locations & Headquarters
USED COMPUTERIZED ELECTROLYSIS EPILATOR For Sale R.A. Fischer CB-2 Computerized Epilator Mint Condition Back Up Epilator
Boston Electrolysis® Call 480-607-8121
For Sale CB-2 Epilator in Mint Condition used as Back-up-Epilator in Excellent Mint Condition Price $900.00 Call 480-607-8121
Read Americas biggest and best Electrolysis website Http://
Kimberly Williams, R.E., Owner and Founder of Boston Electrolysis® and America’s Computer Electrology Speacialist
Massachusetts Licensed & Registered Electrologist since 1979
Kimberly Williams, R.E. Former R.A. Fischer Distributor, Glendale, California
Call 480-607-8121
For all if you would like to upscale your professional abilities I offer classes to help you correct bad habits that you learned in electrolysis school or picked them up from online courses and instruct in advanced programing for all R.A Fischer Epilators in the following techniques and three modes of electrolysis Short-Wave Galvanic Blend modes in R.A. Fischer Computerized epilators like the CB-2, CB-7 and CBX Computerized epilators. In addition I will instruct you in the Know How of selecting the right currents and how to position you patients. In addition I will observe and refine your practical technique and insertions from my practical technique for the last 42 years of professional practice. My course includes basic electricity because most electrologists today complain about static electricity charges that fry your computerized epilator. Nonetheless if you do not know how to plug in your computerized epilator and evaluate your electrical system in the building you work in you will have problems like your epilator will not last as long. Also I do phone consultations of how to set up your electrical needs which makes your epilator last longer and work better and saves you money and increases the performance of epilator and your practical abilities. Plus I offer support and training on Internet Computers
The majority of manuals for computerized electrolysis epilators are worth having especially for the rugged durable built American Manufactured R.A. Fischer CB-2 programmable computerized epilators. They cover and possess the most advance controls and provide excellent value for doing precises superior computerized electrolysis treatments accurate within 100,000 of a thousandth of second . If you are going to pay money to buy a used computerized epilator, I would recommend it is better spent on this well built and designed CB-2 Computerized Programmable epilator that possesses a computerized sensor programming that will tell you if your insertions are accurate by a particular sound. I liked Michael Bono however Michael Bono knew nothing about the R.A. series of computerized epilators or a used copy of my “Short-Wave-Galvanic techniques by myself. Michael Bono called and wanted to drop by for some shop talk and I said no because he wanted my very own custom computer programming for my R.A. Fischer computerized epilators that is not found in the manual. By the way I am a former distributor for the R.A. Fischer Company and I am most familiar with every R.A Fischer series of Programmable Epilator series and I owned the very first Computerized CB-2 Epilator, second generation CB-2 epilator, CB-7 advanced computerized epilator and the CBX-Programmable Computerized Epilator and attended many R.A. Fischer Factory Classes for being an R.A. Fischer Distributor. All manufactured programmable epilators were built in factory “Dust Free Rooms”. Most of our non-licensed misgendering DIyer electrologists do not possess an inkling or a concept of the abilities the R.A.Fischer advanced programming computerized programming and their sum knowledge of computerized electrolysis would not fill Tinkerbelle’s Tineset Thimble. If you have ever opened the hood of an R.A. Fischer CB-2, CB-7 and the CBX Computerized Programable Epilator you would realize how advanced the R.A. Fischer computerized epilators are superior to this day. Its a fact all of the Canadian Epilators are cheap over priced copies of the R.A. Fischer Company programmable computerized epilators.
For all women if you would like to upscale your professional abilities I offer classes to help you correct bad habits that you learned in electrolysis school or picked them up from online courses and instruct you in advanced programing for all R.A Fischer Epilators in the following techniques and three modes of electrolysis Short-Wave Galvanic Blend modes in R.A. Fischer Computerized epilators like the CB-2, CB-7 and CBX Computerized epilators. In addition I will instruct you in the Know How of selecting the right currents and how to position you patients. In addition I will observe and refine your practical technique and insertions from my practical technique for the last 42 years of professional practice. My course includes basic electricity because most electrologists today complain about static electricity charges that fry your computerized epilator. Nonetheless if you do not know how to plug in your computerized epilator and evaluate the electrical system in the building you work in you will have problems like static electricity charges that fry your liquid crystal screen and your epilator will not last as long and I do phone consultations of how to set up your electrical needs which makes your epilator last longer and work better and saves you money.
Kimberly Williams, R.E. Massachusetts Licensed & Registered Electrologist, since 1979
Former Distributor of the R.A. Fischer Company, Glendale, California
For Sale CB-2 Epilator in Mint Condition used as Back-Epilator in Excellent Mint Condition Call 480-607-8121
Asking $900.00 for this Mint Condition color white with blue trim with no scratches dents or dings on this R.A. Fischer CB-2 Epilator was used for back up for my R.A. Fischer CBX Pro Blend Epilator. Call 480-607-8121.
Why Laser Hair Removal Causes Paradoxical Hypertrichosis That Grows More Unwanted Hair
Introducing the Kimberly Williaams,R.E. Thesis that proves why why Laser Hair Removal Is a Total Hoax.
From The Desk Of Kimberly Williams, R.E. Dean
Massachusetts Licensed & Registered Electrologist, 1979
Guest Lecturer of Harvard Medical School 1983-1987
For Safe Permanent Hair Removal
Boston Electrolysis ® Private Practice ©
America’s First Computer Electrology Specialist©, 1985
Boston Electrolysis ™
Conveniently Located Near Scottsdale, Tempe, and Mesa
Call: 480-607-8121
Non -licensed and poorly educated electrologist that’s all i can say. Make sure you ask questions about their their credentials advertising which is sketchy and they spam and copy successful licensed and registered electrologists names and use spam tactics. It’s your right to ask the prospective electrologist what state they are licensed in and what electrolysis school they they attended and graduated from. The best thing you can do is go to their state board of electrologist website and you can do a search like find their present license status. BTW go to the California State Board of Electrologists and put their name in and you will find the correct information. If that fails call them and like any other state board of Electrologists and they will help you. Only 36 states in the USA license electrologists. It’s your face and skin and just checking your electrologists credentials will make the difference between an excellent comfortable treatment and a nightmare. Always ask yourself would you go to a non-licensed doctor? Of course not and why should you go to non-licensed electrologist? BTW these states listed below do not license electrologists in any form or manner: Arizona, Washington, Texas, New york, Pennsylvania, North Dakota, Montana, Minnesota and the rest you can check for yourself. I hope this helps you and below is a short list of fake titles that non-licensed electrologist use.
By the way the fake titles below are tricky and when you call the prospective electrologist beware because many of them will say I am Certified Professional Electrologist and go to the American Electrology website where I am listed. However most people are unaware that this is a diploma mill and their testing is true and false multiple choice questions and they are not tested for their practical skill and ability in any form or manner and they are not an electrolysis school period. In my professional opinion they are diploma mill and the supposed electrologists have never attended a state board of electrologist approved electrolysis school. What’s most notable is they learned from other non-licensed certified professional electrologist and at best its my professional opinion that’s equivalent to attending Mickey Mouse Academy of Electrolysis. Only a state board of electrologists can license and register an Electrologist after taking a two hour written examination and a one hour practical examination. I forgot to mention that all State Boards of Electrologists run a back–round checks before you can start a state board approved electrolysis school.
Below Are Fake Electrolysis Titles AK
Why Laser Hair Removal Causes Paradoxical Hypertrichosis That Grows More Unwanted Hair
Why Electrolysis is Approved by the FDA
Laser Hair Removal Scandal About Paradoxical Hypertrichosis
Yes, electrolysis has proven itself safe and permanently removes hair from all skin types. It is the only FDA-approved © form of permanent hair removal treatment. Since, 1876 electrolysis has permanently destroys the growth cells in the hair follicles, the hair will not grow back.
Search for: Why is Electrolysis the only FDA-approved method for safe permanent hair removal?
Several electrolysis manufacturers and thousands of state licensed and registered electrologists have received FDA © permission to claim and advertise as, “Permanent Hair Removal,” While Laser Parlor Operators are prohibited to claim “Permanent Hair Removal” for their “Lasers Epilators.” This means that although laser treatments with these devices will permanently reduce the total number of body hairs, they will not result in a permanent removal of all hair in any form or manner. Fact, Laser Parlor Operators lie like a cheap rug and they flaunt the law and illegally advertise Laser as permanent hair removal. In addition Laser Parlors are the worst liars who advertise under electrolysis when they do not do Electrolysis in any form or manner period. However Laser Parlor Operators are frustrated and use “Bait & Switch Tactics” advertising under electrolysis when they are not…
Williams, R.E. Massachusetts Licensed & Registered Electrologist owner. .
Consumer Beware Laser Hair Removal Causes Paradoxical Hypertrichosis
Why Electrolysis is Approved by the FDA
Yes, electrolysis has proven itself safe and permanently removes hair from all skin types. It is the only FDA-approved form of permanent hair removal treatment. Since, 1876 electrolysis has permanently destroys the growth cells in the hair follicles, the hair will not grow back.
Search for: Why is Electrolysis the only FDA-approved method for safe permanent hair removal?
Several electrolysis manufacturers and thousands of state licensed and registered electrologists have received FDA permission to claim and advertise as, “Permanent Hair Removal,”” While Laser Parlor Operators are prohibited to claim “Permanent Hair Removal” for their “Lasers Epilators.” This means that although laser treatments with these devices will permanently reduce the total number of body hairs, they will not result in a permanent removal of all hair in any form or manner. Fact, Laser Parlor Operators lie like a cheap rug and they flaunt the law and illegally advertise Laser as permanent hair removal. In addition Laser Parlors are the worst liars who advertise under electrolysis when they do not do Electrolysis in any form or manner period. However Laser Parlor Operators are frustrated and use “Bait & Switch Tactics” advertising under electrolysis when they are not.
LASER HAIR REMOVAL IS AMERICA’S MOST DANGEROUS UNPROVEN TECHNOLOGY that cannot achieve permanent hair removal in in any for or manner period.©
Boston Electrolysis® Scientific Thesis on temporary laser hair removal, as compared to Electrolysis, Thermolysis and Blend are the only proven medical technologies that can legally claim and achieve Permanent Hair Removal which is approved by the FDA.
Why women have to endure so much suffering with unwanted facial hair problems caused by PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome), Hyper-Trichiasis, and Hypo-Trichiasis cause by slow and fast Thyroid syndromes and now the latest cosmetic woe for women, Paradoxical Hypertrichosis. In addition, unwanted hair problems caused by cortisone imbalances, genetics and birth control medications. Nonetheless, the latest Laser Parlor Malady is America’s latest Pandemic known as, “Laser Induced Paradoxical Hypertrichosis” which will give young and older women a man’s unwanted heavy beard in a short amount of time after having laser parlor treatments. Furthermore, Laser Parlor Operators are lying and touting that their laser hair removal treatments will bring an end to your unwanted hair problems. This is not true and victims of the Laser Parlor Operators have a heavier hair problem after having temporary laser treatments that in fact stimulate hair growth is known as Paradoxical Hypertrichosis
The newest man-made plague known as Laser Induced Paradoxical Hypertrichosis can set in anywhere from three to five months post Laser Parlor Treatment. Unfortunately, this side effect is not as rare as you may think and the physicians are suspected of with-holding the truth. Rather, it is a nightmare causing women to grow heavy, coarse, masculine beards affecting anywhere from 15 to 30% of women who’ve undergone temporary laser hair removal treatments. The women that have had different high temperature laser treatments experimented on them can and do develop Paradoxical Induced Hypertrichosis.
Paradoxical Induced Hypertrichosis sets in after a treatment of so called laser epilation which does not even begin to be permanent from the get go. The supposed Laser Hair Removal AAA research was never investigated and Laser Parlor Operators never focused on the causes of unwanted hair growth. For years they have blatantly ignored oblivious inflammatory markers and other key factors that were a direct cause of unwanted hair growth.
What is truly appalling to me as an electrologist that happens to be a so called non-licensed electrologists would stoop so low as to convince women that the laser hair removal treatments work. The lowest form of human life in my opinion is the Electrologist that performs temporary laser hair removal. What my so called peers fail to mention is that Paradoxical Hypertrichosis is being caused by the laser hair removal treatments and then they turn around and repeatedly treat you again and again and your hair always come back again and again forever. The only permanent solution which is Electrolysis thus double dipping you the patient; talk about a money grubbing this is a shame to dedicated electrologists.
It’s amazing how the FDA has failed to mention laser treatments after patients had suffered first, second and third degree burns from laser hair removal. Now they are doing it again with Paradoxical Induced Hypertrichosis. Laser Parlor companies are lying when they advertise Permanent Hair Removal. FDA Statutes forbid them to claim permanent hair removal. The only practitioners capable of achieving Permanent Hair Removal are professionally educated and trained, “State Licensed & Registered Electrologists.”
Many Laser Parlor Operators slowly became aware over time that laser hair removal therapy stimulates hair growth soon after the laser was introduced in 1998. However, Laser Parlors knowingly spin a web of deception that Laser Hair Removal Treatments are safe, effective, and not permanent when in fact they are actually stimulating heavy facial hair growth on all treated areas and most notably the face has heavy beard growth like a man. After you laser treatment your face is nice and smooth but the hairs always returns.
Multiple cases of unwanted Paradoxical Hypertrichosis arrived soon after laser epilation in 1998. Many laser parlor operators did not want to believe their state of the art laser hair removal treatments made their facial hair problems ten times worse. Laser Operators are minimally educated and confused and do not tell their client that the heat up the and capillaries blood supply that nourishes the papillae known as the root of the of your hairs. Lasers burn the tissue and end up burning patients faces with second and third degree burns and eventually causing more hair growth. While many Laser Parlors Victims realize laser hair removal is a hoax many are still under the guise of the companies. We at Boston Electrolysis® seriously urge all victims of this charade to start looking for a state licensed and registered electrologist immediately who practice electrolysis exclusively.
Unfortunately, many physicians are out of touch with reality and the suffering of having an unwanted hair problems made worse by laser hair removal treatments performed by Laser Operators with no more than 40 to 50 hours of training.
In addition. broadband intense pulsed light has become a highly suspicious medical procedure hidden by unethical physicians. In addition stubborn Docs with their minions of deceit and treachery never mention that Laser Hair Removal machines emit harmful Ultraviolet-Radiation that can cause cancer plus, “Unwanted Paradoxical Hypertrichosis.” My patients claim an increased proportion of patients that have suspiciously reported what they believed to be a large increase in unwanted hair growth after having temporary laser hair treatments that cause, “Paradoxical Hypertrichosis.”
Nonetheless laser parlors owned by Laser Parlor Chains brazenly defy lawful FDA advertising laws and statutes that bar Laser Parlors from claiming “Permanent Hair Removal”, “Painless Hair Removal” and the advertising they do electrolysis under bait switch advertising tactics. Nonetheless the laser Parlors spend more trying to impress consumers when in reality their training program is not more than 40 hours total. However, the laser school they attended entire curriculum is a hoax. Its totally Unethical for Laser Parlor Chains to lie like a cheap rug. After you arrive they change the subject and say they only do temporary laser hair removal and a mistake in use of text were they did electrolysis to get you in the door. There hoping you will fall for their scam that hides the truth when they do not perform electrolysis in any form or manner period. All the while, Previous laser epilation treatments resulted in increased facial and body hair growth. We sought to review the dominant and high-heat proportion generated the excessive heat from the laser that dilates your capillaries which increases your blood supply that nourishes the hair. The more blood to the root of your hair causes more unwanted hair growth and creates a histological enigma. Laser hair removal victims are not aware of the increased blood supply and clients of this contradictory effect where the supposed laser only burns off the top of the hair on the surface of this skin. For your information the only reason electrolysis works is electrolgist treats and destroys the Capillary root blood supply of the hair and that cuts off the supply blood that nourishes the cappilliraies and the root of the hair dies and no more hair growth and thats why electrolysis is 100% effective. If the laser operator increased the current to cauterize the papillae also know as the root he or she would burn off an inch or two off your skin . But the unethical owners laser hair removal cover up the truth and reality and that’s why those Laser Hair Growth Baseball Caps actually stimulate new hair Growth…Its simple and scientific laser hair removal unproven and it generates allot of into your skin which inrcreases the blood to very follicle that nourishes each and hair on your face and body. However the doctors know this but their attactive laser operators that only had forty hour laser course and that’s the perfect employee whose told what to do and say and say.
To this very day laser parlor manufactures of laser machines have steadfastly refused to do a double blind study to prove whether or not laser hair removal actual works and is a 100% failure. For 24 years Laser Operators claim they have got the red laser, yellow laser, blue laser, green laser, white lasers and even the Yag Laser however the best they can do is to turn their the lasers on low so their clients do not screech in pain and end up with third degree burns. In the end Laser Operators say, “The Laser does not work on white hairs, grey hair, blonde hairs and transparent hairs.” Well it’s most obvious the laser is a hoax but it is great place to have butt kissed and say oh you good. Today’s modern Electrolysis computers have counters and when you reach the apex of the area your counter will graph how many hairs treated with every treatment and than you will the actual hair count go down with every treatment and the 40 hour laser operator cannot do that.
Laser epilator manufacturers claim to have completed single center studies that included all patients who underwent laser hair removal from 2218 to 2022. All or most cases of laser induced unwanted hair problems were assessed clinically by history; examination and hair growth were caused by long-pulsed alexandrite laser epilation. Nevertheless none of this information has been made public. In addition their study never included one or a group quality educated state licensed and registered Electrologists to a render a single professional opinion.
Some doctors reluctantly state, “Laser Induced Paradoxical Hypertrichosis clinical features of patients with post-laser AKA Paradoxical Hypertrichosis were compared with 50 patients randomly selected from among all those who had undergone laser hair removal at their center.”
It’s my belief that certain unethical physicians claimed the results of 489 patients, without being specific and providing photographs of their post treatment laser patients. In addition they did not admit to a complete and independent double blind study. In essence it’s a whole bunch of over the top hoopla also known as misleading propaganda without any substantial study. They did state and pointed finger at the long-pulsed “Alexandrite Laser and reported increased hair growth after laser hair epilation.” There is a longstanding a trend for this adverse effect to occur in all skin types plus they never mention the other. However as electrologist I have observed thick black hair from patients that have had intense hair growth of 75% of the face including the neck. However the laser parlor physician as compared with the unaffected comparison group has not been made available for the public at large… However a small number of laser parlor operators did not provide sufficient power to effectively test factors such as age, sex, treatment settings, and number of treatments statistically.
As the crow flies laser parlor physicians need to have a verifiable double blind study of at least 1500 women that have had laser hair removal that resulted in Paradoxical Laser Hypertrichosis. I have seen six cases in a mere three months that have resulted in Paradoxical Hypertrichosis where women have developed a very heavy beard just like a man.
In essence if you have laser hair removal treatment than you should have the laser parlor operator attach a rider to your laser hair removal contract that requires the responsible party to pay for your electrolysis treatments should you come down with, Acute Paradoxical Hypertrichosis with a large increase of hair growth.
Boston Electrolysis® Review the History of the Electrolysis Industry
The history of Electrolysis and Electrology would surprise most people. My profession was founded in 1876 for the purpose of relieving “Trichiasis” (inflamed infected ingrown hairs of the eyelid). This condition left untreated can result in blindness. In 1952 the profession was among the first to use sophisticated solid-state equipment. The Commonwealth of Massachusetts formed a state board and began requiring licensing and registration for Electrologists in 1959, and in time there were similar state boards in 32 states (although Arizona still lacks one). In 1985 Computerized Programmable Epilators became available, and in 1996 the FDA upgraded electrolysis equipment to the status of a class one medical device. Electrologists alone have been granted the right by the FDA to legally claim Permanent Hair Removal while the laser hair removal fails in all categories. Our field is fully professional, a medical discipline in fact, and the reason for the virulent opposition to a state board here is the fact that many in the business would be out of work after failing the sort of examinations real Electrologists must pass to be licensed. These hold-outs would prefer 50-hour training they can breeze through, usually in weeks instead of years, ultimately at the expense of their patients. The Electrolysis-Electrology profession has, since its inception, undergone extremely close scrutiny by FDA, AMA, Underwriters Laboratories and every State Board of Electrologists. Our equipment is F.D.A. approved, tested by Underwriters Laboratories and U.P.E.M.A. (United Professional Epilators Manufacturers Association). That’s why Electrologists have the sole right to advertise “Permanent Hair Removal.”
work closely with physicians regarding endocrinology, electrolysis, and micro eye-surgery for Trichiasis. I also work with epileptic patients who use medications such Dilantin, a drug which causes extreme hair problems in women and men. I try to see if it is possible to work with the Neurologist, possibly changing the medications to an alternate drug that does not create a hair problem, making the treatments shorter for the patient.
Copyright Boston Electrolysis®2022© Reviews About Shoddy Transmission Repairs at Acclaim Car & Truck Repair 85251 BBB REBUTTLE TO Mr. Kenneth Wayne Tully owner
Shoddy Work at Acclaim Car & Truck Repair
7145 E Earll Dr, Scottsdale, AZ 85251
(480) 429-1765
Acclaim Car & Truck Repair Owned by Mr. Kennth Wayne Tully
Shoddy work At Acclaim Car & Truck Repair
Auto repair shop
Security Acres
Open ⋅ Closes 5:30 PM
Shoddy work At Acclaim Car & Truck Repair Three Strikes and Your Out
This is BBB Update regarding Acclaim Car & Truck Repair Scottsdales Number One Shoddy Transmission repair shop!
Gisselle Rodriguez | Thu, Sep 5, 12:07 PM (2 days ago) | ||
Thu, Sep 5, 8:21 PM (2 days ago) |
![]() ![]() ![]() |
Choosing a Repair Facility Mr Tully Brags below
• Honesty is important, but not enough
• Knowledge is key for accurate diagnosis and repair
• How long has business been at current location
• Know datasource for specifications and labor time
• Is facility clean and organized, including tools
• What is the office like where you are doing business
• Can you talk to the tech working on your vehicle
• What type of parts are going on your vehicle
Mr.Tully never gave an itemized list of the parts he used and below he says this on his website
Mr. Tully stated on his website, That Acclaim Auto & Truck Repair is in-house transmission facility specializes in vintage and performance transmissions tailored to your car or truck. We are fully equipped to service modern computer controlled automatic transmissions as well. At Acclaim we also have full capabilities to change your transmission from stick shift to automatic and even upgrade to one for mileage performance. We are simply the best in the field at diagnosing and adjusting all automatic transmissions from 1946 to pre 1980 and are ready to get you back on the road today.
Gisselle and Yurall of the BBB as you can see I am thorough and Mr. ken tully removed his guarantee from his website and why did he do that to refuse to guarantee his repair for two of his defective transmission botch jobs. This act by Mr. Tully is deception and his warrantee is below. Now you can see how Mr. Ken Tully operates because he never did any of the services he claims he did for me or my vehicle. Go to the links above and his claims and how he denied me the right service for his two defective transmission repairs.. For he is discriminating against me and that violates The Matthew Shepard Hate Crimes Act. He refused to honor his 3 year warranty below. It took me a while to find his guaranty and he lies that his non payment is a manufactured lie and it’s illegal and unfair I was a good customer to him and referred clients to him and he treats me like this. His claim of my non payment is a lie as you can see below because he had no right to demand more payment from me for his two botched transmission repairs when he conveniently refused to discuss his guaranty and had no right to demand more money when he was paid in full for his first transmission repair that failed in nine months period and that smacks of greed.
Kimberly Williams I was in the U.S.A.F Air Police 823 Combat Support Group and know how to find information.and I am an honorably discharged Veteran of the USAF. He could have easily repaired it right the first and second time under warranty and I would like to know if he actually did the work and needed money that should have gone to the repair of my vehicle. Did he lie and he keep the warrant money? He never did a detailed account of his work and did not supply a list of parts he used used on my vehicle, why? I think he did a temporary repair and put in cheap parts used a gimmick to make a temporary transmission repair like when the use to put greased sawdust in transmissions to make them appear as in good mechanical condition.
We are a Jasper Engines & Transmissions Installer that provide warranty insurance and did Mr. Tully let his premium drop?
Since 1942, Jasper Engines & Transmissions has been a leader in the industry. Due to their extensive research, they have gained the insight to find and correct problems in original manufactured engines and transmissions which results in: Improvement of their products performance, durability and reliability. We proudly work closely with Jasper Engines and Transmissions and recommend their re-manufactured engines and transmissions.
- Proven Testing: All Jasper Engines and Transmissions go through computer aided testing which ensures trouble free performance and peace of mind for automotive clients.
- Quality Parts: Fuel components are re-manufactured in a climate controlled environment with computer aided calibration that ensured precise fuel efficiency and delivery.
- Live run dynamometer testing of every automatic transmission, including Allison, assure trouble free performance and reliable day to day operation and also allows engines to be tested under varying loads to simulate in-the-vehicle operation.
- 100k Warranty: JASPER Engines and Transmissions has a 36 months/100,000 miles nationwide transferable warranty – labor and parts – for most commercial and consumer applications up to, and including 1 ton chassis.
JASPER Engines, The Company
JASPER Gas Engine Information
JASPER Diesel Engine Information
JASPER Differential Information
JASPER Transmission Information
JASPER SAVES YOU MONEY! You know that sick feeling that hits the bottom of your stomach whenever your truck or car shows signs of transmission or engine problems? Your first decision should be to find an auto repair company in your location that can provide you with accurate and detailed diagnosis of what is wrong with your automobile. They will then be able to let you know what your best options are. Acclaim Car & Truck Repair works directly with Jasper so that when that unexpected transmission or engine failure strikes, you have the option of buying the transmission or engine from Jasper and having us install it for a much cheaper cost than it takes for us to rebuild it for you.
Used components are typically pulled directly from a used vehicle in a junkyard with almost no inspections other than just a quick look at the exterior of the part. There are no provisions for internal cleaning or disassembly. Also, used engine and transmission components may have high mileage, poor maintenance history or come from a vehicle that was in a collision or immersed in water completely damaging the internal components.
Rebuilt Engines by Jasper are reconditioned by inspecting, cleaning and replacing all broken or worn parts in the transmission or engine. Serviceable parts can be reused within the wear limits of the manufacturer. The quality of rebuilt transmission and engine components widely varies and many come with a limited warranty and not the full labor and parts 3 Year / 100,000 Mile Nationwide Warranty.
JASPER Engines & Transmissions was founded in 1942 and today is the nation’s largest mass re-manufacturer of a diverse line of drivetrain components. Annual production includes 65,000 gas engines; 75,000 transmissions; 6,500 diesel engines; 5,000 differentials and rear axle assemblies; and 1,200 stern drives. The product mix also includes performance engines and transmissions, marine engines, stern drives, outboard lower units and outboard powerheads, alternate fuel engines and electric motors.
For more information about Jasper Engines & Transmissions, please follow the links above or below. To schedule your transmission or engine diagnostic & repair service, give us a call @;(480) 429-1765. We look forward to speaking with you.
Mr. Tully stated, “When you find the best shop, you will save a lot of time, money and aggravation!” and I have bee deceived and lied to.

Kimberly Williams | Fri, Sep 6, 8:14 AM (1 day ago) | ||
Yarell Gonzalez | Fri, Sep 6, 2:04 PM (1 day ago) | ||
7:52 PM (9 minutes ago) |
![]() ![]() ![]() |
Yarell I don”t how to send my receipt that was sent to my telephone AND I would appreciate some help if you know how to transfer my AMMCO receipt totalling over $3,000,00,

ReplyForward |
Beautiful You Electrolysis, Non Licensed electrologist
Scottsdale, AZ 85254
(602) 384-3677
zero reviews
Arizona Valley Electrolysis Non Licensed electrologist
4434 N Civic Center Plaza Ste 201
Scottsdale, AZ 85251

From The Desk Of Kimberly Williams, R.E. Dean
Massachusetts Licensed & Registered Electrologist, 1979
Utah Licensed & Registered Electrologist
Guest Lecturer of Harvard Medical School 1983-1987
For Safe Permanent Hair Removal
Boston Electrolysis ® Private Practice ©
America’s First Computer Electrology Specialist©, 1985
Boston School of Electrolysis ™
Conveniently Located Near Scottsdale, Tempe, and Mesa
Call: 480-607-8121 or Email:
Boston Electrolysis ® Testimonials
Boston Electrolysis® Article Why Laser Hair Removal Causes Paradoxical Hypertrichosis. Why Electrolysis is Approved by the FDA to Permanent Hair Removal
Yes, electrolysis has proven itself safe and permanently removes hair from all skin types. It is the only FDA-approved © form of permanent hair removal treatment. Since, 1876 electrolysis That permanently destroys the growth cells in the hair follicles and the hair will not grow back.
Search for: Why is Electrolysis the only FDA-approved method for safe permanent hair removal?
Several electrolysis manufacturers and thousands of state licensed and registered electrologists have received FDA © permission to claim and advertise as, “Permanent Hair Removal,” While Laser Parlor Operators are prohibited to claim “Permanent Hair Removal” for their “Lasers Epilators.” This means that although laser treatments with these devices will permanently reduce the total number of body hairs, they will not result in a permanent removal of all hair in any form or manner. Fact, Laser Parlor Operators lie like a cheap rug and they flaunt the law and illegally advertise Laser as permanent hair removal. In addition Laser Parlors are the worst liars who advertise under electrolysis when they do not do Electrolysis in any form or manner period. However Laser Parlor Operators are frustrated and use “Bait & Switch Tactics” advertising under electrolysis when they are not…
Massachusetts Licensed Electrologist vs Uneducated Non-Licensed Electrologists? ©
Which is the best?
Boston Electrolysis® Phone 480-607-8121 For an Appointment
Conveniently Located Near Scottsdale, Tempe, and Mesa
Kimberly Williams, R.E., Massachusetts Licensed & Registered Electrologist
Americas First Computer Electrolysis-Electrology Specialist©
An Arizona Licensed & Registered Electrologist for Safe Permanent Hair Removal
Warning Arizona Consumer Electrolysis Alerts
Beware of Fake Arizona Electrolysis & Electrology Schools
Beware of Fake Electrolysis and Electrology Diplomas in Arizona
Massachusetts Licensed Electrologist vs Unlicensed Electrologist?
Which is the best?
Without one doubt the state Licensed & Registered is your best and only choice to achieve safe permanent hair removal The uneducated unlicensed electrologist cannot compare to the educated state licensed electrologist who spent years of education, study to make the effort to become a state licensed and registered electrologist.
Without one doubt desktop publishing, fake diplomas and rhyming certification titles such as certified professional electrologist are meant to confuse the consumer because it sounds professional. On the other hand the certified professional electrologist certificate title is a cruel hoax meant to confuse clients that they are professionals electrologist. In states with bare minimum requisite coursework with no practical training and examinations are a sham at best. No doubt about it certified professional electrologist, the certified clinical electrologist and the certified medical electrologist titles lack medical theoretical education and practical training. These Desktop Diplomas are strictly for quacks and are obtained through a bogus semi-quasi professional organization that does not require the electrologist to be state licensed and registered to become a member. Their sole purpose is to as appear as a professional electrologist to food the consumer to call them. It is amazing that these people with no education purchase a white lab jacket, white shoes and bogus certificates and they actually believe they are a certified professional electrologist. However a real electrologist will say, Massachusetts state licensed & Registered Electrologist and you can confirm that with my state board.
State is licensing and registration is absolutely the best. If your electrologist has met all the licensing criteria in your state or a state with no licensing, you can be assured that you’ll be treated with the utmost care and professionalism. Certification is like a cheap paint job on a Mercedes however the Mercedes is already gorgeous and why you want a cheap paint job to make it really stand out?
If you are an Arizona resident with an unwanted facial hair problem you are concerned about quality electrolysis for safe permanent hair removal. This article will help you learn how to rate an electrologist. However regarding the lack of a professional education with by an uneducated non-licensed electrologist leave allot to be desired. It is most important that all consumers learn how to evaluate an electrologist to understand the safety of electrolysis and the dangers of hair removal practiced by non-licensed personnel. For the record all competent state licensed and registered electrologists possess a requisite basic fundamental education, which is the cornerstone foundation for her to provide you with a safe comfortable treatment to achieve your goal permanent hair removal. The Electrolysis-Electrology profession in Arizona has always been besieged by exaggerated claims of hair removal methods by uneducated non-licensed electrologists plus other assorted individuals posing and claiming to be self-taught do it yourself Electrologists. Nevertheless our non-licensed certified professional electrologists deceptively advertise amongst us. These unlicensed, poorly trained amateurs never attended a state board approved electrolysis school in any form or manner. On the other hand every consumer has the right to know their Electrologist’s credentials and professional abilities before the start of a treatment. Last but not least always ask them if they are professionally educated state licensed and a registered electrologist.
Boston Electrolysis® is strictly electrolysis and when you walk in my door you do not have to parade by curious chatty hairdressers, receptionist, manicurists, skin care personnel, laser operator’s, Botox injections, high pressured laser closers and make up sales girls. Boston Electrolysis® is a one on one specialized service so you can achieve your goal of permanent hair removal in privacy. Woman and Transwoman receive expert treatment and do not have to explain themselves, feel uncomfortable, or psychologically challenged.
Below is the Boston Electrolysis Five Star Electrolysis-Electrology rating system, for which I have received negative comments, coupled with harassment and threats fake non-licensed amateurs claiming to be a Certified Professional Electrologist, Certified Clinical Electrologist, and Certified Medical Electrologist. One individual claims to be the only graduate of the Arizona School of Electrolysis and the Arizona School of Electrology which are fabricated schools that never existed. This properly licensed and registered electrologist is fed up with all the hoaxes perpetrated upon our profession by unqualified, uneducated, non-licensed electrologists. For the record I am the only licensed and registered electrologist in Arizona that provides every patient with a written guarantee of excellence.
Kimberly Williams, R.E., Dean Written Guarantee of Excellence
Arizona’s first and only electrologist who guarantees in writing that after one treatment, if you can locate a better electrologist, brings me the receipt and I will refund half your first treatment fee up to a half-four. In addition to that, even on difficult cases, I can work at one-third to one-fourth the time of the average electrologist – licensed or unlicensed. I also guarantee that you will have the most comfortable treatment with no scabbing, scarring or pitting as direct result of my treatments©.
Boston Electrolysis® – The Five Star Electrolysis-Rating System©
How To Rate An Electrologist
⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐
Five stars is always the best rating. It means that your Electrologist is educated, trained, tested and is a State Licensed and Registered Electrologist. Five Star Electrologists have attended and graduated from a state monitored and nationally approved and accredited electrolysis school. They have also taken a dual written and practical State Board of Electrologists examination and successfully passed them, and are currently a licensed and registered. Licensed and registered have a responsibility to obey the rules and regulations of their State Board of Electrologists..
Even though my practice is in Scottsdale, Arizona I run it as if it were in Massachusetts. That means my office, equipment and treatments are accountable to a State Board Inspector who could walk in at any time and inspect my office. This includes equipment, sterilization and all professional requirements. If you are unconvinced about your Electrologist’s credentials, ask for their pocket license and call their State Board to verify them if you are doubtful. This rating system also includes Electrologists who attended a school with a defined curriculum in which the students are trained by a licensed and Registered Electrologists with a minimum of five years experience using a late model computerized epilators.
Boston Electrolysis®
The Five Star Electrolysis-Electrology-Blend Rating System
⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐
Four Stars indicate that an Electrologist has completed a minimum of 450 hundred hours of coursework, in a state that requires a license and registration of electrologists for its residents. These out of state courses are designed for electrologists who live in a state, such as Arizona, which has no State Board that license and register electrologists. Any electrologist that has gone out of State and successfully passed a dual State Board electrolysis school examination is to be commended. They demonstrate how essential it is for an electrologist to be professionally trained in a state that requires a license and registration for their residents. Remember always authenticate the school that they claim to have graduated from with the State Board of Electrologists. If doubtful call the state board that approved the school that trained them. For confirmation of electrolysis education in Arizona, call the Arizona State Board of Post Secondary Education at 602-542-5769 and ask for Keith Blanchard, Deputy Director or email him
Boston Electrolysis®
The Five Star Electrolysis-Electrology-Blend Rating System
⭐ ⭐ ⭐
Three Stars define an Electrologist who has attended a school where there is no state board and license and registration for electrologists. These Electrologists should have at have completed a minimum of 400 hundred hour course. One must be cautious if the electrologist’s instructors where not licensed and registered electrologists themselves, as this will directly affect the quality of their training, and therefore your treatments. Always beware of “Certified Instructors”. Electrolysis is a profession that cannot be passed down from one unlicensed electrologist to another without a serious loss of competence and safety.
Boston Electrolysis®
The Five Star Electrolysis-Electrology-Blend Rating System
⭐ ⭐
Two stars are for non-licensed and non-registered electrologists who have taken a course of 120 hours or less. These electrologists purchase memberships and credentials to electrologists’ associations that do not require an electrologist to be licensed and registered in addition they use counterfeit bloated certificates, exaggerated titles and fancy schmancy ornate diplomas to appear professional. They often claim they are a certified electrologist. They put multiple initials after their names and list non-licensed organizations there members to look impressive, but you would be surprised that you could complete their 50 to 12O hour course they took in with ease. You would also be amazed that some organizations are too lax in checking credentials. However ask yourself would you go to physician who took such a course? These quick-buck diplomas are often called “Certified Professionally Trained Electrologist”, “Professionally Certified Instructed” and so on. Whenever you see “Certified” that means that 99.75% of them are non-licensed and non-registered. Beware of these electrologists because they have minimal rock bottom training and some have dubious ethics to say the least. Be aware that this is not a profession that can be mastered in 120 hours of training. One should doubt anyone who claims a standard of professional ability from these correspondence and certification courses. You should ask yourself how can one non-licensed electrologist confer a professional title on another one?
Boston Electrolysis®
The Five Star Electrolysis-Electrology-Blend Rating System
Tsk, tsk the one star electrologist limits their practice to states where there is no state board of electrologists, because they know they would be shut down by a state board for the simple reason that their credentials lack professional training and their ethics would not survive professional scrutiny. These so-called electrologists have no scruples or ethics, they adopt any title they see fit, their training is minimal with the average being 50 to 120 hours and very often they use faddish, unproven treatments. They use lasers, electric tweezers, microwave treatments, gels, ointments, Pico-flash and will tell you electrolysis is painful when it is not. After advertising themselves as electrologists they will switch you over to the dangerous ineffective laser, microwave, intense light treatments often without a physician present, as required by law. They lie to you while telling you the laser isn’t painful when the F.D.A. ruled that it’s illegal for them to advertise or claim permanent and painless hair removal. They also illegally advertise permanent hair removal by laser. The F.D.A. has ruled that only Electrologists may advertise “Permanent Hair Removal.” So if a so-called certified electrologist wants to give you laser treatments, ask them to put it in writing that it will be permanent and painless like they claim Laser Parlors also will ask you to pay up to $3000.00 in advance and they will finance and it will cost you a fortune in interest alone. Never pay in advance for Laser Treatments because if you can’t tolerate them you still have to pay for them.
For your safety always ask the Laser Parlor Operator for a written guarantee of permanent and painless hair removal before you part with your hard-earned money. It is very easy for them to switch you over to a laser treatment when you have unknowingly signed a consent form to have electrolysis treatments, unless you read the fine print carefully. When in Arizona beware of electrologists that claim to be certified professional electrologists, certified clinical electrologists, certified medical electrologists and the certified clinical and medical electrologists are store bought diplomas. If you have the slightest doubt or inkling they are not licensed call their state board of electrologists for verification. Make sure you call their State Board Of Electrologists, not the American Electrology Association who certified them. The only people that can license and register electrologist is a governmental State Board of Electrologists. If an electrologist claims to be a Certified Professional Electrologist they are not licensed and registered. There was an electrologist in Prescott, Arizona known as Betty Sullivan who claimed to be licensed but after an investigation they found out she was a licensed manicurist from Minnesota who does not have a state board of electrologists.
Hair Removal Facts & Warnings
It’s a known fact that certification titles do not mean a person is a state licensed and registered electrologist and good example is the Certified Professional Electrologist course. Always remember non-licensed electrologists try to appear and want you to think they are licensed and registered as an electrologist, example they use Jane Doe, C.P.E. Certified Professional Electrologist. Bonafide licensed and registered electrologists will always advertise, Kimberly Williams, R.E., Massachusetts Licensed & Registered electrologist.
For the record it is my professional opinion that the Certified Professional Electrologist that paltry certification course by itself does not prepare a layperson in any form or manner to be able to perform a safe competent electrolysis treatment. These questionable electrolysis certifications courses and diplomas appear, infer and bestow ornate diplomas and titles with credentials upon undeserving frauds who think that its alright to purchase an education and their credentials even the course they took was from 50 to 120 hours long. Additionally the certification tests are elementary grade school level hoaxes consisting of simple true and false and multiple-choice questions. In addition they do not require a high school diploma, background check nor do they require individuals to take an electrolysis “Practical Application” examination in any form or manner to prove they are competent. However in the end these desktop diploma mills turn out Certified Quacks that are an insult to honest licensed and registered electrologists that earned their credentials and successfully completed an accredited electrolysis school and passed their dual state board examinations.
Consumer beware I have compiled a list of titles that non-licensed electrologists frequently use. Other ways that non-licensed electrologists try to appear as licensed electrologists is to join multiple electrolysis associations, who do not require an electrologist to be educated, state licensed and registered as an electrologist for membership. I repeat these associations do not emphasize nor require state license and registration as an electrologist for membership nevertheless they wholeheartedly promote the proliferation of themselves as uneducated non-licensed Combination Electrologists Laser Parlor Operators.
THE AMERICAN ELECTROLOGY ASSOCIATION: Is the ancestral home of the C.P.E. AKA Certified Professional Electrologist course and approximately 90% or more of its members are not state licensed and registered electrologists.
TITLE USED: C.P.E. Certified Professional Electrologist
Title Members USE: Member of (IGPE)International Guild of Professional electrologists changed its name to The International Guild of Hair Removal Specialists, Inc. (IGHRS)
Title Members USE: (IGHRS) AKA International Guild Hair Removal Specialist
The Society of Clinical and Medical Electrologists has changed it name to THE SOCIETY FOR CLINICAL & MEDICAL HAIR REMOVAL, INC. Fact electrologists are not required to be licensed to become a member and 90% of its of its members are not state licensed and registered electrologists.
C.C.E. Certified Clinical Electrologist, SCME
C.M.E. Certified Medical Electrologsit, SCME
C.P.E. Certified Professional Electrologist, AEA
Below Is A Classic Example Of A Certified Non-licensed Electrologist use of titles to fool the consumer that they are licensed and registered As An electrologist.
Mary De Fake, C.P.E., AEA, IGPE, SCME, TGRE
Graduate, Arizona State School of Electrology (An Electrology School That Never Existed)
Graduate of the Arizona State School of Electrolysis (An electrolysis School that never existed) was not licensed as a school with the Arizona State Board of Post Secondary Education. The supposed owner of the school was Betty Sullivan an electrologist in Prescott, Arizona who claimed to be licensed in Minnesota. Nonetheless after an investigation they found out she was a licensed manicurist from Minnesota. Minnesota is another state that does not license and register electrologists in any form or manner.
However it is amusing that there is a one person who claims she graduated from the Arizona State School of Electrology and the Arizona State School of Electrolysis which are fictitious electrolysis and electrology schools that never existed in Arizona. For the record if you have been to an electrologist who claims to be a graduate of the Arizona State School of Electrology or The Arizona State School Of Electrolysis beware these schools never existed. Fact you call the Arizona State Board Of Post Secondary education at 602-542-5769 and ask for Keith Blanchard, Deputy Director to confirm these schools never existed. You can email the assistant director to confirm these schools never existed. In addition you can read a letter from Keith Blanchard Deputy Director of The Arizona State Board Of Post Secondary Education where he states there is no record of this school.
Below are associations that certify electrologists without being tested for the Practical Application of Electrolysis and Electrology.
Member of the American Electrology Association
Member of Society of Clinical and Medical Electrologists
Member of International Guild of Professional Electrologists
Warning Arizona Consumer Electrolysis Alert
Fake Electrolysis & Electrology Schools and Diplomas
Warning beware of Arizona’s one and only graduate and non-licensed electrologists who claims she graduated from the Arizona State School of Electrology and the Arizona State School Of Electrolysis are electrolysis and electrology schools that never existed.
Fact and for the record if you have been to an electrologist who claims to be a graduate of the Arizona State School of Electrology or The Arizona State School Of Electrolysis beware these schools never existed. Fact if you are dissatisfied with your treatment you can file a complaint with the Arizona State Board Of Post Secondary education at 602-542-5769 and ask for Keith Blanchard, Deputy Director or email him In addition you can read a letter from Keith Blanchard Deputy Director of The Arizona State Board Of Post Secondary Education where he states there is no record of this school.
Read More About The Wild West Of Electrolysis, boston-electrolysis-44.html
Want to learn more about certified electrologists visit Boston Electrolysis at this link. boston-electrolysis-34.html
Beautiful You Electrolysis
Scottsdale, AZ 85254
(602) 384-3777
Senza Pelo Med Spa
Maria Denicola N.L.E., CPE
Non-Licensed Electrologist
5702 N 19Th Ave
Phoenix, AZ 85015-2432
Stephanie Shields,, N.L.E., CPE
Non-Licensed Electrologist
5702 N 19Th Ave
Phoenix, AZ 85015-
5533 E Bell Rd
Scottsdale, AZ 85254
(602) 384-3777
( 0 Reviews )
Arizona Valley Electrolysis Beware Non-Licensed Electrologist
4434 N Civic Center Plaza Ste 201
Scottsdale, AZ 85251
Luba Andersen, N.L.E. CPE
Non-Licensed Electrologist
11038 N Canada Ridge Dr
Tucson, AZ 85737-8796
Givens, Patricia A.
Non-Licensed Electrologist
6161 E Speedway Blvd
Tucson, AZ 85712-5183
Soft Touch Electrolysis
Non-Licensed Electrologist
Tempe, AZ
East Valley Electrology Clinic
Non-Licensed Electrologist
Mesa, AZ
Arizona Studio-Electrologist
Non-Licensed Electrologist
Scottsdale, AZ
SCC Electrolysis and Permanent Makeup
Non-Licensed Electrologist
Scottsdale, AZ
Cherry Creek Electrolysis, Inc.
Non-Licensed Electrologist
Scottsdale, AZ
Zapps Electrology
Non-Licensed Electrologist
Gilbert, AZ
Classic Electrolysis
Non-Licensed Electrologist
Tempe, AZ
Electrolysis Hair Removal Service
Non-Licensed Electrologist
Phoenix, AZ
Arizona Electrolysis and Permanent Make-up
Non-Licensed Electrologist
Scottsdale, AZ
A Permanent Solution Electrolysis
Non-Licensed Electrologist
Glendale, AZ
Electrolysis by Mary Ann
Non-Licensed Electrologist
Mesa, AZ
Beautiful You Electrolysis
Non-Licensed Electrologist
Electrolysis Hair Removal Service
Scottsdale, AZ
Electrolysis Hair Removal Service
Non-Licensed Electrologist
Scottsdale, AZ
Non-Licensed Electrologist
Mary Ann Harding Electrolysis
Electrolysis Hair Removal Service
Peoria, AZ
Susan Markman,
Non-Licensed Electrologist
19420 N 59Th Ave Ste B106
Glendale, AZ 85308-6890
There are risks in laser hair removal that they’d rather you not know about. You can be permanently burned or scarred, or end up with stripes on your skin from inexpert use that may take months to go away, if they do. Click on the links to see more.

Boston Electrolysis ® Where Electrolysis Is Practiced As Scientific Art With a Medical Approach©
I’m Kimberly Williams R.E., Massachusetts Licensed and Registered Electrologist, 1979 and also a Utah Licensed and Registered Electrologist. Furthermore, I am the Dean of Boston School of Electrolysis™ the Internet’s best source of online educational electrolysis information and an educational resource center for electrologists and consumers. If not otherwise noted, I am the author of all on this website. Customarily the best electrolysis schools Deans have always provided and maintained a private practice for those seeking top-quality electrolysis treatments. Presently I maintain Boston Electrolysis ® Private Practice © as a full time practice and the Boston School Of Electrolysis website as a public enlightening resource of educational information for the consumer and electrologist. Before your treatment begins I do a complete in depth no fee history and evaluation using The Electrologists Diagnostic Case History Card ©, which was designed and written by myself. Furthermore, I perform all treatments with superlative American manufactured late-model State Of The Art R.A. Fischer CBX-Pro-Blend Series Four Computerized Epilators. In addition, I use predated Sterex sterilized disposable probes with triple sterilized instruments and gloves.
Don’t be misled when it comes to selecting your electrologist for safe permanent hair removal. Always be alert that an experienced knowledgeable, professionally educated, trained tested state licensed and registered electrologist is your best choice for safe permanent hair removal. In Arizona that’s easier said than done since most Arizonans are not aware that our state has not legislated an Arizona State Board Of Electrologists for testing and licensing requirements to practice electrolysis. Furthermore rampant desktop publishing of counterfeit electrolysis diplomas from fake electrolysis schools that never existed are everywhere. Without a verifiable education and practical training; non-licensed uneducated frauds are claiming or implying to be state licensed and registered electrologists. From my personal experience of having had a severe unwanted facial hair problem I know how painfully frustrating it is to lose valuable time and hard-earned resources. On the other hand what hurts the most are the educationally challenged non-licensed electrologists who lack the integrity to inform the client the truth about their educational status and limited abilities. Licensed electrologists are aware it’s ethically and morally wrong for amateur non-licensed electrologists to claim professional competency after completing a derisory 120-hour Certified Professional Electrologist course with no “Practical Testing” as the total of their electrolysis education. The non-licensed electrologists intentions could be admirable but do you believe it’s possible for an uneducated non-licensed electrologist to perform a competent professional grade electrolysis treatment with 120 hours of training?
Furthermore, requirements to become a Certified Professional Electrologist do not necessitate a high school diploma or a communicable disease health check-up. The non-licensed electrologists do not undergo a background check in any form or manner and the Certified Professional Electrologist examination is a cruel hoax at best, and an insult to consumers because there was no requisite practical examination to measure their actual skill level. This and other dubious certification courses costs a trifling $225.00 and anyone can become a Certified Professional Electrologist qualified by the American Electrology Association’s International Board of Electrologists Certification.
Presently I am one of the few licensed and registered electrologists in Arizona that specializes in the treatment of unwanted facial hair problems from minor to severe using the best American manufactured State Of The Art Computerized Epilators. In addition, if your unwanted hair problem is caused by genetic or an endocrine disorder such as Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, Boston Electrolysis ® Private Practice © is your best choice for safe permanent hair removal. This is all possible because I have worked very hard to set up the Metro Phoenix areas first and only Polycystic Ovarian Clinic for unwanted hair problems. This means your electrolysis treatments could be coordinated with physician Barbara Lipschitz, M.D., Internal Medicine Specialist of the Central Phoenix Medical Clinic or your own physician. This is possible because endocrine disorders that cause a patient’s hormonal imbalances which in turn cause unwanted hair problems can now be diagnosed, corrected, improved and maintained by medications, treatments, and procedures. I succeed because I have worked hard to become educated and have dedicated my life to the advancement of my chosen profession as a licensed and registered electrologist with 33 years of experience. If you have an unwanted facial hair problem from minor to severe, I am the electrologist you can count on for safe permanent hair removal and for that reason that I take pride in my professional experience, abilities and expertise plus, I provide a written guarantee of excellence because, “I Practice Electrolysis as a Scientific Art With A Medical Approach©“.
Working with the Transgendered Community for as long as I can remember has been a rewarding and interesting experience. I have practiced electrolysis from my first day of school in 1976 until graduation from Miss Kelly’s School of Electrology in 1979. I opened my private practice that same year which means I have 36 years of professional experience. Throughout my life I have been a supporter and member of numerous TG Support groups. From 1983 to 1987 I was sought as a Guest Lecturer at Harvard Medical School and was awarded a letters of commendation and appreciation for a major new teaching venture at Harvard Medical School. At Harvard Medical School my lectures encompassed Endocrinology, Poly-Cystic-Ovarian-Syndrome, Histology, and Psychology, Pharmacology and Socio-Economic life experiences and challenges that Transgendered women endure and overcome. The theme of my lectures at Harvard Medical School where about psychological strength and endurance while being able to overcome the shortcomings of an indifferent complicated society where being different is often held against you. Most people are unaware that Transgendered Women are the world’s smallest least understood minority who survive in a diverse indifferent complicated society where it is ongoing struggle to maintain your dignity let alone identity. I still maintain contact with friends from Boston and Harvard Medical School and I had the opportunity to meet Christine Jorgenson and provide her my professional services when she toured New England and Massachusetts as a nightclub entertainer in the 1980’s. At Boston Electrolysis ® I apply my 36 years of expertise for all women who seek the best treatment and without one doubt, “I Practice Electrolysis as A Scientific Art with A Medical Approach©” which results in you having a beautiful hair free complexion.
All women at Boston Electrolysis ® receive quality electrolysis treatments regardless of age, race, creed, color, sex, national origin, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, disability, marital status, and socioeconomic status.
Sincerely Kimberly Williams, R.E., Dean
Massachusetts Licensed & Registered Electrologist, 1979
Utah Licensed & Registered Electrologist
Owner & Founder of Boston Electrolysis ®
Boston Electrolysis ® Private Practice © Specialties For Treating Women, Trans-Women, & Men©
Permanent Hair Removal For Women, Trans-Women, & Men©
All Unwanted Facial Problems From Minor, Super Fine, Severe and Genetic
Unwanted Hair Problems Caused By Medications Acute Follicullitus
Excessive Extremely Fine Unwanted Facial Hair
Eyebrow Shaping A Specialty
Ear Hair, Hands, finger and toes
Bikini Line, Legs, Fingers & Toes
Nape Of The Neck
Endocrine Evaluations
Genetic Hair Problems Acute Follicullitus
Regarding TS Beard Removals I Have Completed 64 TS Beard Removals From Beginning To End, Presently Finishing
Number 65.
Complete Beard Removal for Transwoman
Beards & Neckline Permanently Trimmed and removed
Uni-Brow Removal
Middle Eyebrow Removed & Correctly Shaped Heavy Bushy Eyebrows Shaped And Thinned Nape Of The Neck
Acute Folliculitus Complete Beard Removal
Ear Hair & Phalloplasty for Transmen
Boston Electrolysis ® Written Guarantee of Excellence
Kimberly Williams, R.E., Dean Arizona’s first and only electrologist who guarantees in writing that after one treatment, if you can locate a better electrologist, bring me the receipt and I will refund your first treatment fee up to one half hour of the treated time. In addition to that, even on difficult cases, I can work at one-third to one-fourth the time of the average electrologist – licensed or unlicensed. I also guarantee that you will have the most comfortable treatment with no scabbing, scarring or pitting as a direct result of my treatments. So, if you have an unwanted facial hair problem from minor to severe and you want to be hair free give me call at 480-607-8121. Call Boston Electrolysis ® Private Practice © for a no fee consultation and evaluation; Where Electrolysis Is Practiced As Scientific Art With a Medical Approach ©.
Boston Electrolysis ® Lecturing At Harvard Medical School
Boston Electrolysis ® Permanent Hair Removal For WomenKimberly Williams, R.E., Dean – Condensed Resume
Massachusetts Licensed & Registered Electrologist, 1979
America’s First Computer Electrology-Electrolysis Specialist ©, 1985
Starting my career as a Massachusetts Licensed and Registered Electrologist in 1979 after graduating from America’s best electrolysis school Miss Kelly’s Of Electrology founded in 1933 as an Honor Graduate. One only becomes a Massachusetts Licensed and registered electrologist after successfully completing a combined curriculum of 1100 hours of Theoretical Sciences in Endocrinology, Histology, Bacteriology, Biology, Microbiology, Pharmacology, Anatomy, Physiology, Dermatology, Electricity, Sterilization, Ethics and Hygiene & Sanitation. In addition my practical training consisted of 600 hours and after graduation I successfully passed my Massachusetts Dual State Board 2-hour written examination and my one practical examination. Since 1979 I am America’s only practicing Massachusetts licensed and registered electrologist that offers a written “Guarantee of Excellence.”
While running an active practice at Davis Square, Somerville Massachusetts Kimberly Williams, R.E. & Associates Harvard Medical School sought me out as a guest lecturer from 1983 to 1987 on the subjects of Human Sexuality, Endocrinology, Psychology, Electrolysis and Transsexualism. You can read about my experiences at Harvard Medical School at this link Furthermore, I authored and published the Scientific Electrologist © Journals, 1, 2, 3 and 4 for Computer Electrology Specialists ©. In 1985 Kimberly Williams, R.E., Dean in 1985 became America’s First Computer Electrology Specialist © ™ while at the same being distributor for the R.A. Fischer Company the manufacturers, inventors and innovators of America’s first Medical Grade Computerized electrolysis Epilators the R.A Fischer Company
Relocating to Central Arizona 1991, I authored The Electrologists Diagnostic Case History ©, 1991, The Electrologists Insertion Guide ©, 1993, Certified Educational Upgrades and instruction articles for The Boston School Of Electrolysis ™ AKA America’s largest and informative electrolysis website written by an a licensed electrologist, myself. Again I relocated to Scottsdale in 1998 and became the Chief Editor and author-publisher of the Boston School of Electrolysis Five Star Electrologist © America’s Online Electrolysis News & Education For The Electrologist and Consumer ©. Visit the link below to learn how diagnose unwanted hair problems.
Last but not least I am extremely adept in the Computerized Electrolysis-Electrology Blend technology field and a former distributor for computerized medical grade epilators, which is an important factor in choosing the most efficient and advanced equipment for my patient’s electrolysis treatments and needs. However its 2007 at Boston Electrolysis ® I still have and believe in my motto, “I Practice Electrolysis As A Scientific art With A Medical Approach ©”.
Boston Electrolysis ® Private Practice ©
Boston School of Electrolysis ™
Kimberly Williams, R.E., Dean
Massachusetts Licensed & Registered Electrologist, 1979
Conveniently Located Near Scottsdale, Tempe, and Mesa
Learn About Guidance Counseling Boston School Of Electrolysis ™
Learn About The Computerized Epilator at Boston School Of Electrolysis ™
Learn About Peripheral Vision Full Lens Magnifiers at Boston School Of Electrolysis ™ magnification.php
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The Boston School Of Electrolysis™
Boston Electrolysis Yellow Pages ©
Andrea James owner of has reappointed James Walker Vii three time as the moderator and she wanted her website to make money and she gave James Walker Vii complete authority to do so in any way he sees fit. Of course James Walker VII CPE went to far and slandered licensed and registered electrologist because he jealous that he can’t be licensed as an electrologist. In essence he did us a favor and drove all the state licensed electrologists of of James had orders to slander any licensed electrologist, laser operator and beautician that Andrea James hates including me. Andrea James taught James Walker the sick art of character assassination by calling licensed electrologists as being mentally unstable. On the other hand James Walker VII who calls himself the Electrolysis World Heavyweight Champion James W. Walker has tipped the scales of insanity on every page of Hairtellcom. Our Electrolysis World Heavyweight Champion James W. Walker VII has an acute case of Pea Green Envy and is long overdue for inpatient care. Electrolysis World Heavyweight Champion James W. Walker VII is an uneducated non- licensed electrologist who despises and covets successful state licensed and registered electrologists like myself and others. After being reappointed moderator of it took James a short amount of time to drive off all the qualified state licensed and registered electrologists on because of his inferiority complex. After losing their last two licensed electrologists. James Walker will starting driving off the Certified Professional Electrologist so no one can better or outrank James Walker on education. Of course I think James next move will be to drive off Top Ten Contributors as long they obey Andrea James and James Walker On the other hand all the Top Ten Contributors took an Oath of Allegiance to obey all of Andrea James orders no matter how distasteful or dishonest Here the oath that James Walker and and the Top Ten Contibutors took. It starts with, I swear by God this sacred oath, that I will render unconditional obedience to Andrea James, the Leader of the Hairtell Reich and people, Supreme Commander of the Hairtell-Hate Forces, and will be ready as a brave soldier to risk my life at any time for this oath. ,.
However our Junior Miss NAZI in training also Known As Kyle Koreleski AKA Hairtell Groupy “Were Not Afraid” AKA the future ” Miss. Jessica Sideways said,” she took an oath of allegiance to Andrea James the leader and deputy leader James Walker the Vii promised to obey all orders by the leader know as Andrea James. It’s obvious Andrea is crazier than a Cuckoo Bird on Meth. Looking at her website, it’s about 1% nothing and 99% with Andrea James screaming-her her stark raving authority rants that she rules with her Iron Fist. Apparently, Andrea has some kind of Narcissistic power rage with delusions of grandeur. Andrea James was guilty of “pagejacking” my Boston-Electrolysis.con website. However Jessica Sideways knows the truth. However let me say how I met Jessica Sideways Mom who came to Kimberly’s office to do to do do her future daughter aka the future Jessica Sideways De-Facto-Electrolysis-
Jessica Sideways because she’s a hateful evil inhuman being who takes pleasure threatening me. Andrea James likes to hurt people. Let me tell you I have talked to people and Andrea her James has hurt many people and she’s infected with jealousy. Plus Andrea James teaches under age minors and teaches juveniles how to hate people and when Jessica Sideways left hate inspired message for me she thought convince me to work on her. By the way Jessica Sideways who admitted she needs help. This is for you Je, R.E. has been a Massachusetts Licensed and Registered Electrologist for 42 Years without a complaint and her Google reputation is tops and the best electrologist and I don’t blame for refusing to work on me. Dear Jessica you can’t force to work on you againsttheir will. That is a criminal felony.