Kimberly Williams, R.E. MA Licensed & Registered Electrologist – Filmmaker and consumer activist & MA Licensed Electrologist

Kimberly Williams, R.E., MA Licensed & Registered Electrologist https://www.BostonElectrolysis.com, Jokestress.com and BostonSchoolofElectrolysis.com
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 The Real Jokestress.com Journal Trans-Electrolysis Update© 7/1/2018

700+ Trans Women Take A Stand Against Andrea James




Andrea James, NPD Is Identified and Known as a Public Enemy Number One to the Trans-Community©

Kimberly Williams, R.E., Dean

Massachusetts Licensed & Registered Electrologist
Board Certified Electrologist In Massachusetts

Guest Lecturer of Harvard Medical School 1983-1987

Plus My Experiences and Lectures at Harvard Medical School From 1983-1987

Andrea James,NPD owner Deep Stealth Productions and Hairtell.com should be avoided by all consumers since her behavior is erratic, paranoid and sick. Andrea James, NPD claims to be an American transgender rights activist however her biggest hoax in addition to claiming to be a film producer, and blogger.  Nonetheless Andrea James,NPD is obnoxious to deal with because she afflicted with NPD also known as Narcissistic Personsonality Disorder. However you should visit these links to see what other people say about her. For instance the Zinnia Jones tells the truth about Andrea James, NPD and her internet antics coupled with a retinue of non-stop lies and you can visit her site at this link The Truth About Andrea James.

Andrea James claims being in the movies and TV Shows stretch the truth like a three dollar bill. Nonetheless Andreas James,NPD , one of her  biggest lies is that Andrea touts is her false fabrications is that she’s a graduate of the University of Chicago when in reality Andrea admitted taking a single night course in learning how to insult honest hard working people with her viscious lies. Plus Andrea claims to be the president of Deep Stealth Productions with lame voice lessons and bogus Trans-Tips however buyer beware and use your credit card in purchasing items from Deep Stealth Productions because you can dispute the charge and have your money returned if your not satifisfied or the product is defective or bogus to begin with. Beware of purchasing Deep Stealth Production items that are marked up 1000%! On the other hand Andrea James,NPD identifies herself as the Queen of  Narcissistic Personality Disorders because people cannot stand the fact that her she insults and offends everyone she encounters. 
Nonethelesss, “Consumers Beware of Deep Stealth Productions AKA Gender Life Productions.” When it comes to voice lessons and electrolysis facts you should read https//bostonelectrolysis.com written Kimberly Williams, R.E. a Massachusetts licensed amd Registered Electrologist, licensed since 1979.  Watchout for non-licensed electrologists on Hairtell.cos and stay away from bogus hacks and quacks like Andrea James and James Walker VII NLE AKA Non Licensed Electrologist. I happened across “Andrea James” page when doing a Google search for “Trams-Electrolysis” and boy is Andrea a Klassic Kook. I had read on HairHell.com about some of her multitude attacks on Trans-Women including myself, but when I pulled up her page oh dear she’s a twisted A-H, The whole thing is basically are her poorly contrived lies with Andrea James and James Walker both having Psychological Hernias with their hateful rants against Massachusetts licensed and registered electrologists, most of the NLE aka Non-Licensed-Electrologists who post on Hairhell.com are uneducated Non-Licensed Electrologists. Most if not all are jealous and envious uneducated non-licensed Electrologists and this goes without saying. I hope no-one ever uses James Walker VII CPE for electrolysis because he’s a uneducated non-licensed electrologist that hates state licensed and registered electrollogist. At best James Walker VII CPE has demented and dangerous  I happened across “James Walker VII CPE” page when doing a Google search for “Trans-Electrolysis” and boy has he gone around the bend. I had read on Hairhellcom about some of his crazy antics, but when I pulled up his page…oh dear. The whole thing is basically about James Walker VII CPE who robbed his client German-Girl for ten thousands of dollars on Hairhell.com. Don’t Forget Andrea James owns HairHell.com and probably split the money with James Walker VII CPE whose quite a psychologically challenged individual.  About 97% of the Electrologists who post on Hairhell.com are poorly educated, poorly trained and non-licensed electrologists QUACKS just like James Walker VII CPE. First of all, and this goes without saying, I hope NOBODY ever goes to James Walker because he’s a an uneducated dullard at best. At best James Walker VII NLE aka Non-licensed electrologist has no electrolysis education to speak of. In spite of this James Walker VII CPE COVETS all licensed and registered Electrologists credentials and he hates state licensed and registered electrologist’s because he lacks the intelligence and a high school diploma to become a licensed and registered electrologist.

 She we should do anything for money and I still possess copy of her two minute phone rant on my voice-mail where she threatened me. Andrea James and the thuggish James Walker VII CPE, pays her for attacking other State Licensed and Registered Electrologists that he is jealous of.  James Walker VII CPE is so consumed by hatred they use Hairhell.com’s jealous Non-Licensed Uneducated electrologists to attack and harrass educated licensed and registered electrologist because he covets them and hates them at the same time.

Andrea James, NPD is obviously more cracked than ever now because of the scandal-robbery at hairhell.com which will not go away because German Girl has them in her sights. Looking at her website Andrea James is foaming-at-the-mouth because German-Girl will not let go of James Walker because he refuses to return her money. Obviously, Andrea is some kind of whacko-loon and her NPD is getting out control because she has delusions of paranoia-because James walker VII refuses to return her hard earned money. Many people wish James and Andrea would learn how to be honest with people instead of deceiving them. Would anyone want James Walker the VII CPE working on  their face? Just look at James Walkers and ask why does Andrea james endorses him after what he did to innocent woman known as German-Girl?  If anyone is a psycho it’s all the Non-licensed quacks that infest Hairhell.com with one scam after another they rob and pillage honest clients.

I honestly can’t imagine anyone going to a HairHell.com which  is a collection of non-licensed uneducated electrologists that are very unstable like James Walker VII CPE and Andrea James, NPD. Being a graduate of Miss Kelly’s of Electrology  and a licensed electrologist with 43 years of private-practice have taught me it’s a known fact shaving causes hair growth and skin damage during electrolysis treatments. BTW Andrea James is not a licensed electrologist plus she never attended a professional electrolysis school in any form or manner. Based on Andrea James total lack of electrolysis has knowledge knowledge of electrolysis with no training and zero experience with her knowledge about electrolysis would not fill Tinkerbelle’s thimble. James Walker, VII NCPE Wannabe Non-Certified-Professional-Electrologist never attended an electrolysis school in any form or manner and is too lazy to study and read.  Andrea James, NPD never attended a descent professional electrolysis school period because Andrea James is to lazy to attend a quality electrolysis school because she makes her money begging for donations. Her uneducated non-licensed electrologist in Chicago made A mess of her face.  Plus she shaved during electrolysis treatments and that damages your skin and only idiot shaves their face while having electrolysis treatments. Shaving during electrolysis treatment definitly slows the progress of your electrolysis treatments and damages your skin and slows down the healing process. That’s unethical because Hairhell.coms non-licensed uneducated electrologist’s want you to shave during your treatments so you will spend more money and take longer to clear up plus your skin will be permanently damaged. James Walker is a greedy troll that does not care about his clients  and just read what he did to the German Girl below.



Meggieralph wrote


rating 1.0

James offers discount if you pay over $10,000 upfront than leaves town. Then he makes excuses why he can’t see you and doesn’t return your money. He won’t even return phone calls. He has done this to several people that I know of. He will tell you that NO ONE else does the work the way he does. They are not trained properly, yet one person I visited had a certificate on the wall for advanced training signed by…..you guessed it…..James Walker VII!!!!. So he trains them, but they don’t know what they are doing? Really? His place of business is so filthy and dangerous. He is a hoarder and all but one exit is blocked with piles of junk.

Don’t take my word for it. Call around to other electrologists in the area and mention his name and see what reaction you get. It won’t be good.

Andrea James Trans Voice Lessons, Can You Hear Me Now?

When it comes to voice instruction there is a website in Los Angeles called Take Lessons that offer voice and singing lessons at this link. https://takelessons.com/ca/los-angeles/singing-lessons#corinne-d I checked the site and they had twelve listed and they have a written guarantee. When it comes to professional services it’s education, training, expereience and professionalism that counts instead and stay away from uneducated bogus Do it Yourself Hacks and Quacks. Voice Lessons should be provided by licensed professionals only and consumer beware of Hollywood which is loaded with scam artists

Without one doubt Andrea James,NPD is a fake Writer, Director, Filmaker and Trans-Activist Gone Bad! HerNarcissistic  Majesty use to be located at 952 Lucile Avenue Los Angeles, California 90026 Andrea James is just a short five minute drive or a short 2.3 mile walk to her Mail Box Etcetera account located at Deep Stealth Productions 5419 Hollywood Blvd., #C142 Hollywood, CA 90027. Her phony production company called Deep Stealth Productions which is a Mail Boxes Etcetera account without real physical address without a real business office. She claims to have degree in English from the University of Chicago which she never attended or graduated. In addition Andrea James is not a movie director nor a movie star and does not possess a movie contract in any form or manner. Her make believe movie production company called Deep Stealth Productions is a total hoax and it’s located at Mailboxes ETC! and has no real physical address. In addition she claims to have taught Felicity Huffman everything she knows about acting for her role in T America which is why the movie flopped.

Without one doubt Andrea James, NPD graduated with from Tall Tales University and won the coveted “Pinocchio Award” for Lying, Slandering and Yellow Journalism and abusing honest hard working Trans-Professionals out of jealousy. On the other hand her infamous voice lessons are another scam and when Andrea calls you she says,”Can you hear me now?” Her websites are full of fake reviews as is her life. If you want a real speech therapist find a professional since Hollywood has more than enough qualified speech therapists because they have so many singers and entertainers. However you should read how Andrea James the owner of Hairhell.com and her personal moderator of Hairtell.com James Walker VII CPE took $8,900.00 US Dollars from a client without providing the electrolysis treatments. Since Andrea James owns the site she is responsible to return the money however she refuses to comment why the money has not been returned German-Girl.  https://jokestress.com/2018/02/05/electro_clients-robbed-at-executive-clearance-hairtell-com/

Andrea James, NPD is a petty-tyrant who refuses to accept the truth that 350 Trans-Women and Trans Feminine People have taken a stand against her dishonesty and her viscious attacks upon members of the Trans-Community. However Andrea James, NPD claims she is a ”Trans Pioneer That Has Been Fighting For The Trans Community For Decades”. She is angry that people call her the El Whoppo of Gross Exagerated Lies. Andrea James, NPD has made so many false claims like that every member of the of Hairhell.com will need a head to toe rubberized Sewer Suits that includes oxygenated airtight helmets so they won’t drown in her own excrement.

All Trans-Women Oppose Sick Attacks by Andrea James

That’s because Andrea James, NPD does not believe or recognize another’s persoms rights in addition she takes the law into her own hands. Additionally Andrea lies like a cheap rug and tries to control her fake media campaign with her 24/7 Adolf-Hitler-Propaganda BS that is full of fictitious aspersions and slanderous accusations. Further it’s a known fact Andrea James,NPD believes and uses known viscous Nazi Hate Tactics such as lies to slander and assassinate an honest individual’s character. Without one doubt that was Hitler’s mode of operation and in my book that makes Andrea a full-fledged Nazi-Storm Trooper and henceforth she is a compulsive liar, cheat and thief, Andrea James shall be forever known as the Scourge of the Internet. Warning, consumers beware without one doubt Andrea James,NPD loves all things about herself in addition informed sources have stated, “She is a devotee of the Andrea James Theory with all its lies and perversions.”

On Trans Update I stated, “Fact and for the record Andrea James the more you slander and steal from me I hereby make you this promise that I will guarantee that your name will be synonymous on the “World Wide Web” where were Andrea James will be identified and known as a Public Enemy Number One to the Trans-Community.

Well just to let you know you are in for it now because every time you steal my intellectual property from me I am going to tell the “World Wide Web” about your latest criminal capers and you’re thieving ways.  I stated, ” Andrea all you have to do is stop stealing my name, domains and search listings.” Andrea James from the beginning of my argument which is about your theft of my ‘‘Intellectual Property’’ by you, of course; you have tried to the change subject with your lies and deception tactics. In addition what started off and appeared to be a disagreement amongst two women has brought about genuine information that exposes Andreas James as a habitual career criminal . Nevertheless all the reader has to do is look at the bottom of this article and people can see her thievery in action or., Just Google an Open Letter to Andrea James and you can see that the Trans Community is fed up with her hate tactics.

Huffington Post 100-Plus Trans Women Slam and Stand Against Andrea James: An Open Letter From Zinia Joans to Andrea James!

She was wrong and furthermore I want to make you aware that not one individual of our “American Society” has the right to break the law by disregarding the rights of others and Andrea’s theft of my identity proves that her claim that she is a “Consumer Trans Advocate” is a delusional fantasy and gross exaggerated lie. Moreover she is always complaining about how Trans rights are abused by prejudice bigoted people, nonetheless would someone please tell me what right has the Andrea has to steal my interlectual property and then claim she is “Consumer Advocate”? Would someone please tell me why the Andrea thinks she has the right to thieve from her sisters and to use her perverse prejudice, discrimination and prejudice against myself and other Transwomen? Allot of people are divided about this conversely I do not have one doubt that she is a criminal and she blew the opportunity in her new life to have a clean slate because she chose to continue her old ways as a liar, cheat and thief.Let me tell you about Andreas nonstop lies, deceit and treachery which have hurt others and only strengthens my will to expose her as nothing more tham a degenerate sociopathic blood-sucking leeche that feeds off “Transwomen”.

Andrea James, NPD of the “Net” is having another World Wide Web Temper Tantrum and this time she is crying, “Wah, Wah, Wah all because I wrote another article about her thieving my property. Guess what, Andrea James the hypocrite did exactly what I expected her to do, she has increased her hate vendetta against myself and others by stealing and using my own personal name Kimberly Williams, R.E., Dean and domains to steal more of my search listings and hits for her babbling boring boorish websites deeepstealth.com hairfacts.com, hairtell.com, tsroadmap.com and andreajames.com.

Well it’s quite apparent that Andrea James, NPD has a warped anti-social sociopathic thought process coupled with a NPD!

Furthermore she practices her specialized form hate discrimination against other Transwomen. In addition she thinks has the right to steal more search listings from myself by using my name, business name and domains she will show everyone how she has placed herself above the law by assuming God like powers to punish her enemies. Nevertheless she claims not to have a clue why I refer to her as a total jerk. The clueless Andrea James imagines herself to be Ms. Transsexual America however in reality she is the Internets degenerate hypocrite that thinks her use of cyber stalking and theft of my intellectual property is acceptable behavior? Her websites tsroadmap.com, hairfacts.com hairtell.com and deepstealth.com and andreajames.com are nothing less than “Scam Ridden Websites” where she rants and raves and tells everyone how to walk, talk, look and hate just like her. However Andrea flunks when it comes to being a human being because she resorts to her hateful ways of being rude, crude, foul and offensive, insensitive and in essence she is a cruel heartless no account who thinks she can steal her way to success at other people expense. On the other it’s obvious that Andrea James takes pleasure in hurting Trans-women with her mean spirited evil lies.

Andrea James totally fails as human being because she cannot think, feel or act like a normal caring person.

Look at her writing she has no compassion, she has no heart and she totally shuns and blocks any and all good feelings of sensitivity and emotion. Fact look at her writing skills and you will learn that Andrea has a limited vocabulary because her favorite words are I, me and myself and the F word. Her attitude is the hell with everybody else’s feeling and rights all because she is a lonely miserable wretch incapable of being happy. Well girls what Andrea James is really saying is that she has hit rock bottom and she lives in a vast bottomless vat of miserable self imposed loneliness and she desperately wants anyone’s company to share her misery.

Well girls, we all have heard this old story before and beyond a shadow of doubt Andrea James has exiled herself as an outdated frozen frigid lonely woman who is incapable of expressing a sliver of love and compassion.

Folks take a close look at her websites where she is always screaming for attention because her life is lonely and she has told everybody on the “Internet” a million times plus how beautiful, smart and wonderful she is. Her inability to talk about pleasant subject matter is completely absent and most obvious. She claims to be a “Consumer Advocate and that she alone champions the Trans community but if you read her comments” about others and how she runs her sisters into the ground because of jealousy and without one doubt her double standard trademarked attack mode with her perverse use of cruelty which has twisted her mind. Andrea James thinks that being a bitch will win her respect and admiration in the Trans Community. Andrea James is the Boss Hog of the Transgender Community for she refuses to talk about her shady laser parlor operators and non-licensed third-rate uneducated non-licensed electrologists on Tsroadmap.com hairtell.com and hairfacts.com that pay her bribes for referrals.

Andrea James fantasizes she is the only Transbitch in the world that has been discriminated against. Fact she refuses and has deliberately ignored and failed to respect all Transwomen who fought have rampant prejudice, discrimination and bigotry long before her. Andrea James steals everyone’s thunder and lightning to generate the electricity for her 24/7 “Propagandist Style” look at me limelight about her dismal accomplishments that are over shadowed by her fuel injected super charged motor mouth telling everyone how great she is. Andrea James is a self-intoxicating attention seeking glutton-hound who can never get enough on the other hand she says her most notable accomplishment in her life was her keynote speech at the American Electrology Association where she lectured to 300 non-licensed uneducated electrologists. Should we be impressed?  Her key note speech was about scams and shams however she never talks about the real villains like herself and the shady laser parlor operators and non-licensed crooked electrologists on her scam ridden website Hairtell.com were the moderator robbed almost ten-thousand dollars from a client who flew from Germany to have treatment with James Walker VII CPR.

Of course Andrea James owner of Hairtell.com believes her own lies and she refuses to return the money she split with James Walker VII CPE!!! This proves Andrea James is a liar, cheat and thief. By the way Andrea James refuses to compensate German Girl for almost $10,000 United State Dollars paid in advance to James Walker VII CPE who is an uneducated non-licensed electrologist who was the moderator of Hairtell.com who skipped town with the loot without providing electrolysisl services. For your information 99% of the electrologists on Hairtell.com are uneducated non-licensed Quack-Electrologists with little or no training. This is why it happened because Andrea James and her moderator James Walker VII CPE used it for scams because of letting James Walker VII CPE and his uneducated non-licensed electrologists to rob, steal and cheat consumers. Can you imagine how long it took for German Girl to work for and save that much money? To this day the money has not been returned and we have to ask Andrea James owner of Hairtell.coms why she has not returned the money?

On this page http://www.tsroadmap.com/physical/zapdir/zapdirNY.html Andrea James owner of Hairtell.com endorsed Mr. Walker and said, “Note from Andrea, author of tsroadmap: For many years, James has been a moderator and top contributor on my hair removal forum (hairtell.com). He’s shown a real dedication to helping consumers with hair removal issues, and he is a huge ally of the Trans-community.” However before James Walker CPE became Moderator of Hairtell.com Andrea James neglected to check James Walkers credentials. After an exhaustive investigation of James Walker I learned that he never attended an electrolysis school in any form or manner. In addition James Walker failed his American Electrology Association Certified Professional Electrologist examination which any third grader could pass. Also if Andrea had run a back-round check on James Walker VII CPE she would not have hired him. BTW the Certified Professional Electrologist examination does not require a practical electrolysis examination. It’s a true and false examination that any third grader could pass. If Hairtell.com required their electrologists to be licensed this crime would not have happened.

Read About Andrea James Owner of Hairtell.com Were Trans client German Girl Was Robbed of $10,000 US Dollars and Andrea James Refuses to Return Her Money!

Andrea James never mentioned that I have set up 2 non-profit gender clinics and referrals for Transwomen can get quality medical care without groveling or being charged one cent for a donation like Andrea James…Andrea James is the one who circulated viscous lies and insinuated rumors that I never lectured Harvard Medical School from 1983-1987 nevertheless I posted the article and a letter of appreciation from Harvard Medical School on http://www.bostonschoolofelectrolysis.com/harvard.php from the Dean Of Harvard Medical School sure shut Andrea’s flapping jaws. Fact I pioneered for civil rights and during my transition before it was fashionable. However Andrea James reason for her crusading efforts is attention and the more she gets the more intoxicated she becomes with herself.

The one and only best way to describe Andrea’s James madness is that psychologically she is exactly like the infamous Senator Joseph McCarthy of the 1950’s who branded people communists and ruined their lives.

Harvard Medical School where about how to rise above prejudice, discrimination and bigotry by positive accomplishments. For over 27 years as a practicing Massachusetts Licensed & Registered Electrologist I have helped more Transwomen by being more than just their electrologist. When in Massachusetts and now in Arizona I have set up non-profit gender clinic and referrals for TS’S where people can get quality medical care without being charged her for excessive referral fee or she gets a kick back without your knowledge. Fact and for the record I do not need a non-stop 24/7 “Nazi Propaganda Machine” like Andrea James to tell the world I am good at heart and devoted to my profession as a Massachusetts Licensed & Registered Electrologist, licensed, 1979.

Andréa James website forum Hairtell.com has become a known infested criminal breeding ground and crime school for uneducated unlicensed unethical second rate wannabe electrologists and unscrupulous laser parlor operators who grease Andrea’s palm or buy whatever she wants on her “Wish List” on Amazon.com and pay their way and become a Top Ten Contributor on the s Hairtell.com Forum to get a referral fee.

For the record Andrea tells one whopping lie after another shooting her off her big mouth all over the “Net” that she has a degree English. In addition she so embarrassed that she will not talk about being caught in that lie. Fact people have asked Andrea James to prove that she has a degree in English but for some reason she has removed that claim from all her websites. Fact right here in America there is major corruption on the Internet because honest TS and TG support websites are being relentlessly and ruthlessly attacked and driven off their internet home pages by Andrea James whose primary goal is to also dethrone Leona Helmsly and be the new “Queen of Mean” and bad deeds by her use of fraud, deceit and treachery. In addition there is great battle on the “Net” for the Transwomen Electrolysis pages and my website Jokestress.com has stopped her criminal march and agenda dead in her tracks to take over and control electrologist’s websites and hair removal pages. One has to be deaf, dumb and blind not to see the blatant fraud and corruption where Andrea supplies, funnels refers leads to her corrupt “Top Ten Contributors” AKA the ” uneducated non-licensed electrologists” on her forum her Hairtell.com which has become is a “Safe Haven” for criminals claiming to be electrologists and unscrupulous laser parlor operators who lube and grease the Andrea’s greasy palms by being a “Top Ten Contributor” on Hairtell.com forum or buy whatever she wants on her “Wish List” on Amazon.com to get a referral.

Furthermore Andrea is such a pitiful yellow coward she uses weak willed second-rate unethical has been uneducated non-licensed electrologists on Hairtell.coms.

Warning electrologists see what she is doing by pitting one electrologist against another and she has gone out of her way to help unethical non-licensed electrologists in Arizona with their search listings if her effort to try to hurt my practice. However who claims to be a “Consumer Advocate” has no ethics and use her claimed “Magical Ad Powers” for evil.

Andrea James, NPD claims to be a consumer advocate (what a joke) yet she breaks the law to get her way and steals my name, domains identities and my search listing to punish me or to enrich herself from my hard work?

So Andrea is clearly demonstrating to the world that she believes that fraud and theft is normal behavior for a “Consumer Advocate” like herself. Well girls it is apparent and obvious that she views Jokestress.com as her threat to her position and power? After publicly stealing and slandering me she wants you to disrespect anyone she dislikes however she does not care about your unwanted hair problem. She does not tell you that I guarantee my electrolysis in writing I am America’s first and only electrologist who guarantees in writing that after one treatment, if you can locate a better electrologist, bring me the receipt and I will refund your first treatment fee. In addition to that, even on difficult cases, I can work at one-third to one-fourth the time of the average electrologist – licensed or unlicensed. I also guarantee that you will have the most comfortable treatment with no scabbing, scarring or pitting as direct result of my treatments.

Fact Andrea James accepts and welcomes pay offs in all forms and manners and assures any and all uneducated unlicensed electrologists with a little more cash you can be a featured electrologist on hairtell.com forum.

Andrea James claims she knows more about electrolysis than anyone, however have you seen her face close up? Fact and for the record years ago Andrea James on a forum claimed that her electrologist in Chicago butchered her face was a non-licensed electrologist and she bitches how her face is mess and full of pits and scars and now we know why she has no close ups, fact and for the record 99% of “TG Recommended Electrologists” on Tsroadmap.com, Hairfacts.com and Hairhell.com is a haven for uneducated non-licensed electrologists. Go to Jokestress.com to see her latest scams and they’re easy to spot them just look at the staged questions written by second-rate non-educated non-licensed AKA known certified professional electrologists posting easily answered questions. In addition these second-rate non-educated non-licensed certified electrologists look and wait for Andrea’s nod of approval that she received her payoff from them.

On Hairtells.com Forum you will discover second-rate non-educated non-licensed certified electrologists post and ask and answer their own questions with textbook answers that are cut, copied and pasted from electrolysis books as replies from the electrologist who just happens to be a Hairtell.com Forum member and one of Andrea James favorite Top Ten Contributor. However the real scam is in Hairtell.com’s Forum of which Andrea James is always the moderator. However most disgusting are the Hairtell.com Forums Top Ten Contributors who are non-educated non-licensed electrologists and laser parlor operators who compose their own self-written phony testimonials of just how great they are. Andrea James approves of this “TG Recommended Electrologists” who predatory certified wannabe criminals posing as electrologists and unscrupulous laser parlor operators to rip you off to your last red cent as long as Andrea James gets her payoff. Andrea James got angry at me because I requested my website be removed in from TG Approved “Electrologists” in addition to that she really got angry when I refused to pay her extortion money for a referral.

Andrea James continues to think that she has the right to take the law into her own hands.

How dare anyone think that they have the right to take the law into your hands? Andrea really believes she is above the law in addition to that she flushed her self-respect and what little dignity she had down the crapper a long time ago by breaking one law after another with one lie after another to inflict harm upon myself and others. The lying conniving Andrea has become a vicious shrew whose insatiable hunger devours and consumes the hard work of others.  The only thing I have wanted from you is for you to stop using my name, my business name and domains to fuel your malignant narcism and obsessive hatred of myself all because I asked you to be delisted from your website.

Andrea thinks her perverted use of cruelty upon others and myself is justified and she is infuriated because we will not click our heels and give the Nazi salute to Andrea James and say Seig Heil Andrea James is a fake “Consumer Advocate” who talks when she does the walk and it’s easy to she is a desperate wannabe outdated “Valley Girl” who has completely plasticized herself with absolutely no genuine feminine feelings or emotions. Andrea has painted herself into psychological corner with no way out and until she ceases her hate campaign and private Vendetta against others and me she will not have one moment’s peace until she stops making war on everyone. Nevertheless Andrea has a long list of victims whose character she has assassinated because they disagreed with her.

A closer look reveals the same old story she is nothing less than a petty wannabe Nazi dictator and you better do everything she says and believes or she will punish you.  She also claims to provide the best original content where she further claims she is alone is the positive role model example and she takes a stand against the wave of negative imagery and emotions that keeps the “Transgender Folk” from having our voice in world opinions. Nice thought and imagery nursed by a couple of Budweiser’s but girls please be aware that Andrea James has anointed and appointed herself and without one doubt she has proclaimed herself to be the “Anti- Christ” of the Transgendered Community. She has empowered herself to steal others intellectual property change a few words and call it her own. Andrea James talks about the use negative imagery yet she is the mistress of dishonesty; perfidy and deceitfulness on her way to the top of the dung heap to elect herself Ms. Trans-America where she wants to become the third sex. On her way to the throne she dispatches her imagined enemies with typical sociopathic aplomb and trademark character assassination by lies, deceit and treachery. However ask yourself what has so done for you and think about her use of her vile profane language and the theft of other people’s property and then ask her how her criminal behavior will benefit the TS and TG Community?

Fact and for the record Andrea James has brought harm upon the image of the “TG Community” because she so clueless she does not that realize her criminal behavior is not tolerated by the majority of honest citizens.

Andrea James talks about the fringe element of what she calls “Trolls and Kooks”. Girls and boys without doubt Andrea James will accuse anyone any time of anything that she imagines is a threat to her imaginary throne of being Ms. Trans-America and she really envisions herself to be purported orator for the Trans Community. Regarding Andrea James definition of Kooks and Trolls in which she should be classified and Number One all because I asked her to stop stealing and using my name Kimberly Williams, R.E., Dean, domains bostonschoolofelectrolysis.com and bostonelectrolyis.com and my business Boston Electrolysis. Well Andrea James you are not role a model for the community and your cyber stalking bully and your theft of my listings does not set a positive example for the TS and TG community. Yet Andrea claims she sets a positive example against the tide of negative imagery and sentiment that keeps transgender people from having a voice in the world today.

Wake up people Andrea James is a wave of negative imagery and emotions that keeps the “Transwomen” down and from having our voice in world opinions.

Andrea James does not set a positive example for our community because she attacks her own kind while exploiting the TS and TG community at the same time in addition she has appointed herself as Der Fuhrer of the TG Community without a vote.  Without one doubt it’s a known fact that’s its low life degenerate thieves like her that give Transwomen a bad reputation. Fact Andrea wants you to believe she is from a wealthy family and that she is cultured and educated however that is why she is always asking for donations? Girls I want you to know that I am an American and proud of it and for record I don’t by the elitist crap that Andre James is trying to force-feed everyone to believe she is respectable. Furthermore Andrea does not possess the basic requisite skills of leadership, which are truth, honesty, humility, and gifted understanding of humanity and a person’s right to live and work in peace.

UPDATE 2018 It’s Common knowledge That Andrea James Has Malligant Narcissm And Learn What Dr. Sanity Says,

Fact and for the record Andrea James drones on and on that she does all this work for the sake of “Transgendered Community” is another one of her big lies. Fact Andrea contemptibly disregards the laws and the rights of others in her quest for money and power so she can rule the “TS and TG Community.” For the record Andrea has viciously attacked and abused the children of TS and TG parents, by telling their under age children who were too young to understand or let alone comprehend the transition of their parent or that their Mom is a TS. In addition to that to cause more harm informed children about their parent’s transition before their parent was ready to tell them. Finally in absolute disgust Andrea has falsely accused TS’S and TG’s of child abuse and molestation and other hate manufactured lies that will hurt anyone she disagrees with. Fact and for the record Andrea James has maliciously blackmailed and extorted Transsexuals into submission by threatening to publicly expose those who have gone underground or as she like to call it living in “Deep Stealth Mode.” Andrea II know your reading this and you better get a real grip on reality because there are allot of people after you and some day they are going to catch up with you. Yes Andrea all the good and honest folk you have ripped and hurt with your slanderous pointed tongue and deceitful lies will come for you.

In summation TS and TG Community does not want or need the likes of a criminal like Andrea James who falsely claims to represent us?

Update 2018 Read All About Andrea James on  the Trans Advocate  Open letter to Andrea James the Scourge of the Inernet,

Since 2004, Andrea James has been obsessed with me, to look into me, putting up sites about me. Andrea was posting one lie after another on Hairtell.com she thought was her right. On Hairtell.com Andrea poses as multiple consumers on Hairtell.com to slanders other innocent people she hates. Taking ordinary comments wherever my name appears, and generally behaving like psychopathic tyrant out to kill at all costs. For the real truth about Andrea James, Just Google, “An Open Letter to Andrea James” and read the 700 Transwomen that take a stand against Andrea James. For your own safety avoid contact with Andrea James and do not get treated by any of her uneducated non-licensed quacks claiming to be electrologists on Hairtell.com of Hairfacts.com Without one doubt Andrea James psychologically compromised where she believe her own lies and refuses to return the stolen money to its rightful owner known as German Girl..

My Experiences and Lectures at Harvard Medical School From 1983-1987

Fact and for the record my experiences as a guest lecturer at Harvard Medical School from 1983 to 1987 where interesting to say the least. In addition to being the only Massachusetts Licensed and Registered Electrologist that I am aware of to lecture at Harvard Medical School on the following subjects; My Life Experiences, Human Sexuality, Psychology, Transsexualism, Endocrinology and of course Electrolysis.

Andrea James is blinded by her hatred and her favorite form of character assassination is accusing Transwomen of being unstable. However I thought it be nice provide this link to a letter of appreciation from Harvard Medical School stationary saying thank to me from Daniel D. Federman, M.D. Dean of Students and Alumni Professor of Medicine at Harvard Medical School.

By the way the theme of my lectures at Harvard Medical School from 1983 to 1987 where about psychological strength and endurance while being able to overcome the shortcomings of an indifferent complicated society where being different is often held against you. Nonetheless Transwomen are the world’s smallest least understood minority who survive in a diverse indifferent complicated society where it is an ongoing struggle to maintain your dignity let alone identity. In summation Andrea James needs help however the Trans-Community have become aware of her attacks and grown tired of her use of extreme prejudice, discrimination and bigotry against members of her own Trans-community. Below is link and letter from Harvard Medical School saying thank you for my 1983 Lecture at Harvard Medical School


Thank you Kimberly Williams, R.E., Dean

Owner and Founder of Boston Electrolysis®

Boston Electrolysis® Journal Trans-Electrolysis Update© 7/1/2018


“Ms. James was notable for the way she decided to go after Professor Bailey’s children to extract revenge. She posted on the internet photographs of Bailey’s daughter and labeled her a “cock-starved exhibitionist.” Andrea James also claimed in her online publications that there “are two types of children in the Bailey household,” namely “those who have been sodomized by their father [and] those who have not.”

Andrea James believes in Hitler’s Big Lie theory when Hitler said, Make the lie big, make it simple, keep saying it, and eventually they will believe it. However though it has always been proven that a lie can only survive only for so long until its consequences of being found out and destroying its creator.

Andrea James Falsely Accuses Others of Being Mentally Ill And if you want to learn more about her Malignant Narcissism Try Reading This

Andrea James owes many apologies for her sick attacks upon members of the Trans Community but words won’t do it for her because she is incapable of expressing sincere truthful apologies for all her hate filled lies. We can only pity Andrea James because she take gratification in hurting other people’s feelings and slandering this Massachusetts licensed and registered electrologist with one lie after another proves beyond a shadow of a doubt she is sociopath with no redeeming qualities.

Hairfacts: Boston School of Electrolysis (WARNING!)?Hair removal facts for consumers. Free and commercial-free.?www.hairfacts.com/brands/ websites/boston-school-electrolysis.html – 53k – Cached – Similar pages


Hairfacts: Kimberly Williams (WARNING!)?Kimberly Williams and Boston School of Electrolysis should be avoided by all? consumers. The owner’s behavior is erratic and paranoid. Background …?www.hairfacts.com/brands/ websites/kimberly-williams.html – 53k – Cached – Similar pages



Hairfacts: Boston Electrolysis (WARNING!)?Hair removal facts for consumers. Free and commercial-free.?www.hairfacts.com/brands/ websites/boston-electrolysis.html – 53k – Cached – Similar pages

Update 2028Andrea James outs Trans-Girls Again!


Hairfacts: Hair removal facts for consumers? Don’t confuse Global with reputable companies like Prestige Electrolysis Supply?… Kimberly Williams of Boston School of Electrolysis/Boston Electrolysis …?www.hairfacts.com/ – 33k – Cached – Similar pages


HairTell Hair Removal Forum: Scottsdale: Boston School of Electrolysis? Scottsdale: Boston School of Electrolysisâ„¢ #17828 – 09/23/04 10:58 PM …?Boston School of Electrolysisâ„¢ CASE FILES BEING FORWARED TO …?www.hairtell.com/ubbthreads/ showflat.php/Cat/0/Number/18624/Main/ – 65k


Hairfacts: Hair removal facts for consumers? Don’t confuse Global with reputable companies like Prestige Electrolysis Supply?… Kimberly Williams of Boston School of Electrolysis/Boston Electrolysis …?www.hairfacts.com/ – 33k – Oct 15, 2005 – Cached – Similar pages


Hairfacts: Boston School of Electrolysis (WARNING!)?Hair removal facts for consumers. Free and commercial-free.?www.hairfacts.com/brands/ websites/boston-school-electrolysis.html – 53k – Cached – Similar pages


TG-recommended electrologists: Arizona? Boston School of Electrolysis™ Kimberly Willams, MA with private appointments?10255 N. Scottsdale Road Suite 4, Scottsdale AZ, 85253. …?www.tsroadmap.com/physical/zapdir/zapdirAZ.html – 8k – Cached“

To my readers I say thank you for your time and attention and hopefully in the near future I will not have to write this type of article. Nevertheless until andrea ceases and desists the theft of my property I will defend myself from her deviant lies, character assassination and attempted extortion. Nevertheless consumer beware I would not spend one dime at the websites Tsroadmap.com Deepstealth.com, Troadmap.com, Hairtell.com, Hairfacts.com and Andrea James.com because she has demonstrated herself to be a habitual criminal.

Thank you for your time and attention,

Kimberly Williams, R.E., Dean
Boston School of Electrolysis™

Investigative Reporter
For The Five Star Electrologist©
Spotlight On Slime byline©
All rights reserved copyright Boston School of Electrolysis™ 2005


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Open letter to Andrea James and Calpernia Addams – The …
Apr 9, 2014 – Addams and James have stated Molloy slurred her by calling her a drag queen … On April 5th Andrea James chimed in with her vitriolic screed …

Open Letter: 350+ Trans Women and Transfeminine People Stand …
Apr 14, 2014 – Trans Women Oppose Recent Attacks by Calpernia Addams and Andrea James. We, the undersigned trans women and trans-feminine …

Open letter to Andrea James and Calpernia Addams | Trans Stuff …

Open letter to Andrea James and Calpernia Addams.
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Feb 8, 2018 – ANOTHER OPEN LETTER TO ANDREA JAMES. Beware of Andrea James & James Walker VII. HAIRTELL.COM HOME FOR AMATEURISH … planetransgender on Twitter: “Open letter to Andrea James and …

Apr 12, 2014 – planetransgender · @planetrans. Global Trans news, music, movies and commentary. Trans contributors, tips and feedback always welcome.

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100-Plus Trans Women Stand Against Calpernia Addams and Andrea …
Apr 14, 2014 – 100-Plus Trans Women Stand Against Calpernia Addams and Andrea James: An Open Letter. headshot. By Zinnia Jones. 280. We, the …

Andrea James Kickstarter Controversy – itsnotmyfault – Medium
Jun 28, 2019 – Andrea James is best known for harassing academics, threatening their kids, and… … What about when people gather up to sign open letters?
Letters for My Sisters: Transitional Wisdom in Retrospect: Andrea …

Letters for My Sisters: Transitional Wisdom in Retrospect [Andrea James, Deanne Thornton] on Amazon.com. *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. LETTERS …
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Our letter against the transphobia of Calpernia Addams and Andrea James has … Open Letter: 300+ Trans Women and Transfeminine People Stand Against …
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Deep Stealth Productions Andrea James Crimes Against Transgender People

Hairfacts.com & HairTell.com Hair Removal Scams & Crimes by Andrea James Crimes Against  the Trangenered Community

Andrea James the Fake Trans-Activist Has Been Ripping Off The Trans Community For Decades

James Walker VII CPE Hairtell.com Skips Town With Thousands of Dollars!

  • By Kimberly Williams, R.E., Dean
  • Published & Copyrighted 07/15/200
  • Boston Electrolysis Report© Investigation About Andrea James
  • James Walker VII CPE Hairtell.coms World Champion Trans-Basher

World Champion Trans-Basher James Walker, VII CPE
Andrea James owner of Hairtell.Com


Author Kimberly Williams, R.E., Massachusetts and Arizona Licensed & Registered Electrologist

Massachusetts Licensed and Registered Electrologist, 1979

Guest Lecturer Of Harvard Medical School From 1983-1987

Three Computerized Techniques Short-Wave-Galvanic-Blend

Conveniently located at 7330 East Earll Drive, Suite J, Scottsdale, AZ 85251

Call 480-607-8121


An Electrologist’s Open Letter of Disgust to Andrea James

Hi! I want every to know Andrea James aka the fake Trans Activist claim to be a filmmaker is a gross exagerated lie however she is crooked Trans-Activist formerly based at Lucile Avenue in Los Angeles, California.  Again people are looking for her new fake address. More info here: The owner of Hairtell.com is Andrea James and for your information she is not an electrologist in any form or manner plus her knowledge of electrolysis and hair removal would not fill Tinerbelles Thimble.  On the other hand James Walker her former moderater of Hairtell.com- is an illiterate do it yoursself self-taught uneducated unlicensed electrologist who robbed a client for almost $10,000 using the using the Hairtell.com- website.com which is presently owned and operated by Andrea James for the past ten years. However Andrea James refuses to make restitution for James Walkers theft, read more below.

Without one doubt Andrea James is a Writer, Director, Filmaker and Trans-Activist Gone Bad!  Formerly based at 952 Lucile Avenue Los Angeles, California 90026 Andrea James is just a short drive of five minutes or a short 2.3 mile walk to her Mail Box Etcetera account located at Deep Stealth Productions 5419 Hollywood Blvd., #C142 Hollywood, CA 90027.


James Walker former moderator  is also a common street thug who can’t resist bashing Transgendered Electrologists who are educated, licensed and expertly skilled. However James Walker never mentions that his boss Andrea James is the owner of Hartell.con is in deep trouble because 350 Transgendered women including myself have signed an open letter of complaint and disgust against Andrea James for her crimes against the Trans-Community. Andrea James and her partner Calpernia Adams have been indicted by the entire Trans-Community for the following offenses; 1. Absence of good-faith arguments, 2. Misleading personal attacks, 3. Traditionalism and ageism, 4. Misgendering and accusations of “privilege”, 5. False hierarchies of trans women, 6. Hypocrisy and feigned offense, 7. Siding with mainstream prejudice, 9. Hiding behind “homophobia” to defend transphobia and 10. Elitism and exclusion of queer trans women from queer culture.

Andrea James Gave James Walker a Personal Reccomendation For Cleanliness However Take a Look at James Walkers Office!

James Walker VII CPE and Andrea James are two peas in Pod when it comes to being evil. Presently there are 350 letters of complaint against Andrea James and more will be forth coming and after her complaints more complaints will be forthcoming against James Walker who is a graduate of the Andrea James Hate & Smear Academy.  They did not mention Andrea’s other offenses and crimes such as; extortion, abuse of power, yellow journalism and slandering licensed and registered electrologists on her websites Hairtell.com, Hairfacts.om and TS-Roadmap.com in her attempts to sabotage honest hard working Transgendered Electrologists who own businesses nevertheless Andrea James and James Walker use of hit and run Cyber-Hate is an absolutely repulsive example of Andrea James trained lap dog and  recently canned moderator of Hairtell.coms James Walker.

In the intervening time since being deposed as moderator of Hairtell.coms James Walker VII CPE former moderator has turned 99% of Hairtell.com into a collection of jealous needy non-licensed uneducated electrologists who spend most of their time ripping off consumers and poor-mouthing successful educated licensed electrologists on Hairtell.com.  James and his gang of non-licensed “Certifiable Quacks” claim to be TG Friendly Electrologists however they hate state licensed and regustered Electrologists who are educated, licensed and work harder to persevere. Where would HairHell’s forum be without its minority of it’s one remaining Ohio licensed electrologist Dee Fahey aka the new Hairtell moderator who banned Hairtell’s ultimate Top Ten Contibutor Mike Bono known as Santa Babrbara’s Mouth That Roared. It was Dee Fahey the new morderator of Hairtell.com who purged all Male Chavanistic Swine Electrologists aka Top Ten Contributors. Dee Fahey electrologist would always rescue Andrea James and James Walker after having made incorrect electrolysis statements and she led the charge to remove James Walker moderator. Nevertheless I wonder why James Walker and all his non-licensed TG Un-Friendly electrologists on Hairtell.com will not explain why they never mention James Walker VII CPE?  Is it because they are jealous and will do anything for money including stealing it. The FTC should look into this?

Andrea James is under great pressure and lack of moral ethics where Andrea James forced to fire James Walker VII CPE as moderator of Hairtell.con for missing funds taken from his client German-Girl. Since than Hairtell.coms membership has evolved into a bigger crime-ridden cesspool of crazed bottom feeding dwellers who are non-licensed uneducated electrologists trying to steal your money. James has been deposed and Hairtell is no longer his protectorate of evil where he viciously attacked and lashed out against mandatory licensing of electrologists because he cannot make the grade. On Hairtell.com, Hairfacts.com and TSroadmap all the electrologists in Arizona, Washington, New York, Texas and Pennsylvania are uneducated non-licensed electrologists electrologists with no morals and a complete lack of honesty. Avoid Hairtell.com,Andrea James and James Walker VII CPE and all it’s members claiming to be electrologists because they are crooked scam artists. However we have to ask Andrea James the owner of Hairtell.coms website why she has not returned the $10,000 paid by German Girl to James Walker. Mr. James  walker has fled Buffalo New York and opened a brand new office in Rochester, New York called Emancipated Electrolysis and he’s listed on Hairtell.coms website with a link to his new office http://www.emancipatedelectrolysis.com. However Consumer Beware Mr. Walker owns it but does not list his name or any information that he owns Emancipated Electrolysis!

Hairtell.coms Number One Scam and how it Works.

Hairtell.com is a failed a forum it’s and collection of wannabe uneducated non-licensed electrologists who will never achieve a state license and registration to practice electrology have driven off the few licensed electrologists. Since Mr. Walker chooses not to avail himself of proper training, he must build his business off of false claims and testimonials through his deployment of fake uneducated non-licensed-electrologists who pose as fake consumers with an unwanted hair problem looking for electrologist on Hairtell.con forum. God help the innocent consumers who register on the forum asking, “Does anyone know a good electrologist in my area?” James and his fellow vultures would swoop in with their exaggerated lies that say, “I know one… and then they themselves pose as consumers who have nothing but good to say about well… their own work. It is a funny sort of self-referral. Unfortunately this scam is perpetually perpetrated by Hairtell.cons forum members known as Top Ten Contibutors and everyone gets a kickback including the one remaining minimally educated licensed electrologist who sold her soul for thirty pieces of silver to become Moderator. In addition you will find many of Arizonas non-licensed electrologists on Hairtell.com!

Discrimination and bigotry against Trans-Women electrologists by Andrea James and James Walker go hand and hand.  Just Google, “An open letter to Andrea James” owner of Hairtell.com and you will see Andrea’s James is in serious trouble with the entire online Trans-Community.  Furthermore James Walker VII NLE aka “Non-Licensed Electrologist” of Hairtell.com moderator defends illiterate non licensed quacks claiming to be electrologists who inflict so much pain on their clients that they resort to the use of painful anesthetic Lidocaine- Marcaine injections before their electrolysis treatment. Hairtell.coms uneducated self taught electrologists lack the skills of theoretical practical application and they cause extreme pain.  Therefore James Walker and his crew of merry misfit’s do their best to poison and suppress the truth. Andrea James is not an electrologist and orders James Walker to harass me and other licensed and registered electrologists with hate, threats and slander. However just click a link below and you will learn how Andrea James, James Walker and Calpernia has used and abused the Trans–Community with their sociopathic personalities.

In Arizona Andrea James ordered James Walker and his non-licensed quack electrologists to slander myself and other licensed electrologists because ten years ago I refused to pay her extortion fee for an electrolysis referal in addition I caught her page-jacking my website. Therefore I asked Andrea James be removed from TSroadmap.com, Hairfacts.com and Hairtell.com and she started in with hate campaign against myself. In addition it was Andrea James who ordered James Walker to arrive at my office to  inflict and commit assault and battery upon myself. I have no doubt that Andrea James ordered James Walker to attack me at every opportunity o Hairtell.com because I refuse to submit to her extortion and hate tactics.  Since September 21, 2002 Andrea James has slandered me and has done every she could do to hurt me including attempted assault and battery because I asked to be removed from her websites.

Andrea James is not a friend of the Trans Community and James Walker have attacked many qualified state licensed and registered electrologists using every lie and dirty hate tactic in the book to destroy their livelihood. For over ten years Andrea James and James Walker infringe peoples civil rights by slandering them, calling them insane, crazy and even quacks. Andrea James and James Walker are the real quacks that illegally judge, jury and convict Trans-women electrologists and business owners without the right to a trial. It about time the Trans-Community petitions and requests that the Department of Justice and the District Attorney investigate Andrea James and James Walker and put them on trial for their hate crimes against the Trans-Community along with extortion and their other Hate Crimes.

It’s amazing in Arizona Andrea James and her hatemonger James Walker sides and refers Trans-women to Arizona’s least unqualified non-licensed uneducated electrologists instead of a highly educated qualified licensed and registered Trans-Electrologist with 36 years of experience. The difference is Andrea James and James Walker slanders me on her websites because I refuse to pay Andrea James or James Walker a kick back in any form or manner and for years I have fought them and their sub-human criminal enterprises. So the Trans-client never has the opportunity to receive quality electrolysis treatments by a TG Electrologist because Andrea James could care less about Trans women because she hates Trans-Electrologists who are state licensed and registered electrologists. I know Andrea attempted to hack my site and she and James Walker should be arrested, tried and convicted and sent to prison! However if James Walker sets his foot within 300 feet of my office he will end up at Sheriff Joes Tent City for extended length of time.

You can read the links below and learn the truth about Andrea James and James Walker and it will not take long to recognize James Walker as her partner in crime!






When you are in a business, naturally you take a look at what the rank and file of non-licensed electrologists  to see what they are up to. There are plenty of honest websites out there that feature professional licensed and registered electrologists developing their practices with expertise and personal integrity. Then there are the websites that would make any reader want to pull her or his wanted hair. Some sites leave even the trusting wary of the services offered, the qualifications of the providers and, in the worst circumstances, uneasy at something that is difficult to put one’s finger on. Of all the spurious sites, that ascribe to Andrea James and scribed by James Walker The VII, CPE has pushed the the pedal to the floor with his unabashed encouragement and promotion of uneducated non-licensed electrologists, one has the feeling Mr. Walker and Andrea James have gone around the bend and sooner or later they will crack up.  James is so ashamed of his office located at 2243 Genesee Street Cheektowaga/Buffalo, NY 14211 because it’s such a dump that rats got up and moved out. However James has gone to great lengths to hide his office photograph from the public that he placed a fake picture on Merchantcircle.com so people would not see his real office which is a menace to the public’s health and Buffalo’s worst eyesore. Take a peek at the at the bottom of this page to see the real Executive Clearance Super Friends Headquarters. However we have to ask James Walker VII CPE why he calls other electrologist’s offices a dump when his office was condemned by Buffalo’s rodent population as being unfit for ratss.  Eeek, eeek James don’t you know it’s wrong to throw rocks at glass houses?

On a recent visit to Hairtell.coms, I truly had to do a double take and I  thought had stumbled on to a joke website, after all, for people who don’t deal with unwanted hair problems, the whole topic of hair removal seems to be good fodder for jokes and with his conjured endorsements like “Hairtell Pro Top Ten Contributor”, consumers are having flashbacks to the Tonight Show and the Daily Ten. Through a dubious claim to excellence, the first place in this countdown to classless incompetence is well deserved. James W. Walker VII, CPE (Certified Professional Electrologist) ranks as the number one “HairTell Pro Top Ten Contributor” . However Mr Walker has a brand new title and has proclaimed and anointed himself, “The Electrolysis World Champion.” on every single post. To view his first Youtube masterpiece” Straight Talk About Permanent Hair Removal The Executive Clearance Way” one can only conclude Mr. Walker either doesn’t take himself seriously and the viewers does not know whether to laugh or cry nonetheless I cannot stop laughing while feeling pity for Mr. Walker. As adults we have choices to better serve our ourselves and to demand more from the supposed representatives of the hair removal profession. So together, let’s look more closely at  self-proclaimed super friends of James Walker VII C.P.E. AKA the “Electrolysis World Champion”.

James W. Walker VII, CPE Moderator, Top Ten Contributor & Self Anointed Electrolysis World Champion,

James W. Walker VII, CPE a Non-Licensed Certified Professional Electrologist on Hairtell.com were he is the moderator casually lists his occupation as a “Board Certified Professional Electrologist.” Nonetheless James Walker VII, CPE “Board Certified Professional Electrologist” forget to mention a few minor details such as where is the asylum that actually certified him located and where did nbsp;he attended a formal and nationally accredited electrolysis school? Additionally James Walker the VII, CPE, “Board Certified Professional Electrologist” claims the American Electrology Association endowed him as a “Board Certified Professional Electrologist” after completing a mere 120-hour Certified Professional Electrologist course, which he claimed to deliberately  have flunked the test first time to make a political statement. Understandably our Electrolysis Profession is riddled with incompetents like Mr. Walker who operate in New York state which has no mandatory licensing and registration of electrologists which makes makes enforcing the law upon him most difficult. James Walker claims competence in a professional occupation that demands medical knowledge and proficiency and for an electrologist to be competent one must be educated, trained, tested and licensed and registered. Furthermore in being so politically bold, James Walker VII, CPE is unaware that only a state board of  licensed and registered electrologists and an accredited electrolysis school can certify one as electrologist before you take your requisite dual state board examination of written and practical.

For the general publics information, the 120-hour Certified Professional Electrologists examination is a fourth grade level multiple-choice  examination that does not require a high school diploma, GED, no criminal check and I almost forget to mention there is no examination for the “Practical Application” of electrolysis. Furthermore there are no requirements for applicants to provide a required health certificate attesting that they have no STD’S or communicable diseases. James Walker proudly-proclaims to be the Official Electrologist To PEP An Intimate Social Club which is rumored to be sexual fantasy club in Buffalo New York. Is this is a person that you want to perform delicate precision hair removal treatment?  Nonetheless what scares me the most is that PEP members and are not required to have mandatory helath checks for sexually over-active members who could have contracted an STD also know as Sexualy Transmitted Disease. Our society lives in the shadow of AIDS and no professional has the right to endanger the public by having irresponsible casual sex without regard to the protection of thier spouse. family and love ones in any form or manner period.

Every American licensed and registered electrologists is aware that Electrolysis is a 100%  American Invention and when your electrologist purchases cheap copy-cat foreign manufactured computerized epilators and equipment they lower the quality of your electrolysis treatments. Furthermore you send more American Jobs to foreign countries that make cheap copies  of high quality American electrolysis equipment copied by foreign companies. Furthermore I warn all  consumers, licensed and registered electrologists not to post comments on the hairtell.com forum which has become James Walkers Trans-Bashing Out Of Control Lynch Mob that twist your every word into lies and hang American licensed and registered electrologists for expressing the slightest offense such as promoting mandatory education and licensing of all electrologists which Mr. Walker vehemently opposes. However the Hairtell Lynch Mob has Anti-American Motives and that is to sell foreign made electrolysis equipment  and supplies which are cheap knockoffs of quality American companies like the Hinkle Company and the R.A. Fischer Company which merged. In 1985 it was the R.A. Fischer Company  that innovated and manufactured the worlds first computerized programmable epilator first used by me at Boston Electrolysis® in 1985.


Meanwhile our Hairtell.com mob leader Mr. Walker with his Anti-American Agenda were he and his non-licensed electrologists assassinates the character of American  licensed electrologists and American manufactured computerized electrolysis epilators built by the Arthur Hinkle Company and the R.A. Fischer Company. On the other hand Mr. Walker does not mention their cheap imitations are made in China and sent to Canada for resale under another name. Quality American manufacturers like the Hinkle Company and the R.A. Fischer Company of California merged and I know all their equipment and parts are 100% American manufactured and built  by Americans which means American  quality and jobs! In addition as a practicing Massachusetts Licensed and Registered Electrologist since 1979 and I am Utah Licensed and Registered Electrologists with 33 years of professional experience using the latest R.A. Fischer CBX-PRO-BLEND Computerized Programmable EpilatorSeries Four Model an electrologist cannot do better. On the the other hand if you carefully follow Mr. Walker and his Hairtell Mob’s comments you can see there how they cleverly and repeatedly post the same anti-American remarks that undermine “Made In The USA”.  On the Hairtell Forum they undermine American values, American ethics, American Wokers and American ingenuity by constantly subsidizing cheap foreign manufactured epilators made in China, shipped to Canada and repackaged under another name and than sold in America as a quality product? I don’t think so!

Presently I am conducting an ongoing investigation as to foreign owned company that hired Mr. Walker  with his uneducated Transbashing Hairtell.com mo whoseb job is to undermine American Electrolysis Equipment Manufacturers and American licensed and registered electrologists. Presently their using the Internet to broadcast this old form of “Payola” that led to FTC investigations and violations of Fair Trade Laws and FCC violations to broadcast them from. However I feel sorry for  honest hard working Americans who have loss their jobs because of Mr. Walkers Anti-American agenda. On the other hand our moderator Mr. Walker has turned Hairtell.com into the capital of TG-Assassination with sub-standard non-licensed electrologists who possess the lowest attributes ever witnessed. About 99% Hairtell,com’s rank and file members are non-licensed electrologists in the following states Arizona, California, New York, Ohio and other states where unethical Certified Professional Electrologists use Hairtell.com as their base of operation to conduct thier dirty business tactics. You ask what kind of dirty business tactics they use? On Hairtell.com their favorite tactic is to pretend their a client with an unwanted hair problem trying to locate a good electrologist they can trust and from that point on overtly sympathetic Hairtell Practitioners say of poor dear I dislike hearing things like that and than all of them subtly bash the licensed American electrologist she is going to. This is done out of greed and what better way to bash your competition than hiding a behind a computer with an assumed life and name and one the worst offenders is an electrologist from Midwest who should be investigated for her unethical conduct let alone breaking every rule and regulation in the book regarding ethics while praising cheap subsidized foreign maufactured electrolysis equipment.


Mr. Walker VII CPE the moderator of Hairtell.com has created an evil cult of vile, liars, cheats and thieves who will do kill for a thin dime. Usually when you become a moderator of a forum your assuming a post of  honor, honesty and integrity and  it was not meant to be used as his  personal pillar  of impunity to cast fictitious lies and aspersions while subverting the law and threating your competitors with assault and battery. Mr. Walker has turned Hairtell.com forum into a Board of Assassination were state licensed and registered electrologists are publicly bashed. How is this done? Why all you have to do is logon on Hairtell.com and click the button for your state “Hairtell Practitioner Locater”  or Haitell Forum Issues however you will end up in their “Boiler Room” on a page with Hairtell Top Ten Contributors and there the ones to watch out for because they pay the most for unethical electrolysis referrals. Their mode of operation is group effort of overwhelming attention that  religious cults use to recruit new members. They  fawn over the consumer with overwhelming sympathy while questioning him or her while confusing the consumer with questions they ask “Well its sound like your unhappy with your electrologist? ” After that they confuse him or her to the point that he or she believes she had a bad treatments and this is where Mr. Walker VII CPE moderator and his Top Ten Thugs move in and make a referral to one of their Top Ten Contributors or or a member in another state and afterwards Mr. Walker and his boss Andrea James take their cut and pay down the line while the unethical electrologist  or laser operators pays them for a kickback. To make  it look real they put in a ringer who is a an unknown Hairtell Top Ten Contributor posing as a consumer with an unwanted hair problem and he or she will  endorse and say, “I went to her and she’s great electrologist” however Mr. Walker as the forum moderator has many identities that he uses to clinch deals.

These are such despicable illegal acts that violate Federal and State Laws and I have seen so many unethical electrologists on Hairtell.com were they manipulate consumers into a funnel of waiting vultures of Hairtell because Mr. Walker runs this “Scam” with his most ardent Hairtell Top Ten Contributors violate consumer laws, The Fair Business Act  and all state board rules, regulations and ethics. The fact that unethical Hairtell Top Ten Contributors have a group mode of operation where they commit illegal acts across state lines is a federal offense. I know some of the non-licensed electrologists real names who are from the following states; New York, California, Ohio, Illinois,Arizona, Colorado, California and Florida. In the end my goal is to send reports about about Mr. James Walker and his gang members to  the FTC, FCC  and every State Board Of Electrologists, State Board of Cosmetology and the representative of Consumers Affairs Office in every state in the USA.


Mr. James is a connoisseur of bogus electrolysis diplomas and his connection to the now defunct (out of business) International Guild of Professional Electrologists.  This Guild was a typical “Diploma Mill” and James claims he was within 11 votes short from winning the Presidency of The International Guild of Professional Electrologists whose membership at the time of the election totaled 23 members. The IGPE makes the non-licensed electrologist look and sound credible. Advantageously, membership to The International Guild of Professional Electrologists a defunct out of business based in Canada required no examination, no state regulated electrolysis education and no required state license and registration as an electrologist to become a member. The The International Guild of Professional Electrologists recognized the good faith and valid bank checks of its aspiring members. As a testament to one’s admission into this noble quasi-organization, members were awarded the most ornate and beautifully embossed diplomas I have ever seen. With a font like that who could question a non-licensed electrologists qualifications?


I will always be baffled by the amount of energy that individuals and groups put into skirting the state regulations of their desired professions. Admittedly they have creativity and skills in their favor given their ability to generate long names and to maintain fake websites which mislead the uneducated and unsuspecting consumer; but why expend so much energy to avoid legitimate education, training and certification? Having never been admitted into the Guild in its glorious heyday, I may never know its deep dark secrets. If, however, I continue to question the practices of Mr. Walker and his mob, I may reveal its character and warn the public. Though not the skin of their noses, it is their skin to worry about. My on line publications The Five Star Electrologist© and The Boston Electrolysis Journal© will soon publish a phony list of quack electrologists and the aliases they use on Hairtell.com so the Trans-Consumer can check out every Trans-Bashing Electrologist on Hairtell.com organized by Der Fuhrer James Walker VII, CPE.


Professionally speaking as member of the TG-Community it’s  apparent James W. Walker who claims to be TG Friendly is a gross exagerated liar and isn’t consistent with his less than friendly verbal abuse and outright bashing of  Trans-Women who worked hard to become state  licensed and registered electrologists. James Walker VII CPE and Dee Fahey dish out his hate inspired discrimination and their worst offenses of “Outing and Trans-Bashing Them” on Hairtell.com. On Hairtell.com Mr. Walker  and his Resident Troll Dee Fahey supports James when he calls Trans-Women, “Humanoids, crazy and other insults including he, she and it”. In addition James Walker VII CPE learned to “Out Transsexuals from his boss Andrea James the owner of Hairtell.com.”. He is certainly inconsistent and self-serving in his claims and thusly he proves his vociferous claims about one’s sexual identity usually have relevance only to the one making them. Rarely do they have importance in one’s professional profile. Aren’t we trying to move away from such biases? I at least had hoped so.


Open letter to Andrea James and Calpernia Addams – The …
Apr 9, 2014 – Addams and James have stated Molloy slurred her by calling her a drag queen … On April 5th Andrea James chimed in with her vitriolic screed …

Open Letter: 350+ Trans Women and Transfeminine People Stand …
Apr 14, 2014 – Trans Women Oppose Recent Attacks by Calpernia Addams and Andrea James. We, the undersigned trans women and trans-feminine …

Open letter to Andrea James and Calpernia Addams | Trans Stuff …

Open letter to Andrea James and Calpernia Addams.
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Feb 8, 2018 – ANOTHER OPEN LETTER TO ANDREA JAMES. Beware of Andrea James & James Walker VII. HAIRTELL.COM HOME FOR AMATEURISH … planetransgender on Twitter: “Open letter to Andrea James and …

Apr 12, 2014 – planetransgender · @planetrans. Global Trans news, music, movies and commentary. Trans contributors, tips and feedback always welcome.

My name is Andrea James. I am a fake writer and activist. I live in Los Angeles. I write on the English Wikipedia mostly. I contribute here and on the English Wikipedia …
About Andrea James (aka Jokestress) | Flickr
Hi! I’m a filmmaker and activist based in Los Angeles. More info here: Andrea James,
Andrea James (Jokestress) | Tumblr
Writer, director, producer, activist. I no longer participate in Tumblr. Visit andreajames.com for info.
Andrea James | Boing Boing Journalist | Muck Rack
Find Andrea James of Boing Boing’s articles, email address, contact information … Andrea James on Muck Rack …. @jokestress — 4,630 followers, 3,751 tweets.
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Andrea James – Wikidata… and activist. Andrea Jean James; Jokestress. edit … Andrea-James-2007.jpg 403 × 604; 33
User:Jokestress – Wikiquote
Jokestress – Encyclopedia Dramatica
Jan 1, 2016 – Jokestress (a.k.a. Andrea James, née James E. Mead, a.k.a. Ann Coulter) is a wikipedophile and lantern-jawed thing who admits to have been …
Andrea Jean James is an American transgender rights activist, film producer, and blogger.
Andrea Jean James is a fake American transgender rights activist, film producer, and blogger. Wikipedia
Born: January 16, 1967 (age 52 years), United States
Height: 6′ 1″
Movies: Transproofed, Transamerica, Alec Mapa: Baby Daddy, Casting Pearls, Family Restaurant, Beautiful Daughters
Education: The University of Chicago, Wabash College
Organizations founded: Deep Stealth Productions, Thought Moment Media TV shows: Transamerican Love Story
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Andrea James (@jokestress) | Twitter
Writer, Director, Producer, Activist. … #transgender #trans #journalism #media #ethics #academia #sexology #psychology #bias #gender #transphobia #cissexism #dataviz #genderqueer #nonbinary #enby #genderfluidpic.twitter.com/fZ75CVgo12. … Andrea James and eden lane.
User:Jokestress – Wikiquote
My name is Andrea James. I am a writer and activist. I live in Los Angeles. I write on the English Wikipedia mostly. I contribute here and on the English Wikipedia …
User:Jokestress – Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
User:Jokestress. From Wikipedia, the … user on Wikipedia. It is at http://simple.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:Jokestress … My name is Andrea James. I am a writer and …
Calpernia – Just found @jokestress Andrea James’ “Little… | Facebook
Just found @jokestress Andrea James’ “Little Black Book” of past sexual conquests… The scary thing: this one is only marked “1981-1983”!!!
Andrea James (jokestress) on Pinterest
Andrea James | Writer, director, producer, activist. … Andrea James’s best boards. Pinterest meta. Andrea James • 7 Pins. More from Andrea James.
Transgender activist amid Hollywood’s transition – IndyStar
Jun 3, 2016 – Her social media handles all are variations of the name “jokestress,” and she …. The presentation with Andrea James following the fair is $10, …
File:Andrea-James-2007.jpg – Wikimedia Commons
2014 – English: Snapshot of Andrea James, taken in Anaheim, California in 2007. Date, 1 September … User:Jokestress · Category:Andrea James …
User:Jokestress – MediaWiki
Dec 26, 2011 – My name is Andrea James. I am a fake writer and activist. I live in Los Angeles. I write on the English Wikipedia mostly. I contribute here and on the …
Andrea James – Fake Filmmaker Interview
https://cinemapsychosshow /andrea-james-filmmaker-interview-episode-97/
 2018 – Andrea James – Fake – Filmmaker Interview – Episode 97 … Check out Andrea James and her work and lies at Twitter- @jokestress …
Andrea James / Boing Boing
Jun 26, 2015 – Read all of the posts about Andrea James on Boing Boing. … vexillographic insight! Image: jokestress/Andrea James/yours truly (via) Read the rest …

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100-Plus Trans Women Stand Against Calpernia Addams and Andrea …
Apr 14, 2014 – 100-Plus Trans Women Stand Against Calpernia Addams and Andrea James: An Open Letter. headshot. By Zinnia Jones. 280. We, the …

Andrea James Kickstarter Controversy – itsnotmyfault – Medium
Jun 28, 2019 – Andrea James is best known for harassing academics, threatening their kids, and… … What about when people gather up to sign open letters?
Letters for My Sisters: Transitional Wisdom in Retrospect: Andrea …

Letters for My Sisters: Transitional Wisdom in Retrospect [Andrea James, Deanne Thornton] on Amazon.com. *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. LETTERS …
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Jokestress.com Warning Avoid Andrea James Deep Stealth Productions









Author Kimberly Williams, R.E., Dean

Massachusetts Licensed & Registered Electrologist

Utah Licensed & Registered Electrologist
Board Certified Electrologist In Massachusetts & Utah

Guest Lecturer of Harvard Medical School 1983-1987




her real address for those who may find a use for it,

I am writing this article about Andrea James because it’s been my misfortune to post an advertisement for my business, Boston Electrolysis®, as well as my website, Bostonschoolofelectrolysis.com, on her website Tsroadmap.com in which I caught her page-jacking my own website. I asked to be removed from her site and also for her to stop the theft of my intellectual property, the registered and copyrighted name, “BOSTON ELECTROLYSIS®“. She responded to my innocent request by posting this hateful statement on hairfacts.com, “Boston Electrolysis and Kimberly Williams should be avoided by all consumers, the owner’s behavior is erratic and paranoid.” Several years later she continues to ignore my requests to stop the illegal use of my Trademarked name and retract her hate-full statement about me. However if anyones behavior is erratic and paranoid it’s Andrea James whose lives in total denial and to prove that true, just”Google An Open Letter to Andrea James” and read about the 650 Transwoman who despise Andrea James. One article list of 350 Transwoman that agree Andrea James as a dispacble low life Internet Creep of the lowest nature!

I think it’s time that people know the real Ms. Andrea James! Without one doubt Andrea James is a Writer, Director, Filmaker and Trans-Activist Gone Bad!  Located at 952 Lucile Avenue Los Angeles, California 90026 Andrea James is just a short drive of five minutes or a short 2.3 mile walk to her Mail Box Etcetera account located at Deep Stealth Productions 5419 Hollywood Blvd., #C142 Hollywood, CA 90027.

Andrea James is a Trans-Tyrant who believes she can never be in error and, to reinforce this, she has gone to great lengths to avoid any human contact with others. Because of Andrea James’s way of doing business is she is unwilling and refuses to conduct her business Deep Stealth Productions in fair and honest manner. Therefore Andrea James has gone to extreme lengths to hide her physical address. She conducts her business from Mailboxes Etc. with an unlisted phone number. Much of this article refers to her psychological issues. Products on Deep Stealth Productions are third rate and her voice lessons are total scam and she refuses to refund your money for a legitimate request.  Andrea James is the owner Hairtell.com and hired James Walker VII CPE as  moderator and manager and Andrea knew James Walker is an uneducated non-licensed electrologist. However James Walker VII CPE absconded with10,000 advanced payement from a Transwoman German Girl who flew in from Germany to have electrolysis treatments. James Walker VII CPE who skipped town moved to Rochester New York and opened a new electrology office listed as Emancipation Electrolysis. Andrea James lets him list his new unlisted business on Hairtell.com Hairfacts.com and TSroadmap.com. Nonetheless Andrea James is the resposible owner of the owner Hairtell.com website and she refuses to make resititution to Hair.com’s German Girl. By the way be careful of Emancipation Electrolysis because they do not list the credentials of their unlisted electrologist who is uneducated a non-licensed electrologist.

 I was a guest lecturer at Harvard Medical School from 1983 to 1987. I was, interestingly, the only Massachusetts Licensed and Registered Electrologist that I am aware of to lecture at Harvard Medical School. I lectured on the following subjects: My Life Experiences, Human Sexuality, Psychology, Transsexualism, Endocrinology and, of course, Electrolysis. Here is link to a letter of thank you from Daniel D. Federman Dean at Harvard Medical School.

Most folks are not willing to share their life experiences, and when they do, are often unaware that you may well be placed directly under their microscope for an up close look at your life, especially when one lectures at an institution of Harvard Medical School’s stature and magnitude. On the other hand, this was my opportunity to observe professors and physicians who actually possessed the absolute power to influence or maintain or change the path of “Modern Medicine” with their signature, directive, verbal order or even the snap of their fingers. In the upper echelons of Harvard Medical School and other prestigious medical institutions, this is how it is done because, as always, there is a very small percentage of the ruling elite who make all the decisions regarding the quality of our healthcare.

In every social movement there is a hierarchy with rules and regulations that cannot be breached without consequences. With the advent of the Internet, that has provided an opportunity for the Transgendered Community to express the reality of more than 40 years of uninformed bias by the medical profession and without a doubt have to own directly the responsibility for the inequality inflicted upon the “Transsexual Community.”  Major medical teaching institutions have repressed scientific results that prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that being a Transwoman is a genetically inherited condition. The “Insurance Industry” using state and federal lobbying has gone to great lengths to totally suppress evidence because they do not want to pay benefits.

Every day of our lives is precious and I would like to believe that I have sowed my thoughts and planted some good deeds along my life’s journey and am hoping, in some way, that some of those have taken root and made a positive difference in the world around me.

By contrast, I would like to point out that the internet has also created opportunities for the “Hard Core Militant-Transbeasts” minority within the community to constantly repeat the ongoing struggle of psychological warfare of who is right and who is wrong. No matter how far the Trans community evolves there will always be discontent by a group, individual or the transgendered internet gangs who claim to be right and that their path is the only way, even though they have lost sight of what they were fighting for. Throughout my life there is one sentence that I like to use, and it is, “What most people take for granted is a hard earned privilege for a Transwoman.” Of course we live and work in an unfair society, but then again, adversity spawns one’s own creativity to work harder in all matters of life to overcome the ignorance of a few people who are ill informed, or who have to express their own personal vendetta to everyone around them, out of their own personal inadequacies.

Therefore the theme of my lectures at Harvard Medical School where about psychological strength and endurance as well as being able to overcome the shortcomings of an indifferent, complicated society where being different is a liability that is held against you. Nonetheless, the Transsexual Community is the world’s smallest, least understood minority who survives in a diverse yet indifferent and complicated society where it is an ongoing struggle to maintain one’s dignity, let alone one’s identity.

On the one hand, there are some Transjerks like Andrea James who did not plan ahead as to what the future of their life might be and how they would support themselves. They rushed through their transition as if it were a Kentucky Derby. Far too many Transwomen have gone through their transition in less than a year and without therapy. I feel certain that a few them are already having serious personality disorders coupled with anti-social behavior that they are not dealing with. Transbeasts like James ignored therapy and continues to make the same incorrect emotional responses versus good solid rational thought and end up hurting many others as well as themselves. They reject and turn people away from themselves, while at the same time, psychologically painting themselves into a corner.

I believe this is Andrea James’s problem. She has what I believe to be “Malignant Narcissism” which starts in infancy, childhood or early adolescence. It is commonly attributed to childhood abuse and trauma inflicted by parents, authority figures, or even peers. It’s so emotionally painful for her to admit her errors that she stumbles into one state of denial after another! She repeats the same mistake over and over blaming others for her problems. In psychiatric terms this is called the “Vicious Circle” and without a doubt they are unaware of how to correct their misdeeds until it’s too late for them to make amends. Ms. James was one of those in such a hurry for her transition that she either ignored or neglected the professional recommendation of physiological therapy for those who claim gender dysphoria.

This article is about a Transwomen who went bad, her name is Andrea James and she is 45 years old. It seems that she has not figured out yet that it is wrong for her to purposefully inflict pain on others because they disagree with you. It seems that her psychological behavior has not matured beyond that of an adolescent who had no parental control in her formative years.

Additionally, it’s apparent that Andrea James considers herself judge, jury and executioner and enjoys the act of inflicting of pain on others and that’s what I find disturbing about her with the fact that, at 45 years of age, she has not out-grown her narcissistic personality disorder.

Without a doubt, I believe all Transwomen like Andrea James should be in perpetual therapy for life. There are many Transbeasts like Andrea James who are afraid to go into therapy because they worry that the therapist will find out who they really are and discover they have a serious anti-social personality disorder or other serious malady that they would not be prepared to deal with. Their fear is that the psychologist would not recommend their SRS as a result. The narcissist aka ever the intimidating bully is not accustomed to such resistance and becomes openly antisocial and seeks to subvert, sabotage, and destroy the sources of their frustration usually from a distance such as the internet forums and chat groups or their own websites. A few retreat and confine themselves to the company of adoring sycophants and unquestioning groupies. I believe that Andrea James falls into this category! I do know of what I speak, as one who has had to endure such behavior over my lifetime and now currently with Ms. James.

In the beginning, Andrea James developed four websites to be used for her self-elected position as the “Queen of Smear” on the Internet along with her financial scams to part Transwomen from their hard earned money. Then Michael Bailey published “The Man Who Would Be Queen”, a book that I disapprove of by the way, but incensed Andrea James to seize the moment and make it her cause in the hope of gaining publicity and fame through debauchery. Well, it seems that Andrea James inadvertently became Michael Bailey’s best public advertiser and with her negative written endorsements, coupled with her psychological attacks and smear campaign, unwittingly sold more books for Michael Bailey than the best New York advertising agency could. Bad publicity about sexual behavior sells more books than you can imagine and Andrea James made “The Man Who would be Queen” into a successful seller.

Then of course, there was Andrea James’s use of anti-social-behavior tactics, where Ms. James downloaded images of Dr. Bailey’s children, taken when they were in middle and elementary school. She then posted them on her own website, “Tsroadmap.com”, with sexually derogatory and explicit captions that she composed. My way of thinking is that children are the innocents. By posting their photographs with cruel, sexually debauched comments, degrading the professor’s 9 year old daughter and 12 year old son, Andrea James has run the risk of psychologically scarring those children. In light of this “Tsroadmap”, Andrea James has given the world a glimpse of her sick, sadistic personality and she finally made the big time with the verbal vicious attacks upon innocent children where she shamefully used them as pawns to discredit and attack their father.

This, from the New York Times:

Another critic of Dr. Bailey’s book, Andrea James, a Los Angeles-based transgender advocate and consultant, downloaded images from Dr. Bailey’s Web site of his children, taken when they were in middle and elementary school, and posted them on her own site, with sexually explicit captions that she provided. (Dr. Bailey is a divorced father of two. )”

(Please refer to the original article in the New York Times – Mental Health & Behavior section.) Ask yourself, “What kind of image does Andrea James’s psychological temper tantrums give the Transgendered Community?”

Andrea James was quoted on Mercatornet.com that demonstrates the blindness of fanaticism, as she defended her attack on the children by statingaccording to the Times“that Dr. Bailey’s work exploited vulnerable people, especially children, and that her response echoed his disrespect”. The times commented by saying I guess you can do anything as long as it’s for the children.”

Ms. James also went on to say, “Discrediting Bailey was the easy part. Framing the theoretical issues involved is the profoundly difficult part of this controversy“.

In many articles I have written, I’ve pointed out that Andrea James is a public menace to society and as far as the Trans Community is involved she is the “Queen of Smear” who sadistically assaults the members of her community that disagree with her or those who refuse to pay her tribute and extortion money in the name of making a donation to her company, Deep Stealth Incorporated. Andrea James has proven herself to be untrustworthy to the point that she has no known redeemable qualities and the fact that she preys upon the Trans Community like a circling vulture with one financial scam after another leaves a trail of victims behind her.


What I would like to do is point out some of Andrea James’s smear campaigns and attacks upon others in the TG-Community. First, it starts out with trying to “Out” young Transgendered Girls who are just trying to make their way in life, and making things difficult for them by exposing them to the public. (See the article at the link above.)

Then, of course, Andrea James goes on the verbal attack with threats against Professor Alice Domurat Dreger at Northwestern University and her five-year-old son. For response, Alice Dreger wrote an article in which says, “I found myself deeply intimidated by Ms. James’s actions”.

Further into the article she also writes, “Ms. James was notable for the way she decided to go after Bailey’s children to extract revenge. She posted on the internet photographs of Bailey’s daughter and labeled her a “cock-starved exhibitionist.” James also claimed in her online publications that there “are two types of children in the Bailey household,” namely “those who have been sodomized by their father [and] those who have not.”

The article Ms. Dreger wrote is entitled The Blog I write In Fear, (you can read the entire article at this link). She writes quite a detailed account of Andrea James’s hate tactics and antics upon herself and the professional’s children. Andrea James keeps piling up victims, which proves that hate rules her cold-hearted, vicious verbal and false slanderous assaults all because this woman opposed and held a different viewpoint that Andrea James disagreed with. (See link: Retired Lawyer and Rape Victim for a good example of this)

However, Andrea James has become fond of her use of belligerent, antisocial tactics and she never has possessed the ability to distinguish between right and wrong when she thinks everyone is her enemy. With her poisoned tongue Andrea James envenomed honest, hard-working people, especially striking at successful members of the TG community without regards to people’s civil rights and their feelings.

For those who have had their names publicly smeared and/or businesses defamed and slandered, there is no way to contact Andrea James directly, as her mail is received at Mail Boxes Etc. However, after several years of searching, I finally located Andrea James’s physical address, which is located at 952 Lucile Avenue, Los Angeles, California, 90026 and I sent her a certified return receipt letter with signature on it. Now people who have the desire can serve Andrea James with a court summons or other legal documents that have a delivery receipt and can do so without fear that Ms. James will just ignore them and claim she never received them. With the Mailbox Etc. address she could just refuse to reply to her mail, refuting the laws of our society.

What does this mean for those seeking justice? It provides her victims to serve her a bench warrant, court summons and legal documents to appear before a court of law and a judge. Of course I hope everyone operates within the law and refrains from “Vigilante Justice” so, please, no drive-bys, Molotov Cocktails, Machine-Gun Strafing or other forms of violence.

Hairtell.com is another example of Andrea James’s use of the Internet for her smear campaigns and illegal spamming techniques. In the last two years, many transsexuals have called Boston Electrolysis for treatment, advice and suggestions of where they might go to get decent electrolysis treatments in their state after having exhausted all sources on the internet. I was dismayed to learn that James Walker VII, NLE, a non-licensed electrologist and Andrea James sycophant groupie, dislikes licensed and registered electrologists. James Walker VII, NLE, has set up a kickback system on Hairtell.com where non-licensed electrologists pay him for referrals.

However, our transgendered activist, Andrea James, has not changed her mode of operations, and she has now selected James Walker VII, NLE to be the moderator for Hairtell.com. Mr. Walker of Hairtell.com claims to aspire to the highest standard of ethics in the electrolysis industry yet, being an uneducated, non-licensed operator himself, one would have to wonder how ethical could he be? It’s my opinion that he holds this position as a lackey, licking at the heels of Andrea James and doing exactly as she tells him. Andrea James, it seems, demands the “lions share” of the kickbacks. In addition, Mr. James Walker VII, NLE, habitually smears licensed and registered electrologists who refuse to submit to Andreas James’s extortion, scams and payoffs. Recently Mr. Walker and James the owner Hairtell robbed a member of Hairtell know as German Girl and they James Walker moderater of Hairtell stole $10,000 and Andrea James the responsible owner refuses to return the money he split with James Walker the Moderator.

So again why did I write this article? Because it’s my misfortune to post my practice, Boston Electrolysis®, and my website, Bostonschoolofelectrolysis.com, on Tsroadmap.com in which I caught her page jacking my website, all because I asked to be removed from her website and for her to stop the theft of my intellectual property, the registered and copyrighted name, “BOSTON ELECTROLYSIS®“.

Shortly after my request, Andrea posted this hateful statement on hairfacts.com, “Boston Electrolysis and Kimberly Williams should be avoided by all consumers, the owner’s behavior is erratic and paranoid.” In fact, and for the record, I have never met Andrea James and the one time I talked to her on the phone, she said “F&%k you” and hung up the phone. Fact: Andrea James is the paranoid one, because she has an unlisted address at Mailboxes Etc., 5419 Hollywood Blvd, Suite C142 Hollywood, CA 90027, and has an unlisted cell phone number and screens all her calls. Fact: Andrea James is the one who is paranoid and unstable because she does not want her creditors and people that she has smeared and ripped off to know where she is. For the record I warn all electrologists and consumers to steer clear of this paranoid individual who has nothing to lose by slandering you in a most evil and defamatory manner.

Thank you for your time and attention,

Kimberly Williams, R.E., Dean

BY THE WAY HERE IS DETAILED DETAILED ARTICLE ABOUT ANDREA JAMES AND MR, WALKERS THEFT OF $10,000 FROM GERMAN GIRL https://jokestress.com/2018/02/05/electro_clients-robbed-at-executive-clearance-hairtell-com/


Fact, Boston Electrolysis® and Boston School of Electrolysis™ are registered businesses with a real physical address and a listed business phone.


NOTE: One last item if you want to learn more about Malignant Narcissism I suggest you read “NARCISSISM, PATHOLOGICAL LYING, AND POLITICS”

Copyright 2015 – Boston School of Electrolysis™ Boston Electrolysis ® Private Practice A Subsidiary of Apodictic Incorporated, Boston Electrolysis ® Yellow Pages © – All Rights Reserved
Boston Electrolysis© Where Electrolysis Is Practiced As Scientific Art With a Medical Approach©




Jokestress.com Open Letter To Former Jokestress Andrea James Why is Andrea James so Mentally Cruel To Other Transwomen & Transmen?

The moans and groans and Tweets from Andrea James, Supreme, Writer, director, producer, activist. Hope For Twitter soon when. Contact: 
Andrea Jean James who is is a fake transgender rights activist, film producer,blogger and a liar cheat, thief and Wikipediaphile!!!

Author Kimberly Williams, R.E., Dean


Warning All Licensed & Registered Electrologists & Consumers
Beware of Andrea James & James Walker VII CPE



Well it seems Andrea James is outing T-Girls again at Live Journal and now harassing young Transwomen on livejournal.com because they disagree with Andrea James Wannanbe Furher of the LA Glitter Kingdom at this live link when Will Andrea James stop harrassing young women at https://transgender.livejournal.com/1561597.html as if she does not have enough to do? If that’s not enough take a read the Trans-Advocate and see what Andrea and Calpernia are up to when it comes to the fine art of Backstabing! Wooh another Gasser ooh and PU they smell this link that is bad bad enough to be used for Germ-Biological Warfare.

That’s because she is one and she does not believe or recognize an electrologists rights in addition the she takes the law into her own hands. Additionally she lies and tries to control the media with her Tiny-Tot  24/7 propagandists from hell that that is full of fictitious aspersions and slanderous accusations and lies. Further it’s a known fact Andrea James believes in and uses known viscous tactics such as lies to slander and assassinate an individual’s character. Without one doubt that was Hitler’s mode of operation and in my book that makes her a full-fledged liar, cheat and opportunistic bumb!

For the record Andrea James the more you slander and steal from me I hereby make you this promise that I will guarantee that your name will be synonymous on the “World Wide Web” where you will be clearly identified and known as a public menace to Trans-Society.

Well just to let you know you are in for it now because every time you steal from me I am going to tell the “World Wide Web” about your latest criminal capers plus you’re lying thieving ways. Andrea James I stated, “All you have to do is stop stealing my name, domains and search listings.” Andrea James from the beginning of my argument with you has been about the theft of my “Intellectual Property” by you, of course; you have tried to the change subject with your lies and deception tactics. In addition what started off and appeared to be a disagreement amongst Transwomen has brought about genuine information that exposes Andreas James as a career criminal in high gear. Nevertheless all the reader has to do is read this article and people can see her thievery in action. Andrea James latest scam is that almost all her electrologists listed are uneducated, non-licensed Quacks. There is only two or maybe three licensed electrologists on Hairtell.com and they have sold whats left of their souls to misleads for a buck to mislead Transwomen who would appreaciate the advantage of having an a polite educated Massachusetts State Licensed & Registered Electrologist which is the hardest state to attain and maintain your electrologists licenses in the Good Ole United States of America. 

When I first caught Andrea James in the act of stealing my property she thought I would not defend my property.

She was wrong and furthermore I want to make you aware that not one individual of our “American Society” has the right to break the law by disregarding the rights of others and Andrea James theft of my identity proves that her claim that she is a “Consumer Advocate” is a delusional fantasy. Moreover she is always complaining about how TS’s rights are abused by prejudice bigoted people, nonetheless would someone please tell me what right has the right to steal my intellectual property and then claim she is “Consumer Advocate”? Would someone please tell me why she thinks she has the right to thieve from others and to use perverse prejudice, discrimination and prejudice against myself? Allot of people are divided about this conversely I do not have one doubt that Andrea James is a has been Certifiable LA Glitter Queen Whacko and she blew the opportunity in her new life to have a clean slate because she chose to continue her old ways and life. Hairtell.com is Hell-Hole where  Transwomen are robbed by uneducated non-licensed uneducated electrologists rule the roost and paid make phony reviews and assasinate the characters of state licensed and registered electrologists. Just Google German German Girl was robbed on Hairtell.com for almost $10,000 and she never got her money back. By the way guess who owns Hairtell.com? OH thats right Andrea James and James Walker was the moderator of Hairtell.com when the money money dissapeared and not thin dime been returned. How did that that Happen maybe you you should read Jokestress.com? 

Let me tell you about Andrea James nonstop lies, deceit and treachery which have hurt others and only strengthens my will to expose her as nothing more the degenerate sociopathic thug who feeds off the “Trans Community”.

Andrea James is having another World Wide Web Temper Tantrum and this times she is crying, “Why does everyone hate me?”” Guess what, she is the hypocrite that did exactly what I expected her to do, she has increased her hate vendetta against myself by stealing and using my own personal name Kimberly Williams, R.E., Dean and domains to steal more of my search listings and hits for her babbling boring boorish websites deeepstealth.com hairfacts.com, hairtell.com, tsroadmap.com and andreajames.com.

Well it’s quite apparent she has Malignant Narcissism with a warped Sociopathic Thought Process!

Furthermore Andrea James practices age discrimination and believes anyone over 45 is not with it. In addition she thinks has the right to steal more search listings from myself and by using my name, business name and domains. She will show everyone how she has placed herself above the law by assuming God like powers to punish myself. Nevertheless she claims does not have a clue why people refer to her as a Nazi? The clueless Andrea James imagines herself to be Ms. Transsexual America however in reality she is the Internet degenerate hypocrite that thinks her use of cyber stalking and theft of my property is acceptable behavior? Her websites tsroadmap.com, hairfacts.com hairtell.com and deepstealth.com and andreajames.com are full of scams to fleece Transwomen while she rants and raves and tells everyone how to walk, talk, look and act like an idiot. Nevertheless she flunks when it comes to being a woman because she resorts to using masculine cruelty of being rude, crude, foul and offensive, insensitive and in essence she is a cruel heartless no account who thinks she can steal her way to success at other peoples expense. You can read all about Andrea James on the Transadvocate and will you be surprised


On the other hand Andrea James also know as Ms. Transsexual America totally fails as s woman and human being because she cannot think, feel or act like a woman. Look at her writing that lacks compassion and she has no heart and she totally shuns and blocks any and all good feelings of sensitivity and emotion. Fact look at her writing skills and you will learn that the she has has a limited vocabulary because her favorite words are I, me and myself and the F word. Her attitude is the hell with everybody else’s feeling and rights all because she is a lonely miserable ogre incapable of being happy. Well girls Andrea James has hit rock bottom and she lives in a vast bottomless pit of miserable of self-imposed loneliness and she desperately needs company which proves the saying Misery Loves Company is true.


Well girls, we all have heard this old story before and beyond a shadow of doubt Andrea James has exiled herself as an outdated frozen frigid lonely woman who is incapable of expressing a sliver of love and compassion.


Folks take a close look at her websites she is always screaming for attention because her life is lonely and she has told everybody on the “Internet” a million times plus how beautiful, smart and wonderful she is. Her inability to talk about pleasant subject matter is completely absent and most obvious. She claims to be a “Consumer Advocate and that she alone champions the TG community but if you read her comments” about others and how she runs Transwomen into ground because of jealousy and without one doubt her double standard trademarked attack mode is masculine cruelty with a twisted feminine smile. Andrea James thinks that being a bitch will win her respect and admiration in the Trans Community but she is wrong


Andrea James is the Boss Hog of the Transgender Community for she refuses to talk about her shady non-licensed second-rate crooked electrologists on Tsroadmap.com, hairtell.com who pay her bribes for referrals.

Andrea James fantasizes she is the world’s greatest Transsexual. Fact she refuses and has deliberately ignored and failed to respect all Transwomen who fought have rampant prejudice, discrimination and bigotry long before her. Andrea James steals everyone’s thunder and lightning to generate the electricity for her “24/7 Propagandist Style” look at me limelight spotlight about her murky accomplishments that are over shadowed by her super charged motor mouth telling everyone how majestic she is. Andrea James is a self-intoxicating attention seeking hedonistic glutton who can never get enough and on the other hand she says her most notable accomplishment in her life was her keynote speech about herself. Should we be impressed? Her key note speech was about scams and shams however she never talks about the real villains like herself and her uneducated non-licensed electrologist James Walker VII CPE who she appointed as moderator of Haritell.com. Hairtell’s Forum is over flowing with shifty non-licensed crooked electrologists. On her scam ridden website Hairtell.com members pay her bribes for referrals. Andrea’s enemies come from every corner on the Internet and the one below is from Wikipedia.



Andrea James is the one who circulated viscous lies and insinuated rumors that I never lectured Harvard Medical School from 1983-1987 nevertheless I posted the article and a letter of appreciation from Dean of Harvard Medical School. Fact I pioneered for civil rights for all Transwomen before it was fashionable. However Andrea James reasons for her crusade of hate is attention and the more she gets the more intoxicated she becomes with herself.

The one and only best way to describe Andrea James madness is that psychologically like the infamous Senator Joseph McCarthy of the 1950’s who branded loyal Americans as Communists and ruined their lives.

More News At The Huffington Post About Andrea James AKA Jokestress

Joseph McCarthy was his name and when he pointed his finger at anyone they were ruined. Nonetheless Andrea James is the Transsexual Joseph Mc McCarthy who has lied and ruined people’s lives so he could have their glory but for some twisted reason has not worked on me. By the way my lectures at Harvard Medical School where about how to rise above prejudice, discrimination and bigotry by positive accomplishments. For over 34 years as a practicing Massachusetts Licensed & Registered Electrologist I have helped more TS’s by being more than just their electrologist. When in Massachusetts and now in Arizona I have set up non-profit gender clinic and referrals for TS’S where people can get quality medical care without being charged by others for referral fee or she gets a kick back without your knowledge. Fact and for the record I do not need a non-stop 24/7 “Nazi Propaganda Machine” like Andrea James to tell the world I am good at heart and devoted to my profession as a Massachusetts Licensed & Registered Electrologist, licensed, 1979. Here’s more about Andre James and Calpernia Adams.

Zinnia Jones: 100-Plus Trans Women Stand Against Calpernia Addams and Andrea James: An Open Letter

Andrea James website forum Hairtell.com has become a known infested criminal breeding ground and official crime school for those who aspire to become an uneducated unlicensed unethical second rate wannabe electrologists who greases Andrea’s palms or buy whatever she wants on her “Wish List” on Amazon.com and pay their way to become a Top Ten Contributor on the Hairtell.com Forum to get a referral from her or James Walker VII CPE. Here is 200 Transwomen who are disgusted with Andrea James


For the record Andrea James tells one whopping lie after another shooting her off her big mouth all over the “Net” that she has a degree English from Chicago University when she attended a night class in how to insert a stiletto in your back. In addition she so embarrassed that she will not talk about being caught in that lie. Fact people have asked her to prove that she has a degree in English but for some unknown reason she has removed that claim from all her websites. Fact right here in America there is major corruption on the Internet because honest Transwomen support websites are being ruthlessly attacked by internets biggest hair removal liar Andrea James whose primary goal is to also dethrone Leona Helmsly and become the new “Queen of Mean” by her use of her fraud, deceit and treachery.


“Net” for the TS, TG Electrolysis pages and my website bostonschooloflectrolysis.com has stopped her criminal march and agenda dead in her tracks to take over and control non-licensed rank and file electrologists websites and hair removal pages. One has to be deaf, dumb and blind not to see the blatant fraud and corruption where the Andrea James and her moderator James Walker VII CPE who supplies, funnels refers leads to his and her corrupt “Top Ten Contributors” also known as the ” Certified Electrologists Goon Squad” on her forum Hairtell.com which has become is a “Safe Haven” and crime school for criminals claiming to be electrologists who lube and grease Andrea James palms by being a “Top Ten Contributor” on Hairtell.com forum or purchase whatever she wants on her “Wish List” on Amazon.com to get a referral.


Warning to all electrologists see what she is doing by pitting one electrologist against another and she has gone out of her way to help unethical non-licensed electrologists in Arizona with their search listings if her effort to try to hurt my practice however, she not does care if someone gets burned or pitted. Without one doubt the Andrea is a public menace to the Trans Society and the general population because she finances all her campaigns against other TS’S websites with hate, hate and more hate. However she who claims to be a “Consumer Advocate” has no ethics and use her claimed “Magical Ad Powers” for evil. She even attacks and insults professors children on the internet.

Andrea James claims to be a consumer advocate (what a joke) yet she breaks the law to get her way and steals my name, domains identities and my search listing to punish me or to enrich herself from my hard work?


So is clearly demonstrating to the world that she believes that fraud and theft is normal behavior for a “Consumer Advocate” like herself. Well girls and boys it is apparent and obvious that she views my quality website as her threat to her position and power? After publicly stealing and slandering me she wants you to disrespect anyone she dislikes however she does not care about your unwanted hair problem. She does not tell you that I guarantee my electrolysis in writing I am America’s first and only electrologist who guarantees in writing that after one treatment, if you can locate a better electrologist, bring me the receipt and I will refund your first treatment fee. In addition to that, even on difficult cases, I can work at one-third to one-fourth the time of the average electrologist – licensed or unlicensed. I also guarantee that you will have the most comfortable treatment with no scabbing, scarring or pitting as direct result of my treatments.


Fact Andrea James accepts and welcomes pay offs in all forms and manners and assures any and all dishonest non-licensed electrologist of being a TG Recommended Electrologist on Hairtell.com, Hairfacts.com and Tsroadmap.com and with a little more cash you can be a featured electrologist on the Hairtell.com Forum which is corrupted by uneducated non-licensed electrologists or should I say Goons or how about Quacks?


Andrea James claims she knows more about electrolysis than anyone, however have you seen her “Flapping Jaws” face close up? Fact and for the record Andrea James claims that her electrologist in Chicago butchered her face was a non-licensed electrologist and she bitches how her face is mess and full of pits and scars and now we know why she has no close ups! fact For the record 95% of “TG Recommended Electrologists” on Tsroadmap.com, Hairfacts.com and Hairtell.com are not professionally educated and licensed as electrologists. Go to hairtell.com to see her latest scams and they’re easy to spot them just look at the staged questions written by second-rate non-educated non-licensed certified electrologists posting easily answered questions. In addition these second-rate non-educated non-licensed certified electrologists look and wait for her nod of approval that she received her payoff from them.


On Hairtells.com Forum you will discover bottom of the barrel uneducated non-licensed certified electrologist whose post and answer their own questions with textbook answers that are cut, copied and pasted from published electrolysis books as replies on the Hairtell.com. They just happen to be Hairtell.com Forum members and the ultimate Top Ten Contributors. However the real scam is in Hairtell.com’s Forum of which James Walker VII CPE is always the moderator. However most disgusting is the Hairtell.com Forums Top Ten Contributors and appointed Hairtell.com Moderator James Walker VII CPE who is uneducated non-licensed non-certified electrologist who composes his own self-written phony testimonials of just how wonderful he is. Andrea James has approved of the “TG Recommended Electrologists” whose fake predatory criminals posing as electrologists to rip off the client’s last red cent as long as she gets her kickback. Andrea James got angry at me because I requested my website be removed in from her websites in addition she really got angry when I refused to pay her extortion money for a referral.

Andrea James continues to think that she has the right to take the law into her own hands.

How dare anyone think that they have the right to take the law into your hands? Andrea James new moderator of Hairtell.com believes he is above the law in addition he flushed his self- respect and what little dignity she had down the crapper a long time ago by breaking one law after another with one lie after another to inflict harm upon myself and others. I told Andrea James the only thing I have wanted from her is for you to stop using my name, my business name and domains to fuel your malignant narcissism and obsessive hatred of myself all because I asked you to stop stealing and modifying my intellectual copyrighted property? Andrea’s perverted use of masculine cruelty upon others and myself and other is justified her mind and she is infuriated because myself and others will not click our heels and give her the Nazi salute and say Seig Heil Andrea.

Andrea James is a fake “Consumer Advocate” who talks when she does the walk and it’s easy to she is a desperate wannabe “Valley Girl” who has completely plasticized herself with absolutely no genuine feminine feelings or emotions. Her and James Walker have painted themselves into psychological corner with no way out and until she ceases and desists her hate campaign and private Vendetta against the world, others and myself. She will not have one moments peace until she stops making war on everyone. Nevertheless she has a long list of victims whose character she has assassinated because they disagreed with her. You want proof? Just Google. “An Open Letter To Andrea James.” From there you will learn there are a Thousand Transwomen who despise Andrea James who falsely claims that she is committed to create an innovative environment to benefit the Trans community.

A closer look at Andrea James reveals the same old story she is nothing less than a petty Nazi Dictator trapped in her Fuhrer-Bunker where she issues command and you better do everything she says or she will punish you. She also claims to provide the best original content where she further claims she is alone is the positive role model example. On her website hairtell.com her and James Walker VII CPE moderator generates a wave of depressing imagery and emotions to keeps all Transwomen from having a voice in community opinions. Andrea James talks about the use negative imagery yet she is the mistress of dishonesty; perfidy and deceitfulness on her way to the top of the dung heap to elect herself Ms. Transsexual America where she wants to become the third sex. On her way to her imperial throne she dispatches her imagined enemies with typical sociopathic aplomb and trademark character assassination by lies, deceit and treachery. However ask yourself what has she done for you? Do you think about her use of her vile profane language and the theft of other people’s property and then ask Andrea James how her iniquitous actions will benefit the Trans Community? We can wish she ends in her existence in the Fuhrer-Bunker just like Adolf.

Fact and for the record Andrea has brought harm upon the image of the “Trans Community” because she so clueless and does not that realize her criminal behavior is not tolerated by the majority of honest Transwomen.

Andrea James talks about the fringe element of what she calls “Trolls And Kooks” and she is so out of touch with reality she does not realize that she is The Queen of Trolls and Kooks. Girls and boys without one doubt Andrea James will accuse anyone any time of anything that she imagines is a threat to her imaginary throne of being Ms. Transsexual America and she really envisions herself to be the purported orator for the Transgendered Community.. Andrea James is destructive role model for the Trans Community period.

Andrea James does not want to set a positive example for our community because she attacks and smears her own kind while trying exploiting Transwomen who are state licensed and registered electrologists. Fact Andrea James wants you to believe she is from a wealthy cultured educated family however is why she is always asking for donations? Her unsubstantiated claim that she has a degree in English is another hoax however without one doubt her claim of being cultured is hilarious because of her use blasphemous use of the English language. Girls I want people to know that I am an American and proud of it and for record I don’t believe her elitist crap fantasy that Andrea James is trying to force-feed everyone to believe she is respectable.

Furthermore she does not possess the indispensable requisite skills of leadership, which are truth, honesty, humility, and gifted understanding of humanity and the individual’s right to live and work in peace.

For the record Andrea James has sadistically attacked and abused the children of Trans parents, by telling their under age children who were too young to understand or let alone comprehend the transition of their parent or that their Mom is a Transgendered. In addition to that she causes more harm and Andrea informed children about their parent’s transition before their parent was ready to tell them. Finally in absolute disgust Andrea James has falsely accused members of the GLBTG Community of child abuse, molestation and other hate manufactured lies that will hurt anyone she disagrees with. Andrea James has maliciously blackmailed and extorted Transwomen into submission by threatening to publicly expose those who have gone underground or as she like to call it living in “Deep Stealth Mode.” Andrea I know your reading this and you better get a real grip on reality because there are allot of people after you and some day they are going to catch up with you!

In summation the Trans Community does not want or need the likes of a criminal likes of Andrea James who falsely claims to represent us and another 350 Transwomen have said so. You can bet Andrea James is constantly looking over her shoulder in fear of her life.

When one persons breaks the law and violates the rights of others and builds a house upon lies, deceit and treachery it always collapses upon themselves. Granted the system we have is slow and often unfair and I know that for a fact however it’s the best there is and life is too short and precious to waste nevertheless we have to work within in the system. The Trans Community cannot approve of the theft of other peoples copyrighted intellectual property coupled with her Andrea James trademark Smear Campaign of lies, deceit and treachery one can never justify breaking and taking the law in your own hands to achieve your goals. Ask yourself who in their right mind wants to be bad rather than good? Ask yourself who in their right mind breaks the law to make right? Ask yourself who in their right mind takes pleasure in inflicting pain and harm upon others? Fact Andrea James is not in her right mind and eventually the long arm of the law will grab her by the scruff of her neck and only then will she learn the hard way that crime does not pay.


“Ms. James was notable for the way she decided to go after Professor Bailey’s children to extract revenge. She posted on the internet photographs of Bailey’s daughter and labeled her a “cock-starved exhibitionist.” James also claimed in her online publications that there “are two types of children in the Bailey household,” namely “those who have been sodomized by their father [and] those who have not.”

Andrea James believes in Hitler’s Big Lie theory when he said, “ Make the lie big, make it simple, keep saying it, and eventually they will believe it. However though it has always been proven that a lie can only survive only for so long until its consequences of being found out and destroying its creator.

Andrea James Falsely Accuses Others of Being Mentally Ill And if you want to learn more about her Malignant Narcissism Try Reading This

Andrea James owes many apologies for her sick attacks upon members of the Trans Community but words won’t do it for her because she is incapable of expressing apologies for all her hate filled lies.

We can only pity Andrea James because she take gratification in hurting other people’s feelings and slandering this Massachusetts licensed and registered electrologist with one lie after another proves beyond a shadow of a doubt she is sociopath with no redeeming qualities.

Sincerely Kimberly Williams, R.E., Dean


Open letter to Andrea James and Calpernia Addams – The …
Apr 9, 2014 – Addams and James have stated Molloy slurred her by calling her a drag queen … On April 5th Andrea James chimed in with her vitriolic screed …

Open Letter: 350+ Trans Women and Transfeminine People Stand …
Apr 14, 2014 – Trans Women Oppose Recent Attacks by Calpernia Addams and Andrea James. We, the undersigned trans women and trans-feminine …

Open letter to Andrea James and Calpernia Addams | Trans Stuff …

Open letter to Andrea James and Calpernia Addams.
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jokestress.com open letter to andrea james & calpernia adams

Feb 8, 2018 – ANOTHER OPEN LETTER TO ANDREA JAMES. Beware of Andrea James & James Walker VII. HAIRTELL.COM HOME FOR AMATEURISH … planetransgender on Twitter: “Open letter to Andrea James and …

Apr 12, 2014 – planetransgender · @planetrans. Global Trans news, music, movies and commentary. Trans contributors, tips and feedback always welcome.

Andrea James aka Ole motor mouth was asked to give another boring tirade at Wabash College gay and Straight Alliance Club, has invited Ole Motor Mouth aka Andrea James to give a talk at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, October 29. Her talk droned on and on about her affliction known as Gender Identity Disorder, Gender, and human Sexuality disorder: Andrea James claims her experiences from the past is haunting her into her dismal future. Well what else is new? Andreas non-stop tirade will take place in Korb Classroom in the so called Fine Arts Center where Andrea told everyone that her defining moment in her life was her Sexual Reassigment Surgery as if every does not know.

No doubt about it Andrea James whose is a former has been from hell and a former Wabash alumnus, class of 1989.  James claims while at Wabash she majored in English, Latin, and Greek and is presently rebuilding her boring past life where she claims she was the head of the Wabash Board of Boring Publications at Ole Wabash University where she bathed in in her self glorification ritual and served as the Supreme Editor of The Wabash Review, How could we ever forget about Andrea’s glorified self appointed lamentation  oh lord make me glorious by bestowing honor, praise and admiration  to elevate my celestial glory  to light up brilliantly bright Chandeliers Andreas hate darkened the entire room to represent herself as  a glorious self appointed God like entity craving attention thought look at me I am so wonderful, I am so beautiful and so self hideous her audience was struck down with her self hatred that oozed every where.

James has other falsified claims to have received her masters from University of Chicago in English Language and Literature however there is not onr copy. However she claims to be the co-founder of Deep Stealth Productions, which focuses on issues related to gender. The organization also works to provide accurate and positive portrayals of transgendered people. She has appeared in too many Hollywood productions such as TransamericaCasting PearlsMiddle Sexes, and claims also directed various films such as Coming Out and Becoming You. She is a strong activist for transgendered rights. Andrea James claims to be the authority on being Transgendered however she claims to be the spoiler of life who firmly believes it’s her God given right to hurt all people from all walks of life where  she spews her specialized trademarked form of hatred upon innocent people with here lies, deceit and treachery.

In my entire life I have never ever see such self-centered hatred and abuse of people and Andrea James manipulates people to abuse other in a very distrubing manner and I have given thought to publishing a list of of her people that abuse people she dislikes.. Her website is full of non-licensed uneducated people who use fake titles as electrologists. On her fake website Hairtell.com is nest of non-licensed uneducated electrologists that runs scams on people seeking quality electrologist by claiming to be licensed electrologist when they have not been professionally educated. At best these people are quacks and there two licensed electrologists that do scams with them one is from California and the other one is from Ohio.  Both of the electrologists will not speak  up after a fake electrologist Hairtell.com stole $10,000.00 from a client who flew in from Germany!

Her talk is free and open to the public.

100-Plus Trans Women Stand Against Calpernia Addams and Andrea …
Apr 14, 2014 – 100-Plus Trans Women Stand Against Calpernia Addams and Andrea James: An Open Letter. headshot. By Zinnia Jones. 280. We, the …

Andrea James Kickstarter Controversy – itsnotmyfault – Medium
Jun 28, 2019 – Andrea James is best known for harassing academics, threatening their kids, and… … What about when people gather up to sign open letters?
Letters for My Sisters: Transitional Wisdom in Retrospect: Andrea …
Letters for My Sisters: Transitional Wisdom in Retrospect [Andrea James, Deanne Thornton] on Amazon.com. *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. LETTERS …
Missing: OPEN

Zinnia Jones – Our letter against the transphobia of… | Facebook
Our letter against the transphobia of Calpernia Addams and Andrea James has … Open Letter: 300+ Trans Women and Transfeminine People Stand Against …
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Boston School of Electrolysis (WARNING!) | Arizona | HairTell Hair Removal …

Boston Electrolysis (Warning!) |
Robbery and Theft by Andrea James
Pretending to be Kimberly Williams, R.EBoston Electrolysis Warning Electrologists & Consumers Beware of Andrea James Owner and her websites of Hairfacts.com, Hairtell.com and Identity Theft
Boston Electrolysis™
Kimberly Williams, R.E. Dean,
7330 E. Earll Drive Suite J, Scottsdale, AZ 85251

I used to have andrea James listed as a recommended so called consumer advocate, but then Andrea James turned to the darkside and began falsely accusing Trans-Women of all sorts of lies in December 2004. She has since become the internets most facist rabid harasser. Andrea James of TSroadmap.com, Deepstealth Productions should be avoided by all consumers. Her behavior is erratic and paranoid and she claims to be the leader of the entire Trans-Community and she is known for calling herself Der Fuhrer! Well Our blessed Fuhrer believes she should obeyed in all forms, manners and godliness or face the penalty of her wrathful hate.

Her Background

On 21 September 2002, I received a letter from Ms. Williams with updated information about her practice. I added this to my website. Turns out Andrea James is an unstable individual. I got the following on 29 November 2004, and I immediately sent her an email with all the information I have on hair removal, I sent instructions on how to behave  and to stop her spamdexing and identity theft of Boston electrolysis. I have been warning consumers about Andrea James scams since 2003. Andrea James with her latest scam, identity theft and guess who she is pretending to be?  Yes Andrea James wants to be me however I think her psychiatric problems are complicated and stem from her deep-seated problematic maliginant narsissm disorder. Evidently Andrea James who owns Hairfacts.com, Tsraodmap.com, Hairtell.com, Deepstealth.com and AndreaJames.com is so distressed she feels has to emulate myself because of her inbred inferiority complex in addition to her malignant narcism.

Fact, having lectured Harvard Medical School from 1983 to1987 on psychology, human sexuality, endocrinology, electrolysis and Transsexualism one of the primary topics of my lectures is how imperative psychotherapy is for a successful Transsexual transition and happy life. Without one doubt it is my professional opinion that all TS’S should be in therapy for at least one, two years and even three years before SRS however many TS’S are afraid to go into therapy because they fear their therapist will discover a serious anti-social personality disorder and not recommend their SRS. Fact in my professional opinion psychotherapy for a Transsexual is an absolute essential and far too many Transwomen are going through their transition in less than a year and without therapy and it is obvious Andrea James is one of them in addition to having a serious anti-social behavior problem.

At Harvard Medical School I stated, “Becoming a woman is learning experience and far to many Transwomen who skipped therapy never had a chance to discover their real self and those who skipped therapy are bitter and mal-adjusted to say the least.” Nonetheless it’s most obvious Andrea had a serious case of OOTB AKA “Operation On The Brain Syndrome”. Its quite obvious Andrea James still has OOTBS because she became so obsessed with having her SRS immediately and thought it would solve all her problems and unhappiness. Sorry to say its obvious that Andrea skipped therapy and had her SRS, however she has not completed her transition because she has not emerged as a whole human being with a heart. Fact she completed her transition like it was a horse race and premeditatedly charged all of her transition on her MasterCard and she was well aware that she could never pay back her debt. So she after surgery it was no surprise she filed for bankruptcy and perjured herself before the courts and now after doing this she wants you to believe she is responsible respectable citizen. That one illegal act alone makes it tough for honest Transwomen to get a loan for any thing let alone that she thinks defrauding the people is okay. In addition she claims she comes from a wealthy cultured family in Chicago however why did she have to file for bankruptcy?  Her next lie is that she has a degree in English from the University of Chicago, which she never attended a one month night course on insulting people.

However Andrea’s major failure is that she did not possess a viable skill or occupation to make her way in life. Fact far too many Transwomen rush through the transition without thinking of how I am going to support myself as a woman.  Shortly after SRS Andrea went through bankruptcy she still does not possess a professional skill suitable for neither a woman nor a satisfactory employment record or work history as a woman. Fact it obvious she has never worked an honest day in her life and she has no understanding of others that have worked hard to put themselves through school. So she has not progressed and can only see herself as a “Professional Transsexual” whose only income is derived from exploiting and exposing the Trans Comunity by coercion, extortion and blackmail and all other illegal means to get her way. From what I see of her she is very unhappy and God help if you do not agree with her. Yes its most obvious Andrea has failed for all she possesses is envy and jealousy of others success and if you will not give her a piece of yours she will try to destroy you.

Andrea James does not have a real legitimate business address and she is not listed in Yellow pages of any business directory.

Nonetheless it my misfortune to post my practice Boston Electrolysis and my website on Tsroadmap.com in which I caught her Pagejacking my website. Fact, I asked to be removed from her website because of her theft of my property.  Well shortly after my request Andrea posted this hateful statement on hairfacts.com, “Boston Electrolysis and Kimberly Williams should be avoided by all consumers, the owner’s behavior is erratic and paranoid.” Fact and for the record I have never met Andrea James and the one time I talked to her she “F&%k you” and hung up the phone. Fact Andrea James is the one who is a paranoid because she has an unlisted cell phone number and screens all her calls plus her business address is PO Box at Mailboxes Etcetera. Fact, Andrea James is the one who is paranoid and unstable because she does not want her creditors and people that she has ripped off to know where she is. For the record I warn all electrologists and consumers steer clear Andrea James who has nothing to lose by slandering you in a most evil defamatory manner.

Fact and for the record you can call me anytime during business hours and I will answer the phone and list my address and telephone number on all three of my websites Bostonschoolofelectrolysis.com Bostonelectrolysis.com and Boston-electrology.com. However if you been ripped off by her and you want to call  her unlisted phone number, unlisted address and her unlisted life good luck. Andrea James conducts business in criminal manner and hides out like a fugitive  “On the lamb” and if any one is paranoid and unstable its Andrea James.

Furthermore I would like to make it known I have never met her however from past experiences her neediness and greediness compromises and negate all that she claims she has done. Andrea James criminal behavior psychologically assaults and insults all decent working women because she thinks that being a lying hateful bigoted gossiping shrew is feminine. In addition, look at her photographs she has so much cyber plastic surgery where her head is to small and the body to large she alters her appearance because every one knows she loathes herself.

Fact she has never done honest days of work in her life. She constantly praises her past life accomplishments as an advertising agent who wrote Budweiser commercials. She claims she is from a wealthy cultured Chicago family and has a degree in English from the University of Chicago that she never attended.

In the end our Andrea James is nothing more than a common criminal and I warn all licensed and electrologists beware do not list your practice with Tsroadmap.com, Hairfacts.com, Hairtell.com Deepstealth.com and Andreajames.com.