Kimberly Williams, R.E. Dean,
7330 East Earll Drive, Suite J, Scottsdale, AZ 85253
Boston Electrolysis (WARNING!) 4
[bsoelectrolysis at qwest dot net]
[justice at extremezone dot com]
Massachusetts Licensed Registered Electrologist, 1979
See WARNING below.
Boston Electrolysis® Journal Trans-Electrolysis Update© 7/1/2018
700+ Trans Women Take A Stand Against Andrea James
Massachusetts Licensed & Registered Electrologist
Board Certified Electrologist In Massachusetts
Guest Lecturer of Harvard Medical School 1983-1987
Plus My Experiences and Lectures at Harvard Medical School From 1983-1987
Why Does the Majority of the Trans-Community? Dislike Or Should we say, “Hates Andera James Hoodlum at Large?.”
Without one doubt Andrea James is a “Fake Consumer Activist” formerly based at 952 Lucile Avenue Los Angeles, California 90026 which is just short drive of five minutes or a short 2.3 mile walk to her Mail Box Etcetera account located at Deep Stealth Productions 5419 Hollywood Blvd., #C142 Hollywood, CA 90027. She also runs a phony production company called Deep Stealth Productions which a real physical address. She claims to have degree in English from the University of Chicago which she never attended or graduated. In addition Andrea James is not a movie director nor a movie star and does not possess a movie contract in any form or manner. Her make believe movie production company called Deep Stealth Productions is a total hoax and it’s located at Mailboxes ETC! In addition she claims to have taught Felicity Huffman everything she knows about acting for her role in T America. Without one doubt Andrea James graduated with honors from Tall Tales University and won the coveted “Pinocchio Award” for Lying, Slandering and Yellow Journalism and abusing honest hard working professionals out of jealousy. Hello I am Jokestress, aka Andrea James born 1/16/1967 and faje American filmmaker-consumer activist.
Andrea James never mentions that the entire Trans-Community and Trans Feminine People who take a stand against her dishonesty. However Andrea James claims she is a ”Trans Pioneer than Has Been Fighting For The Trans Community For Decades” Andrea if you make any more false claims like that the entire Trans-Community will need rubberized Sewer Suits that include oxygenated airtight helmets so Transwomen won’t drown in your excrement.
Trans-women Oppose All Smear Attacks by Andrea James
That’s because Andrea James does not believe or recognize another’s persoms rights in addition she takes the law into her own hands. Additionally Andrea lies and tries to control the media with her 24/7 Propaganda BS that is full of fictitious aspersions and slanderous accusations. Further Andrea James claims is a self taught desciple and a graduate of the Herr Joseph Goebbels Third Reich Ministry of NAZI Propaganda. Andrea James believes and uses known viscous Nazi Propaganda Attacks and Tactics such as lies to slander and assassinate an honest individual’s character. Andrea James is a devotee of Herr Joseph Goebbels Third Reich Ministry of NAZI Propaganda and Joseph Goebells Propaganda Tactic to the letter where believes thatAndrea James believes Joseph Goebells statement, “If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.”
Without one doubt that was Joseph Goebells and Adolf Hitler’s mode of operation and in my book that makes Andrea a full-fledged Nazi-Storm Trooper and henceforth she is a liar, cheat and thief. Andrea James shall be forever known as the Scourge of the Internet. Warning consumer beware without one doubt Andrea James loves all things about herself in addition informed sources have stated, “She is a devotee of the Herr Joseph Goebells Theory with all its lies and perversions.”
On Transsexual Update I stated, “Fact and for the record Andrea James the more you slander and steal from me I hereby make you this promise that I will guarantee that your name will be synonymous on the “World Wide Web” where you will be clearly identified and known as a public enemy number one to Trans-Society.
Well I informed Andrea James just to let her know she is in for it now because every time you steal my intellectual property from me I am going to tell the “World Wide Web” about her latest criminal capers and thieving ways. I stated, ” Andrea all you have to do is stop stealing my name, domains and search listings.” Andrea James from the beginning of my argument which is about your theft of my ‘‘Intellectual Property’’ by you, of course; you have tried to the change subject with your lies and NAZI deception tactics. In addition what started off and appeared to be a disagreement amongst two women has brought about genuine information that exposes Andreas James as a habitual career criminal afflicted with Malignant Narcissism. Nevertheless all the reader has to do is look at the bottom of this article and people can see her thievery in action or., Just Google an Open Letter to Andrea James and you can see that the Trans-Community is fed up with her devious hate tactics.
Huffington Post 100-Plus Trans Women Slam and Stand Against Andrea James: An Open Letter From Zinia Joans to Andrea James!
Furthermore I want to make you aware that not one individual of our “American Society” however Andrea James believes she has the right to break the law by disregarding the rights of others and Andrea’s theft of my identity proves that her claim that she is a “Consumer Advocate” is a self induced delusional fantasy and gross exaggerated lie. Moreover she is always complaining about how Trans rights are abused by prejudice bigoted people, nonetheless would someone please tell me what right has the Andrea has to steal my property and then claim she is “Consumer Advocate”? Would someone please tell me why the Andrea thinks she has the right to thieve from her sisters and to use her perverse prejudice, discrimination and prejudice against myself and other Transwomen? On the other hand we know she is a perverse criminal and she blew the opportunity in her new life to have a clean slate because she chose to continue her old ways as a liar, cheat and thief in her past life.
Let me tell you about Andreas nonstop lies, deceit and treachery which have hurt others and only strengthens my will to expose her as nothing more the degenerate sociopathic leeche and feeds off “Transwomen”. Andrea Claims to be a graduate of Chicago Univeristy. However it’s a know fact that Andrea claim to be a graduate of Chicago Univeristy is gross exageratted lie however it’s a know fact that Andrea James took 3 month part time night course in how insult people and than dropped out of Chicago Univeristy. However the dictionary defines Satire, as: a literary work holding up human vices and follies to ridicule or scorn. : trenchant wit, irony, or sarcasm used to expose and discredit vice or folly. In essence Andrea James has no peer when it comes to hurting other peoples feelings to ridicule and deformation. It’s a shame that all Andrea James is capable of is taking pleasure in hurting others peoples feelings which proves beyond a shadow of a doubt she is a cruel fiend who will hurt other peoples feelings for cheap gratuitous pleasure. So ultimately Andrea James claim to fame is her three month course in satire so she could improve her ability to hurt other peoples feelings. Now that’s what you call a true blue unrepetent sociopath. To this very day Andrea Refuse to prove and publish a copy of her diploma from the University of Chicago, tsk, tsk, her non-stop lies says what a loser she is.
Andrea James is having one Temper Tantrum after another and this times she is constantly crying, “Why does everyone hate her?” All because other people quote her constant lies. Guess what, Andrea James the hypocrite did exactly what I expected her to do, she has increased her hate vendetta against myself and others by stealing and using my own personal name Kimberly Williams, R.E., Dean and domains to steal more of my search listings and hits for her babbling boring boorish websites deeepstealth.com hairfacts.com, hairtell.com, tsroadmap.com and andreajames.com.
Well it’s quite apparent that Andrea James has a warped sociopathic thought process! After graduating in 1989 Andrea claimed she obtained an M.A. in English the language and literature from the University of Chicago however Andrea James steadfastly refuses to publish her diploma because she got caught lying like a rug.
Furthermore she practices her specialized form hate discrimination against other Transwomen. In addition she thinks has the right to steal more search listings from myself by using my name, business name and domains she will show everyone how she has placed herself above the law by assuming God like powers to punish her enemies. Nevertheless she claims not have a clue why I refer to her as a total jerk.
The clueless Andrea James imagines herself to be Ms. Transsexual America however in reality she is the Internets degenerate hypocrite that thinks her use of cyber stalking and theft of my intellectual property is acceptable behavior?
Andrea James Websites tsroadmap.con, hairfacts.con hairtell.con and deepstealth.con and andreajames.con are nothing less than “Scam Ridden Websites” where she rants and raves and tells everyone how to walk, talk, look and act just like her. However Andrea flunks when it comes to being a human being because she resorts to her fascist ways of being rude, crude, foul and offensive, insensitive and in essence she is a cruel heartless no account who thinks she can steal her way to success at other people expense.
On the other hand Andrea James totally fails as human being because she cannot think, feel or act like a normal caring person.
Look at her writing she has no compassion, she has no heart and she totally shuns and blocks any and all good feelings of sensitivity and emotion. Fact look at her writing skills and you will learn that Andrea has a limited vocabulary because her favorite words are I me and myself and the F word. Her attitude is the hell with everybody else’s feeling and rights all because she is a lonely miserable wretch incapable of being happy. Well girls what Andrea James is really saying is that she has hit rock bottom and she lives in a vast bottomless vat of miserable self imposed loneliness and she desperately wants anyone’s company to share her misery.
Well girls, we all have heard this old story before and beyond a shadow of doubt Andrea James has exiled herself as an outdated frozen frigid lonely woman who is incapable of expressing a sliver of love and compassion.
Folks take a close look at her websites where she is always screaming for attention because her life is lonely and she has told everybody on the “Internet” a million times plus how beautiful, smart and wonderful she is. Her inability to talk about pleasant subject matter is completely absent and most obvious. She claims to be a “Consumer Advocate and that she alone champions the Trans community but if you read her comments” about others and how she runs her sisters into the ground because of jealousy and without one doubt her double standard trademarked attack mode her perverse use of cruelty with a twisted her mind. Andrea James thinks that being a bitch will win her respect and admiration in the Trans Community. Andrea James is the Boss Hog of the Transgender Community for she refuses to talk about her shady laser parlor operators and non-licensed third-rate uneducated non-licensed electrologists on Tsroadmap.com hairtell.com and hairfacts.com that pay her bribes for referrals.
Andrea James fantasizes she is the only Transbitch in the world that has been discriminated against. Fact she refuses and has deliberately ignored and failed to respect all Transwomen who fought have rampant prejudice, discrimination and bigotry long before her. Andrea James steals everyone’s thunder and lightning to generate the electricity for her 24/7 “Propagandist Style” look at me limelight about her dismal accomplishments that are over shadowed by her fuel injected super charged motor mouth telling everyone how great she is. Andrea James is a self-intoxicating attention seeking glutton-hound who can never get enough on the other hand she says her most notable accomplishment in her life was her keynote speech at the American Electrology Association where she lectured to 300 non-licensed uneducated electrologists. Should we be impressed? Her key note speech was about scams and shams however she never talks about the real villains like herself and the shady laser parlor operators and non-licensed crooked electrologists on her scam ridden website Hairtell.com were the moderator robbed almost ten-thousand dollars from a client who flew from Germany to have treatment with James Walker VII CPR.
Of course Andrea James owner of Hairtell.com believes her own lies and she refuses to return the money she split with James Walker VII CPE!!! This proved Andrea James is a liar, cheat and thief. By the way Andrea James refuses to compensate German Girl for almost $10,000 United State Dollars paid in advance to James Walker VII CPE who is an uneducated non-licensed electrologist who was the moderator of Hairtell.com who skipped town with the loot without providing professional services. For your information 99% of the electrologists on Hairtell.com are uneducated non-licensed electrologists with little or no training. This is why it happened because Andrea James and her moderator James Walker VII CPE used it for scams because of letting James Walker VII CPE and his uneducated non-licensed electrologists to rob, steal and cheat consumers. Can you imagine how long it took for German Girl to work for and save that much money? To this day the money has not been returned and we have to ask Andrea James owner of Hairtell.coms why she has not returned the money?
On this page http://www.tsroadmap.com/physical/zapdir/zapdirNY.html Andrea James owner of Hairtell.com endorsed Mr. Walker and said, “Note from Andrea, author of tsroadmap: For many years, James has been a moderator and top contributor on my hair removal forum (hairtell.com). He’s shown a real dedication to helping consumers with hair removal issues, and he is a huge ally of the Trans-community.” However before James Walker CPE became Moderator of Hairtell.com Andrea James neglected to check James Walkers credentials. After an exhaustive investigation of James Walker I learned that he never attended an electrolysis school in any form or manner. In addition James Walker failed his American Electrology Association Certified Professional Electrologist examination which any third grader could pass. Also if Andrea had run a back-round check on James Walker VII CPE she would not have hired him. BTW the Certified Professional Electrologist examination does not require a practical electrolysis examination. It’s a true and false examination that any more can pass. If Hairtell.com required their electrologists to be licensed this crime have never happened.
Andrea James never mentioned that I have set up 2 non-profit gender clinics and referrals for Transwomen can get quality medical care without groveling or being charged one cent for a donation like Andrea James…Andrea James is the one who circulated viscous lies and insinuated rumors that I never lectured Harvard Medical School from 1983-1987 nevertheless I posted the article and a letter of appreciation from Harvard Medical School on http://www.bostonschoolofelectrolysis.com/harvard.php from the Dean Of Harvard Medical School sure shut Andrea’s flapping jaws. Fact I pioneered for civil rights and during my transition before it was fashionable. However Andrea James reason for her crusading efforts is attention and the more she gets the more intoxicated she becomes with herself.
The one and only best way to describe Andrea’s James madness is that psychologically she is exactly like the infamous Senator Joseph McCarthy of the 1950’s who branded people communists and ruined their lives.
Harvard Medical School where about how to rise above prejudice, discrimination and bigotry by positive accomplishments. For over 27 years as a practicing Massachusetts Licensed & Registered Electrologist I have helped more Transwomen by being more than just their electrologist. When in Massachusetts and now in Arizona I have set up non-profit gender clinic and referrals for TS’S where people can get quality medical care without being charged her for excessive referral fee or she gets a kick back without your knowledge. Fact and for the record I do not need a non-stop 24/7 “Nazi Propaganda Machine” like Andrea James to tell the world I am good at heart and devoted to my profession as a Massachusetts Licensed & Registered Electrologist, licensed, 1979.
Andréa James website forum Hairtell.com has become a known infested criminal breeding ground and crime school for uneducated unlicensed unethical second rate wannabe electrologists and unscrupulous laser parlor operators who grease Andrea’s palm or buy whatever she wants on her “Wish List” on Amazon.com and pay their way and become a Top Ten Contributor on the s Hairtell.com Forum to get a referral fee.
For the record Andrea tells one whopping lie after another shooting her off her big mouth all over the “Net” that she has a degree English. In addition she so embarrassed that she will not talk about being caught in that lie. Fact people have asked Andrea James to prove that she has a degree in English but for some reason she has removed that claim from all her websites. Fact right here in America there is major corruption on the Internet because honest TS and TG support websites are being relentlessly and ruthlessly attacked and driven off their internet home pages by Andrea James whose primary goal is to also dethrone Leona Helmsly and be the new “Queen of Mean” and bad deeds by her use of fraud, deceit and treachery. In addition there is great battle on the “Net” for the Transwomen Electrolysis pages and my website Jokestress.com has stopped her criminal march and agenda dead in her tracks to take over and control electrologist’s websites and hair removal pages. One has to be deaf, dumb and blind not to see the blatant fraud and corruption where Andrea supplies, funnels refers leads to her corrupt “Top Ten Contributors” AKA the ” uneducated non-licensed electrologists” on her forum her Hairtell.com which has become is a “Safe Haven” for criminals claiming to be electrologists and unscrupulous laser parlor operators who lube and grease the Andrea’s greasy palms by being a “Top Ten Contributor” on Hairtell.com forum or buy whatever she wants on her “Wish List” on Amazon.com to get a referral.
Furthermore Andrea is such a pitiful yellow coward she uses weak willed second-rate unethical has been uneducated non-licensed electrologists on Hairtell.coms.
Warning electrologists see what she is doing by pitting one electrologist against another and she has gone out of her way to help unethical non-licensed electrologists in Arizona with their search listings if her effort to try to hurt my practice. However who claims to be a “Consumer Advocate” has no ethics and use her claimed “Magical Ad Powers” for evil.
Andrea James, claims to be a consumer advocate (what a joke) yet she breaks the law to get her way and steals my name, domains identities and my search listing to punish me or to enrich herself from my hard work?
So Andrea is clearly demonstrating to the world that she believes that fraud and theft is normal behavior for a “Consumer Advocate” like herself. Well girls it is apparent and obvious that she views Jokestress.com as her threat to her position and power? After publicly stealing and slandering me she wants you to disrespect anyone she dislikes however she does not care about your unwanted hair problem. She does not tell you that I guarantee my electrolysis in writing I am America’s first and only electrologist who guarantees in writing that after one treatment, if you can locate a better electrologist, bring me the receipt and I will refund your first treatment fee. In addition to that, even on difficult cases, I can work at one-third to one-fourth the time of the average electrologist – licensed or unlicensed. I also guarantee that you will have the most comfortable treatment with no scabbing, scarring or pitting as direct result of my treatments.
Fact Andrea James accepts and welcomes pay offs in all forms and manners and assures any and all uneducated unlicensed electrologists with a little more cash you can be a featured electrologist on hairtell.com forum.
Andrea James claims she knows more about electrolysis than anyone, however have you seen “Flapping Jaws” face close up? Fact and for the record Andrea James claims that her electrologist in Chicago butchered her face was a non-licensed electrologist and she bitches how her face is mess and full of pits and scars and now we know why she has no close ups, fact and for the record 99% of “TG Recommended Electrologists” on Tsroadmap.com, Hairfacts.com and Hairtell.com are uneducated non-licensed electrologists. Go to Jokestress.com to see her latest scams and they’re easy to spot them just look at the staged questions written by second-rate non-educated non-licensed certified electrologists posting easily answered questions. In addition these second-rate non-educated non-licensed certified electrologists look and wait for Andrea’s nod of approval that she received her payoff from them.
Andrea James claims she knows more about electrolysis than anyone, however have you seen “Flapping Jaws” face close up? Fact and for the record Andrea James claims that her electrologist in Chicago butchered her face was a non-licensed electrologist and she bitches how her face is mess and full of pits and scars and now we know why she has no close ups, fact and for the record 99% of “TG Recommended Electrologists” on Tsroadmap.com, Hairfacts.com and Hairtell.com are uneducated non-licensed electrologists. Go to Jokestress.com to see her latest scams and they’re easy to spot them just look at the staged questions written by second-rate non-educated non-licensed certified electrologists posting easily answered questions. In addition these second-rate non-educated non-licensed certified electrologists look and wait for Andrea’s nod of approval that she received her payoff from them.
On Hairtells.com Forum you will discover second-rate non-educated non-licensed certified electrologists post and ask and answer their own questions with textbook answers that are cut, copied and pasted from electrolysis books as replies from the electrologist who just happens to be a Hairtell.com Forum member and one of Andrea James favorite Top Ten Contributor. However the real scam is in Hairtell.com’s Forum of which Andrea James is always the moderator. However most disgusting are the Hairtell.com Forums Top Ten Contributors who are non-educated non-licensed electrologists and laser parlor operators who compose their own self-written phony testimonials of just how great they are. Andrea James approves of this “TG Recommended Electrologists” who predatory certified wannabe criminals posing as electrologists and unscrupulous laser parlor operators to rip you off to your last red cent as long as Andrea James gets her payoff. Andrea James got angry at me because I requested my website be removed in from TG Approved “Electrologists” in addition to that she really got angry when I refused to pay her extortion money for a referral.
These are commenys by Electro–Girl otherwise known as German Girl and be prepare to be shocled
Below in her own words Electr0=Girl posted this on Hairtell.com in which she uses the name Electro-Client and here is her story. In addition I have provided copies of Hairtell.com PDFfiles for newsworthiness, evidence, certain comments and pages that where saved before they where censored and removed by Andrea James and James Walker VII CPE to hide the truth. Multiple comments and posts by Electro-Client have been deleted. All new posts by Electro_Client comments have been blocked by James Walker VII CPE and owner of Haritell.com Andrea. Friends of James Walker VII CPE are listed as Top Ten Contributors and Contributor that are told what to say in exchange for referrals by James Walker VII CPE. The new moderator of Hairtell.com Dee Fahey has been ordered by Andrea James to not discuss or allow any new posts about it.
Andrea James owner of Hairtell.com appointed James Walker VII CPE as the moderator and fired him and she wanted her website Hairtell.com to make money and she gave James Walker VII CPE complete authority to do so in any way he sees fit. Of course James Walker VII CPE had orders to slander any electrologist, laser operator and beautician that Andrea James dislikes for telling the truth. Andrea James taught James Walker the art of character assassination by calling electrologists as being mentally unstable. On the other hand James Walker VII CPE who calls himself the Electrolysis World Heavyweight Champion James W. Walker VII on every page of Hairtell.com. well it seems our Electrolysis World Heavyweight Champion James W. Walker VII has an acute case of Malignant Narcissism and is overdue for inpatient psychiatric care.
No doubt it Our Electrolysis World Heavyweight Champion James W. Walker VII is an uneducated non- licensed electrologist who despises and covets successful state licensed and registered electrologists like myself and others. After being appointed moderator of Hairtell.com it took James a short amount of time to drive off all the qualified state licensed and registered electrologists because of his inferiority complex. After losing their best electrologists James let three licensed electrologists keep their Top Ten Contributor Memberships and they are Dee Fahey licensed electrologist from Ohio and Barbara Greathouse from Kansas. Nonetheless Mike Bono licensed electrologist from California broke his oath to obey all of James Walkers VII CPE orders no matter how distasteful or dishonest and has been banished. The popular non-licensed electrologist Josefa Reina was was recently bannished from furhter commenting on Hairtell.com because they stepped over the line in Andrea James new order at Hairtell.com! Now there are only two state licensed and registered elctrologists remaining on Hairtell.com who will faithfully obey all orders of Andrea Jamesleader of Hairtell.com. Sad to say the Hairtell.com membership is now composed of ninety nine and three quarters percentage of uneducated non-lincensed electrologists also known as quacks.
All Top Ten Contributors and lesser members have their primary account as a prestigious electrologist on the other hand all of them are uneducated, non-licensed electrologists. In addition all these members have alternate fake accounts as consumers who use the forum to talk about your unwanted hair problems. However at the top of Andrea James Pyramid Scam was James Walker moderator of Hairtell.com who was fired by Andrea James because Electro_Client paid $9,000.00 in advance to James Walker VII CPE owner Executive Electrolysis who refused to provide electrolysis services she paid for in one advance payment. The way it works is the innocent consumers who are looking for information about hair removal unknowingly becomes a free member of Hairtell.com. After she goes on line and looks for an electrologist in her state say like New York which has no licensing requirements to do electrolysis. From there the consumer asks if any anyone knows a good electrologist in the Buffalo, New York area. Than all of sudden otherS join in on the forum and before you know it every one of them recommends their beloved Electrolysis World Heavyweight Champion James W. Walker VII CPE. Andrea James the owner of Hairtell.com has not mentioned this nor has any money repaid to Electro_Client who flew all the way from Germany to have an Electrolyis Intensive with James Walker of Executive Electrolysis and and Andrea James is the owner for Hairtell.com
Hairtell.com former moderator James Walkers has fled to Rochester, New York and opened a new office known as Emacipated Electrolysis. However James new office does list his name or any information about him. Gee I wonder why James wants be Rochester, New Yorks only Anonymous Electrologist. Now James makes post as Emancipated Electrologist on Hairtell.com By the way below is James Walkers new address phone number as Emancipated Electrolysis.
Emancipated Electrolysis, LLC, 945 East Henrietta Rd, Suite B2, Brighton, NY 14623 Telephone: 585-270-5230
Mr. James Walkers was fired and the new moderator of Hairtell.com is Dee Fahey another Top Ten Contbutor of Hairtell.com will take over James as moderator. Nothing has changed on Hairtell.com and it’s business as usual since All Top Ten Contributors still have false email accounts and multiple memberships and will not say one word about James and the missing money. In Ohio on Hairtell.com everyone raves about Dee Fahey the moderator for Hairtell.com who is suppossedly the best electrologist in Ohio nonetheless refuses to discuss the missing money in any form or manner. All of Hairtell.com’s Top Ten Contributors members have to pay dues and were paid by James Walker VII CPE former moderator and Andrea James when they get a new client. On Hairtell.com all members are disreputable non-licensed electrologists using fake identities telling potential clients how wonderful James Walker was or another Top Ten Contributor was. In essence this is racketeering in most devious deceptive manner I have ever seen. In addition how come Andrea James who owns Hairtell.com has not told James Walker VII CPE to return the money? Maybe James split the money with Andrea James?
In addition James Walker has Real Privacy Issues when Electro-Client said, “Photos were taken surreptitiously because there are hidden “security cameras” located (and hidden) throughout the establishment of Executive Clearence Headquarters.” Nevertheless James Walker an avid member of PEP http://www.pepbuffalo.com/ which is an Adult Sex Club and does James Walker sell his videos of his clients using the bathroom or bedroom at Executive Clearance Headquarters? What a Horror Show at James Walkers VII CPE Executive Clearance Headquarters? Most likely James took photographs and videos to blackmail his clientele.
Posted by Electro-Girl http://www.hairtell.com/forum/ubbthreads.php/topics/115205/2.html
Clients beware (Personal experience + Photos) [Re: dfahey]
Electro_Client Contributor
Registered: 08/08/14 Posts: 14
Electro_Client Stated
For me, Hairtell was an endorsement of electrologists. This was especially true of James W. Walker VII, who is the moderator of Hairtell. Walker is “Hairtell itself!” My reasons for posting the following is to describe how terribly wronged I have been by this unscrupulous person. Clients beware and NEVER give your money up-front. I have learned a terrible lesson.
Below is a copy of my complaint filed with the New York Attorney General as well as a link to photos taken of his establishment?
I am a young woman from Germany. I entered an agreement with James Walker of Buffalo, New York, to receive electrolysis treatments. I pre-paid for my treatments and for a guest room he provides. The conditions of his establishment are appalling. Because of these hazardous conditions, I terminated my schedule with him.
Although I am now “out” $6,000, my primary goal in filing with the State of New York is to have some authority look into this establishment. The conditions I will be explaining are a significant threat to the Health & Safety of the public.
The AMA (American Medical Association) classifies ELECTROLYSIS as an electro-surgical procedure to remove (human) hair permanently. The procedure involves inserting a sterile needle into each hair follicle (skin’s full-depth). An electric current is applied, via the needle, and blood vessels and stem cells in the skin and follicle are destroyed.
Understanding the potential risks of serious infection (e.g., hepatitis and HIV), the American Electrology Association worked with the CDC (Centers for Disease Control) to establish Rules and Regulations for electrolysis procedures. These Rules have become standard and enforceable in the profession. My claim is centered on the extremely filthy conditions I encountered at the following electrolysis business, and my legitimate concerns about contracting an illness as a result.
I contacted James W. Walker VII, though the internet site, www.hairtell.com. We agreed on my arrival time from Germany to Buffalo, NY, for electrolysis treatments for a period of two weeks. Walker has a “guest room” at his office that he rents to patients, and I agreed to stay in this room. Per his requirements, I pre-paid him the sum of $8400 for treatment (84 hours), and $560 for staying in his guest room (Total: $8960.) I completed 25 hours of treatment.
Arriving at Walker’s establishment, I was horrified to see the conditions. He showed me to my room, and it was a disaster. The sheets on the unmade bed had been slept in and the room smelled of human odor and mold. There was so much clutter in the room that it’s a firetrap. I did not see any smoke detectors or fire extinguishers. There were electrical wires hanging from the ceiling, holes in the walls and mold on the walls.
The bathroom was horrendous. The toilet had not been flushed or cleaned. There was black mold on the walls. The scummy tub contained old used dried-out towels. Soiled towels were all over the filthy bathroom floor.
I did not stay there and went, instead, to a hotel. I was very upset, but since I had already paid for my treatments, I decided to try to overlook the mess and start treatment. I eventually could not tolerate the conditions and walked away from having any further treatments. (There were other issues with Walker, but the extreme filth is my primary complaint.) I later discovered that electrologists are required to sterilize their instruments such as forceps (tweezers). There was no sterilization mechanism to be seen. The forceps he used on me were left out on the dirty bathroom sink and used on me every day (see photo). One time, he dropped the forceps on the dirty floor, picked it up and continued working on me. Electrologists are required to place fresh cloth or paper towels on the treatment table for each client. The sheets that Walker used were badly soiled and had definitely been used with other clients (the smell and stains). He never changed the coverings!
Wearing latex gloves is standard in the practice. Indeed, Walker wore gloves, but he wore the same pair all day long. He would drive his car with these gloves, return to the office and start working on me without changing these gloves (even after using the toilet or taking his many breaks). Whether or not the State becomes involved in my individual case, I hope that an appropriate agency will look into the DANGEROUS conditions of this establishment, for the Health & Safety of the public. I am not familiar with American laws, but such a filthy MEDICAL ESTABLISHMENT would not be legal in Germany.
Please look at my photos and the attached descriptions. These photos were taken surreptitiously because there are “security cameras” located (and hidden) throughout the establishment. I was very uncomfortable because I had no idea when and where I was being videotaped.
Thank you for reading my text.
From Kimberly Williams, R.E., Dean, CEO of Boston Electrolysis® To Electro-Client
Dear Electro-Client,
What a heartbreaker of a story that is and James Walker VII CPE spends all his time manufacturing lies and creating fake electrologists and false clients on hairtell.com. His group of scam artists on Hairtell.com post one lie after another about how wonderful and what a great electrologist that James Walker is. In addition James does the same for them and says how wonderful they are with their fake identities when someone is looking for an electrologist in Arizona. For your information Andrea James and James Walker VII CPE badmouth the few licensed and registered electrologists in Arizona while he praises uneducated non-licensed electrologists with little or no education as long as they pay him for referrals. Electro_Client all of the electrologists on Hairtell.com lied to you and hid the truth that James Walker VII CPE and 99 and 3/4% of all the uneducated non licensed electrologists on Hairtell.com never attended or went to a professional electrolysis school in any form or manner. In addition they have not taken a practical examination and two remaining licensed electrologists on Hairtell.com leave allot to be desired since they feed off of James’s referrals and they are aware of the scams that he and his members perpetrate on Hairtell.com yet not one of them has stepped forward and told you the truth. In fact their comments are deliberately meant to discourage you so you will quit and beware of the ones who offer you sympathy because they are the biggest liars.
For your information James Walker is an opponent of mandatory licensing and registration for all electrologists. Andrea James the website owner has manipulated members of Hairtell.com to lie and assassinate the character of honest state licensed and registered electrologists using smear tactics. Andrea James has years of evil deeds to the public have been exposed and caught in the act of stabbing Transwomen in the in the back because they refuse to do her bidding. If you want to know what other Transwomen think of Andrea James than Google, “An Open Letter to Andrea James” or click this link https://www.google.com/search?q=An+Open+Letter+to+Andrea+James&oq=An+Open+Letter+t o+Andrea+James&gs_l=serp.12…….0…1c..64.serp..0.0.0.jhBYjLr MwiA. Or you might like to read what the Huffington Post says about Andrea James http://www.huffingtonpost.com/zinnia-jones/calpernia-addams-andrea-james_b_5146415.html who accuses Andrea James of 1. Absence of good-faith arguments, 2. Misleading personal attacks, 3. Traditionalism and ageism,4. Misgendering and accusations of “privilege”, 5. False hierarchies of transwomen, 6. Hypocrisy and feigned offense, 7. Siding with mainstream prejudice, 8. Disingenuous conflation of “transgender” with drag, 9. Hiding behind “homophobia” to defend transphobia and 10. Elitism and exclusion of queer trans women from queer culture
Andrea James continues to think that she has the right to take the law into her own hands.
How dare anyone think that they have the right to take the law into your hands? Andrea really believes she is above the law in addition to that she flushed her self-respect and what little dignity she had down the crapper a long time ago by breaking one law after another with one lie after another to inflict harm upon myself and others. The lying conniving Andrea has become a vicious shrew whose insatiable hunger devours and consumes the hard work of others. The only thing I have wanted from you is for you to stop using my name, my business name and domains to fuel your malignant narcism and obsessive hatred of myself all because I asked you to be delisted from your website.
Andrea thinks her perverted use of cruelty upon others and myself is justified and she is infuriated because we will not click our heels and give the Nazi salute to Andrea James and say Seig Heil Andrea James is a fake “Consumer Advocate” who talks when she does the walk and it’s easy to she is a desperate wannabe outdated “Valley Girl” who has completely plasticized herself with absolutely no genuine feminine feelings or emotions. Andrea has painted herself into psychological corner with no way out and until she ceases her hate campaign and private Vendetta against others and me she will not have one moment’s peace until she stops making war on everyone. Nevertheless Andrea has a long list of victims whose character she has assassinated because they disagreed with her.
A closer look reveals the same old story she is nothing less than a petty wannabe Nazi dictator and you better do everything she says and believes or she will punish you. She also claims to provide the best original content where she further claims she is alone is the positive role model example and she takes a stand against the wave of negative imagery and emotions that keeps the “Transgender Folk” from having our voice in world opinions. Nice thought and imagery nursed by a couple of Budweiser’s but girls please be aware that Andrea James has anointed and appointed herself and without one doubt she has proclaimed herself to be the “Anti- Christ” of the Transgendered Community. She has empowered herself to steal others intellectual property change a few words and call it her own. Andrea James talks about the use negative imagery yet she is the mistress of dishonesty; perfidy and deceitfulness on her way to the top of the dung heap to elect herself Ms. Trans-America where she wants to become the third sex. On her way to the throne she dispatches her imagined enemies with typical sociopathic aplomb and trademark character assassination by lies, deceit and treachery. However ask yourself what has so done for you and think about her use of her vile profane language and the theft of other people’s property and then ask her how her criminal behavior will benefit the TS and TG Community?
Fact and for the record Andrea James has brought harm upon the image of the “TG Community” because she so clueless she does not that realize her criminal behavior is not tolerated by the majority of honest citizens.
Andrea James talks about the fringe element of what she calls “Trolls and Kooks”. Girls and boys without doubt Andrea James will accuse anyone any time of anything that she imagines is a threat to her imaginary throne of being Ms. Trans-America and she really envisions herself to be purported orator for the Trans Community. Regarding Andrea James definition of Kooks and Trolls in which she has classified me and others is because I asked her to stop stealing and using my name Kimberly Williams, R.E., Dean, domains bostonschoolofelectrolysis.com and bostonelectrolyis.com and my business Boston Electrolysis. Well Andrea James you are not role a model for the community and your cyber stalking bully and your theft of my listings does not set a positive example for the TS and TG community. Yet Andrea claims she sets a positive example against the tide of negative imagery and sentiment that keeps transgender people from having a voice in the world today.
Andrea James talks about the fringe element of what she calls “Trolls and Kooks”. Girls and boys without doubt Andrea James will accuse anyone any time of anything that she imagines is a threat to her imaginary throne of being Ms. Trans-America and she really envisions herself to be purported orator for the Trans Community. Regarding Andrea James definition of Kooks and Trolls in which she has classified me and others is because I asked her to stop stealing and using my name Kimberly Williams, R.E., Dean, domains bostonschoolofelectrolysis.com and bostonelectrolyis.com and my business Boston Electrolysis. Well Andrea James you are not role a model for the community and your cyber stalking bully and your theft of my listings does not set a positive example for the TS and TG community. Yet Andrea claims she sets a positive example against the tide of negative imagery and sentiment that keeps transgender people from having a voice in the world today.
Wake up people Andrea James is a wave of negative imagery and emotions that keeps the “Transwomen” down and from having our voice in world opinions.
Andrea James does not set a positive example for our community because she attacks her own kind while exploiting the TS and TG community at the same time in addition she has appointed herself as Der Fuhrer of the TG Community without a vote. Without one doubt it’s a known fact that’s its low life degenerate thieves like her that give Transwomen a bad reputation. Fact Andrea wants you to believe she is from a wealthy family and that she is cultured and educated however that why she is always asking for donations? Girls I want to know that I am an American and proud of it and for record I don’t by the elitist crap the Andre James is trying to force-feed everyone to believe she is respectable. Furthermore Andrea does not possess the basic requisite skills of leadership, which are truth, honesty, humility, and gifted understanding of humanity and a person’s right to live and work in peace.
UPDATE 2018 It’s Common knowledge That Andrea James Has Malligant Narcissm And Learn What Dr. Sanity Says,
Fact and for the record Andrea James drones on and on that she does all this work for the sake of “Transgendered Community” is another one of her big lies. Fact Andrea contemptibly disregards the laws and the rights of others in her quest for money and power so she can rule the “TS and TG Community.” For the record Andrea has viciously attacked and abused the children of TS and TG parents, by telling their under age children who were too young to understand or let alone comprehend the transition of their parent or that their Mom is a TS. In addition to that to cause more harm informed children about their parent’s transition before their parent was ready to tell them. Finally in absolute disgust Andrea has falsely accused TS’S and TG’s of child abuse and molestation and other hate manufactured lies that will hurt anyone she disagrees with. Fact and for the record Andrea James has maliciously blackmailed and extorted Transsexuals into submission by threatening to publicly expose those who have gone underground or as she like to call it living in “Deep Stealth Mode.” Andrea II know your reading this and you better get a real grip on reality because there are allot of people after you and some day they are going to catch up with you. Yes Andrea all the good and honest folk you have ripped and hurt with your slanderous pointed tongue and deceitful lies will come for you.
In summation TS and TG Community does not want or need the likes of a criminal like Andrea James who falsely claims to represent us?
Update 2018 Read All About Andrea James on the Trans Advocate Open letter to Andrea James the Scourge of the Inernet,
Update 2018 Read All About Andrea James on the Trans Advocate Open letter to Andrea James the Scourge of the Inernet,
Since 2004, Andrea James has been obsessed with me, to look into me, putting up sites about me. Andrea was posting one lie after another on Hairtell.com she thought was her right. On Hairtell.com Andrea poses as multiple consumers on Hairtell.com to slanders other innocent people she hates. Taking ordinary comments wherever my name appears, and generally behaving like psychopathic tyrant out to kill at all costs. For the real truth about Andrea James, Just Google, “An Open Letter to Andrea James” and read the 700 Transwomen that take a stand against Andrea James. For your own safety avoid contact with Andrea James and do not get treated by any of her uneducated non-licensed quacks claiming to be electrologists on Hairtell.com of Hairfacts.com Without one doubt Andrea James psychologically compromised where she believe her own lies and refuses to return the stolen money to its rightful owner known as German Girl..
My Experiences and Lectures at Harvard Medical School From 1983-1987
Fact and for the record my experiences as a guest lecturer at Harvard Medical School from 1983 to 1987 where interesting to say the least. In addition to being the only Massachusetts Licensed and Registered Electrologist that I am aware of to lecture at Harvard Medical School on the following subjects; My Life Experiences, Human Sexuality, Psychology, Transsexualism, Endocrinology and of course Electrolysis.
Andrea James is blinded by her hatred and her favorite form of character assassination is accusing Transwomen of being unstable. However I thought it be nice provide this link to a letter of appreciation from Harvard Medical School stationary saying thank to me from Daniel D. Federman, M.D. Dean of Students and Alumni Professor of Medicine at Harvard Medical School.
By the way the theme of my lectures at Harvard Medical School from 1983 to 1987 where about psychological strength and endurance while being able to overcome the shortcomings of an indifferent complicated society where being different is often held against you. Nonetheless Transwomen are the world’s smallest least understood minority who survive in a diverse indifferent complicated society where it is an ongoing struggle to maintain your dignity let alone identity. In summation Andrea James needs help however the Trans-Community have become aware of her attacks and grown tired of her use of extreme prejudice, discrimination and bigotry against members of her own Trans-community. Below is link and letter from Harvard Medical School saying thank you for my 1983 Lecture at Harvard Medical School
Thank you Kimberly Williams, R.E., Dean
Owner and Founder of Boston Electrolysis®
Boston Electrolysis® Journal Trans-Electrolysis Update© 7/1/2018
“Ms. James was notable for the way she decided to go after Professor Bailey’s children to extract revenge. She posted on the internet photographs of Bailey’s daughter and labeled her a “cock-starved exhibitionist.” Andrea James also claimed in her online publications that there “are two types of children in the Bailey household,” namely “those who have been sodomized by their father [and] those who have not.”
Andrea James believes in Hitler’s Big Lie theory when Hitler said, Make the lie big, make it simple, keep saying it, and eventually they will believe it. However though it has always been proven that a lie can only survive only for so long until its consequences of being found out and destroying its creator.
Andrea James Falsely Accuses Others of Being Mentally Ill And if you want to learn more about her Malignant Narcissism Try Reading This
Andrea James owes many apologies for her sick attacks upon members of the Trans Community but words won’t do it for her because she is incapable of expressing sincere truthful apologies for all her hate filled lies. We can only pity Andrea James because she take gratification in hurting other people’s feelings and slandering this Massachusetts licensed and registered electrologist with one lie after another proves beyond a shadow of a doubt she is sociopath with no redeeming qualities.
Hairfacts: Boston School of Electrolysis (WARNING!)?Hair removal facts for consumers. Free and commercial-free.?www.hairfacts.com/brands/ websites/boston-school-electrolysis.html – 53k – Cached – Similar pages
Hairfacts: Kimberly Williams (WARNING!)?Kimberly Williams and Boston School of Electrolysis should be avoided by all? consumers. The owner’s behavior is erratic and paranoid. Background …?www.hairfacts.com/brands/ websites/kimberly-williams.html – 53k – Cached – Similar pages
Hairfacts: Boston Electrolysis (WARNING!)?Hair removal facts for consumers. Free and commercial-free.?www.hairfacts.com/brands/ websites/boston-electrolysis.html – 53k – Cached – Similar pages
Hairfacts: Hair removal facts for consumers? Don’t confuse Global with reputable companies like Prestige Electrolysis Supply?… Kimberly Williams of Boston School of Electrolysis/Boston Electrolysis …?www.hairfacts.com/ – 33k – Cached – Similar pages
HairTell Hair Removal Forum: Scottsdale: Boston School of Electrolysis? Scottsdale: Boston School of Electrolysisâ„¢ #17828 – 09/23/04 10:58 PM …?Boston School of Electrolysisâ„¢ CASE FILES BEING FORWARED TO …?www.hairtell.com/ubbthreads/ showflat.php/Cat/0/Number/18624/Main/ – 65k
Hairfacts: Hair removal facts for consumers? Don’t confuse Global with reputable companies like Prestige Electrolysis Supply?… Kimberly Williams of Boston School of Electrolysis/Boston Electrolysis …?www.hairfacts.com/ – 33k – Oct 15, 2005 – Cached – Similar pages
Hairfacts: Boston School of Electrolysis (WARNING!)?Hair removal facts for consumers. Free and commercial-free.?www.hairfacts.com/brands/ websites/boston-school-electrolysis.html – 53k – Cached – Similar pages
TG-recommended electrologists: Arizona? Boston School of Electrolysis™ Kimberly Willams, MA with private appointments?10255 N. Scottsdale Road Suite 4, Scottsdale AZ, 85253. …?www.tsroadmap.com/physical/zapdir/zapdirAZ.html – 8k – Cached“
To my readers I say thank you for your time and attention and hopefully in the near future I will not have to write this type of article. Nevertheless until andrea ceases and desists the theft of my property I will defend myself from her deviant lies, character assassination and attempted extortion. Nevertheless consumer beware I would not spend one dime at the websites Tsroadmap.com Deepstealth.com, Troadmap.com, Hairtell.com, Hairfacts.com and Andrea James.com because she has demonstrated herself to be a habitual criminal.
Thank you for your time and attention,
Kimberly Williams, R.E., Dean
Boston School of Electrolysis™
Investigative Reporter
For The Five Star Electrologist©
Spotlight On Slime byline©
All rights reserved copyright Boston School of Electrolysis™ 2005
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